Old School Raw Returns Next Week


It was announced on Raw last night that next week's show will be an Old School Raw. There's only been one of them and it was a lot of fun. I don't go totally whacky for nostalgia like some but WWE did a great job on the first Old School Raw. They had a good number of legends on the show, including some that we don't see a lot. They treated the legends with respect and I'm hoping we'll get a similar show next week coupled with more strong build to WrestleMania.

Is anybody else kinda sorta hoping that Bruno Sammartino might make an appearance on Raw next week? Old School Raw will be in Brooklyn, New York and Sammartino was a god in the New York area.
I make it no secret that I am a product of Old School wrestling. Whenever I see the "block" symbol of the WWF and hear that Prime Time Wrestling music, I instantly become nostalgic. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about next week.

While I don't think they'll be able to top Old School night from last year, I still think I'll have a smile on my face when it's all over. Let the speculation begin... who's gonna show up???
Is anybody else kinda sorta hoping that Bruno Sammartino might make an appearance on Raw next week? Old School Raw will be in Brooklyn, New York and Sammartino was a god in the New York area.

Wouldn't be surprised if the reintroduction of Bruno was the main reason for staging another Old School Raw in the first place. I can't see him making his first appearance in 25 years at the Hall of Fame induction. In fact, it might serve the company well to have him show up a few times before Wrestlemania since tons of folks have no idea who he is. The extended promo we were treated to when his induction was announced was a terrific way to let the younger generation know who he was and why they should care about him. A few looks at him on TV in the coming month should stimulate interest even more.

My guess for next week? 3MB taunts him and one of them (Drew!) gets a shot in the head for their disrespect.

Of course, for WM itself, CM Punk has no opponent yet.

Well my Sig will kinda indicate that I like this... not so sure that it's the right way to bring Bruno to screen, but it's certainly a good way for Backlund to be reintroduced as Mr. Backlund - maybe a debate with Zeb and Swagger on Piper's Pit?

I think we will also get another "old school" HOF tag team announced as there hasn't been one for this year yet. Demoliton would make a lot of sense, British Bulldogs would be my pick but I can see it being The Freebirds as they're forever harping on about Michael Hayes not being in the HOF on Roundtable - I say leave the pseudo-racist out... but I'm guessing they're not gonna want to fly Dynamite over... Maybe Money Inc might get in so they can have Bo Dallas induct.

Also the the "dead wrestler" spot. I'd say it needs to be Rick Rude, sadly they can't put Pillman in the same time as Bruno cos they are the polar opposites. If they are going for a "live" guy then I'd settle for Rick Martel.

But how amazing would be be for Jake to appear, be it HOF or just on the show... if he is doing as well as it seems with DDP - it might give Hall the motivation to stick with it if Jake can get back to the show.
Who is going to show up? Hmmm, you can always rely on WWE to wheel out Hacksaw, Slaughter, Dibiase, Piper and Dusty Rhodes in situations like this. They seem to have a penchant for the miserable Bret Hart at the moment as well....but maybe he has just burnt his bridges.

I definately see Undertaker returning. No bigger legend in the business so makes perfect sense we get a 'blast from the past' on Old Skool.
I don't care who shows up, I just want to see a lot of Old School Wrestlers. For the Main Event, I would like to see Bruno Sammartino and Bob Backlund vs. Mick Foley and the next 2013 WWE Hall of Fame Inductee. Now, who that mystery partner is anybody’s guess. I’m thinking a Rock and Sock Connection reunion with the WWE Champion.
As enjoyable as this show will be, why would you have it during the lead up to Mania? It just doesn't make any sense to me. There doesn't need to be an old school Raw at the moment. I'd be more inclined to save it for the post-Mania months.
The main thing I want from the old school Raw is the old school look. Give me the Raw entrance ramp with the old school ring aprons and all red ring ropes. Give me the old school intro, with themes and graphics and throw in some legends and I'm all set.
As enjoyable as this show will be, why would you have it during the lead up to Mania? It just doesn't make any sense to me. There doesn't need to be an old school Raw at the moment. I'd be more inclined to save it for the post-Mania months.

Agreed but I wouldn't be surprised if it's being done mainly to get Bruno involved, maybe with the Lesnar/HHH angle as I imagine it's the type he'd approve of.

I just hope they do a Piper's Pit with Punk, that would be great and when Punk inevitably attacks Piper the gong hits and the build up for Taker vs Punk can begin.
I can hear it now, the "HOOO!!!" of Hacksaw's music interrupting a Zeb Coulter promo.

Cue a beatdown on a legend for the cheap heat, and Alberto for the save.
If WWE can find a way to advance major WM storylines like Del Rio-Swagger, Shield, Cena-Rock, Triple H-Lesnar, AND get Undertaker back then this will be a great way to build to WrestleWania. Potentially a lot of casual fans who dont watch consistently and are not heavily invested in the product will watch. Granted, they are watching to see their old favs, but if WWE successfully builds these stories around the appearance of the various legends then maybe they will increase interest in the product among casual fans which means more interest and potentially more buyrates for the PPV.

WWE has to be aware of their ratings issues, made worse by the fact both of Ric Flair's random interview segments in recent months drew the highest numbers on those shows. No doubt this probably influenced the decission to use this gimmick for Raw as part of the WM build up.
Hacksaw being attacked by Swagger makes a lot of sense and can see that happening.
I think we might see Goldust show up - if they are gonna use him with Cody at Mania then "Old School" RAW is the time to set it up - but for some reason I get the feeling Cody will end up face against Sandow.

As Glen Beck has mentioned Shieky Baby, it's entirely possible he might also show up!
If Bruno does show up, they'll have to keep him far, far away from the Rock. He's too edgy for the old guard.
I have seen a name pop up a couple of times on this thread, "Hacksaw" Jim Dugan. I will say that I know for a fact he will be on Raw next week. He came to an indy show where I live over the weekend and he asked a young boy if he still watches Mondays. The boy, enthusiastically, replied " YES SIR!!". "Hacksaw" then told him "Good because I will be on there in 2 weeks"
If Bruno does show up, they'll have to keep him far, far away from the Rock. He's too edgy for the old guard.

Bruno will be given Punk. Punk can claim that he would have beaten both Backlunds and Bruno's records with ease if people were not against him and build that face off leading to Taker's return. I see the main aim of this show is to a) reintroduce Bruno and b) set up Punk/Taker.
This is what I wanna see next week:

Intro where the top stars give short promos in front of a green screen showing their logo. Last one will be CM, talking about how he's a god, and then Obsession by Animotion hits, showing clips of the wrestlers, then a graphic of Monday Night Raw in the style of 80s Saturday Night's Main Event.

I also wanna see the Funeral Parlor hosted by Bearer. That's where CM and Taker can start their feud.

Santino and Bruno can provide comedy.

Tito Santana should join up with Al&Ric to give We the People a good beatdown.
I am very excited for Old School RAW next week. When I saw the Promo last night I about jumped out of my chair in excitement. I think its fine for part of the lead into Wrestlemania as well. One thing I want to see is Rock & John Cena on Piper's Pit to begin the build to their Match. It would also be a good place for Undertaker to come back and start the Feud with CM Punk. The last one was good and I think this one will be fun too. Its in Buffalo NY not Brooklyn btw.
The block symbol of the WWF logo reminds me of childhood when I used to eat Hostess chips and collect WWF stickers from them. It has high nostalgic value and I don't mind reliving it as much as possible. I'm glad that old school RAW is returning. I enjoyed the first edition, especially for that Daniel Bryan vs Jack Swagger match. Maybe more possible WrestleMania match-ups can be made from this, since there are still those without matches. Promo time!
As enjoyable as this show will be, why would you have it during the lead up to Mania? It just doesn't make any sense to me. There doesn't need to be an old school Raw at the moment. I'd be more inclined to save it for the post-Mania months.

Yeah i'm wondering the same thing. I have even less reason to watch now. I mean lets face it. They'll just get the same old legends we see once a month anyway. Who really cares ?

I agree they should go all out with it and do it post mania. Make it a huge deal and event. I just think it's a waste doing it on rtwm
I think they're going to use the old school to further the storylines heading into Mania. It's pretty much a given that either Hacksaw or Slaughter will get a beat down from Swagger and Del Rio will make the save.

I've got a better idea though, some of you might think this will suck but I'm fine with that, opinions are what make forums interesting! They could be doing some kind of tribute in the ring for Sammartino and then Coulter/Swagger come out and berate Bruno for being an Italian immigrant and having took from Real Americans etc. Del Rio could then make the save. I know this won't happen as I can't see Bruno wanting anything to do with such a controversial angle or with an athlete that's just been arrested.

Secondly, I can see this as a way of re-introducing The Undertaker. If he is to feud with CM Punk then they could have Punk cut a promo saying that he is better than any old school wrestler as he is the best of all time etc, cue the gong! Taker wouldn't have to say anything, just point at the Mania sign and Bob's your uncle!

All in all I think it will be a great show!
I am a sucker for this "Old School" approach, though I do question like many of you why it would occur now, though surely it will be used as a platform to advance programs towards WrestleMania as well as introduce the HOF inductees.

I would love them to go all out... '97 Attitude Era huge TitonTron [if not the New Generation 16-monitor big screen], entering through the neon-lighted small curtain, past the big red RAW sign, down a long path towards the ring, with red, white and blue ropes. Surely the SuperStars interview podium will make a return. Insert promos in the corner during matches, with some promos being cut in front of a green screen. "Mean" Gene Okerlund with a WrestleMania 29 Report. The Fink with the old MSG dropdown microphone for the ring introductions.

Sean Mooney, Bobby Heenan, Brookyln Brawler, Jesse Ventura cameos amongst others...

A tribute video for Lord Alfred Hayes, Yokozuna, Andre, Kerry Von Erich, Owen Hart, Kurt Hennig, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit...

...like that would happen.

It seems almost obvious that Swagger would face Duggan, or Slaughter, but I want Tatanka to return just for the show. His ancestory being of original "pre-American" heritage would make for an interesting parallel.

Any one of the interview segments: The Funeral Parlor, Piper's Pit, Highlight Reel, Snake Pit, Barber Shop, Body Shop.

Please excuse me as I'm lost in nostaligia at the moment.
I liked the last old school Raw, so I'm sure I'll like this one too. I love all the legend appearances, the retro set, etc. -- it's a nice change of pace to break up the regular week-to-week grind we usually get with Raw. Still, I'm not entirely sure why they chose to do it now. We're on the road to WrestleMania -- Cena just beat Punk and solidified his position in the main event against The Rock, all the other feuds are largely up in the air -- so they shouldn't have to rely on this type of a gimmick show; the build to WrestleMania should be just about that... WrestleMania. It's a strange choice to run this show now, rather than after WrestleMania when there's generally a downturn in terms if quality.

All that being said, maybe WWE's strange choice of placement with this show is strategic: They're pushing the old school Raw with commercials pretty hard, and I wouldn't doubt that some old viewers will tune in to see it. If WWE manages to mix up some build-up to WrestleMania in the midst of all nostalgia, I'm sure they're hoping it'll be enough to capture some extra viewers on the way to WrestleMania. That wouldn't be a bad idea.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited for this show, even if it's a bit strange to have it in the middle of WrestleMania season. It should be fun.
I for once am really excited about next week's Raw. Last one was very solid top to bottom, strong booking so I believe that next week we will have some of the same effect. I do not want to see the show filled with legends or have that random Slaughter/Hacksaw tag team match. I think that the whole effect of old-school troon, the old-school ring and the presence of Gene Okerlund and Finkel will do. I wouldn't say no to the team of Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross on commentary, but we can't have it all right?

One thing I've been thinking is about a backstage segment with Paul Bearer and Daniel Bryan, It would make good television with Bryan confronting Bearer about Kane's mental issues. I would also like to have Virgil come in for a segment with Ted Dibiase Sr. and I don't know, maybe Miz or something just because I do find it sad to see a former star in such a shitty level personally. I will not say no to Ron Simmons appearing for the "DAMN". But up above I believe that WWE needs to keep up with the strong booking that they have been showing. The Shield needs time this week to develop their feud with Randy Orton - so I'm up for some Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton this Monday Night.

I am curious about Cena's role without The Rock and of course the CM Punk/Undertaker feud that has been rumored and teased at Raw.
I am pretty certain that Backlund will be there and they could even have him wrestle at Mania yet... that would be an interesting approach to the traditional "Battle Royal for the US/IC title" on the Mania pre-show - have Backlund win the shot and put Cesaro or Barrett over on the night. But Backlund is perfect to work with Swagger and Coulter on a mic segment... I love the idea of Tatanka returning but I think he would be heel with Swagger rather than battle him.

It's pretty obvious Taker will return then, I saw a Paul Bearer shoot where he said he thought Taker would return to his original garb before he retires, so I'd expect to see the Grey Gloves, Bearer and bodybag for Punk!

I can see the Outlaws winning the titles from Hell No - and they might get round to using Shelton Benjamin after bumping him from the Rumble for the now invisible Bo Dallas.

Personally I hope that they stay clear of the "usual suspects" there has to be one shocker left in them, be it Matt Hardy or MVP or maybe even that Owen Hart induction we all want...
I am pretty certain that Backlund will be there and they could even have him wrestle at Mania yet... that would be an interesting approach to the traditional "Battle Royal for the US/IC title" on the Mania pre-show - have Backlund win the shot and put Cesaro or Barrett over on the night. But Backlund is perfect to work with Swagger and Coulter on a mic segment... I love the idea of Tatanka returning but I think he would be heel with Swagger rather than battle him.

It's pretty obvious Taker will return then, I saw a Paul Bearer shoot where he said he thought Taker would return to his original garb before he retires, so I'd expect to see the Grey Gloves, Bearer and bodybag for Punk!
I can see the Outlaws winning the titles from Hell No - and they might get round to using Shelton Benjamin after bumping him from the Rumble for the now invisible Bo Dallas.

Personally I hope that they stay clear of the "usual suspects" there has to be one shocker left in them, be it Matt Hardy or MVP or maybe even that Owen Hart induction we all want...

I have been part of the minority that either doesn't want to see Taker at Mania, or wants the streak to end. But if Taker comes back with the original, or slightly thereafter look (pre 98), that would be all I need to get back on the Taker train. Was always one of my favorites growing up because his look was just so different and so scary for a 9 year old.

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