Old School Feud Top Trumps - Series One


Championship Contender
I want to start a series of threads in which we rate feuds which took place in the yesteryears of WWE, WCW and ECW.

If you would rate each feud and more importantly give your own personal views/opinions on each one I would be very interested in seeing what your thoughts are.

Rate each feud out of 10 on each of the following:

- Storyline
- Promos
- Matches
- Overall Entertainment/appeal
(then some personal views would be cool)


The Big Boss Man Vs Nailz
The Undertaker Vs Mankind


Sting Vs Vader
Chris Jericho vs Dean Malenko


Raven Vs The Sandman
Tommy Dreamer Vs Raven
Interesting idea man. I think maybe doing one feud at a time would make this a bit more digestable, but, I'll give it a whirl only doing one feud....

Bossman/Nailz- (5/10): I was pretty young when this one went down, but, it sticks out due to the way Nailz made his debut. The promos leading up to it were passable. Then the day came and Nailz shows up and gives Bossman what was at that time the most brutal beat down I had ever seen on televised wrestling. Then Bossman is laid out for awhile. They showed the pics of Bossman being all busted up, and that little phone interview Mr. Perfect did was pretty funny. Then came time for the match. and after all the build up, the match sucked and the feud went nowhere.
The Big Boss Man Vs Nailz
Storyline – 6
Promos – 6
Matches - 5
Overall - 6
As far as storylines go this one was your good old cartoonish Cops verses Robbers scenario, not very original but usually entertaining none the less. I enjoyed the back story and was at an age to fully believe it but the promos where pretty average and I can’t take Nailz seriously with that voice effect. The match was pretty much what you would expect between these two… not going to win wrestling match of the year but if you like a gimmick infested brawl which I do, it was ok but yeah... Overall I enjoyed it to an extent as a kid and rated it as I viewed it back then. I would like to see more of this cartoonish gimmick character type thing in todays product.

Mankind Vs The Undertaker
Storyline - 8
Promos - 10
Matches - 9
Overall - 9
Maybe my favourite feud in WWE history. I really enjoyed the promos that came out of this one. They were fantastic and both stars showed how gifted they were behind the camera/mic. As for in the ring I personally feel this was the point The Undertaker upped his game and became a better wrestler as well as an already brilliant character. I can’t praise this feud enough to be honest. The matches that came out of it where great including the now infamous Hell in a Cell encounter at King of The Ring during the second Mankind Vs Undertaker feud. The only thing it was missing was a match at Wrestlemania.

Sting Vs Vader
Storyline – 6
Promos - 7
Matches - 7
Overall – 7
A long running rivalry/feud between two wrestling legends. I never saw it unfold at the time but have since gone back and watched as much as is available to me. The matches are very entertaining and Vader seems far more intimidating than he ever did in the WWE.

Chris Jericho Vs Dean Malenko
Storyline – 7
Promos – 8
Matches – 8
Overall – 8
Any feud with Jericho involved is going to have great promos because he is so good on the mic and this one was no different. The man of a 1004 holds promo was awesome and although Malenko may be much better in the ring than on the mic Chris Jericho is so good it does not really matter. A great clash of characters and a feud that produced great matches. One of my favourite WCW feuds.

Raven Vs Tommy Dreamer
Storyline - 8
Promos - 8
Matches – 8
Overall – 9
Another of my favourite encounters in pro wrestling history was this one. Great emotion mixed with mindless violence produced excellent promos and match ups. ECW at its best.

Raven Vs Sandman
Storyline – 7
Promos – 7
Matches – 7
Overall – 8
Just like the Vader Vs Sting feud I never really saw this one unfold at the time but looking back I can see it was a good, bloody old school ECW type feud between two great characters. I enjoy all the matches and promos I have managed to find from this feud and watch them from time to time. It did produce the controversial crucifix incident which can only help secure its place in wrestling history.
Have to agree with the guy above that Taker vs Mankind might be arguably the greatest feud in WWE history. The things they did, the things they showed us.... nobody will be able to. Mankind falling from the top of the cell probably defines the attitude a**-kicking era more than any other moment, and might even top Vince receiving a stunner from Austin. My favourite old-school feuds would be:

* Taker vs Mankind - most brutal matches and memorable rivalry (story 8, promos 9, matches 10, overall 10)
* Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels - most bitter rivalry and awesome matches (story 7, promos 7, matches 10, overall 9)
* Austin vs McMahon - great TV (story 8, promos 9, matches 7, overall 9)
* Taker vs Kane - best storytelling from an innovative standpoint due to the characters/ gimmicks involved, also the different types of matches like inferno, etc (story 10, promos 8, matches 8, overall 9)
* Austin vs Rock - good matches and promos (story 7, promos 10, matches 9, overall 9)
I will comment on the ones I have seen

Mankind Vs The Undertaker
Storyline - 8
Promos - 10
Matches - 9
Overall - 9
Maybe my favourite feud in WWE history. I really enjoyed the promos that came out of this one. They were fantastic and both stars showed how gifted they were behind the camera/mic. As for in the ring I personally feel this was the point The Undertaker upped his game and became a better wrestler as well as an already brilliant character. I can’t praise this feud enough to be honest. The matches that came out of it where great including the now infamous Hell in a Cell encounter at King of The Ring during the second Mankind Vs Undertaker feud. The only thing it was missing was a match at Wrestlemania.

Storyline - 7
Promos- 9
Matches- 10

Overall- 9

One of the classic "attitude era" storylines, which gave us the most shocking moment in WWF history, when Mick Foley was thrown from the top of the cage in the Hell In A Cell match at the KOTR. JR's commentary shows his legitimate concern for Mankind's safety as bumps like that had never been seen on WWE tv before. It took Foley's popularity to the next level, and showed the evil side of the Undertaker character which I thought was fantastic.

As Poppycock said, this should have resulted in a WM match. Those 2 were always awesome in the ring together, and their feud deserved a spot on the grandest stage of them all.

Chris Jericho Vs Dean Malenko
Storyline – 9
Promos – 10
Matches – 8
Overall – 8
Any feud with Jericho involved is going to have great promos because he is so good on the mic and this one was no different. The man of a 1004 holds promo was awesome and although Malenko may be much better in the ring than on the mic Chris Jericho is so good it does not really matter. A great clash of characters and a feud that produced great matches. One of my favourite WCW feuds.

Storyline- 7
Promos- 10
Matches- 8.5

Overall- 8.5

One of Jericho's finest feuds, and that is saying something. His "Conspiracy victim" promos where he wend to Washington and the White House are hilarious, if you have not seen these, you NEED TO. Jericho himself rates these as some of the best promos he has ever done.

The "Man of 1004 Holds" is another classic and showed the whiny heel Jericho perfectly. He and Malenko never disappointed in the ring either, and always had top quality matches. That was only to be expected when you look at how good in the ring these 2 were- 2 of the best in the world.

Raven Vs Tommy Dreamer
Storyline - 8
Promos - 8
Matches – 8
Overall – 9

Another of my favourite encounters in pro wrestling history was this one. Great emotion mixed with mindless violence produced excellent promos and match ups. ECW at its best.

Storyline- 10
Promos- 8.5
Matches- 8.5

Overall- 9

I loved this feud. Even today Raven and Dreamer can have matches playing off this feud. I loved the whole storyline of Raven returning to take his revenge on Dreamer after their early days where Raven was an outcast and Dreamer was the popular jock. It was awesome when he brought in Beulah too and there was the whole pregnancy angle with Beulah carrying Tommy's baby.

Their matches were always brutal, with Dreamer never once getting the victory over Raven in 2 years, until Raven's final night before leaving for WCW. This really was a classic ECW feud.

Raven Vs Sandman
Storyline – 7
Promos – 7
Matches – 7
Overall – 8
Just like the Vader Vs Sting feud I never really saw this one unfold at the time but looking back I can see it was a good, bloody old school ECW type feud between two great characters. I enjoy all the matches and promos I have managed to find from this feud and watch them from time to time. It did produce the controversial crucifix incident which can only help secure its place in wrestling history.

Storyline 10
Promos- 9
Matches- 7

Overall- 8.75

The most emotional storyline ECW ever did, with Raven stealing away The Sandman's wife and son Tyler. The fans had never seen Sandman affected in this way and when he was crying on camera it was a very shocking moment.

To take a man's family is one of the worst things you can do, and all the fans could feel for Sandman when his own son said he loved Raven more than his own Dad and started dressing like him and doing the crucifix pose. There was obviously the crucifixion incident too, which Raven had to apologise for after offending so many people with the religious iconography, although I think it was awesome.

I could only rate the matches as a 7 though, as Sandman really was never that good in the ring. They told a story but the actual wrestling wasn't that good. If Raven had been in the ring with someone better than Sandman then the overall feud would have been rated even higher but when you have as good a storyline as this, the actual matches become secondary.

Great feud
Can only comment on the Mankind vs Taker matches.
Overall- 9
Such a good feud, the 'sick' nature in which the matches were conducted have paved the way for alot of stipulations used today.
Hell in a Cell wouldn't be the same without this feud, neither would the Buried Alive match.
My favorite part of the "Nailz" era was this clip from Summerslam 1992: http://youtu.be/9PzKA3Mmv9k?t=1m23s

I mean really? He's spitting all over his face and you could tell Vince was just disgusted by the sight of him and let out an impromptu "My goodness." I loved it.

But, other than that, the feud with Boss Man was lackluster. Nailz sucked in the ring and then he moved on to WCW if I remember as the Convict and feuded with Sting for the title...umm good call WCW! He and Boss man just weren't able to take that feud where it needed to go.

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