Old Age Outlaws

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
# BG and Kip James are telling people again that the WWE wants them back. TNA management has told them both they are free to leave as they wish.

Form TNA to WWE. I'm sure they want TNA to pay them more, so they think they need to say shit like this. NAO returning to WWE would be a quick nostaligia fix. WWE would be better of bringing back the Nasty Boyz. I doubt WWE would push them hard. Gunn was nowhere to be seen for his past few years. He was Hardcore Hollys tag partner for fucks sake. And the rule of the thumb is this: If they have nothing for you, put him with Holly.
Sort of odd as well, considering this is the first "legitimate" angle TNA has given them in years. I would say you're right about this ploy of garnering money from TNA, but if it's true what honestly could the WWE do with them? Road Dogg (IIRC) was kicked out for drugs, and Billy Gunn was kicked out for his attitude and ineffectiveness with crowds.
I'm sure you're right - it's a ploy to get more money out of TNA. After Road Dogg and Gunn aired all their dirty laundry about Triple H in that video, I can't imagine that WWE would reach out to them at all. If they did bring them back, I'm sure, like you said, it would be a very short nostalgia shtick. After that they would have a job-tacular run until it was time to clean up the roster again.

Road Dogg used to be great on the stick, and Gunn was a fairly good worker before he got hurt, but nowadays, those two are pretty much just irrelevant back-wash from the Attitude Era. They should just be glad to have a job.
Honestly, I don't care how old you get.. sometimes you're just instantly acceptable. Such as the likes of the Road Warriors, or Hulk Hogan. Regardless of the amount of wrinkles you collect.. when your music hits, and you pop out on stage.. you get cheers. (or boos)

Personally, I liked the New Age Outlaws from the 1998-2000 era, however, since then they've done shit. And their realliance in T.N.A. (different name or not) has sucked. Which makes me ask, can even a return with an original name save either of their careers? I think W.W.E.'s Tag Team Division (Raw more than Smackdown) hurts really bad enough to NEED them back.. but the question is, for how long?

It'd only be a matter of time before they did come back. Team up, win the Championships, go a couple monthes, drop them, then feud with each other and end up fired because neither one is as good of a single's wrestler anymore. So I ask you, even if they return, will it matter by this time next year? It could. But they'll be retired by Wrestlemania 26.

EDIT: Oh, you didn't know? Apparently your ass didn't call somebody :lmao:
I don't think the impact of a NAO return to WWE would necessarily be bad one. The team itself doesn't need to be pushed to the moon, and regardless of their recent work in TNA, I still think they could get themselves over for a while in the WWE. However, the real problem with a return is the lack of a push to a tag team division within WWE itself. If Vince McMahon woke up tomorrow, and decided that he wanted to devote serious time and effort into building a tag team division and not just having tag matches with mostly singles wrestlers thrown together, the New Age Outlaws, old or not, would be a great addition in helping young talent get over.
But you`ll Never Know because what if Edge brings in Superstars for his Stable Rated R Superstars and While Kip and B.G James (Road Dogg and Mr.Ass) come to the WWE it might be a Chance to Reunite DX officially (without X-pac sorry dude cant be commitin sucide) and theres a story line there Stable vs Stable hey!
But you`ll Never Know because what if Edge brings in Superstars for his Stable Rated R Superstars and While Kip and B.G James (Road Dogg and Mr.Ass) come to the WWE it might be a Chance to Reunite DX officially (without X-pac sorry dude cant be commitin sucide) and theres a story line there Stable vs Stable hey!

I think that's exactly what the WWE needs right now: A stable. But I don't think D-Generation X should be one of them.

Anyways, as much as I loved the Outlaws way back when, I really don't want to see them come back to the WWE. However, I do think that if they were brought back in, they might breathe a little bit of life back into the tag team division. Then, once all the excitement from their return wears off, the division will go back into a vegetative state again.
I think NAO are not popular on the net. But to a casual fan they are.

People say they sucked in TNA, and i have to agree they arnt half as good.

But what made them good? there cool attires, name, catch phrases even road doggs hair lol all of which they lost to WWE,
It like Hogan changing his name and not saying any of his catch phrases and dressing in purple and blue.

Its not the same.

I think u bring them back OH U DIDNT NO goes over the pa system and it will get a BIG POP.

Even if u put them on smackdown theyd get over maybe reform DX after Mania or at Mania.

People may not like them and the arguement is they arnt over anymore but they WOULD be if they went back to the Outlaws gimic.

Bring them back i say even if its for a month or 2 just see what they can do. God the tag team divison needs it.
I agree with Jake, NAO is WWE is a waste of time. First of all, they are not a good tag team anymore. Secondly, there return to WWE would not receive a huge pop because not many people know about them, just like what happened with Y2J.
You rather build up the tag team division with what they've got and not just bring in a nostalgic feeling for a short stint.
And plus they're not exactly on good terms with Vince, HHH etc, so it wouldnt be feasible.
Just a thought.
From the wrestling observer newsletter:

- A few people in TNA recently floated the idea to people within WWE about taking VKM, BG and Kip James, off of their hands. Sources say that WWE actually said they might consider BG James, but said the company wants nothing to do with Kip.

I would like to see both of them in WWE one more time. With a big crowd and with more to do than managing Roxxy Laveaux.

TNA really don't know how to use them. They were great when VKM first started. But TNA killed that off too with that lame, dragged out Christy hemme storyline.

One year ago they hated WWE and did shoots, wanted to fight HBK and now they want back in..
I dont think theres anyway WWE would have them back to be honest, for more than one reason. Obviosuly all the backstage stuff sorrounding thier initial releases is a factor, but I think the most important factor is that WWE aint got anything for them, I mean obviosuly bringing them back would be big nostaglic moment and maybe refresh the tag team division for a bit but aftert that they would just get boring and stale again. I think TNA should keep them and try and get something outa this BJ James vs Kip James storyline that needed to be done yonks ago!

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