Ok, ready to go...


Championship Contender

I am bored and would like to positively contribute to some posts. According to someone with a James Spader picture, that is what is required to get out of prison. I will keep my opinion of KB's reviewing skills to myself. Please also return my name to HeenanGorilla.


I am bored and would like to positively contribute to some posts. According to someone with a James Spader picture, that is what is required to get out of prison. I will keep my opinion of KB's reviewing skills to myself. Please also return my name to HeenanGorilla.


I'm not ready to let you out.
I'd also like to reiterate that I will no longer point out your poor PPV reviewing skills to other readers. I look forward to neither reading nor commenting on your posts and only speaking to intelligent wrestling fans in a positive way. I'm a bit surprised you are contradicting James Spader's post of not wanting anyone in prison, but I also realize you cherish your power here more than I cherish my ability to cure boredom here. So, I will wait for you to get over yourself.

James Spader, I notice you mentioned getting out of prison requires the lack of not posting for months and then coming back much later. It is hard to post when the options are so limited. Once KB's power trip concludes, I will enjoy conversing with fans of wrestling. But, I don't see how forcing myself to post in uninteresting sections that I am limited to is beneficial.
I'd also like to reiterate that I will no longer point out your poor PPV reviewing skills to other readers. I look forward to neither reading nor commenting on your posts and only speaking to intelligent wrestling fans in a positive way. I'm a bit surprised you are contradicting James Spader's post of not wanting anyone in prison, but I also realize you cherish your power here more than I cherish my ability to cure boredom here. So, I will wait for you to get over yourself.

James Spader, I notice you mentioned getting out of prison requires the lack of not posting for months and then coming back much later. It is hard to post when the options are so limited. Once KB's power trip concludes, I will enjoy conversing with fans of wrestling. But, I don't see how forcing myself to post in uninteresting sections that I am limited to is beneficial.
lol good troll
*screams from a long distance running toward the thread*


*runs faster and faster*


*runs at break neck speed, blazing past the thread*


*screeches to a halt, makes robot noises with his mouth as he does an about face maneuver*

Engage thrusters!

*sprints ten feet and stops*


*pants heavily trying to catch his breath*

I have it, the secret. I've finally figured it out. Kane is about to unmask, Rob Van Dam is there for him in his time of need.

*hallucinates flying elves*

FUCKING ELVES ARE BACK!! Oh, they're flying away. Anyway, so Kane is looking into the mirror and he breaks it.

*stares dramatically at everyone*

AND THEN!! For the next seven years, June 23rd 2003 to June 22nd 2010...

*notices KB yawning*

GOD DAMMIT!! YOU GUYS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO IGNORE ME!! YOU'RE MY FRIENDS!! Anywho, for that period of time Kane lost every major feud he was a part of. Then AFTER a June 22nd loss to Punk he went on an ELEVEN match win streak!

*notices people fussing over the locked door*

That's locked with superglue and I disabled every cell phone tower within a fifty mile radius, unless one of you are related to a fire fighter we're probably just going to have to listen to my amazing and fun story.

Where was I? Oh yes, so Kane wins a bunch of matches AND he wins his first world title in over TEN YEARS!!

Bad luck is REAL people! Kane broke that mirror and he received seven years bad luck! EVERYTHING WE'VE BEEN TOLD IS A LIE!! ANARCHY!!

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