Ohio Based Promotion wages war with TNA


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This time, however, TNA is riding in the front seat, representing the bigger soldier in the war.

At least it seems that way.

Apparently TNA President Dixie Carter and her compatriots, possibly including nominees for "2010 Company Killers of the Year" Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, have finally started listening to the complaints and criticisms of fans, critics and even homegrown stars that the company needs to develop new stars rather than relying on WWE midcard castaways.

While this may seem like good news for TNA fans—and those who so desperately want an alternative to WWE programming—this decision has begun to wreak havoc on the American independent scene.

One company, Ohio-based Absolute Intense Wrestling, isn't taking TNA's new approach laying down.

Apparently several of that promotion's top stars have been offered TNA contracts in recent weeks. The promoter, or at least the person who manages the company's Facebook page, has been launching a string of written attacks against the company for this raid, and even called the performers who have accepted the deals "sell outs."

Some people have called out the promotion on the fact it has heavily promoted four of its alumni, and those four have gone on to appear in WWE to varying degrees of success.

These men include NXT Season One contestant Michael Tarver, Daniel Bryan (who appeared at AIW shows during his "release" period from WWE), Kaval and NXT Season Four rookie Derrick Bateman.

But AIW officials had their response ready to share on Facebook. In a status comment, they posted the following (with grammar corrected):

"TNA is not advancing a career. Have you watched their product? MULTIPLE guys on our roster and staff have been offered deals in the last week, so you can understand our frustrations."

"If it was WWE, we would be in full support. That is a life-changing opportunity. TNA is just a move in a lateral direction, going from being part of a rapidly growing company to whatever TNA is—a wasteland of fedjects."

Some details remain to be seen, including who the now-TNA contracted wrestlers are, and just how much of the AIW rantings and ravings are at work. But one thing is for certain, this small Ohio promotion has brought some additional attention to itself, just in time for its final show of the year, Nightmare Before X-Mas 4.

Lol U Mad?

Ohio really is into this LeBron James effect. But this is pathetic.

Tell me what careers have WWE advanced that has come out of that promotion?
Lol U Mad?

Ohio really is into this LeBron James effect. But this is pathetic.

Tell me what careers have WWE advanced that has come out of that promotion?

No kidding this is pathetic. :wtf:

Daniel Bryan? Kaval? They made their names in ROH, TNA and the world you ******ed sons of bitches. Derrik Bateman? Hasn't achieved squat yet. Michael Tarver? The only debatable one so far, and even he has been out for months from what is a major storyline, and if got binned, wouldn't be irreplacable.

While TNA does treat its wrestlers horribly, especially the Knockouts, and there are small chances of getting a serious push this early on, there's no reason they the wrestlers can't make their own choices, instead of TNA being the ones to get shit on for offering contracts. AIW's just butthurt.
Well, it looks like TNA is getting attacked the way they attack others. I don't think it matters if they get new guys or WWE washed up wrestlers. They will never be competition. As for the Ohio promotion, I think this was perfect for them as they are getting a bit of exposure. Too bad nobody really cares.
That's really sad tbh, branding your own guys sell-outs because they may have the potential to make it in the big (ger) leagues and make more money is really unfair. So you think if the next CM Punk came along, he SHOULDN'T accept that offer because that would make him a sell-out then WWE and TNA could only have home-grown talent, that isn't a smart strategy to set out on.

When I read the thread title, I assumed hogan and bischoff had done something out of line to piss them off because I would fully expect that from them. But then I learn they are being punished for trying to listen to the fans and their own superstars?? I never thought you could change the ming of russo and bischoff but if you read (little plug here) It's damn real's thread started recently about a new superstar TNA has signed, and what this report this report says about TNA making several deals...I'm really starting to think (or maybe blissfully convince myself) these guys are capable of doing whats right for business when the odds are stacked against them. I mean TNA isn't WCW, TNA had the advantage of hind-sight, they saw that por business descisions and booking older guys was what made WCW fail, if they get shown that blatantly then there can be hope for TNA.

My only concern would be whether they have rushed into giving guys offers than scouting guys for long enough, but other than that..I'm pretty hopeful!, glad I could say that about TNA finally. I also like them scouting guys straight out of the indy's. FCW is like a little shield, it protects you from real world fans and real world encounters, people who work in FCW get a little too well furnished and refined sometimes until they lose their passion and emotion in the biz. So I'd rather people do what TNA is doing and take guys out of indy's because they are working in that position anyway, and the only adjustment is a larger audience. If the report is true, well dont boys in the back.
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Well, it looks like TNA is getting attacked the way they attack others. I don't think it matters if they get new guys or WWE washed up wrestlers. They will never be competition. As for the Ohio promotion, I think this was perfect for them as they are getting a bit of exposure. Too bad nobody really cares.

I don't mean to be rude or a jerk but grow the hell up. Wrestling is a BUSINESS. You don't operate a business and don't aim for higher things just like in sports you have the Yankees and Rangers looking to get the best player out there. Nobody gives a damn if he was an Ex-Ranger or not.

Your out of your mind for not wanting to sign the best talents out there regardless where they came from. WWE or Indies.

Nobody here ever mentioned them being competition. Your basically using this thread to voice your random homerish bashing thoughts on TNA.

And In terms of that Ohio promotion, It's not exposure if nobody cares which is what you said and basically what is the truth.
Pretty funny the promotion is trying to say TNA is a lateral move. Yep, a lateral move from indy in ohio to national exposure but whatever. In fact if the companies are so comparable then why are you calling these guys sellouts AKA they are getting more money to leave. What a dick move to say those guys should stick around and make that promoter money instead of looking out for themselves.
Bwahahahahaha!! But let me ask. Who's the one with the international audience? WCW was a total joke back in 2000 and it was still bigger than ECW, XPW and other indies. Who do these idiots thing they are? Mark Madden? Jim Cornette? Last I checked, Kaval was one of TNA top X Division guys for about 4 years. Daniel Bryan was the face of ROH, Michael Tarver is a joke, and the other guy just aired on TV. And these goofs are mad about it? They should worship the fact that these guys ever graced their obscure promotion.
Well, it looks like TNA is getting attacked the way they attack others. I don't think it matters if they get new guys or WWE washed up wrestlers. They will never be competition. As for the Ohio promotion, I think this was perfect for them as they are getting a bit of exposure. Too bad nobody really cares.

Name one company in the wrestling industry, hell even the whole of the entertainment industry that does not take shots at companies/organizations in a similar field. Sega and Nintendo have gone back and forth, Pepsi and Coke, McDonald's and Burger King. It's the nature of any business to do things like this, Vince McMahon and WWE while the most successful company of its kind has been prone to take some pretty cheap shots themselves in the day. I find it funny that you're mentioning TNA being notorious for such a tactic when Vince McMahon couldn't even keep a football league going for more than a season while TNA has lasted ten times longer than the XFL ever did. And trust me, Vince had no reservation in doing what he could to try to make the NFL sound passe. Sure we might not be talking about wrestling in this instance, but Vince as a business man is only reaping what he's sown.

And as far as your assertion of TNA's future successes, well I am not going to bet the farm on them taking the wrestling world by storm, I just think WWE's too dominant, but you never know with things. If you were to back to the 60s and 70s and tell a certain Minnesota promotion called the AWA that some young maverick in the business named Vince McMahon was going to take several of your key names as well as talent from other regional promotions and eventually put everyone else out of business, people would have told you that you're dreaming and that Verne Gagne's place in the business would never take a backseat to anyone. While I am not necessarily going to say that this will happen to WWE, I also never rule anything out in the business. It took the World (Wide) Wrestling Federation nearly 20 years to truly establish themselves as THE company. TNA hasn't even been around half that long and they've made some impressive progress since then, enough to at least keep them on prime time TV and in business. If you go and watch the then-WWWF's product of that time and tried comparing it to AWA, you'd never think that the AWA would ever lose their foothold. I say this because even though wrestling was still territory based, the wrestling magazines of that era still covered the artform as a whole and there was no doubt that the AWA was the organization. It had all the best and most well known talent in the business at that time, and would eventually be part of the foundation along with some of the Jim Crockett Promotion's top stars to create the WWF's 80s era.

Bottom line, while some of TNA's criticisms are justified some are also unfair and looked at through a less than clear perspective that disregards the history of wrestling and no offense to you, but that seems to be your modus operandi on this posting. In some respects, Vince is only getting the karma bug to bite him right back for all the stuff he's done over the years. Not that I mind it either way,I still watch WWE and harbor no ill feeling toward the company. But I am also not going to just sit behind this computer and make postings that slander one company without understanding that the competition over the years is no better.
There are two ways to do business. You go to the promoter and ask them if it will be okay to offer some of your wrestler contracts or just give them contracts without anybody knowing.

It appears that the second opinion was the one the opinion that TNA have chosen to do from the facts giving from the AIW facebook creator. Not a good thing to do, but what can they offer them that TNA can't offer? Match it, or move on. I'm not a TNA dick rider, but that how any business works. If they go under you, you have to find out if you can keep the remaining loyalist around.
My understanding of TNA contracts is that they are restricted date non-competes, but open for the non booked dates. So the idea that they sold out is rediculous. If the talent is THAT important to the Ohio promotion, they could schedule the talent for dates TNA is NOT using them. TNA shoots all of 4 dates a month, plus occasional house shows.
Sounds like Ohio BushLeague Wrestling just got some FREE publicity.
Finest kind.
They are being pathetic. TNA is a major step up from this Ohio promotion, and claiming anything else is just bullshit.

TNA is easily the 2nd biggest promotion in the US, and offers the potential for more exposure for wrestlers than this minor-league company.

Plus if TNA allows some of its workers to appear for other companies when they arent needed for filming I am sure they could appear for AIW, they are just complaining for no reason. If they are good workers, they are bound to move on, thats just how business works. The bigger fish take the talent from the minor leagues, and most wouldnt even loan them back. So in this case TNA are doing more for AIW than WWE would.
is this a joke? am i being punked? will i get to meat ashton!!??
no but seriously why are they mad, this is stupid and pathetic i really dont see why they have to get mad because TNA ofered some of there guyts contracts, they should vbe flattered TNA sees something in their talent and then with respect just decline the offer, i dont see why people gotta make a big deal outa nothin
I got this message from the promoter Chandler Biggins on Facebook today
AIW VS. TNA THIS FRIDAY!! Which Side are you on?
Chandler Biggins December 13 at 7:53am Reply • Report
Not sure if you have been keeping up on what is going on but AIW and TNA wrestling have been the topic of lots of news over the last week if you haven't kept up on it or heard here are two aticles written on the situation to bring you up to speed



Needless to say I and many people with in the AIW management as well as some of the AIW wrestlers are not happy about Tommy's sudden decision to leave AIW and turn his back on the company. So This Friday AIW will take the fight to TNA as now former AIW star and current TNA Star Tommy Mercer will return to AIW one final time to take on a mystery opponent in his final appearance. We have negotiated with some heavy hitters with in AIW and outside of the company and we think we have found the perfect opponent for Tommy in his last appearance with AIW

We encourage everyone to come out and witness this monumental event no matter which side you support even if it is Anti AIW no matter what this will make for a very interesting and memorable evening to say the least!

Tickets are still available our store has been going through some problems so if you wish to order advance tickets please just Paypal me directly [email protected] VIP/Front Row $15 General admission $10

Now I am from Cleveland and do attend their events so I can say that they do have a very loyal fan base and this whole thing could be a storyline to get them very rowdy at the event. Anyone else in the Ohio area attend their events? If so I think you would understand what they may be trying to do if this is in fact a storyline.

They also said this

Absolute Intense Wrestling If us speaking out has changed your opinion on AIW or turned you off to AIW we are sorry to hear that but we feel that just sitting around and accepting things just because "That's the way it is" is just lame. We have our opinions and you have yours we aren't asking anyone to share the same opinions as us we are just simply trying to share ours.If you like TNA stand up for it,if you like AIW stand up for it,if you Like Mercer Stand up for it,if you hate something stand up for it. Just don't conform because that's the way it is or that's the way you feel you should think because t...he general public has those opinions. Put some thought into it develop a opinion and share it with us and share it with other wrestling fans,talk about it! Just because TNA is on TV doesn't make it better than AIW and just because you think AIW is awesome doesn't make it better than TNA. There is no solution to this war we just want people to stand up for their beliefs this is the only way the industry will change and thrive is through vocal and hungry fans who want a alternative. We have voiced our opinions even though the politics of this industry say we should just stay quiet and accept it because that's how it works and "that's just the way it is". It's time for a change.We encourage everyone to tell your friends and for you yourself post your problems with the industry here lets get people talking and debating. WWE,TNA,AIW,ROH,indys,anything what do you want to see change in these companies and in the indu...stry as a whole let us hear it!

I'm sure people don't like some stuff about AIW let us know,the only way we can improve is getting criticism same goes for all of wrestling. We can't guarantee TNA,WWE or other companies will ever see it but maybe there are fans out there who have the same opinions as you and you can develop a connection wrestling fans need to banned together or we will see this industry fail and the indys will be the first to fall.
TNA is really damned if they do or damned if they dont. If they rely on WWE castaways they get shit for it, If they try to develop thier own stars by scouting the independants they get shit for it.

Really I like that TNA is trying to make talent instead of buying it, and if the independants have a beef take it with up with the WWE too since they do the same thing if they want new talent.
They also said this

Wow. Are they serious? They should start actually locking these guys into contracts instead of actually trying to make their 100 fans feel sorry for them. It's really really hard to defend the city of Cleveland with antics like this.

Storyline or not, It makes them look very very petty, bitter and sad. If you want to act like you are important get a TV deal in Cleveland then. I feel the same way with ROH and these other Indy feds that want to throw punches with no sort of fight to back the talk up.
This is a promotion trying to get themselves exposure, nothing more. To be honest, I don;t think there's any reason to be talking about it because it's not going to affect TNA in any way, shape or form....and that's coming from a TNA hater.
I read on another message board that this is a viral marketing campaign launched by TNA to go after the IWC in a grass roots type of fashion working closely wtih this company. It could be speculation but honestly every messageboard has a thread about this so if it is true kudos to them because they worked us all
I read on another message board that this is a viral marketing campaign launched by TNA to go after the IWC in a grass roots type of fashion working closely wtih this company. It could be speculation but honestly every messageboard has a thread about this so if it is true kudos to them because they worked us all

Have you got a source for this??

If that really is the case and TNA and AIW are really working together on a viral campaign then hats off to them for trying something different to get noticed. Very interesting news
I highly doubt that this is anything but a publicity stunt by whoever the hell runs AIW. Just an indy promotion trying to start shit with TNA, and just like TNA tried to start shit with WWE, their little remarks will be ignored.
I highly doubt that this is anything but a publicity stunt by whoever the hell runs AIW. Just an indy promotion trying to start shit with TNA, and just like TNA tried to start shit with WWE, their little remarks will be ignored.

I don't know if you follow AIW but it sure seems to be like a angle they are promoting Tommy Mercer is making a final appearance in Cleveland Friday night Him VS. a mystery opponent and are using the TNA logo all over their facebook page

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