Oh Noez, Clarence Thomas Don't Like Being Criticized


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The AP Knows All.

Questioning the Supreme Court and other government branches needs to stay within the range of fair criticism or "run the risk in our society of undermining institutions that we need to preserve our liberties," Justice Clarence Thomas said Thursday.

Thomas also told an audience at the University of Florida law school that some comments he hears about the court "border on being irresponsible."

Hmmmm. Sounds like Clarence Thomas doesn't like it when he gets criticized by the President.

The thing is, the President didn't criticize him. He criticized the 5 judges that ruled positively on the Corporation Financing case. But, of course, Justice Thomas doesn't like that. So he thinks that it "border(s) on being irresponsible."

Where are Justice Thomas' complaints about when the Presidency get criticized every day, even going as far as to call Obama the worse President ever? That he's a no-good traitor? That he's a Communist, a Socialist? If that is okay, then what makes the President (or anyone, for that matter) criticizing the Supreme Court wrong? Oh, he has a reason.

Thomas said the court should be questioned but is bothered by some rhetoric with "the idea of assigning ulterior motives to opinions that people don't agree with, rather than saying simply that the court doesn't agree with my argument."

"There are different approaches, because we start with different assumptions. Or we look at things differently," he said.

The same thing can be said about Republicans criticizing Democrats or Democrats criticizing Republicans, Justice Thomas. Why didn't you criticize the entirety of the US Government for getting in on the hate? Why didn't you criticize Democrats 6 years ago when we ravaged Bush? Now when Republicans lay into Obama with ludicrous exaggerations?

I know. Because when Republicans get lambasted they feel like they're the target of an unfair attack. It's fine, Democrats feel the same way too. But don't act as if you're in the right Justice Thomas, and Democrats are in the wrong. Free Speech. I thought Supreme Court Justices were supposed to know that one?

Is Justice Thomas unfair in his criticisms? Is he just right? Am I right? Or am I just spouting more liberal hippie propaganda? Stake your claim.

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