Oh No. The Return Of Nash

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Source - Wrestling Observer Newsletter

There is a lot of talk going on in TNA about using Kevin Nash as a wrestler once again. Dutch Mantel is against it because he feels that he’s burned the company on too many jobs in the past. Vince Russo on the other hand is pushing for it since Nash was a big star in the late 90s. It will ultimately boil down to what Jeff Jarrett says

He couldn't wrestle when he was young. Let alone now. Why TNA? Why? Who honestly wants to see the return of Nash? He's so bad. And completley untrustworthy.
I think the positioning is just too good to turn it down. I mean who doesn't want to see Kurt Angle vs. his comedy psychiatrist? What d'you mean, "it's almost as bad as John Cena's greatest match ever"? Christ, TNA is making some stupid moves. Personally, I think they should be putting more energy towards the tag division than this shit. Why not Angle/anyone else?
I hope Double J says no to this idea. I mean Nash was never nothing special all he had was his gimmicks and well Angle can do many things with people but man i doubt he could pull a decent match out Nash. There is no way I would pay to see Nash vs anybody. I like him in his comedic role just fine.
I just dont want to see nash in the ring period, the last time he was in the ring with someone he was burying the x division and i cant take seeing him bury anybody for any reason ever again, its bad enough they gave all the titles to angle, i just cant see nash returning and feuding with angle, to steal a saying from joe, nash is gonna kill you, and your career1!!!!
I love Nash, always been a huge mark for him.

I think it has potential if it is a one off feud. No one wants to see him return full time anymore, it's not plausible, but for a month feud with Angle? Yeah I'd dig that. Nash is a great character and is a big name, if people see Angle vs. Nash headlining a PPV, it will draw.
Only time Nash was any good was when he was hanging off of Shawn Michaels coat tails as his bodyguard. Kevin Nash has a good sense of humour but it really would be a joke to bring him back now.
I never found Kevin Nash entertaining in the ring or was amused with his in-ring skills but let's face facts, there's always going to be somebody here and there we know sucks that we like anyway. I used to be a fan of his back in his Big Daddy Cool days and when he was in WCW. At the age of 48 and constantly getting injured in the ring, I feel that he shouldn't be used as an essential in-ring name. There's piratically absolutely zero reasons for Kevin Nash to ever wrestle again, literally speaking.
Nash is beautiful in his current role. There is no need to take up yet another roster spot with someone who is average at best in the ring and way past his prime. Keep your fingers crossed that Jarrett puts the nix on this idea.
take up another roster spot? WTF? a one shot feud with one of WWEs longest reigning champ, the leader of the wolfpac, and the reason the nWo worked against my fricken hero Kurt Angle? Yes, please

but I'm a wrestling fan
im not that big of an tna fan i kinda like it thye have good guys but they should bring kevin nash back 2 either tna or better yet wwe the can do good things with him hes a big man and can make som einteresting rivals
This thread is hilarious, I agree with the original poster. However, when folks thought the NWO was coming back they couldn't wait to see Hall and Nash back in the WWE. The threads and posts were all over the forum.
only thing i want nash as is....*dramatic music* a manager. he can manage some younger guys and can take them to the tag team champ hunt. he can be a good manager and get involved in some matches so his team can win. other than that nash please dont wrestle!
I agree with you mochalman...nash should only be a manager and thats it...and have him do a jackknife every now and then(he still does it a lot better than some of the other wrestlers)
I think bringing Nash in for anything other than his current comedic style is absolutely ******ed on TNA's part. So of course they're going to do it. I had just about gotten to the point of preferring TNA over WWE when the whole Benoit Tragedy happened, and was excited to see how TNA would flourish with so much controversy hanging over the competition and what did I get? Pacman Jones? Angle in therepy? All the belts in one man's posession??? Thank you TNA for helping me realize that my money will always belong to Vince & Co.
I hope Nash don't return, This is the bad thing about TNA, their dumb ideas, every time they have the oportunitie to improve, they screwed up.
tna's bad ideas? not really! Paul Heyman might be hired and TNA will trumpt WWE if he does go to tna. Heyman is a creative genius and can turn nothing into something huge
Heyman is busy with other things right now, plus, can you even imagine Heyman in a room with Jarrett, Vince Russo, and Dutch Mantel? Uh, I'd argue that Heyman has a legit beef with all three of them... at the very least TNA would have to fire Russo before Heyman would even think about it.
i think nash is very funny. he has great mic sills. but without scott hall i don't think he has anything to give us in the wrestling anymore. bring back hall. or don't use him in the ring.
ive always been a fan of nash but anyways...as long as hall isnt at tna, i dont want to see him wrestle...i mean..just look at what the years did to rikishi, and you will see what i meant
Can't help but wonder which Nash we'd see return. The one that can actually make an alright match when he actually works, or the one that we've seen for some reason or another bail because he's scheduled to do the job in a match (a la: Jeff Jarrett and Chris Sabin). Given, the reasons seemed legit I guess but still, they just seemed too coincidental.
The ONLY reason I would ever want to see Kevin Nash return is to do one thing. Put over a young talent. Nash has a name, mic skills and the ability to draw. I don't know about that ability to draw anymore but at the end of the day, Nash can be very valuable.
Personally I would rather see Kevin Nash big boot petey williams then see petey williams use the canadian destroyer on Kevin Nash. Maybe it comes from not exactly enjoying mat wrestling. Kevin Nash is witty and his backstage roles have been hilarious. The various competitions he put the X-division through were honestly the only reason I took notice of those lil high flyers.

When I heard that Kevin Nash said he had one more run in him I nearly pissed myself. Besides the Steiner-Dudley fued and anything that had to do with Sting, Kevin Nash's backstage appearances were all that got me to tune into TNA.

I just like the older guys better, they have a developed personality and legacy that a 180lb 23 year old jumping off the top rope doesn't have. And since I don't really care about all these technical moves and ridiculous 'high risk' spots, I greatly enjoy seeing 50 year old former superstars tip-toe around the ring. It might be selfish, but I just can't handle seeing them go.
I'm probably the only person here who'd actually like to see Kevin Nash return to wrestling. But then again, it won't be the Nash "I" remember.

I know a lot of you dispise the bigger guys, because of lack of talent.. & thats true. But I liked the Kevin Nash from W.C.W., he may of been old, & had 5 basic moves.. but I still enjoyed it, more so than the likes of watching Pacman Jones now.

Depending on how they use him, I say go for it. Bringing Nash back to wrestle may up their ratings for people remembering him from the old days. But honestly, I didn't think he COULD return to wrestling, even if he wanted to. I thought he had a heart condition? Didn't he have a stroke or something, the last time he tried wrestling? (when he was suppose to face Jarrett at BFG 2 years ago, but suddenly couldn't)
-- Kevin Nash will indeed be returning to action in TNA as a main event superstar.

All i can say is F#ck off. Nash is good on the mic, and has great comic timing. Nash is the ring is slow, uninspired and outdated.

I dont need to worry i guess though...his knees will blow out just before or during his first match...guranteed.
Ah yes. I thoroughly enjoy the segments with "Dr. Nash". I actually laugh out loud at some of the shit that comes out of his mouth. However, his run in during the Angle/Sting match last night reminded me of just how thankful I am that he no longer wrestles. He is years past his prime and it was a struggle for him just to deliver a simple kick. One can only hope that TNA realizes that it would be a huge mistake to bring him back as an active wrestler.
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