Oh for crying out loud...


Championship Contender
I just saw an old YouTube video of KB. He's just as pathetic as I pictured. He started it by stumbling over a line of how he's gracing us with his presence and we should be grateful he isn't doing our girlfriends. This was followed by an awkward pause where he knew he blew the line but wanted to look cool anyway. He then flew through some softly-spoken nonsense like a nerd in front of the class trying to get his oral report done as fast as possible. No confidence. Plenty of cringe worthy "anyway" segues...like a comedian who was ready for laughs and got none and needed to get to the next point as quickly as possible.

Oh man. Well, this is one time where my curiosity came through for me. I wondered if my mental picture of him was close and decided to look him up. I missed the caterpillar eyebrows and not-cool-in-any-era triangular goatee. But the pudgy face on a grown up child theory was spot on. I thought he would have a false sense of importance, as shown by his posts, but it's actually a guy who knows he's useless playing the role of guy who has confidence/importance. He's not even that cocky. He's just a guy who tried "cocky" on to see how it felt. So awkward...

Listen, guy, your poor PPV reviews are the least of your worries. I'll step away. I'll stay in WZ prison for good. I wasn't going to kiss your ass or beg for you to release me. I wanted out so I could talk about wrestling and was willing to lay off until I got out. But now that I have seen you in action, that little story I wrote in the HeenanGorilla post about your Mom being as proud as the women with doctors and lawyers as sons...I realize it was too close to home and I half feel bad for you and half can't give you any more attention.

Enjoy your power here. Maybe put this victory on the mantle or next to your lone participation little league trophy. Probably from your one season picking boogers on the end of the bench before begging to just play with your wrestling toys and not have to play with the other kids.

I would never pick on such a person, but after seeing you in action with your phony "doing your girlfriends" line, I realize you aren't a wussy that can't defend himself...you're a wussy who looks to be bullied because it happened so much anyway, your mind figures if you ask for it, then it isn't as bad as being bullied for seemingly no reason. "My son gets picked on so much." "No, Mom, I ask for it. I am the instigator. I'm not the geek. I'm the trouble maker! They only pick on me because I make fun of THEM...Mom?" Ugh...what a goof!

This guy wrote five paragraphs about me after looking up an old video of me (likely for pornographic purposes) and the insult he has is wussy.

I couldn't make this up if I tried. Please, continue. This is glorious.
I looked up the video in question.

A) That goatee isn't triangle shaped. If anything it looks kind of like an upside down mushroom.

B) It's very clear that KB was joking about the gracing you with my presence and you're lucky I'm doing this and not your girlfriend bit. It wasn't so much an awkward pause as it was a little smirk. Kind of like you would do if you were saying the same shit to your buddies.

C) He kind of stumbles through but he's clearly just trying to record it quick and just wants to make sure he's not leaving anything out.

D) I would want to record quick and get it over with if I had a special guest too.

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