[Official Website] Extreme Llama Wrestling


the Frog

Ladies and gentlemen! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! FINALLY, EXTREME LLAMA WRESTLING HAS COME TOO YOU!!!! *Explosion* Lex Llama has acquired an exclusive TV contract for Extreme Llama Wrestling! Every Wednesday morning at 3:48am! THAT'S RIGHT! 3:48AM! For all of your ELW needs, please feel free to browse our official website and tune in weekly as ELW kicks its first ever televised run! HELL YEAH! THAT'S RIGHT! HELL YEAH!


ELW operates on a weekly schedule with a PPV every three weeks! There are only six PPVs and the show operates in a season format with a month long off-season in-between seasons.

TV Show Name
-ELW Live

PPV Names
-Llamas Uncensored
-Llama To Remember
-Summer Llama Slamma Llamaversery
-Euro Llama
-King of the Llamas


ELW Championship Belt

ELW Silver Championship Belt


Name: Llama
Alignment: Face

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
He is the Llama! The O.G. of ELW. He helped Lex Llama start the company and allowed Lex Llama to buy his half whenever the company went corporate.


Name: Lex Llama
Alignment: Tweener

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
He is the owner of ELW. He makes all of the booking decisions for ELW and currently acts as the on-air general llamager of ELW.


Name: Bat Llama
Alignment: Face

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
Bat Llama is the sworn enemy of evil and constant fan favorite. He is rivals with Iron Llama and is in constant battle with Llamanator.


Name: Iron Llama
Alignment: Face

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
Iron Llama the cocky face of ELW. He is constantly trying to compete with Bat Llama and has been known to resort to dirty tactics in winning against evil foes.


Name: Llamanator
Alignment: Heel

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
Arguably the biggest heel in the ELW. He is a dirty llama who has not respect for fellow competitors or the fans. He thinks he is the best and he isn't afraid to prove it.

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Name: Edward Llama
Alignment: Heel

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
The biggest douche on the ELW roster. He coasts by on his good looks and is shamefully self-involved. He is the master of llama beauty and ELW's biggest heart breaker.


Name: Ninja Llama
Alignment: Face

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
He is the resident ninja llama who always has the behind-the-scenes scoop on situations. He is a llama-smark favorite and currently holds the highest merch sales.


Name: Senor Llama
Alignment: Heel

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
He is not from here and he is ready to steal anything he can get in the ELW. He is not above any type of dirty-south tactic that he can use in wrestling matches. He is also ELW's most requested roommate to not live with while on the road.


Name: Zombie Llama
Alignment: Tweener

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
He is often disqualified for gnawing on his opponent. It is unclear as to what his motives are in the ELW, but ELW Magazine ranks him as this year's breakout superllama.


Name: Llama Duck
Alignment: Face

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
Llama Duck may not have the most winningest record in the ELW but he always goes out there with a smile on his face, or that may just be how his beak is shaped...


Name: Dalai Llama
Alignment: Face

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
He is the master of peace and will always try to talk his opponent out of fighting before ever engaging. He will never make the first strike and believes all of ELW's llamas are here for a more divine reason.


Name: Blue Llama
Alignment: Tweener

Entrance Music:
Summary of Gimmick:
He is ELW's bluest llama. He is a very passionate llama and his emotions are always riding on his hoofs.


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