[OFFICIAL] Should WWE merge brands? *KEEP IT ALL IN HERE*

Definately yes!!!

The split was brought in because of all the stars thar were aquired from WCW and ECW.

Back then your main guys were The Rock, Stone Cold, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Hogan, Hall, Nash, Kane, Undertaker, DDP and RVD. Plus the WWE then also brought HBK and Steiner and then signed Goldberg, plus pushed Brock Lesnar to the moon.

Now they have John Cena, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Edge, Batista, Triple H, Undertaker, Swagger, CM Punk and Mysterio. Undertaker only works about 6 months a year, Batista is supposed to be leaving, Triple H and Jericho aint getting any younger (but they are still good), Rey Mysterio isnt an out and out main eventer, Punk will be soon IMO, Swagger is greener than my bogies, and then Cena, Edge and Orton are your proper main event stars that are still relatively young.

There isn't the depth in the roster that there used to be. Live audience attendences and weekly viewing figures would start to rise again if all stars were on all shows, which in turn means more PPV buys and more merchandice sales.

As for people not getting any time, thats crap. If the WWE brought back a show like Velocity or Heat, then they could run Raw on Monday, Superstars on Tuesday, Smackdown on Thursday (better than Friday IMO, as thats when people go out), and then have Velocity on Friday BEFORE people go out.

Heck they could even add half an hour to Raw and Smackdown if needed.The likes of Zack Ryder, Shad, JTG, Koslov, the Dude Busters, Yoshi and Evan Bourne dont have to wrestle on both Raw and Smackdown every week. They could do either Raw or Smackdown along with either Superstars or Velocity. Only the big guys (see the names above, Cena, Orton etc) are needed on both Raw and Smackdown. Having some guys wrestle on say Raw and Superstars gives people a reason to tune into Superstars. Superstars and Velocity need to be an hour of straight wrestling, no recaps whatsoever. That could mean 4 to 5 matches. Saying that each week there isn't enough time for everyone is stupid.

My main gripe with split rosters is the titles, they mean jack now. Trying to explain to people nowadays who used to watch wrestling that there are two World titles is pointless - they just don't get it. I don't blame them. I believe it was Ric Flair who said years aggo when the WWF and WCW titles were unified - One great company, one great champion.

Unify the titles, merge the shows, then title matches mean something, and having 2 shows a week to build up feuds means the fueds are not rushed.
Man all of you are stupid.

Right. The entire large group of people who disagree with you are idiots. That's funny. I would assume that the one person calling a bunch of people wrong is likely the wrong one, but whatever.

All i hear is that mid-carders deserve to be pushed more and now you're asking for a brand merge, do you know how many wrestlers would not get any screen time because of that.

It's likely because there are like three interesting midcarders and the rest of them could be fired and no one would notice.

You'd have Triple H and john Cena on TV 24/7 and then again people will start complaining.

This is such a stupid comment. Are HHH and John Cena onscreen for the entire episode of Raw as it is now? Of course not. And, if you think that, and I am talking to you, you are fucking stupid. Cena and HHH, combined, take up maybe 20 minutes of the show. You, of course, made this ******ed remark to appeal to dumbass internet fans who don't actually pay attention to the show and praise Evan Bourne as anything better than terrible.

WWE's main marketing tool is the main event so WWE would focus on that more than anything else, leaving the mid-carders like Morrison, Kofi, Miz, Christian, and Rhodes backstage collecting dust

A business trying to make money rather than appeal to someone with acne problems who lives in his mom's basement and jacks off to Chyna? No fucking way! The WWE should focus more on the main event. They can take the TV time they waste on Rey Mysterio.

everyone says smackdown is the better brand

If by everyone you mean no one whose opinion matters, then you are correct.

becaue it's the mid-card show, well you can kiss that goodbye if their was a brand merge

Thank God. The midcard is fucking boring. So few of those guys have actual charisma. The in ring product may be OK for workrate geeks, but in all honesty, give me Cena and Batista with a story line, ring psychology, and realistic fights anyday over some flippy gymnasts who can't deliver a promo. WWE is a fucking TV show, not a sporting event. You do know wrestling isn't real, right? Of course you should merge the brands. It makes for compelling TV instead of two weekly hours of filler.

because instead of Swagger and christian, you would get Batista and John Cena

Cena and Batista make the common fan care about their feud. They bring the drama, the realistic struggle, and the determined aggression over some flippy bullshit anyday. I do like Christian and Swagger though. I am about 110% sure there would be more than enough time to feature them, and that could be done without having to waste time with the Colons and Rey and Bourne and Khali....people who just suck so badly at one aspect of the business or another that they make me want to cry.

nothing wrong with the brand spilt, it works fine and people are just complaining just for the sake of complaining, STFU already

You need to shut the fuck up. Your arguments are generic bullshit that has been disproved about ten thousand times. You only make them to garner favor with people who think that the cruisers should have their own show and Cena should be fired. You, and your sycophants don't matter in the scheme of things and serve as nothing more then fodder for Vince McMahon to laugh at.

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