[OFFICIAL] "<Insert Name Here> deserves a push" Thread


Gone but never forgotten.
Ok, guys.

I see numerous threads in different sections in regards to specified wrestlers deserving pushes from their respective promotion/brand. So, instead of wasting valuable thread space in each organization's sections, and then wasting more space by creating threads for specific wrestlers, I've come up with a solution.

After all, this is the General Wrestling Discussion section of Wrestlezone forums. This section covers the discussion of wrestling as it pertains to ALL organizations, collectively. And since the topics of pushes pertains to ALL organizations both separately AND collectively, why not consolidate them all to one thread in this section?

So, feel free to complain or suggest wrestlers that you feel should get the push that they so rightfully deserve HERE.

(Please remember that this is a NON-SPAM forum. All answers must contain subject matter and good reasoning behind your choices. Make sure you read the rules before posting, otherwise risk infraction.)
I love official threads. We need more of them. They are just so &#8220;official&#8221;. Keeps all the talk in one cozy little place.

Ok on to the thread topic. I want to do one for the WWE, and one for TNA.

In WWE, the person most deserving of a real push is none other than the All American American American American himself Jack Swagger. The guy is a beast in the ring. His lisp can get him instant heat, and he has the perfect look of not only a star, but an asshole jock. He is a natural heel, and not in a kayfabe kind of way. He can do a great job of making people legitimately not like him, by being arrogant, getting women, and whipping ass without always relying on traditional heel tactics to get the win. I thought of all of the young guys a year ago, that Swagger would be the one to rise to the top. I didn&#8217;t see anything that led me to believe otherwise, but he is just falling off the map. Losing to Santino in any form hurts your image as a credible threat&#8230;just ask Chavo. Give him the U.S. Title, and have him plow through the competition every week for 6 months.

In TNA, I want to go with Robert Roode. Beer Money, this Beer Money that&#8230;.I&#8217;m not feeling it anymore. If you ask me Beer Money, Inc. is no longer entertaining, and the tag division in TNA doesn&#8217;t need them anymore. Robert Roode has that look that TNA needs. He has the look of the Attitude Era TRIPLE H!!!!! Make this guy the bad ass heel and push him to the stars. TNA needs that devious heel. Not a monster heel, or a cowardly heel, or an arrogant heel. They need the vindictive, selfish, remorseless heel. That was what HHH was, and what Orton could&#8217;ve been had his reign of terror continued past Backlash.

&#8220;It pays to be Roode&#8221; is a slogan I am feeling on the same wavelength of &#8220;I&#8217;m that damn good&#8221;, back when HHH used to say that. All the pieces are there for him to go heel and get a good mid card push, all the way up to the main event. He would need a valet and an extra mouthpiece&#8230;.preferably a Jeff Jarrett type or someone with authority. He needs to use weapons, break into homes, kidnap, lock up, run over with cars, do whatever it takes. He needs to be a cold blooded badass motherfucking destroyer.

Man I love me some heels.
Damm, Roode from TNA isnt a bad choice... that Rick Rude thing he had goin' a couple of years ago was a good direction... he should definitely retrace his steps... but then again... i also disagree... Beer Money are a great team...

My pick for TNA is Eric Young. Say what you want about him but he's maturing... he reminds me of Dean Milenko for some reason, perhaps Eric should influence from him and Taz... I think he can get over huge.

WWE... wow i had hopes for Mr. Kennedy until he lost his MITB case to Edge, since then its pretty hard to pick...

I have literally pondered 40 minutes. Anyway, i think it should be R. Truth. Yeah, yeah I could have mentioned anyone else but shit... Vince believed in him but nothing was ever done. Give him the Intercontinental title for once... at least have him fight Batista and give him a good match against him... of course my opinion... my picks...

Everyone else can now list the obvious ones...
Wolfe, McEntyre, Kofi, Cody, Daniels, etc...
Well Well Well....this is a mighty interesting thread. I cannot think on TNA terms here, since I do not watch the product enough. But recently, I have been trying to watch as much of it as I can. Yes I hate Hogan in every single which way possible, I have to admitt hough, that him and Bischoff are making it watchable. Before then, I didn't even bother one minute turning on TNA, but otherwise I still cannot make a viable opinion on TNA pushes at this point.

For WWE though, a guy thats overlooked, underpaid, and has a boatload of talent is Evan Bourne. ANYTHING would be a push right now, and you know what? I think putting him back on ECW and having him beat Christian for the title would be money for him, and get him back on the right track. Him and Christian would have a great match, and would definitely garner some attention. Look at CM Punk, he was a lookover for a bit. After he got that ECW belt, he held it for while, left went on to the big boy shows and look at him now. With Evan being on RAW he has to climb over basically EVERYONE on that roster except Chavo Guerrero, Santino, and Alicia Fox lol. So maybe putting him back on ECW by whatever means necessary, and having him win the belt would be a way to push this kid back to what he should be (an upper mid-carder with the occasional surprise WWE or World Heavyweight match here and there).
TNA...hmm I pick MotorCity MachineGuns.These guys are one of the main highlights of the tag team division.They have great moves and know how to work a match.Hell they could were able to work a match seperately.Anyone remember Super X Cup finals 2003?Chris Sabin vs Juventud Guerrera.Chris Sabin won but it was epic.

In WWE someone who definately needs a push is John Morrison.Remember that great match he had with Jeff Hardy last year for the World Heavyweight Championship.He lost but it was nonetheless a great match even PPV worthy.He was definately ready to challenge CM Punk after Punk beat Hardy to get back the WHC but then Undertaker came back.He may have won the IC title but thats only because Rey got suspended.
This thread really caught my eye. As I sit here thinking about who I think deserves a push, I've come to the conclusion that the WWE is doing a pretty good job right now with current members being pushed. The Miz, Kofi, Dibiase, Morrison and Sheamus to name a few are really coming into their own as of late. The proof is with the Live crowd getting more involved in there matches and the IWC discussing this guys more and more.

So I guess who or maybe what I would like to see pushed is the The WWE tag team division. More importantly push a couple factions focused around the Belts. Right now we have MizShow holding the Unified Tag Team Championships, which is alright but I think it will just run its course and not do to much to strengthen the tag division. So far we have had Mizshow battle MVP and Mizark.

I think its time to put the belts on a tag team that is/can be a solid faction. Whether it be the Straight Edge Society, Hart Dynasty or even keep Legacy together and let them travel to both shows with the belts. No matter who is holding the belts I think all three factions need to be pushed in a decent tag division.
I think it really has the effect of killing two birds with one stone. Because you strengthen your tag teams, develops these factions. But also push some younger talent along the way.
Jack Swagger really deserves a psuh,but it's not going to happen.

He is great in the ring and improving on the mic,has a strong gimmick,but WWE has given up on him.

He was getting a push in ECW and I thought he could move to Raw and get the United States Championship or something like that.Instead his push in ECW stopped when Christian returned and now he has been jobbed out on Raw.How much longer till the future endeavors is handed out?

We just saw Hurricane Helms get fired but I hope Jack Swagger won't go that way.He has a strong gimmick and he looks like a champion.He is trong and big which WWE likes and I can't understand why he isn't getting a push.Maybe his lifting weights with one of the unfortunate people on WWE's enemy list.
C.M. Punk. I know he's been champ before and all that, but he seriously entertains me. I love his new character, I love how he actually resembles Jesus. I believe he should recruit someone else, have them tag with Gallows, have Serena be Women's champ, and then he should win the WHC.

As for someone who hasn't been pushed yet, The Miz should definitely get a Main Event push in a few months. He's not ready now, but he's vastly improved in just a few short months. If he continues to improve his in-ring skills, his mic skills are already amazing, he will be more than ready for the Main Event.

In TNA, I'd love to see Daniels. Daniels deserves the title. He needs to start being called Christopher again though. He needs to be called "The Fallen Angel" and speak in Biblical phrases. Basically, bring back the old gimmick, have him go on a win streak against some "newbies" then have him challenge Flair Jr......I mean AJ, to another match.
John Morrison

I think others deserve push but this guy has stood out since 2007. People have adored him weather he was Face or Heel which usually is not easy and I never understood why until a few months back. His in ring ability is great, His mic work is decent as is his charisma. The fans love him and he would make a great contender or World Champion in the very near future. Then WWE's main event scene will be really strong with Morrison in it. I say the same for Miz but I think he is bit busy with two titles at the moment.

Morrison has a DVD out already and just keeps getting better. Give him a push
For TNA, Sorry i don't like there product at all, I mean yes they have young people there, but also got Kurt Angle, Sting, Jeff Jerret, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, X-Pac, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, and others who were in WWE or WCW. And You know that Dixie and Hogan are going to give the titles to the most experienced people.

Now with WWE I could see a lot more people. Kofi Kingston, look at his fued with Orton, Bourne, R-Truth (bring back his Pretty Ricky Gimmick, that Vince loved) Swagger, who could be an asshole Jock, Kane because I am not convinced that Kane is a monster anymore unless he destroys his opponents at the end of the match and then takes the WWE title or World Title from the champion. Carlito, The way he got into Cena's face we could see a Heel Carlito, Morrison, even though he is going to Wrestlemania, I think he should be in the main event picture next year, because he is really good. and there more..
I think the Hart Dynasty should be pushed simply because They Are An Actual Tag Team There are so many Makeshift Tag Teams in the WWE. Actual Tag Teams like Cryme Time And The Hart Dynasty are falling through the Cracks and Not being pushed and are just being forgotten about.
R-Truth. He's been in wwe, left, went to tna, left, and now come back to wwe.Vince must see something in him to give him another chance i just hope after this MIZSHOW thing hes not left in the street with his thumb out
Matt Hardy the guy has bustest his ass in WWE since 1998 and deserved the be the top heel on RAW after his match with Jeff Hardy. What happened? He got injured that caused him to gain a small bit of weight that many dicks construde as him being obese. He has been long overdue for a push
Personally, I think that Shelton Benjemin should get a push. He is one of the most talented and skilled wrestlers i've seen since Kurt Angle, not to mention that Kurt brought him out along with Charlie Hass. H e has not recieved the proper push like he deserves. I would like to see him with at least three title runs. But I don't see that happening. Vince doesn't push his african american wrestlers like he should. The last african american champ was Booker T. And before that, who. Can you count the Rock, he is half black. But anyways, benjemin has unlimited talent and it is going to waste. When big Zeke gets back he needs a major push also to main event status. Now onto TNA. Desmond Wolf. He epitomises an ol school, smashmouth, technical wrestler and desrves the main title. All the matches i've seen him in are excellent and his moves are devestating
For me (dont Hate) Is Big Show Check His early WWf Wcw and 2005ish Self He Looked dominate he can be a feared Person Again if He Turns Heel,Train More And i know i might Look like a idiot But if WWE wants to seem realistic They would have a 7 foot 3 inch Giant Teaming with People Like Taker Or Kane Maybe Even Hbk But not MIz Thirdly Sorry for bein Ot,But he needs a New name Honestly Big Show Horrible name
In my opinion. Carlito. He makes very good promos, he have wrestling and mic skills. He is the "Caribbean Face" of WWE. He make a lot of good matches, make a good storylines (forget aobut Carlito/Flair). He have a lot of potential to be a WWE Champion or WHC. He beats Cena on SD! for the US title, and Thanks to Bob Holly the needed a surgery.


On TNA... it's very hard. you have a lots of good wrestlers, but have a poor mic skills. AJ is now the Ric Flair's girl. RVD, with all respect, need a bit of more mic skills. But I'm thinking on... you POPE, my POPE, our POPE... D'Angelo Dinero, He make a IMPACT! when jump from ECW/WWE to TNA. He have a very good mic/ring skills, and make a lot of very good promos.

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