[Official] General TNA Complaints Thread

How would you change TNA

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I think TNA's biggest problem is a lack of confidence in a way.

To compare to WWE for a second...

If WWE wanna push someone, they push them. For 6 months or so they are PUSHED. Whether the crowd or the Internet agree or not.

TNA have storylines, pushes, concepts, and when some fans are vocal about it, they change their mind mid storyline...

Off the top of my head...

Top 10 rankings, Abyss leading an ECW heel stable, return of the MEM, Storm's Championship run, X-Division flip-flops. Aries face turn.

All of them, TNA lacked the focus to follow through. And that seems to be a constant problem, They react to the fans instantly.

If WWE chose to push a wrestler and the fans didn't care (Recent-ish, like Sheamus for instance, to begin with anyway; I know he's pretty over now.)

I'm a big TNA fan, I only watch an occaisional bit of WWE to keep up to date with the 5 or 6 guys on the roster who aren't awful. But their product shows experience. I think TNA would improve immensely if they just decided what they were going to do, and stuck to it.

What the hell are you talking about? Austin Aries is being pushed since for a whole damn year. He came back in June last year, it's 3 days till November. That's almost a year and a half.

James Storm's push is still going on. He got the belt in the beginning of 2012, it's November now - 10+ months.

Roode won the BFG series, he's being pushed for 12+ months.

Sure they stopped pushing some people and it's because it didn't work. In general I think your perception of what a "push" is, is messed up. To me, to say someone is being pushed means he is being put in a more prominent position than he used to be. It doesn't have to be about a belt - as long as this person is featured on TV in semi-important or very important storylines - that's a push. As long as they're featuring you (or PUSHING you onto the scene) it's a push to me. It stops being one when you disappear or you do show up but are treated like Samoa Joe was or Robbie T is.

I forgot Bully Ray in that list, by the way. Alongside guys like Zema Ion and Joey Ryan.

Yes, WWE is more confident when pushing guys. They push them regardless of whether the people like them or not. How is that good? Is consistency more important than quality? And how come the two cannot coexist in the WWE?

Oh yeah they'll push someone, they'll shove him down our throats before we even get a chance to taste him (this sounded so wrong). Then 6 months down the line we realize, you know what, this guy fucking sucks.

TNA is QUITE confident when it comes to pushing people. The only differnece between them and WWE is that they don't push a different person every month regardless of their talent. When TNA pushes someone you KNOW this person is up for something cool, 90% of the time. Bully was, Storm was, Aries was, Kaz and Daniels were, Roode was, Hardy was, Ion was, Chavo and Hernandez were, Joe was ... the list goes on and on and on. And what do you know? All of these people became Champions and a vital part of the show.

And hell, even Abyss. Abyss is Joseph Parks, he's still on TV in an important role.

Think about this ... all of those people started their pushes and their rise in TNA pretty much at the same time, with a margin of a couple of months, excluding Joey Ryan, Chavo and Hernandez and maybe Kaz and Daniels, although it felt like the AJ baby story has been going on since 1994. Now they're the stars of the show. That's called long term booking. TNA had CONFIDENCE in the right talent that a year from now they'll be TNA mainstays and whamo - they are. Props to TNA and the boys for it.
What the hell are you talking about? Austin Aries is being pushed since for a whole damn year. He came back in June last year, it's 3 days till November. That's almost a year and a half.

I was talking about TNA changing their minds. I said "Aries face turn". HE was a face for about 11 minutes while it was convenient.

James Storm's push is still going on. He got the belt in the beginning of 2012, it's November now - 10+ months.

Again, I said "Storm's Championship run". The decision for Storm to lose to Roode was made the night of the PPV. It was as last minute as it can be.

I'm not solely talking about pushes, though I used that as an example.

They were working towards an angle with Abyss leading a heel stable of ECW wrestlers. Months of preparation, mentions, appearances, Abyss filling rings with chairs... And then they change their mind to do a one off PPV.

Same with the Main Event Mafia returning. TNA had Crimson appear in the suit, Angle and Steiner appearing together... They had Sting set to reappear a week later... And Nash and Booker appear at Royal Rumble and they drop the storyline for a clumsy Fortune turn.

How many times a year does the X division need invigorating?

WWE Do stick with someone, regardless of how annoying they are. But they are very consistent with storylines and angles...

Overall, don't get me wrong, I prefer TNA's programming by far, but they do make mistakes.
Whenever I look at the Aces & Eights storyline, it simply looks like TNA taking a big step backwards with a tired angle that they've done numerous times over the years. Sure, they've made a couple of tweaks to it by having all the wrestlers in the stable dress and promote themselves as a "biker gang" while keeping their identities hidden behind masks but, that aside, it's the same old faction wars bullshit that helped drag TNA down for so long. Immortal's feud against Fortune & much of the rest of the roster hasn't been over nearly long enough for this to feel at all fresh.

I don't think there's any money to be made with Aces & Eights. The angle as a whole has been around for more than half a year already and ratings are still stagnant or receeding, ppv buys, allegedly, haven't improved to any degree.

In my opinion, it's TNA beating the proverbial dead horse. This particular horse has been beaten so badly that it's mush.
When will TNA actually go and take a risk? It's been 10 years already and they've been playing it save for pretty much the entire time. TNA use to be about the office giving a chance to the young guys to make a name for themselves. About being innovative and yes about taking chance on guys that you weren'T sure could draw. Now it's the same old song & dance every year. They always go for the NWO rip-off angle. They always go with the establish star on top while the young guys are made to look second rate. The x-division is almost dead, so are pretty much every other division they have because let's face it, when you can say the WWE as more Tag-team and Divas compared to TNA, you know you've got a problem.

The fact is that WWE is giving them a huge opening to go out there and try to compete with them because since september, WWE programming hasn'T been the greatest programming out there. But still sadly, they are content with what they have and sadly, at one point even the hardcore TNA fans will stop caring just like some of the hardcore WWE fans as stop caring a long time ago.
When will TNA actually go and take a risk? It's been 10 years already and they've been playing it save for pretty much the entire time. TNA use to be about the office giving a chance to the young guys to make a name for themselves. About being innovative and yes about taking chance on guys that you weren'T sure could draw. Now it's the same old song & dance every year. They always go for the NWO rip-off angle. They always go with the establish star on top while the young guys are made to look second rate. The x-division is almost dead, so are pretty much every other division they have because let's face it, when you can say the WWE as more Tag-team and Divas compared to TNA, you know you've got a problem.

The fact is that WWE is giving them a huge opening to go out there and try to compete with them because since september, WWE programming hasn'T been the greatest programming out there. But still sadly, they are content with what they have and sadly, at one point even the hardcore TNA fans will stop caring just like some of the hardcore WWE fans as stop caring a long time ago.

were you not watching from the end of 2011 to about the middle of 2012? Bobby Roode was the world heavyweight champion and he was dominating. in 2011 he was in a tag team with James Storm called Beer Money. they started the BFG series in 2011as a tag team before having singles matches. that BFG series ended up building them both into stars.

but there are times when TNA does use the established stars. but I don't think that is really a problem. guys like Jeff Hardy can still be worthy of the world title.
When will TNA actually go and take a risk? It's been 10 years already and they've been playing it save for pretty much the entire time. TNA use to be about the office giving a chance to the young guys to make a name for themselves. About being innovative and yes about taking chance on guys that you weren'T sure could draw. Now it's the same old song & dance every year. They always go for the NWO rip-off angle. They always go with the establish star on top while the young guys are made to look second rate. The x-division is almost dead, so are pretty much every other division they have because let's face it, when you can say the WWE as more Tag-team and Divas compared to TNA, you know you've got a problem.

The fact is that WWE is giving them a huge opening to go out there and try to compete with them because since september, WWE programming hasn'T been the greatest programming out there. But still sadly, they are content with what they have and sadly, at one point even the hardcore TNA fans will stop caring just like some of the hardcore WWE fans as stop caring a long time ago.

Yeah man because you know Aries, Roode, Storm, who were the last three champions before Hardy got the belt, these guys were all big time draws, they had all won the World Title in the past, they were all established top stars.

But wait of course once they finally put the belt on Hardy, the actual biggest draw in the company, the fact they went through three non WWE, fresh to the title scene guys is instantly negated and it's just the same crap year after year. It's not like the last three World Champions were all first time World Champions in the company, and it's not like they took a chance on breaking up and pushing two guys who had been for the most part strictly tag team wrestlers up to the main event scene, and it's not like they took a chance on a guy that WWE wouldn't even give a shot to on Tough Enough and ended up making him World Champion.

Yeah same old shit.
Yeah man because you know Aries, Roode, Storm, who were the last three champions before Hardy got the belt, these guys were all big time draws, they had all won the World Title in the past, they were all established top stars.

But wait of course once they finally put the belt on Hardy, the actual biggest draw in the company, the fact they went through three non WWE, fresh to the title scene guys is instantly negated and it's just the same crap year after year. It's not like the last three World Champions were all first time World Champions in the company, and it's not like they took a chance on breaking up and pushing two guys who had been for the most part strictly tag team wrestlers up to the main event scene, and it's not like they took a chance on a guy that WWE wouldn't even give a shot to on Tough Enough and ended up making him World Champion.

Yeah same old shit.

I don't have a problem with Hardy but thought I'd go ahead and correct you anyway... He was an established top star. Two time World Champion in WWE.

As for my complaints... I'd like to complain about who's in charge. Hogan is a horrible backstage figure, even worse on television these days. Dixie Carter was given the role as President because her parents own Panda Energy. She has no wrestling background and has no idea what she's doing. If TNA can get someone in charge who knows what the hell they are doing and can work with the talent they have, the company could actually get somewhere. Plus they need out of the damn Impact Zone for good! Who wants to watch a ppv, taking place there?
were you not watching from the end of 2011 to about the middle of 2012? Bobby Roode was the world heavyweight champion and he was dominating. in 2011 he was in a tag team with James Storm called Beer Money. they started the BFG series in 2011as a tag team before having singles matches. that BFG series ended up building them both into stars.

but there are times when TNA does use the established stars. but I don't think that is really a problem. guys like Jeff Hardy can still be worthy of the world title.

Yeah you right but, where is Bobby Roode now, he's pretty much at the same place he was before winning the world title. Sure he's getting the next title shot but when that's over with and the move on to the next challenger for Hardy, Bobby Roode will go back to the mid card just like James Storm, Austin Aries, Samoa Joe and a countless of other guys that TNA could have build the company around by using the establish stars correctly instead of continuing to play it save like they always does. The Aces & Eights story isn'T helping them either because it's the same hold stupid NWO Ripoff angle they try since 2008. It didn'T work in 2008 with the main event mafia. it didn't work in 2010 with IMMORTAL and it's not working again with this one. So i really think it's time for TNA to move on from the same old booking they use for so many years and take a chance with a new product that could actually be a alternative to WWE which is becoming more and more boring by the week.
I don't have a problem with Hardy but thought I'd go ahead and correct you anyway... He was an established top star. Two time World Champion in WWE.

As for my complaints... I'd like to complain about who's in charge. Hogan is a horrible backstage figure, even worse on television these days. Dixie Carter was given the role as President because her parents own Panda Energy. She has no wrestling background and has no idea what she's doing. If TNA can get someone in charge who knows what the hell they are doing and can work with the talent they have, the company could actually get somewhere. Plus they need out of the damn Impact Zone for good! Who wants to watch a ppv, taking place there?

Uhhh, I don't need correcting. I'm well aware that Hardy was an established top star lol. My entire point was that before they put it back on Hardy they put it on three brand new champions, but once it went back on Hardy the "WWE guy" then people seem to ignore the fact that they were experimenting with new champions and new figures in the main event and want to repeat the same bullshit rhetoric about how TNA never changes etc.
Whenever I look at the Aces & Eights storyline, it simply looks like TNA taking a big step backwards with a tired angle that they've done numerous times over the years. Sure, they've made a couple of tweaks to it by having all the wrestlers in the stable dress and promote themselves as a "biker gang" while keeping their identities hidden behind masks but, that aside, it's the same old faction wars bullshit that helped drag TNA down for so long. Immortal's feud against Fortune & much of the rest of the roster hasn't been over nearly long enough for this to feel at all fresh.

I don't think there's any money to be made with Aces & Eights. The angle as a whole has been around for more than half a year already and ratings are still stagnant or receeding, ppv buys, allegedly, haven't improved to any degree.

In my opinion, it's TNA beating the proverbial dead horse. This particular horse has been beaten so badly that it's mush.

But that's TNA though. They seem to not know how to debut separate superstars, so they put them into a stable. Not to mention the stable is full of a bunch of no names like Luke Gallows and Devon. It's basically like every few years TNA have a faction that's trying to "take over," TNA. First it was the Main Event Mafia. In 2010 it was the God-awful "Immortal/They/Who the hell cares" faction mess of a storyline. Now it's a bunch of mid carders from other companies. It's not innovative or different, it's TNA being TNA. Trying something over again to hope it'll work a second (or in this case) a third time.

When will they ever learn that the "faction trying to take over TNA," storyline isn't successful and try something else?

And your right, ratings aren't rising, and they haven't for a decade. They need to do SOMETHING different because what they've been doing for the last decade sure as hell hasn't worked. Having a bunch of masked men who turn out to be WWE mid carders isn't exactly riveting television or is going to bring in ratings. They should put someone like Hogan or Sting in Aces and Eights, than maybe it'll be interesting. Right now it's a bunch of no-names running around under masks and the only two people (or three if they unmasked someone else this past week) of the first men to be unmasked are Luke Gallows and Devon fuckin' Dudley, the "other Dudley boy." Those two aren't exactly ratings boosters.

I agree with them putting the belt on Jeff Hardy only if he can keep his act together this time. He, unlike Gallows and Devon, is a proven draw and could be substantial to the company. Hardy is a great talent and has alot of charisma. The best thing they could do now is push him and continue to do so. Maybe they could, you know, push him as the top guy of the company. Which (for WWE) has proven to be a success. Hogan, Austin, Cena have all been successful because they were "the guy" for the company while their respected runs. A central character for TNA could be beneficial in the long run for the company, especially with someone like Jeff Hardy who is a draw to multiple demographics. The only flaw is he's a known junkie, so that could be a problem. Even though TNA has shown in the future they don't give a shit about Jeff's or anyone else's drug issues (they don't even have a Wellness Policy) pushing Jeff as the top guy is a win-loss situation. It could turn out to make TNA successful, or it could be the biggest mistake they have ever made.
I realize it's easy to bash TNA, and it's been done 100 times over, but I honestly think they've hit the lowest point of their existence after last Thursday's Impact.

First, what's up with their name ? Are they Impact Wrestling or TNA ? Yes, real wrestling fans are not confused, but if you're trying to bring in new viewers or fans, pick one identity and carry through with it.

Now, what the hell is up with Aces & Eights ? Seriously ? What a waste of time, effort, energy, creativity (or lack thereof), etc... The stable is being led by a guy that no one has cared about since he split with his "brother" Bubba Ray. Devon is terrible and brings nothing to a group of nobody's. All TNA has to do is look at how much more progress Bubba (or Bully) has made and it's obvious that Devon can't be a singles wrestler, let alone carry a stable.

Then, revealing a pair of less than nobody's as members of the group only makes matters worse. Festus, Luke Gallows, Fake Kane, whatever you want to call him, DOC is a waste. If CM Punk couldn't make him famous in WWE, how the hell is Devon going to make him famous in TNA ?

As for Mike Knox, are you kidding ? Did he eat Hornswoggle's brother before joining TNA ? The dude is nothing, except overweight, at this point. He should have been thankful that he helped make Kelly Kelly famous and just lived off the independent autograph circuit with pictures of her live striptease segments and a Sharpie.

What the hell is going on with AJ Styles ? Arguably the best talent they have in the company is doing nothing, and hasn't done anything for more than a year. The Claire Lynch / Daniels / Kaz storyline - come on ! His tag team champion title run with Kurt angle - forgettable. Now, he makes some lackluster announcement about being his own man and doing his own thing and disappears. Please, please, please, don't make him a member of Aces & Eights.

Most recently, there is the matter of Sting's "return". Or in this case, did Sting actually return ? Honestly, I've never been a Sting fan. Ever. But TNA (or Impact Wrestling) spent time and energy on promoting this huge event when he returned on 01/03/13, and he casually strolled down the aisle in the last 30 seconds of the broadcast, had no ring entrance music, no light show, no fanfare, not even a camera to capture his walk down the ramp ! While I may not like the guy as a wrestler, I won't deny that he may be the most drawable person the company has and yet they botch his big "return".

All of that, and there isn't even a mention of the limping Hulk Hogan. At this point in his career, he's making the Great Khali look nimble and agile. Although, on a positive note, his recent work with Bully Ray has been really good. But it needs to progress, as well. And what is the payoff going to be ? There's no way I want / need to see Hogan get in the ring and attempt to wrestle.

I'm sure the company will continue to persevere and exist for many more years, but I can't possibly see how this isn't the lowest point in their existence. Instead of getting better as a product each week, they seem to be regressing, and I don't see how that's even possible, until you actually watch the product.
I realize it's easy to bash TNA, and it's been done 100 times over, but I honestly think they've hit the lowest point of their existence after last Thursday's Impact.

First, what's up with their name ? Are they Impact Wrestling or TNA ? Yes, real wrestling fans are not confused, but if you're trying to bring in new viewers or fans, pick one identity and carry through with it.

Agreed, pick one and stick with it.

Now, what the hell is up with Aces & Eights ? Seriously ? What a waste of time, effort, energy, creativity (or lack thereof), etc... The stable is being led by a guy that no one has cared about since he split with his "brother" Bubba Ray. Devon is terrible and brings nothing to a group of nobody's. All TNA has to do is look at how much more progress Bubba (or Bully) has made and it's obvious that Devon can't be a singles wrestler, let alone carry a stable.

Agreed, it reminds me of the nWo toward the end. A big stable that, at one point or another, almost everyone will have been a member of.

Then, revealing a pair of less than nobody's as members of the group only makes matters worse. Festus, Luke Gallows, Fake Kane, whatever you want to call him, DOC is a waste. If CM Punk couldn't make him famous in WWE, how the hell is Devon going to make him famous in TNA ?

Its pretty hard to recover from being a character like Festus. His gimmick was literally being mentally disabled before and after the bell rang.

As for Mike Knox, are you kidding ? Did he eat Hornswoggle's brother before joining TNA ? The dude is nothing, except overweight, at this point. He should have been thankful that he helped make Kelly Kelly famous and just lived off the independent autograph circuit with pictures of her live striptease segments and a Sharpie.

Haven't seen Mike Knox lately so no comment

What the hell is going on with AJ Styles ? Arguably the best talent they have in the company is doing nothing, and hasn't done anything for more than a year. The Claire Lynch / Daniels / Kaz storyline - come on ! His tag team champion title run with Kurt angle - forgettable. Now, he makes some lackluster announcement about being his own man and doing his own thing and disappears. Please, please, please, don't make him a member of Aces & Eights.

AJ could do so much more if he had an opportunity. People give him shit for being a spot ****e but what else is he going to do in a bunch of 5 minute TV spots? Agree

Most recently, there is the matter of Sting's "return". Or in this case, did Sting actually return ? Honestly, I've never been a Sting fan. Ever. But TNA (or Impact Wrestling) spent time and energy on promoting this huge event when he returned on 01/03/13, and he casually strolled down the aisle in the last 30 seconds of the broadcast, had no ring entrance music, no light show, no fanfare, not even a camera to capture his walk down the ramp ! While I may not like the guy as a wrestler, I won't deny that he may be the most drawable person the company has and yet they botch his big "return".

It seems like Sting doesn't care what TNA does. I would have split after the Jeff Hardy victory road incident had I been him but he would rather get tossed around whatever crappy angle they have going for him. Too bad, too. At least he's a draw I guess.

All of that, and there isn't even a mention of the limping Hulk Hogan. At this point in his career, he's making the Great Khali look nimble and agile. Although, on a positive note, his recent work with Bully Ray has been really good. But it needs to progress, as well. And what is the payoff going to be ? There's no way I want / need to see Hogan get in the ring and attempt to wrestle.

I'm sure the company will continue to persevere and exist for many more years, but I can't possibly see how this isn't the lowest point in their existence. Instead of getting better as a product each week, they seem to be regressing, and I don't see how that's even possible, until you actually watch the product.

Jeff Jarrett hasn't been on TV in a while, right? Thats all that could make it worse.
Lowest point?? The company is light years ahead of where it was 24 months ago.

And it still has itself headed in the right direction despite the semi-debacle of the A&8's angle. And lately Impact has been very solid, including last week. And last week's ratings rise while being lined up against a huge Fiesta Bowl matchup backs that up.

Also there is a stickied complaint thread designed specifically to house this type of lame, tired bullshit.

Thank you.
Isn't there a thread for all of these things? And why is there a new "TNA has all these problems and i'm important!" thread every week?

As far as my opinion goes A&8s is long in tooth and needs to be wrapped up at lockdown (which it hopefully will be). You're right in a lack of star power in the group but I don't know who anyone expects them to bring in. They added Ken Anderson, a Main Event guy. I think this is at least a good way to make the new guys they signed relevant and not get washed under the rug. So what if they're guys WWE dropped the ball on, TNA has to find quality wrestlers somewhere.

I didn't watch WWECW really so Mike Knox isn't especially relevant to me but DOC is a good big man.

EDIT: ooh I see this thread got moved in the middle of me posting...
Did anybody else notice RVD poking holes through an apple??? He was obviously making a bowl to pack his Mary Jane in. Now I understand why so many other guys would go to TNA instead of WWE.

Weed the people
Did anybody else notice RVD poking holes through an apple??? He was obviously making a bowl to pack his Mary Jane in. Now I understand why so many other guys would go to TNA instead of WWE.

Weed the people

I actually noticed this as well. It was a brief moment as King walked in and Rob laid the apple down, but it looked very clearly like he was carving out the apple for smoking. I even made the observation in the Live Discussion just after it happened.
It's been a while since I posted in this thread but felt I had to because I'm just not enjoying Impact Wrestling at all right now.

First I don't like any of the current storylines right now. I mean a potential Hulk Hogan / Bully Ray match at Bound For Glory doesn't excite me at all. I'm tired of seeing Brooke Hogan she really doesn't do anything for the Knockouts. I still don't get why the women need another women in charge of them anyway. I don't like AJ Styles more less doing the Sting act from 1997 when he was feuding with the NWO. The Aces & 8's are just a dumb storyline and group. I bunch of ex-WWE mid carders pretending to be a biker gang?! What is so great about that?! I don't even about Sting reforming the Main Event Mafia either.

I know I'm in the minority but I don't like the idea of Bully Ray being the world champion.

Mickie James as Knockouts champion doesn't set well with me either. I may be storyline but at the same time I find it odd that after complaining about how she was being used in an interview a few weeks later she becomes champion again. Also from a storyline perspective Velvet Sky has been screwed over by management more than her so imo Velvet had more of a reason to turn then Mickie.

Speaking of Velvet Sky I'm starting to believe the rumors that said TNA only wanted her back so she wouldn't go to WWE. Because once again she lost her title after only a few months. Also during her whole time as champion Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell's feud was made the focus which I still don't get. What was the point of her being champion again just to spotlight two other people? It seems like TNA creative just isn't really behind Velvet at all from what I can tell. Namely Bruce Prichard. Makes me wonder why she bothered coming back.

I don't get what their doing with Matt Morgan. He's not even in the BFG series and he's rarely on the show. He had a interested storyline with Joey Ryan with them being against management and it just gets dropped? As I said in another thread if he's not world champion by the end of the year he should just cut ties with TNA.

I don't understand the point of Joey Ryan being in TNA either. All they do is job this guy out. It's obvious they have no direction for him. It's ridiculous.

The X Division just isn't the same either. The whole every match is a three way and ref cam just makes the division seem like a side show.

Lastly what is the point of the TV title if it's never defended by whoever has it? I just don't get why they have a mid card title that could be used to build people up but they rather not do anything with it at all.

Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to vent on the things that really frustrate me about TNA right now. There's more but I stop here. I used to be a big supported / fan of this company but now I really can't do that let alone give them the benefit of the doubt anymore.
First I don't like any of the current storylines right now. I mean a potential Hulk Hogan / Bully Ray match at Bound For Glory doesn't excite me at all.

Nobody said Hogan vs Bully is coming up. If you were watching TNA, you would know that there is a BFG series going on, where the winner faces Bully Ray. Hogan isn't in the BFG series.

I'm tired of seeing Brooke Hogan she really doesn't do anything for the Knockouts.

Kayfabe wise, everything doesn't happen on-screen. Remember the whole network issue? That wasn't on air either.

I don't like AJ Styles more less doing the Sting act from 1997 when he was feuding with the NWO.

If you're going down the "copied story line" lane, think again. Not everyone got to see the nWo when they were around. I know I didn't. So what's wrong with a bit of a rehash? They're not doing it exactly the same anyway, and I'm actually interested as to what will happen.

The Aces & 8's are just a dumb storyline and group. I bunch of ex-WWE mid carders pretending to be a biker gang?! What is so great about that?! I don't even about Sting reforming the Main Event Mafia either.

Ok, so the guys in the group may be a little mediocre, with the lack of charisma and great ring styles, but Bully makes them look strong, and a biker gang is something different.

I know I'm in the minority but I don't like the idea of Bully Ray being the world champion.

Again, he makes his group look strong, and is the best heel in....lets say 10 years? Better than CM Punk, and draws heat more than anyone today in the industry. Even off air, he plays his role as a heel, keeping kayfabe in tact, unlike many stars today. He's great as the world champion for the company, he's a strong representative, and the role fits him perfect as the "best heel going today".

Mickie James as Knockouts champion doesn't set well with me either. I may be storyline but at the same time I find it odd that after complaining about how she was being used in an interview a few weeks later she becomes champion again.

Again, complaining in an interview goes back to me talking about Kayfabe, and keeping it going off Impact Wrestling as well. That's what Mickie did and it swerved many, as she became the Knockouts champion weeks later.

Speaking of Velvet Sky I'm starting to believe the rumors that said TNA only wanted her back so she wouldn't go to WWE. Because once again she lost her title after only a few months.

I think 5 months was enough for her, she was boring as a Face, as many fans said. Not to mention that TNA has only 4 PPV's a year now, meaning that she was champion for about 15 or 16 consecutive episodes of Impact Wrestling. Oh, and the Taryn Terrell thing may pay off. As well as the Mickie James title win. Remember Taryn's terrific match from Slammiversary? It was great. That is why she's getting the push. That is why, I think the creative might make her face Mickie at BFG. The Diva/Knockout veteran, vs the up and coming Knockout. The match should be worth the money.

Makes me wonder why she bothered coming back.

Probably because she didn't want to go to the WWE. :shrug:

He had a interested storyline with Joey Ryan with them being against management and it just gets dropped?

:lmao: So you like a giant and a sleazy guy aligned, but you don't like the Aces & Eights? Morgan and Joey Ryan didn't even have a storyline going on. They faced Chavo and Hernandez a few times, and it ended there for them.

As I said in another thread if he's not world champion by the end of the year he should just cut ties with TNA.

Why? He's been pushing and shoving Hulk Hogan backstage. How many guys have you seen do that? To Hulk Hogan!? It shows that TNA gives a crap about this guy, and a potential World title win may arise for him. Remember, they have 4 PPV's only. So him on screen more is likely, but a title win may be this time next year, with the big gaps between the PPV's.

The X Division just isn't the same either. The whole every match is a three way and ref cam just makes the division seem like a side show.

The "X-cam" has been abandoned. Also, the triple threat matches have been awesome, and more fast paced. That payed off at least.
After recent events, I've come to the conclusion. The only way TNA can get on a competitive level with the WWE is by getting a major investment. That way they can travel more, air live each week, air on major networks, etc. However, they have tried and because of financial issues (if the rumours are true), have failed.

ECW couldn't compete with the WWE. AWA couldn't compete with the WWE. None of the NWA territories sure as hell couldn't compete with the WWE. But WCW could. Why? Because they had a billionaire-media mogul Ted Turner by the company. The guy that owns CNN and Cartoon Network. With that money, they could do what the WWE had already done, and acquired their top stars including Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and Ultimate Warrior. Sure TNA has Hulk Hogan, but the recent reports are showing us that he isn't happy with the company. True or not; it doesn't make a difference. Unlike what Hogan did in WCW, he hasn't help boost any ratings, and he can't wrestle. I don't think people want to see a 60 year old week after week as the GM as the show. Basically, the only way TNA can compete is they have a lot of money. But what are the chances of somebody actually doing that?

On the other hand, TNA arguably has the better product. I even agree. The presentation, the matches, promos, roster, they have it all...arguably. You see, not many people here would agree with me. TNA's ratings are at 1.0, the WWE's are about 3.0. You have about 40 guys viewing the TNA section regularly, and over 100 viewing the WWE section. However the only thing attracting the TNA viewers are the product in my opinion. WWE has sponsors and has money to advertise a lot more. Professional Wrestling isn't big here in England, but there's still a lot of WWE merchandise I see in stores. I've never seen anything of TNA on the shelves. They have a method of attracting viewers. How do you think casual fans will actually find out about TNA? The only way I found it was when my older brother was flicking through the channels. The smarks are the only one's aware that TNA exists (for the most part), because they tend to watch all kinds of Wrestling, and here about it on the Internet. Only a hand-full enjoy the TNA product more than the WWE's, or like it at all for that matter. Going back to my point, TNA's only attraction is the product.

In conclusion, until they somehow gain a financial investment, I would encourage them to just focus on what they air from now on. How many of you guys like No Surrender? I'm going to guess a lot of you because of the quality of the matches and the way the stories portrayed. Like KB said, TNA can do extremely well if they try. I think what is diverting them is that they're trying too hard with putting themselves on the road and by trying to reach out with several fans by hiring stars like Rampage Jackson. I know I'm going to sound a little cliché here but they weren't like this before. I feel that it was all about the product and what the fans at home were watching, and I liked it that way. Most of TNA's roster is in the heavyweight division. How much of the roster is in the mid-card. About 6 or 7? If they want to keep fans, and gain more of the "smark" fanbase, just remain focused on the product completely, and very slowly make steps of expanding their market. What has happened in the past few years has been a financial disaster (the ratings averages have also decreased), and slowing down will take them off that hospital bed. (As a Impact Support club member, I really don't mean to sound that harsh)
It wasn't just having the money there that made WCW competition. It was spending it. And I mean spending. They threw millions and millions into their roster, and were able to make that impact (no pun intended) because this was all done before the 90-day NCC became contract standard. This is what allowed them to essentially poach half of WWE's locker room and build their entire platform on a fusion of talents they already had through WCW and NWA, and what they managed to pull in from WWE.
I'm not used to complaining about my wrestling brand, but I feel that I should comment on this past weeks Impact Wrestling.

What really irritated me this week:

The new camera angles: Watching this week's Impact Wrestling, it looked like they had changed the way they set the camera angles. I didn't like it. They kept on showing the moves from the wrong angles. Whether it was too high up, too close or had the wrestler doing the move in the way; it was wrong. This is one of the reasons I don't watch WWE, because of the presentation. I'm not sure if they had an intern or wanted to try something new, but they better not stick with it. It wasn't as bad as the WWE's, and I wouldn't stop watching if this was permanent, I just think it takes the feel of the Impact away (no pun intended).

AJ Styles vs Bully Ray: You know, I have actually loved this build up, but this week didn't do it for me. I first saw this as the bad-ass vs the bully. Now it's more of the underdog vs the bully. Not because of the Dixie Carter drama, but mainly because of what happened at the ending. Styles should have beat Knux and Garrett Bischoff within two minutes to show his dominance, and then you could have had Bully whip Styles. Saving all that time could have given James Storm and Gunner time to cut a promo, and address their 4 possible opponents for BFG. This took the feel of "top-dog vs bad-boy" away from the main-event picture. Bully should have whipped Styles with the chain, give him all the banter IN THE RING, and as he throws Style's out of the ring on to the ramp, Styles should have landed on his feet to show he's ready and he'll keep going no matter what Bully throws at him. I'm still pumped up for this match, but they better fix this next week to make the match type as good as possible.

I don't like giving negative response to TNA, but when they have so much momentum going on and stunt it, it really gets on my back, and not to put this in a anti-TNA way; it pisses me off. Although, thanks to Kurt Angles' return, Samoa Joe's announcement, the match quality and the Magnus-Sting build (which I thought was a smart idea), this stops me from disliking the show for the most part. It's not one of those shows I would never watch again, I actually loved this show and time flew while watching this, but it is one of those shows that had parts which really let me down.
First time watching TNA in a while last Thursday . . . I want it to be good but damn that was a hard watch.

First thing I didn't like was Dixie being on screen at all, let alone a poor man's "evil boss" character. Terrible promo work. If they were gonna make her an on-screen character, they might as well gone full-blown with the ditsy redneck entitled girl gimmick, make her a caricature of the Southern Fried redneck good 'ol boys Dubya-Cee-Dubya product that TNA puts out. That would give her real heat . . . the heat she gets now is kinda "get off the screen" heat.

But that leads to another problem . . . TNA relies on the evil boss/power struggle/nWo rehash storyline too much . . . MEM > The Band > Immortal > Aces and Eights > etc. I might even be missing a few.

Also, they just have some terrible gimmicks right now . . . Magnus as champion is a good step, but it's being ruined by that terrible assistant character . . . ECIII doesn't really seem like he brings anything to the table, just another buff enforcer guy. And the Bromance . . . just terrible. I'm sure the idea of merging Zack Ryder and Jersey Shore into a gimmick was a great idea on paper though.

Lastly, the TNA atmosphere just looks second-rate . . . lighting is terrible . . . at times the arena looks empty . . . compare RAW to Impact . . . RAW looks bright and TNA looks dingy, dirty and just overall low-quality.

TNA needs to drastically change everything . . . they need to reinvent themselves to the point of being just short of a becoming a completely new promotion. New creative team, new logos, new set, new lighting, new intros and animations for iMPACT (which btw needs to be changed back into TNA iMPACT and not IMPACT Wrestling). Maybe even go back to the six sided ring to set themselves apart.

But most of all they need to find their niche . . . WWE has found it's niche . . . family appropriate wrestling with the ability to bring back the biggest stars in wrestling history at any given time. TNA for the past few years has just been WCW 2.0.
My main complaint about TNA is their use of guys like Petey Williams and Rob Terry. The Canadian Destroyer is one of the most devastating looking finishers in the business and Petey is phenomenal and deserves a title of some sort, if the TV title was still around I would say that but its not. Rob Terry has the "The Look" companies dream of, he is an absolute monster, but the reason he is not the biggest threat in TNA is because TNA booked him terribly. He stood in the shadow of Robbie E and was a jobber, big men should not be jobbers. And then when he finally got away from Robbie E and got pushed a bit they put him in a fatal 4 way match to determine a spot for Bound For Glory, and he lost it to Jay Bradley, who is as useless as Hornswoggle (Swoggle used to be useful but now he's pointless).

If Rob Terry would jump to WWE and go to NXT I think WWE would use him right, cause WWE has a history of using guys of his size pretty well (Mark Henry, Ezekiel Jackson, Lesnar, etc.) He could work his way up through NXT and then be brought to the main roster and be a mid card star and tag team star. He could be the guy to legitimize the mid card titles and be a permanent threat. If WWE gave him both the mid card titles at the same time it would really make him a threat.
Jesus... watching Final Resolution.

I watch IMPACT maybe once or twice a month just to give it a try and see if I'll get into it.

Every time I do I can't remember why I keep trying to get into it.

The Angle/Roode match was short, pretty boring, announcing offered little emotion to it, the camera angles... geez. Angle's been in the real Crippler Crossface before, and none of that emotion with this new Crossface was there.

And then the Feast or Fired... ugh. -.-
Jesus... watching Final Resolution.

I watch IMPACT maybe once or twice a month just to give it a try and see if I'll get into it.

Every time I do I can't remember why I keep trying to get into it.

The Angle/Roode match was short, pretty boring, announcing offered little emotion to it, the camera angles... geez. Angle's been in the real Crippler Crossface before, and none of that emotion with this new Crossface was there.

And then the Feast or Fired... ugh. -.-

If that's not nitpicking, I don't know what is. If that's seriously what's bothering you about TNA, then I pray no one ever makes you choose between cereal brands.

To clarify, it's not the storylines conducted, it's not the dated taping schedule, it's not the gimmicks the wrestlers have, it's the camera. And Kurt Angle not remembering how to do something from 10 years ago. And a one off gimmick match. That's what keeps you away. You may wanna stay away from the indies then. Those cameras will blind you.

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