Official Final Resolution Thread.

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Keep all thought's about T.N.A's Final Resolution in here.

I think they will go for Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle 3. I think they will do this match for the third consecutive P.P.V. so that they can have a decisive winner of the feud. Although I think they should save it for a faw month's, you can have too much of a good thing.

I think there will be another Styles/Rhino match, this feud has plenty more left in it so I hope it continue's.

I see Starr vs. Shelly with Nash possibly being a referee or enforcer. As long as Nash does'nt get to involved this match could be awesome.
i think that it will be:
rhino vs aj styles street fight
sting & abyss vs christian & tyson tomko
chris harris vs james storm
jerry lynn vs christopher daniels x division title match
i think we will see angle and a partner vs joe and a partner, rhino vs aj styles in a grudge match, sting and abyss vs christian and tomko, LAX against some team, jerry lynn vs christoperher daniels vs chris sabin, and another VKM video segment, i want to see these matches cuz they would be amazing.
I think there's also going to be Sting/Abyss vs. Christian/Tomko. But I see a stipulation that whoever get's the pin win's the title. I see Christian getting the pin and then moving on to a feud with Angle.

Obviously there's going to be a Storm vs. Harris match and I see Gail Kim being special ref.

I'm not sure if it's been confirmed but I think it will be Team 3D vs. L.A.X. I'm not looking forward to this feud, L.A.X. deserve more than to be stuck with Team 3D. That team's been stale for year's. The only way I see for them to become intresting again is for them to go back to there ECW way's. Obviously they would have to cut out all the swearing but they could be more agressive. I think they should bring in more Dudleys as well and have a large stable like they did 8 year's ago.
It has been confirmed that Abyss (c) .vs. Sting .vs. Christian Cage will happen once again at Final Resolution in a Triple Threat Elimination Match. Styles/Rhino is also confirmed and it will be in a Streetfight!!
Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe 30:00 Iron Man match
Abyss vs. Sting vs. Christian Cage elimination match for NWA title
Homicide & Hernandez vs. Team 3-D for NWA tag titles
Alex Shelley vs. Austin Starr in the PCS finals with a 10:00 time limit and three judges if it goes the distance. Judges are secret but we know they had Glenn Gilberti and Bob Backlund as the first two on their want list
Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Chris Sabin for the X Division title
Petey Williams vs. James Storm

Pre-show match
Lance Hoyt vs. Chase Stevens
Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe 30:00 Iron Man match
Abyss vs. Sting vs. Christian Cage elimination match for NWA title
Homicide & Hernandez vs. Team 3-D for NWA tag titles
Alex Shelley vs. Austin Starr in the PCS finals with a 10:00 time limit and three judges if it goes the distance. Judges are secret but we know they had Glenn Gilberti and Bob Backlund as the first two on their want list
Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Chris Sabin for the X Division title
Petey Williams vs. James Storm

Pre-show match
Lance Hoyt vs. Chase Stevens

you forgot the Last Man Standing match between AJ Styles and Rhino

only 7 matches at a TNA PPV, what happen to the PPVs that had 8-9 matches on the card, you really felt like you got your monys worth with that many matches, I think they should put the rest of the X-Division guys in a X- Divsion showcase or something, Sonjay vs. Lethal vs. Senshi vs. Skipper or maybe Serotonin vs. Sonjay, Lethal, and Senshi, in and X-Division six man tag match
I think 7 match's is perfectly fine for a P.P.V. the trouble with having 8 or 9 is they dont have time to develope. Also there's an Iron Man match so that take's out 1/6th of the show.
I think 7 match's is perfectly fine for a P.P.V. the trouble with having 8 or 9 is they dont have time to develope. Also there's an Iron Man match so that take's out 1/6th of the show.

true, I forgot about the Ironman match taking up that much of the show, still would like to see Serotonin vs. Senshi, Sonjay, and Lethal though even if they did put it on the preshow with the Lance Hoyt/Chase Stevens match
who cares how many matches there are, in the end, most ppl will be happy with the event. especially w rhino aj last man standing and the ironman match.
Cant wait for tonight, although i have a sinking feeling that the Angle vs Joe will be ending in a draw....and then they will either leave it at that or milk it for a fourth match at Against all odds. I really hope we see a Joe win tonight and it is left at that. With kurt venting his frustration out on some poor, then we have Angle vs Christian feud.

Woah, just thought...isnt it about time Jarrett returned....having Jarrett cost Angle the match tonight would probably be a realistic assumption, and then him and Kurt would enter into a program for the next two PPV's before we get to the two themed ones (Destination X and Lockdown)....hmmmm...have i cracked it? probably not
My prediction's.

30 Minute Iron Man Match

Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe

There not going to have Angle loose his first feud, simple as that.

World Title Triple Threat Elimination Match

Abyss vs. Sting vs. Christian Cage

Christians first title reign was a flop, he's a natural heel and I expect them to give him another run to see if he's got what it take's to be a permanent main eventer.

Last Man Standing Match

Rhino vs. A.J. Styles

I pick A.J. purley because Rhino won the first match

Tag Team Title Match

L.A.X. vs. Team 3D

Team 3D will win it at Destination X. I see Senshi costing Team 3D the match and joining forces with L.A.X. Which means a six man tag at Against All Odd's between Homicide, Hernadez and Senshi vs. team 3D and Brother Runt.

Alex Shelly vs. Austin Starr

I would prefer it if Starr broke away from Nash but I see Shelly being forced away from him.

X-Division Title Match

Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin vs. Jerry Lynn

Daniels should be in the main event and Lynn is too old to carry the X-Division. I say give it to Sabin and let him have a proper title run.

James Storm vs. Petey Williams

There not going to have Storm loose his fist feud as heel.

It look's like a really good show. All match seem to have purpous. There's no filler like a WWE P.P.V.
And this time for once, there seems to be no matches that have been thrown in for the hell of it, well there i the usual pre show (eric young, bobby roode, lance hoyt, ron killings) debarcle that goes on every time but....

Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe

There not going to have Angle loose his first feud, simple as that

I dont know, i still think a draw may be on the cards...humm..

i hope they do what you said and have Daniels drop the x division title and get his arse up the card to feud with christian...or even angle or joe for that matter....seen as angle joe is going to be over.

Although Joe vs Daniels is old news...
Rhino vs. A.J. Styles

I pick A.J. purley because Rhino won the first match

Actully AJ won the first match, remember he faked an injury then when Rhino had his back turned AJ jumped into the ring and rolled him up for the quick three count, so I think Rhino will win this one, probably with a huge Gore spot, possibly through a table at the front of the entrance way or something
I don't know, Rhino has become a jobber to the stars as of late. When was the last time he won an important match? BFG 05?

I can definatley see Christian v Angle, they have been building that up as of late if you think of it. That indicisive match and Cage in the Cage. I see Abyss v Sting later as a midcard feud. Joe vs will happen. Like someone before said that Jarret would screw Angle, I think it will be the other way around. That way Jarret gets his revenge for the lumberjack match and having his title stolen.
Figured I'd throw the results up here, taken from the Main WZ Page.

Event: TNA Final Resolution Pay-Per-View
Airdate: Sunday, January 14th, 2007
Location: Universal Studios Soundstage 21 in Orlando, FL
Results by

- The new TNA opening hits. A video package narrated by the great Muhammad Ali airs highlighting the 30 Minute Iron Man Match tonight between Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe and the NWA World Title Elimination Match tonight with Abyss, Sting and Christian Cage.

- A graphic opening hits welcoming us to Final Resolution. We go live where a series of pyro goes off in the Impact Zone.

- AJ Styles' music hits to kick off the PPV. Styles is wearing new ring gear.

- Rhino defeated AJ Styles in a Last Man Standing Match. The rules for this match is that someone must be pinned and the person who is pinned must stand back up before the finish of a 10 count. Lots of high flying attacks from Rhino early on. Styles responded with offense of his own, including a big dropkick. Styles hit a big splash from the top rope on Rhino, covered and got the pinfall. Rhino stood up at the 8 count. Styles took out Rhino on the outside of the ring with a big flip dive over the top rope. Back in the ring, Rhino hit Styles with a big spinebuster and got the pinfall. Styles got back up at the 8 count. Rhino leaves the ring and goes for a table, but AJ crotches him on it. Back in the ring, Rhino takes out AJ with two big Gores and gets the pinfall. Styles slowly tries to get back to his feet, while noticing Rhino is ready for another attack. The finish sees Styles almost up at 8, but he looks at Rhino and says "screw you" and sits back down to give Rhino the win. After the match, Rhino gets on the mic and says he may have won, but that Styles was still standing. They brawled up the heel ramp and Rhino took out Styles with a piledriver at the top. Rhino put a table up against the tunnel with AJ on it, but when Rhino charged, AJ moved and Rhino crashed through the table.

- A video package for the X Division Title Match with Christopher Daniels, Jerry Lynn and Chris Sabin aired.

- Backstage, Leticia was with Jerry Lynn. She called him the pioneer of the X Division and Lynn took that like she was calling him old. Lynn said he was 43 and could still go with some of the best in TNA. He called Chris Sabin a punk and told Christopher Daniels that he still helps him learn new things every time they hook up. Lynn said, "Wrestling 101 is about to begin" and left.

- Chris Sabin defeated Jerry Lynn & Christopher Daniels in a Triple Threat Match to become the NEW X Division Champion. Daniels was knocked out of the match early on thanks to some offense from Sabin. This left Sabin and Lynn. Sabin and Lynn went back and forth, with Sabin getting the better of Lynn. Daniels got back in and locked on his full body clutch submission on Lynn. Sabin broke that up with a big leg drop from the top. Sabin then toyed with Daniels, locking his arms behind his back. Sabin slapped Daniels' head around a few times and then put him in the tree of woe. Sabin hit his big hanging dropkick in the corner. Lynn then fires back with a big double dropkick on both Sabin and Daniels. Lynn then leaped over Daniels from the top and hit a big huricanranna on Sabin! Don West added, "Is this 2002 all over again?" The fans in Orlando were really behind Lynn. Big spot off the top rope by all three men crashing to the ring. Big BME by Daniels on Sabin, which Lynn followed up with a big sitdown powerbomb on Sabin. Lynn grabbed Daniels and hit him with a big modified side slam. The finish saw Lynn counter an Angel's Wings attempt by Daniels into a Cradle Piledriver. When Lynn went for the cover, Sabin rolled Lynn up quickly to get the pinfall to become the NEW X Division Champion. They showed highlights of the match afterwards as Sabin celebrated on the heel ramp.

- Backstage, Jeremy Borash was with Kevin Nash. Borash talked about how Nash's "boys" were in the Finals of the PCS Series tonight. Nash agreed and then introduced Bob Backlund as one of the judges tonight. Nash tried to get Backlund to talk about old stories on the road, but Backlund said he has never been in a car with Nash. Backlund asks if Nash did hard things in this PCS Series such as 1,000 squad, 1,000 push-ups and teaching them the crossface chicken wing. Nash said they did musical chairs, limbo and some drinking contests. Nash added that he was counting on Backlund tonight. Eric Young then walks up and tells Borash they need to go out shopping since his job depends on it. Borash said he couldn't because there was a PPV going on right now. Young says okay, but they have to soon. Young talks to Bob Backlund, shakes his hand and says he voted for him in 1995. Backlund said his election was in 2000.

- Finals of the Paparazzi Championship Series (10 Minute Time Limit): Jeremy Borash is in the ring and announces that the Finals of the PCS Series will now be taking place. Borash introduces the founder of the PCS - Kevin Nash. Nash joins Tenay and West on commentary. Borash then introduces the judges for the contest tonight - Samolian Joe (a masked wrestler from Madagascar), Big Fat Oily Guy and Bob Backlund.

Alex Shelley and Austin Starr then made their entrances for the match. This match has a 10 minute time limit. Lots of solid back and forth action between Shelley and Starr. Shelley took out Starr with a big suicide dive through the ropes on the outside. Big moonsault by Shelley on Starr back in the ring. Starr grabs some water and spits it in the face of Shelley, attempts a suplex, but Shelley blocks it and drills his boot into Starr's head. Shelley then hits a combination forearm and then an irish whip face first into the corner on Starr. Starr comes back with a big dropkick, but not much long later does Shelley respond with a backcracker. Shelley then goes to the ring apron, leaps over the top rope and drives Starr's head down into the mat hitting a big DDT. Shelley covered, but Starr kicked out. With 10 seconds left, Starr applies the Camel Clutch on Shelley. Shelley refuses to tap out and the match ends.

Jeremy Borash leaves the ring to go get the scorecards from the judges at ringside. 1 vote for Austin Starr from Samolian Joe (a masked wrestler from Madagascar). 1 vote for Alex Shelley from the Big Fat Oily Guy (who was eating a bag of Doritos as they read off his vote). When it came time to read Bob Backlund's vote, he came into the ring and Borash couldn't understand his scorecard. It turns out Backlund decided to judge Shelley and Starr on different categories. At one point the crowd got so quiet when Backlund read off his scoring that you could clearly hear a fan in the crowd yell out quote, "What the f*ck?" That got a big laugh from the crowd. In the end, Backlund's different scoring turned out to be a Draw. The fans booed. Kevin Nash left the announce table and told Borash to announce that a 5 minute Overtime will take place.

As soon as the bell rang, Shelley and Starr began exchanging pinfall attempts very quickly. In the end, Shelley rolled up Starr to get the pinfall to win the PCS Series.

Winner of the PCS Series: Alex Shelley

After the match, Kevin Nash came in and gave Alex Shelley the trophy. Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Senshi all came down to congratulate Shelley on his win. Starr then starts arguing with Kevin Nash. Nash eventually knocks Starr down. Starr grabbed a mic and said he was sick of this. He said he didn't come to TNA to jump on pogo sticks and do the limbo. Starr said he damn sure wasn't in TNA to revive someone elses career. He said the only person he respects is Senshi. Starr tells Senshi they should leave. Senshi disagrees. Starr says maybe you didn't hear me and told him to leave with him again, but this time in "Warrior tone." The crowd laughs at this. Starr then slaps Senshi and Senshi goes after Starr. Starr gets dumped to the outside and gets in Bob Backlund's face. Starr then pie faces Backlund and Backlund grabs him, locking on the crossface chicken wing to end this very long segment.

- A video package showing James Storm turning on Chris Harris to spell the end for America's Most Wanted is shown.

- Current TNA mobile results for who fans think will win the 30 Minute Iron Man Match: Samoa Joe with 60% and Kurt Angle with 40%.

- James Storm w/ Gail Kim defeated Petey Williams. Pretty quick back and forth paced match, with Petey started to gain a comeback towards the end. Storm hit an impressive spot on Petey from the top rope, flipping him forward. The finish saw Storm roll up Petey while holding the ropes to get the pinfall. After the match, Petey argued with the referee that Storm held the ropes. The referee asked the fans and they agreed. The referee then asked Gail Kim. Storm told Kim not to say anything. Storm then took out Petey in the corner. He left the ring and got handcuffs. Storm handcuffed Petey to the corner. Storm then got a beer bottle and teased hitting Storm with it. When Kim got in his face, Storm teased hitting Kim with it. Kim then gave Storm a low blow and started hitting him over the back. Jacqueline of WWE fame hit the ring and started taking out Kim. Jacqueline hit a big leg drop on Kim from the top rope and then celebrated with James Storm as they left.

- A video package runs highlighting some of the recent antics of VKM.

- Voodoo Kin Mafia Speak: BG James gets on the mic and says they have no choice but to declare victory over Vince McMahon and DX. James said they did everything they could have possibly done and runs down all of their antics that included camping outside WWE Headquarters, confronting Triple H at a Raw House Show and then welcoming Shawn Michaels to the Alamo in San Antonio. He added that no one likes to see a man down, speaking about Triple H, and wishes Paul a quick recovery. BG then says he didn't understand why Vince McMahon didn't accept their $1 million challenge since it would have brought him big ratings. He added that it would be the kind of ratings Vince got by having the former Mr. Spears pin your WWE Champion on national television. BG added that it also wouldn't be the kind of ratings Vince got by having two fake celebrities fight in his ring. He said he watched that and heard the boo's in the crowd. BG said those boo's then changed to something else - a TNA chant. The fans in Orlando chant TNA loudly. He said Vince insults the intelligence of wrestling fans every Monday night on Raw. BG then said Vince (and sings), WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT. BG put the mic on the crowd in Orlando and they finished the famous song. BG smiled and said you couldn't script that even if you wanted to. He said TNA was here to stay, even if Vince liked it or not.

This is where things got weird. Christy Hemme walked out with a mic and said she had to say something. She said if they were the foundation of DX and Triple H and Shawn Michaels were the foundation as well, then how come they never mention Joanie Laurer, aka Chyna? Hemme then started talking about women in the business always being ignored. She mentioned how Lita pretty much ran away from the business a few months ago. Hemme said she wants to get in the ring and wrestle. She said other women in TNA want to do the same such as Traci Brooks, So Cal Val and others. Hemme said women are not disposable like men think they are. The fans kind of went against this part of the segment chanting WE WANT WRESTLING. Hemme agreed (nice save). Then they started chanting BORING and Hemme pretty much gave up on the promo. BG told her to come back in the ring. He said he agreed with everything she said and that some men in this business do think that way. Kip James then took the mic away from BG and said he was one of those guys. Kip calls Christy a **** and told her she should go get her old job back stripping. He told Christy to never interrupt him ever again and said girls were only good for two things...BG pulls the mic away. Christy agrees with Kip and then slaps him.

- Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Team 3D. Brother Ray said tonight was the old school vs. the new school - the old punks vs. the new punks. He said they are jealous of LAX because they have something they want - the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Ray promised a win tonight over LAX. When 3D left, Sting walked up and asked Borash if he had seen Abyss. Borash said he hadn't.

A video package aired highlighting the feud between Team 3D and the Latin American Exchange leading to tonight's title match.

- LAX vs. Team 3D for the NWA World Tag Team Titles ended in a No Contest - LAX retain the tag titles. Some pretty vicious power by Brother Ray early on with Homicide. Some double teaming by LAX on Devon. Big splash by Hernandez on Devon in the corner. Ray was slightly busted open on the ring apron. Devon makes a big comeback on both members of LAX. Big back drop by Hernandez on Devon that Homicide follows up with a big elbow drop. Hot tag by Brother Ray. Team 3D does the big "whazzup" drop. They hit the 3D on Homicide and then send Hernandez to the outside. The finish then saw Brother Runt come out down the ramp wearing his Santa outfit. Runt gets up on the top rope, takes a drink of alcohol and then leaps off the top rope splashing Homicide. The referee sees this and calls for the bell. Both Brother Ray and Brother Devon have both shocked and confused looks on their faces. After the match, Brother Ray grabs Runt and sends him to the outside crashing into the ring barrier.

- Final poll TNA mobile results for who fans think will win the 30 Minute Iron Man Match: Samoa Joe with 57% and Kurt Angle with 43%.

- Backstage, Jeremy Borash was with Samoa Joe. Joe tells Kurt Angle, "Welcome to the climax. Welcome to the final resolution." Joe says when this first started between them, the question on everyone's mind was who was the best? He said when Angle found out who the best was, it drove him nuts. Joe said Angle made this personal. He ends the interview saying he will torture Angle for 30 minutes.

- A video package for Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe in a 30 Minute Iron Man Match airs.

- Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe (30 Minute Iron Man Match) - They went right to the mat at the bell. Angle worked over Joe with a headlock. Joe shoved Angle towards the ropes and took him down with a shoulderblock. Angle went to the floor. Joe challenged him to return to the ring. Angle returned to the ring. He and Joe began doing a ton of counters, then returned to their feet, facing off. Joe took Angle down with a tackle and he returned to the floor. Back in the ring, Angle took down Joe with a big shoulderblock and began nailing uppercuts. You could see he was tagging Joe hard and wasn't holding back. Angle was whipped into the corner and clotheslined as he came out. Joe began peppering him with punches in the corner. Joe nailed Angle with a huge kick in the corner for a two count. Joe began working over Angle with some matwrestling holds but Angle fought back to his feet. He drove Joe back into the corner and went after Joe's knee. Angle snapped a release belly-to-belly suplex. He measured Joe and kicked him in the face. Angle applied his foot over Joe's throat to choke him. Angle hit a belly to back suplex for a near fall. Angle went right after Joe with a sidechinlock. Joe fought his way to his feet but was cut off with a kick to the gut. Angle snapmared Joe over then went to a sidechinlock. scissoring his legs around Joe's waist. Angle tried to suplex Joe but Joe reversed it. With 20 minutes left, no falls taken.

They began battling back and forth. Angle whipped Joe into the ropes but Joe held on and didn't rebound. Angle went after him but Joe tossed him to the floor. Joe hit a running tope into a forearm, although it looked like he glancingly nailed Angle, then came down hard and hit his head on the rail. Joe tossed Angle back into the ring, and covered him for a two count. Angle began coming back but Joe caught him with a powerslam for another nearfall. Angle came back to hit an overhead release suplex, scoring a two count. Joe went for the Muscle Buster but Angle evaded and rolled through. Joe caught Angle with a choke and Angle tapped out. Winner of Fall #1: Samoa Joe by submission.

Joe charged across the ring and kicked Angle, then chopped him down to the mat. Angle came back to rock Joe with shot after shot. Angle went right back to the mat, working over Joe with a chinlock. He held Joe in it for a long time. He tried for the Olympic Slam but Joe reversed out of it and nailed a running knee. Angle came back with the Ankle Lock in the center of the ring. Joe tapped out. Winner of Fall #2: Kurt Angle by submission

Angle began focusing his attack on Joe's ankle and knee, kicking and stomping it. He began choking out Joe in the corner. Angle went back to the rear chinlock with the body scissor again. Angle tried to Olympic Slam Joe but as he came down Joe tried to do something but didn't catch Angle. Angle covered him real quick but Joe kicked up. Angle locked on the Ankle lock again and Joe tapped. Winner of Fall #3: Kurt Angle by submission

Angle continued to work over Joe in the corner. Joe was limping bad. Joe finally came back with a big clothesline out of the corner. He began coming back with thrusts and punches, then hit a knee to the jaw of Angle. Joe grabbed Angle for the Muscle Buster but Angle rolled through with a sunset flip for a near fall. Joe went for it again but Angle rolled through for another two count. Angle locked in the ankle lock but Joe rolled through. Angle's face hit the turnbuckles. Joe hit the muscle buster for the pin. Winner of Fall #4: Samoa Joe by pinfall

Joe limped towards Angle and began peppering Angle with right hands. Angle ducked a clothesline and tackled Joe's leg. Angle cinched in a toehold, then locked the anklelock in the center of the ring. Joe began trying to hold on and drag himself towards the ropes. Joe finally kicked off Angle, sending him into the ropes. Angle leaped off the ropes but Joe caught him. Joe went for a suplex but Angle rolled through and scored the pin. Winner of Fall #5: Kurt Angle by pinfall

Joe and Angle battled to the floor. Angle returned to the ring first and went after Joe as he returned through the ropes. Angle continued to work over Joe in the corner. He charged Joe but was caught with a uranage out of the corner. Joe put Angle on the ropes but Angle dropped down and pulled Joe's leg towards the ringpost. He slammed Joe's knee into the post several times. They stalked around ringside and returned, where they traded punches. Joe put Angle on the top rope and kicked him in the head, then hit the muscle buster, With 90 seconds left, Angle got his foot on the ropes. Joe went for the choke but Angle escaped and went for the ankle lock. Joe escaped and pummeled Angle with kicks and elbows. Joe locked on the Ankle Lock but Angle was able to hold on to the bell. Angle tapped out after the clock had expired. Winner of the Iron Man Match 3 falls to 2: Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle has now won the right to face the TNA World Champion at next month's "Against All Odds" PPV.

A video package highlighting the main event for the World Title was shown next.

Christian Cage vs. Sting vs. Abyss (c) for the NWA title - Tomko came out with Cage, but Jim Cornette came out to assign Tomko to a cage near the ring to avoid outside interference from him. On the outside, Cage bulldogged Abyss on the entrance ramp and slams Sting on the floor. Shock treatment by Abyss, but Cage noly kicked out. Cage went for the frog splash, but Abyss catches him and chokeslams Christian. Blackhole slam by Abyss on Christian, but the referee attended to Tomko who had a hold of Sting through the cage. Scorpion death drop by Sting, and Abyss is eliminated at 5:35. We are going to have a new champion tonight. Abyss chokes Sting, and leaves him lifeless in the ring. Cage worked over Sting, but Sting hulked up at the 8:30 mark and regained control of the match. Gorilla press, stinger splash, but missed a follow up. Superplex by Sting, as Mitchell returned to ringside. Sting's attention was focused on him. Mitchell opened the cage door as Sting applied the Scorpion. Tomko came in and dropped Sting with the referee distracted, but Sting kicked out. Tomko comes in again, but Sting flipped him over the ring. Abyss came out and went after Tomko. He throws Tomko back in the cage. Cage missed a belt shot. Unprettier by Sting, Cage kicked out. Mitchell hit Sting with the cane, but Abyss came in with the referee down. Sting puts Mitchell in the scorpion, but Abyss hit Sting with his chain. Cage hit the frog splash to win at 13:15 to win the NWA World title.

Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage next month.

End PPV.
Figured I'd throw the results up here, taken from the Main WZ Page.
Thanks for the results, Jonny. Overall, I give the show a B+. Not the best TNA event I've paid for, but definitely worth the money. I was very surprised that the booking order was selected this way, as that was my main problem with the show. I don't think that the proper momentum and crescendo was built as some of the matches were put out of place, if you ask me. I will say that Shelley and Austin did a hell of a job for a ten minute match and Backlund came across as crazy as ever and was speaking just as whacked out as he ever did. I personally wouldn't have booked Styles and Rhino first out of the gate as I think that diminishes the star power of each wrestler and whoever is in charge of that maneuver (Jarrett, Russo, or Mantell) needs a good slap to the face. It's official, I now hate Christy Hemme (except for her Playboy spread, which is still rad because she can't talk in that). I hope to whoever listens they don't hire Chyna. She's like Jeff Hardy with Jay Leno's chin and a set of fake boobies.

My match by match reviews:

Styles vs. Rhino-

Decent hardcore entry with lots of room to grow in the future encounters and Rhino laid a mammoth spinebuster and a wicked set of gores on little A.J. I really enjoyed that Styles uttered "screw you" and sat down to take the loss. This type of tactic hasn't been used to turn a super-face heel since Cactus Jack in ECW. Nothing makes you turn on a hardass good-guy like turning him into a weasel. If this was Russo's idea, then it was great. If not, it was still great and Russo should've thought of it. I really enjoy that they're pulling out all the stops to turn A.J. into a top heel. If this keeps up, within the next year or so, he'll be the franchise player that can take over for Jarrett, which is my prediction.

X-division Title

So good to see Lynn back in the ring and he looks as good as he did during his ECW heyday. He must've been hitting the gym hard and staying away from the junkfood because he looked ready to take names and kick ass again. Solid X-division match with a number of near falls and great psychology to boot. Really enjoyed the creativity of some of the spots, and I LOVED when Sabin mafia kicked Daniels in the skull from the outside. Clever ending to the match that'll make the diehards hate Sabin even more.

PCS Finals-

Showing the fat, oily guy is without excuse...from either company. Anyways, with that said, Nash's commentary was gold and the match was damn sure worth the wait because they were on tonight. Hell, I'd love to see these two go at it with no time constraints because they were crisp, well timed, and carried great momentum throughout. The overtime part was priceless, and the near falls weren't bled out, but were wonderfully paced. These guys should be elevated within one year. If they aren't, then it'll be a crime. They could be the next dynasty of the X-division, replacing Daniels, Styles, and Joe so they can focus on the NWA Heavyweight title.

Petey Williams vs Storm

Decent match although I think Storm is better suited for the tag division as he needs to shed weight and improve his cardio. Otherwise, some solid spots contained and the ending was hilarious seeing Jackie's amazon ass come into play. Hopefully they use her for more than ten minutes like last time.

VKM Segment

Enjoyed the first half until Christy Hemme's dumb ass came out and ruined the shoot. Man, that was like building a banana split the size of Mount Everest and then capping it off with a fat turd. Solid mic work by the VKM boys. Best part of Christy's segment was Kip agreeing and bashing her. That was funny. I've come to the conclusion that she still doesn't need to wrestle and that she should just do interviews and look pretty. I don't need the cancer that is the WWE Women's division heading down south. Hell no. Not that I'm sexist, but most of the women Vince Mac recruited in the last five years weren't picked for their wrestling ability, and that's a fact.

NWA Tag Titles-

B grade match that saw some killer spots, my favorite being Homicide and Ray on the outside when Ray was pushing him into the guard rail and they were doing a pretty good shoot imitation. I think with a little more work and an improvement on the timing and knowing when to make the hot tags, these guys could put out a hell of a match. The ending pissed me off to no end. I don't want to see Spike looking like a drunk because it's f**king dumb and the fact that the match ended in a DQ made me flip my TV the bird and throw $hit at it. TNA! Don't pull that bull$hit again! That's a WWE maneuver...and I don't pay money to see that kind of crap.

Iron man Match-
A grade match with solid pacing and a real legit style to it. I felt the pacing and the race atmosphere is the way Ironman matches should be. A race to the last pinfall instead of a snail's pace. The psychology for the early tapouts and the working of Joe's knee injury were tops. I loved Joe's enziguris. The first one being the best. Good timing of the leg smack as you could hear the audience go "ooh." Was I happy for the outcome? Maybe. I don't mind seeing Angle win, because it would be great to see him face Cage as they've never really mixed it up in a meaningful way. Plus, I'd rather see Joe kick some ass in the meantime and then beat Angle for the strap, which is what I think will happen down the road.

NWA Title-
First of all, I commend all three guys for having the balls to go after Angle and Joe and close out the show. I wouldn't have done it if given the choice. Solid action throughout and a strained finish that had me guessing just what the hell was going to happen next. Sting actually looked good, and that's coming from the most critical Sting mark you'll ever find. The timing was on, and so was the psychology tonight. The near falls were great and they didn't do a predictable finish like I figured they would with Sting getting the gimmie pin. I was just surprised as all hell he got the quick Scorpion Death Drop and clean pin over Abyss, but something tells me that their angle is far from over. I was actually pleased with this, when in all honesty I thought it was going to be a world class lemon.
Well I'll save my actual comments until I've seen the event (doesn't air here until Wednesday), however I've got some initial thoughts on the whole thing. I still dont understand why they had to have Angle go over, there was honestly no need for him to go over Joe again, from the looks of it, Joe has come out of this feud looking like Angle's bitch, and its not like Angle even needed to push. If TNA wanted Angle to go over someone, they should have used Sting, and saved Angle/Joe for when Angle was established enough in TNA to put Joe over.
Yeah. I heard the PPV was decent. I think that they should just kill the VKM thing right now. WWE isn't replying and they're a good tag team and should be looking for other tag teams. Of course, the LAX-Team 3D is what's big right now but i think that they could also be a top contender. I like how Kip wrestles though. He's a great talent. BG is more of a microphone type of guy though. Also, what was up with the Rhino-Styles match? It's like it ended in a no contest. When i read it i was like WTF? OK...but anyway, I'm happy that Christian won and now they have to establish Kurt Angle as a face to make it a good match. I find it kinda funny how this is basically a WWE match.
Well I'll save my actual comments until I've seen the event (doesn't air here until Wednesday), however I've got some initial thoughts on the whole thing. I still dont understand why they had to have Angle go over, there was honestly no need for him to go over Joe again, from the looks of it, Joe has come out of this feud looking like Angle's bitch, and its not like Angle even needed to push. If TNA wanted Angle to go over someone, they should have used Sting, and saved Angle/Joe for when Angle was established enough in TNA to put Joe over.
I think the mentality is that everyone knows with Joe's knee he was at far less than 100% and he still almost pulled the damn thing out beating Angle with his own freakin' hold! It's a finish that'll definitely be in question and it's easy to say that with five more seconds on that clock Angle would've tapped and overtime could've been drawn, which I believe is sudden death in TNA. These guys will meet again after some separation, but I have a strong feeling that it'll involve Angle dropping the NWA strap to Joe for Joe's first reign...which would definitely be worth the wait and the letdown of this match. It'll also be an official passing of the torch. Regardless, the match made neither man look like a jobber, which is what makes the feud beautiful in the first never know who may win on a given night. That kind of unpredictability hasn't been seen in anyplace outside of TNA/ROH since ECW back in the day.
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