Final Resolution - Too many gimmick matches?

It makes sense to me. The TNA PPV where you end your feuds once and for all. All good feuds have gimmick match endings. I don't see what the problem is, other companies put on PPV's with the same theme. Gimmick matches can be good, unfortunately since we have 6 at least 4 are bound to fall flat. Just the nature of the beast.
It is definitely overkill. Having a gimmick match enables that to be the focal point of the show, and something different and special. It can give a match a "big match" feel.

Having 6 on the same show lessens the impact of these matches and makes you crave an actual wrestling match, and you just become bored and immune to these gimmick matches. It has got out of control in TNA, and they need to reign in Russo before he makes the company into the same farce as he helped to make WCW.
There are a lot of gimmick matches but I think they all fit their particular feud and are logical with the continuation of the feuds.

The special referee match with Hardy and Morgan and Anderson as referee sounds pretty interesting. Is Anderson going to screw over the man who gave him a concussion? Is he going to call it down the middle? or will he let his ego get in the way and not allow a man who took his spot while he was injured get ahead of him? Big hype for this match. Morgan and Hardy had a decent match last time and adding Anderson gives it that whats going to happen? aspect.

The Joe vs Jarrett submission match makes sense because Jarrett is doing his MMA thing and has choke out Joe with his own move several times now. It wouldn't make sense to do any other match.

Pope vs Abyss in a casket only makes sense because they've been bringing that thing out for weeks now trying to throw each other into it. I question bringing in the casket in the first place but with how much focus has been on the casket, they couldn't logically use another match.

Rhyno vs RVD First Blood. They couldn't do a hardcore match or street fight because Rhino already did that with Dreamer. But they need to continue the hardcore based matches to mesh with the EV.2 thing.

The Full Metal Mayhem Match should be awesome, simply put. Who cares if WWE is doing a TLC PPV and their copying? Doesn't matter because this match will blow the roof off regardless.

Mickie and Tara have to face in a falls count anywhere match. On Impact they brawled the whole night all the way into the parking lot. Should be an exciting match.

And the Cookie being Suspended thing isn't necessary but if you watched Impact you saw she was scared of heights and this should add some entertainment to a lackluster Jay Lethal vs Robbie E match. Lethal was entertaining as Black Machismo but lost some of it when he went normal and just fuck Robbie E. This match needs something to make it more than an uninteresting singles match.

There are a lot of gimmick matches and it does feel like overkill in the end. But all the matches are necessary with their particular feuds, whether or not the feuds themselves make sense is another thing (Pope/Abyss casket).
I do not understand why people claim something is bad just because it has a gimmick. Why not just ban cookie from ringside? Well, why don't you get a job booking wrestling shows if your ideas are so obviously superior? Everyone of these gimmick matchups has been a "regular" match recently except rvd-rhyno. In fact 4 of them were regular matches on the last ppv. So of course if you are going to continue the feud you need to up the ante. The matches that haven't been contested recently are being done in regular fashion and should both be pretty good. Long story short I do not see how you can know this isn't good before seeing what happens. Card looks quite good to me. Not that into the casket match and I am sure everyone will cry a fucking river over the x-division match but beyond that what is not to like?
Looks good on paper but knowing how ridiculous TNA's booking is, I bet it will turn out to be one of the worst PPV's of the year.

A Casket Match - After the Last Rites match at Destination X 07, TNA would be best never booking a Casket match.

A TLC/Full Metal Mayhem Match - Don't mind this as MCMG & Gen Me are Hardy Boyz reincarnations, this suits them. Will be match of the night.

A Falls Count Anywhere Match - Overrated. Tara & Mickie have fought so many times in WWE that no one in their right mind cares anymore. Knockouts Division is just about as boring as the Divas Division.

A First Blood Match - Don't mind this one also. I think it will be decent.

A Submission Match - Terrible, just terrible what they are doing with Jarrett. But then again seeing Jarrett do MMA is comic but comic won't save Jarrett from making this a disaster. This suits a match like Angle vs. Joe as one guy pointed out.

A Special Referee Match - The ref is the only thing interesting here which says all about this match but Anderson as a ref is a mistake. This is an opportunity for Anderson to get his revenge on Hardy but no, what TNA will do is have Anderson give the win to Hardy. This is TNA's opportunity to make Anderson look like a bitch.

A Cookie Suspended Above the Ring Match - Piss break.
Oh dear this smells like an old WCW PPV from '00-'01 - cluster fuck booking. Vince Russo-esque.

'Lets ram as many people down the ramp as possible and have the most ridiculously gimmicky matches ever'

The end is near for TNA............................

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