(Official) Family Guy Thread

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Here is my English speech on reviewing a television show a year ago:

If you hate those boring soaps like Neighbours or any other pathetic excuse for a TV show, my solution is to tune into Family Guy, which is shown once a week on Fox in America and channel 7 over here, But be warned, this show will have you laughing your ass off from the hilarious beginning to the end. The show manages to combine a thorough storyline with brilliant pop-culture references and jokes in the small town of Quahog Rhode Island in America. It is now one of my favourite shows because it isn’t afraid to be lewd, crude and just a little bit rude.

The voices are done by the creator/ writer Seth MacFarlane, who does the voices of Peter- the fat dad, Brian – yes the dog talks, and even the evil, English sounding talking baby Stewie. Mila Kunis from that ‘70’s show does the voice of the teenage outcast Meg, the wacky Seth Green does the son Chris and writer Alex Borstein does the voice of the housewife Lois.

For all those hardcore Simpsons fans thinking that Family Guy is just a rip-off of the Simpsons, once you see the show you will be hooked on the Family Guy train for life. The Simpsons, while it is the best animation ever invented, has been overtaken now by Family Guy because of the drop in entertainment in the Simpsons. That is a very high compliment. Family Guy is wall-to-wall hilarity and entertainment with humour only the best writers could think of. It puts the fun in dysfunction and turns the perfect nuclear family into a sick, twisted family of unique characters. If you want an example of how wacky this show is, they have a maniacal talking baby bent on world domination, a talking alcoholic dog and even an upside down faced kid which all add up to an entertaining half hour. One of the best things about Family Guy is the hilarious parodies of just about everything there is in this world. If it’s out there, you can be sure Family Guy will downright humiliate it. These are usually done in clever flashbacks that are mostly done through the moronic brain of Peter Griffin. One such example is here where Peter is reminiscing about his outrageous past jobs.

This is in an episode called Jungle Love. (Show clip). Whilst many, like myself find these funny, one problem is that you are sometimes drowning in them. Throughout Family Guy’s 5 seasons, the flashbacks have increased. While this is the original and fresh part of Family Guy, the writing staff, as talented as they are, has let themselves down here. Anyone who my not like the crude humour of Family Guy, who I’m sure you have a few words for, hasn’t got much to worry about as the morons at Fox 8 and 7 have censored most of a lot of the jokes which I think, if you get them, are hilarious – no matter how controversial.

Family Guy addresses many topics that are dealt with tentatively in today’s society, with confidence in their writing which is another thing that makes Family Guy more daring than any other T.V show in television history. Topics like AIDS, war, terrorism, sex, child abuse, drugs, alcohol, diseases and religion are used frequently in Family Guy. Despite criticisms from loser Family Groups like the Parents Television Council, it never steps over the line. Some of these criticisms are valid, because the show isn’t designed for very young children but is still shown early on Fox 8 and occasionally in the afternoon. Every teen reading this shouldn’t be driven away from Family Guy, although a few of you are probably drooling at the concept of all the rude jokes, as many of you will find the show gives a happy glow on all the bad things in life and addresses many important topics and makes them unbelievably hilarious.

Although these topics are used, the rest of the show is filled in with so many random jokes that relevance is occasionally thrown out the door and shipped to Albania. If you are the ‘sick’ type, you will love Family Guy for all the sex and violence shown in it. But anyone else who just loves to laugh will adore Family Guy as well. All of the sex and violence is clearly shown by the Griffin family and their neighbours in their neighbourhood of Spooner Street.

Family Guy uses good, uncomplicated but clear animation with a few special effects that are used very well. Any of you cartoon junkies may think Family Guy is terrible because it doesn’t have Simpsons like animation but the dialogue is so brilliant it makes up for any technical flaw there is. The bright, quirky nature of Family Guy is reflected in the light-hearted music used. Although there is very little background music so that it emphasises the importance on the dialogue and character relations, another original Family Guy creation is the number of musical moments in the show as well. Nearly every character has had their singing moments in the show and at times they have been quite funny. The little music applies with lighting as well as much of Family Guy is shot in the day and with bright lighting to give a pleasant feeling to you viewers.

The drawings are good in that the mouths move in sync with the talking to add to their animations credibility. The scenes are shot at a medium pace so that you are relaxed and don’t feel rushed, but fast enough to keep you interested the whole episode. They are generally taken to include the whole group while in conversation with each other. Some scenes are taken to show the reactions of some people when another person says something, usually Peter saying something stupid. The long scenes are pieced and structured brilliantly too so that they are never boring, misleading or confusing and keep you up to date on everyone’s story.

The many characters provide many laughs through their sometimes violent conflict. The Dad, Peter, would get Ned Flanders angry through his stupidity and manages to piss off the whole of Quahog. His strangely adoring wife Lois will always stick by his enormous side, though their marriage is always put to the test in each episode. Their equally enormous son Chris would who makes any 4-year-old look as mature as James Bond, and manages to out-idiot Peter on occasions. The most embarrassed and unfunny of the whole family is the social outcast, 16-year old Meg, who is always picked on at school and home, and was even unsuccessfully left for dead by her family on several occasions. The last crazy child is Stewie, who is the most popular of all on the show. He is a 1-year-old baby entirely bent on conquering the world and destroying his mummy. The most sane is also the most unbelievable, the talking, sarcastic and brainy dog Brian. His ability to control the Family is overshadowed by his ability to down a drink or 2. All these characters make the Simpsons look like the Brady Bunch and will please each of you with their insane antics. Despite their vast differences, Family Guy adds soap opera like drama to their characters, who will always need each other to get through their bizarre life, despite being in several all-in brawls with each other. The 2 who clearly don’t get along at times is are the super-intelligent Stewie and Brian, but in several episodes they do get along and help each other in the hardest of times. Family Guy uses these 2 together a lot because Brian appears to be the only one who knows about Stewie’s plans for world domination and always finds a way to ruin Stewie’s favourite catch phrase “Victory Shall Be Mine!”. At the start of each show, there is an event that will see the whole family taken down different paths. Usually Stewie and Brian go together, as do Meg and Chris, and Lois and Peter. Occasionally one character is left to hysterically mingle in with the others plots.

Family Guy serves 2 main purposes. They are to be downright hilarious and entertaining and to be weird at the same time. They achieve this from the many jokes and conflicts during the show. The show is aimed at both animation and comedy fans alike and does it successfully as the millions of fans they’ve gathered since 1999 continues to grow. Peter Griffin uses his stupidity much like Homer Simpson did to make us laugh. South Park has shot a lot of criticisms at the great show & especially at the flashbacks they have. These are untrue because they can be what make the show original. That is why you have to watch the show – there are so many different forms of humour. You will immediately give up any boring show for Family Guy.

In a few words, Family Guy is the show your parents would hate. It is perfect for teenagers but a little too rude for younger people. While the drawings may come second to the Simpsons, the jokes blow them out of the water. This is the new generation of animation and even comedy. It has a movie and the writers have even made a new animation that is as hilarious as this one called American Dad. Look past the occasional bad episode to the ones of pure brilliance. One of the great things about Family Guy is that it is never short on sick humour that attracts people like you to watch it. My verdict: 9/10 for being funnier than the Simpsons at times and more abstract and random than Cheech and Chong. Anyone who loves to laugh will love Family Guy and as Peter would say, “That is Freaken Sweet!”
Dude Family guy is the fuckin Nuts. i have all the DVD's and am downloading season 6 as we speak.

favorite 'Guy moment?

hmm hard one i'll get back to you on that lol
My favorite Family Guy moment... damn... I would have to just go right out and say the time when Mayor West unveiled the brand new statue for Quahog and it was the f*ing Dig Em's frog with a giant spoon... omg. Actually anything with Mayor Adam West is hilarious...

"Oh its a shouting match you want is it Quahog? AHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHIIII'm beating you!"
You don't think the Family Guy creators have an unhealthy relationship with Star Wars do ya? Almost every episode has at least one Star Wars reference in it. It's slowly becoming Seinfeld-Superman.
That's ok though, I find some of the funniest Family Guy clips are Star Wars related.

Like that one about how you can never find your droids? hahahahaha!
I don't know about others but I am finding season 6 to just be too abstract and some episodes make you laugh once or twice throughout the whole thing. For me, season 3 and 4 were the best so far because they had moments that just made you laugh your ass off but Season 5 and 6 is becoming like the Simpsons is now. They keep bringing back new characters and are coming up with all these outrageous stories that it's just becoming a little boring. And also, the 'adults-only' feel of the show is being limited and that means more moronic kids watching it that have no idea what most of the jokes are about (I struggle with the old TV show jokes they have though) and love it because it's a cartoon, which is exactly what the Simpsons have become. Stewie isn't as funny anymore because he just seems not as insane as he used to be. Where's the World Domination anymore damnit?! I'm glad I have the DVD's of all the seasons so I can go back and watch 'classic' Family Guy, but the show still rules, just not as much as it used to.
I kinda agree with you... there are times this season where I'm just laughing my ass off beginning to end... others where I get a big laugh every 10 minutes... others where I get a couple of chuckles only.

I think the writers are losing their touch just a little bit, but I don't really blame them. There's only so much you can write that's really funny until you run out of things to poke fun at and be funny at it.

Not only that but Fox ain't showing enough new consecutive episodes. I find myself laughing more when I get into a Family Guy watching groove. It isn't really getting the ratings but that isn't Family Guy's fault. Only so many people tuning in when you're up against the stiffest competition.
For all Family Guy fans, have you guys noticed a change in Chris? He talks in like a deeper, smarter voice and his sentances are longer. I dont like it.

Anywho, what do you guys think?
You don't think the Family Guy creators have an unhealthy relationship with Star Wars do ya? Almost every episode has at least one Star Wars reference in it.


The jam-packed room was treated to several clips of what's sure to become a classic episode. Entitled, "Blue Harvest," the season premiere will be an hour-long Airplane style spoof of the first Star Wars film, all with the permission of Lucasfilm. In the hilarious clips, we saw that Peter plays Han, Lois is Leia, Stewie is Darth Vader, Chris is Luke, Brian is Chewbacca and Quagmire and Cleveland are C3-PO and R2-D2 respectively. The scenes shown had the crowd roaring with laughter.

heres a bootleg clip of the episode

here's a random good clip:
Family Guy has gone downhill ever since the 1st season and a half. About the time that Meg was voiced by that girl from That 70s Show, the writing has a distinctly different feel, and the shows don't provide the same message.

The whole original idea of Family Guy was subtle pokes at society and pop culture, with Peter messing things up, and then learning an important life lesson. The humor was deep and subtle and not the slapstick comedy that it's turned into, with outlandish jokes, violent humor, and easy to create comedy (think 2006 Degeneration X).

The show went from being an extremely intelligent show with high class humor to the garbage it is turning into. The second and third seasons are ok...fourth and fifth get progressively worse, and I haven't seen any of the latest so I can't speak on that.

The first season was all about drawing you in, making you predict the punchline, and then totally turning things around on you. For example, in the very first episode...

After being arrested and thrown into jail...

Brian: "How was your shower"
Peter: "It was awful. All those rumors about dropping the soap are true."
Brian: "Really?"

Pater: "Yeah, you can't hold on to that thing for nothing!"
Other prisoners: "Hey, there's the guy who couldn't hold onto the soap!" "Yeah, that was classic man!"

Instead of making the common, dropping soap in jail=rape joke that most other shows would make, it takes you in a totally different direction.

And they don't have subtle humor like this anymore...

When Chris wants to quit the Boy Scouts in Season 1, episode 6 "The Son Also Draws"...

Chris: "Dad, what would you say if I told you I wanted to quit the Scouts?"
Peter: "I'd say come again? And then I'd laugh because I said "come" (cum). But thank God that's not the case!"

I miss that deep subtle humor that the show used to provide. I watch the first three seasons so much more than I do the last two that have been released on DVD.

Family Guy was a phenomenal show in the beginning, but in its quest to stay alive and gain more fans, it lost what originally made it great.
To be honest, I just laugh because there's a flashback about every ten seconds and it's just random shit. For example,

Lois: "You're not going to try and get help from Tony Robins again, are you?"

Peter: "No no, Lois, I learned my lesson there"


Peter: "Will you sign my book, Mr. Robins?"

Robins: "Tony Robins hungry!"

*Robins eats Peter whole*

I'm sorry, but what the hell!? It's like that all the time now, and South Park was bang on when they did that "parody" of it. Still, yea, it's funny as hell, just very light on story.
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