[Official] Cigar Lounge Newsletter


You don't want it with me.
Welcome to the Offiicial Cigar Lounge Newsletter thread. In here, I will let you know about the goings on in the most elite Non-Wrestling Section. That's right, the area for the best of the best, the beasts of the east (Xfear and the state of New Jersey) vs. The Mouth of fromthesouth, and I ain't talking no Jimmy Hart.

When coming to the Lounge, it is best to put whatever Tobacco product you have, add enjoy a complimentary Cohiba. That's right, through loop holes in the United States embargo on Cuba (that were discussed, here, in the Cigar Lounge), we were able to secure a humidor full of the finest Cuban handrolls.

When entering, be sure you check out the new Book Club. Forget Oprah, this is where we talk about stories with meaning, history, and Robert Langdon.


Everyone's favorite near rookie is Tenta. He has spread his greatness amongst the forums, and even in our little home. His "Why do we need this..." series is gaining traction.

Join us for discussion on this weeks topic, TMZ.


Are you a conspiracy buff? Well, you'll find friends here in the Lounge. Talk about the moon landing,


or, some conspiracies in general.


Politics more your game? There are some great policy debates going on.

First, let's explore Britain's legal system.


Next, let's extend the debate on public knowledge and criminals


Finally, the National Healthcare debate is up and running. Listen to Canadians and Brittons argue with Americans about government efficiency and population control. (It's really a lot of neat-o fun.)


In the Lounge, you can rub shoulders with some of WZ's legends. Here is a thread started by all time rep leader, Klunderbunker....


Here's one from Becca...


And, right as you enter, you'll notice some nice motivation messages from the friendly admin, IC25. IC just wants everyone to go in the section, have some confidence, and take on some great posters.

This weeks featured posters are Xfearbefore and Razorback.

Here are some of the threads they are active in.

Thanks guys. Come on into the section, please feel free to PM me thread ideas, or let me know if you need some help getting started. There are some brilliant debaters and great writers on this forum. Come see just how good you are in The Cigar Lounge at the Wrestlezone Forums, presented by fromthesouth.

Until next time, remember fortune cookie wisdom isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Holy Sit, this is fucking Awseome, FTS! I love you, man, and this is actually some pretty damn good advertisement.
Hello everyone, it's time for an update on the happenings in the Cigar Lounge.

Tastycles has made his triumphant return. The National Healthcare debate continues. If you live in a country with socialized medicine, come provide some insight. If you are an American, come read over some of the concerns and points of emphasis before the switch.

NSL, our resident single daddy, brings you the pitfalls of family court. In addition, he provides a touching personal story. Come learn about custody's wins and losses.


Remember, you can contact me in this thread or a PM to let me know of any questions, concerns, comments, thread ideas, or just a good word.
Don't listen to that man. He's been exiled before for his radical pinko views.
I'm softening on my views on pinkos. I don't think they should be exiled, just made to sit and read the Patriot Act while Whitney Houston's rendition of the Star Spangled Banner plays in the background.

You should be doing this while sitting aboard a tank.
Don't listen to that man. He's been exiled before for his radical pinko views.

*Get that shit outta here man!*

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