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Official Bragging Rights Aftermath/Review Thread (Keep it all in here)

wow just because someone is a cena hater and didn't like Cena stealing the show doesn't mean you have to be rude

dude how could you not see the flaws in that!
Cena is fine and everything he did was fine towards his storyline.
But for someone who stole the show he got he deserved for stealing it from the champ as he got himself an Rko.
and as the man your argueing with said, Bryan and ziggler had the best match of the night so they really stole the show.
and besides you can't steal the show when the spotlight of the show is shining on you.
there was no spotlight on bryan and look what happened he stole the show.
kane as champion is boring, the match has been done god knows how many times, kane ( even though is a veteran in the b usiness) is a boring champ. his matches consist of him dominating or being dominated. his title defending has been with the the undertaker for the past couple of months. kane is BORING

i get what your saying as far as him defending against taker non stop being boring. but now thats done. now he can face some one else and have room for improvement. Kane is not boring, kane fueding with taker is boring.
well, ive kinda been putting my opinion on kane by his matches, and who else kane gonna fued with, how would they set a new fued up

Well he could fued with Edge. there has to be a new number one contender. it will probably be either edge or rey since they were the last two in the tag match. edge could come out saying how this whole thing with kane and his brother is stupid and continue his war on stupidity. its hard to say now but i'm sure by friday the next storyline will start to unfold. and besides he prob won't be champ for too much longer. he will prob lose at one of the next 2 ppvs, but edge is the only logical choice who can actually take the title from him. i am being biase cause i'm enjoyinh every last ounce of this title reign as a kane mark, but i understand where your coming from
The buried alive match was horrible and the ending made NO SENSE! NEXUS?!! WHY? They should've had Barret order Cena to come out and attack Undertaker! Cena could've came out of nowhere, given an AA to Taker into the grave and then walk away. This would've set up Cena vs Taker for Mania and everyone is happy. The only logical thing I can think of is if Kane is starting his own Ministry of Darkness with Nexus being the members...The finish to the WWE Title match was absolutely stupid. Ok ya Cena attacks Barret which means he wins but isn't champ yet Cena doesn't get fired. If I was Barret I would fire Cena just for that...Then at the end of the match there's an akward minute or so and then Cena gets rko'd like a bitch? WTF?! If I was creative I would've had Cena completely destroy Orton when the ref was down thus turning him heel then cena throws the ref in the ring for the 123 and Cena raises Barrets hand. Then Barret hands Cena the title revealing Cena to be the leader of Nexus the whole time! The rest of Nexus come out and celebrate with the WWE Title and Tag titles. DONE! OH AND WTF IS WITH EDGE?! IS HE A FACE OR IS HE A HEEL?! Let's make up our mind here Vince...
Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler was obviously the best match of the night, and for me one of the best WWE matches i've seen in a while (since the last time I watched a PPV before HIAC was WM24, and I began watching WWE again around April or May, in time for Nexus). I really hope that these are the two guys that will have the match to unify the midcard titles, assuming WWE decides to continue their plan to unify the belts. That match gets an A.

I liked the surprise of having Otunga and Cena fight for and win the tag titles, but I would rather have Otunga and another actual Nexus member win the belt, like Slater or Gabriel. I think it would be really cool to have Nexus hold every title, but I want Daniel Bryan to keep the US Title. I also would've liked Otunga to actually do something in the match. D+

GOLDUST ON A PPV!!!!! I was happy to see that Goldust is being put in the spotlight and I expected him to lose to DiBiase, but it won't put over ted because he has a complete lack of charisma and there is pretty much a total lack of interest in him and his feuds. Thank God Goldust at least made it interesting, so I'm looking forward to the future of this feud.

Layla vs Natalya was another crappy divas match and McCool should've wrestled. I think Layla sucked in the ring and Natalya was fine, except for a botched reversal where she had to flip, which isn't major. D-

I thought "hey a buried alive match there hasn't been one in 7 years this could be good." It wasn't. The whole match was Kane running away from Taker who beat him up, until Nexus interfered (wtf?). I hoped that the special effects after the match would've been more interesting and impressive, but that didn't turn out that way. For what was expected of the match, this gets a D+.

The 7-on-7 match was the only other good match of the night besides the 1st match. It was entertaining throughout, but I feel like Big Zeke should've had an elimination at the end before losing so he'd have a little more credibility since he just returned from injury. I also would've liked to see a bit more of Alberto Del Rio, but whatever. This match gets a B-.

This match wasn't quite as boring as Taker vs Kane, but it didn't exactly steal the show. The Orton vs Barrett match felt like a Monday Night Raw quality match, not a PPV quality match. As mentioned, NOTHING HAPPENED. I kind of figured that WWE would go this route with the ending of the match, and it pissed me off. I feel like the ending was lazy and predictable booking, so Survivor Series better be good. The advertisement with Wade Barrett about Survivor Series gives me hope that we might finally realize this "bigger picture" of the Nexus. I give the match a C-.

My overall rating for the show is a C-. It was a below average PPV that was saved from an even lower rating by the 7v7 and daniel bryan vs dolph ziggler. At least it sets up Survivor Series.
I know you said it was just your opinion, but I just want to make sure you realize what actually happened, as your opinion is wrong. Who said Nexux was trying to disqualify Barrett? They weren't trying to - they were GOING TO. If the referee woke up and saw them attacking Orton, Barrett would've lost and Cena would've been fired. And if Cena didn't attack Barrett when he did, Orton would've gave him the RKO and beat him...and Cena would've been fired. This was not only the best possible outcome, it was the only logical outcome IMO.

For what the PPV gave you, it was good - quality matches and, perhaps more importantly, they advanced some storylines along niceiy...but there wasn't that much there. It kind of felt like one of the old brand exclusive PPVs from a few years ago, with a really weak undercard and a couple solid main events. I guess that's understandable, with 14 big names (not all big names, but you get my point) in one match. Which, as an aside, I really don't understand the purpose of. Ok, they get a trophy, but last year nothing happened with it - are they going to do something in the aftermath of this match this year? If not, it's time to scrap this PPV. The PPVs are too bunched together this time of year...Hell in a Cell is only two (TWO!!!) weeks after Night of Champions and Bragging Rights is only three after Hell In a Cell. Three PPVs in five weeks is crazy. Get rid of Bragging Rights, move HIAC back two weeks, and your events are nicely spaced out.

But back to this show, this show was about Nexus continuing to take over and the advancing of that storyline. My guess is Nexus attacking Undertaker will end up being the catalyst for Undertaker vs. Cena at next year's Wrestlemania. Taker will start attacking Nexus, Barrett will order Cena to defend them, and there's your fued between those two. Maybe Cena's career will be on the line...Barrett orders him to win, so if he loses he's fired, and if he wins he gains freedom from Nexus.

I've seen better shows, I've seen worse shows. I'd give it a 6.5/10.

I agree, the outcome was logical. But boring. It could have been a whole lot more interesting. There is no more tension. Wade Barrett and Cena have been through this, nothing will interesting will come out of this. Orton RKOing everybody is a bit old. And for the Nexus attacking, I'm sure they weren't that stupid into thinking of staying in the ring, as they should've guessed the refereer would be awake soon. Thats what I was saying. Otherwise, this whole segment made the feud step down. They're basically just going to do the same thing as every other week. Cena will act sad, and maybe punished by being put in a match, and beating the opponent. The feud could've have became much more interesting, unpredictable, intense, and competetive. Except, it's pace is the same as where it was the night after hell in a cell.
From this PPV we got:
Nexus winning the tag titles meaning they'll now be able to appear on both shows...Or at least Otunga & Cena. and with the way Otunga has been acting recently, this opens the doors to a MILLION storylines.

Also with Nexus we have them going after Undertaker. Hm, winning the unified tag titles AND attacking Undertaker on one show? Whatever could that mean??? Seems like a new storyline while building on one within the show.

ALSO with Nexus we have Cena doing what everyone expected when Barrett just came out and bluntly said "I win or you're fired." with Cena helping Barret win via the FU. We'll see what Barrett does to Cena now, especially considering that roughly 2 hours before that he had him in a title bout.

That's 3 things within the biggest storyline in the company so far.

You can also point to Orton RKOing Cena as a potential storyline starter. The continuation of Mysterio/Del Rio. Edge getting one up on the Raw GM.

It's not like this show had nothing going for it. It built on storyline and presented new ones. Most importantly, it added a lot of storylines within the Nexus, currently that will take at least a handful of episodes to answer and with the Wade Barrett promo for Survivor Series........You know they're planning something involving the Nexus in one of the latter stages of that show.
To the people who think Bragging Rights was a good PPV because "it set up Survivor Series" and "advanced storylines" need to re-examine why you spend $55 for a PPV. I watch Raw and Smackdown to set up the PPV, then I watch the PPV for some kind of resolution. But what do I get? A mix of what happened at HIAC with what will happen at Survivor Series.

As a whole, as you probably can tell, I thought Bragging Rights was stupid. For people complaining that Nexus "was in half the show!!!" Look at all the posters. Their symbol replaces the "N" in the word bragging. Of course they will have a big part. They will probably be a big part of the next one too, if you've seen that poster or seen the promo cut by Wade Barrett for it.

First, for Bragging Rights, the positives. Daniel Bryan proves again, he is one of the premiere wrestlers today. It was obvious that he and Ziggler needed new competition. Hopefully this leads to a unification feud with them that lasts a few months.

Tag team belts change hands. Everyone was complaining that Rhodes and McIntyre made no sense as champs. Nexus needs some gold to be relevant. WWE, there are two birds. Here is one stone. You know what to do.

Taker/Kane. It has been rumored that Taker was going to take time off. Obviously he was going to lose. Do I like how it ended? Not really. Does it accomplish what it needed to? Yes. See you at the rumble Taker. Rest In Peace.

Now the negatives. Laycool. Congratulations. You have both defeated Natalya for the belt at a PPV. when will you guys split up, and fight for the belt and leave only one dominant diva left in a dying division? Let me correct that. A dead division.

The 7 on 7 match. This match itself was not that bad. But there was no real build up. Nobody had a real feud with anybody from the opposite side. Edge was fighting with Swagger...Wait, same team. Mysterio and Del Rio...same team again. Miz and Morrison...same team again. Even with a trade a week ago, no hard feelings of one last beatdown to Punk or Edge. No backstabbing or turning on one side or the other. And what does this match prove. SD can beat Raw without Cena. Good job bragging rights champions.

The main event. If you don't want Barrett to have the gold, don't put him in the title match. If you don't want Cena to be a heel, don't put him in Nexus. If you want me to pay for a PPV, don't give me a DQ/shady finish every main event. Sheamus-Orton. Cena-Barrett. Orton-Barrett. Next month HHH will come out and Dq that one. I can't wait.

Overall, I give the PPV 3/10. Promising start. Typical finish.
Its called an opinion my man or haven't you heard of that? Reason I give it an 8 is because of the Twists in the Storylines for one. Such as Why did Nexus help Kane against Undertaker,John Cena & David Otunga winning the Tag Titles,What is Wade Barrett going to do with Cena after costing him the WWE Title. Im not saying it was the PPV of the Year but it left me with alot of questions and I liked it. Hope that helps you out.

McIntyre and Rhodes got beat up by Cena, so their golden boy Cena can have a title. What was the point? McIntyre and Rhodes won the belts the last PPV. They are better as singles personalities to begin with, so why they were ever Tag Champs is odd?

You are an obvious WWE MARK! Nice way to bash TNA. Get out of your parents basement and create a better wrestling program, then you can bash TNA. Why don't you die already!
I know this wasn't a great ppv by any means and what I'm about to say does not reconcile this fact, however, what did you really expect?

-Cena is not going to get fired. But he is also not going to attack Randy Orton. It's fine to hope for a heel turn but hope for a heel turn that makes sense. That really wouldn't have.

-A lot of people have been wanting Nexus to get the tag-titles. Now they do, and there's a big problem about it? McIntyre and Rhodes should be in singles anyway. Nexus gains it's first title(s). Win-Win. Quit crying just because it was Cena.

-Kane beat Taker. NOTHING. WRONG. HERE. The fact that Nexus came out just leaves room for some interesting story-line here.

-Team Smackdown! beat Team RAW. Again, no surprise. I don't care what you think of the Miz he's boring in the ring, overrated (good, but not godly) on the mic, his name sucks, his hair looks ******ed, and his physique/size/looks are that of a stubby college frat-boy that looks like he can't even grow a beard yet. He's unfortunately going to get a push but oh well, nothing I can do. But that push wasn't happening here. If you've been paying attention, Vince wants SD! to be the #1 show... so why have them lose at bragging rights....

Seriously I don't know what you people expected. What maybe SHOULD have happened was the revealing of the RAW GM.... that story-line is dry as the sun.
I am glad that Dolph and Daniel Bryan got enough time to showcase their talents on the show. Dolph may be the best bumper since Mr. Perfect and Daniel is one hell of a worker as everyone knows, so there was no doubt in my mind that the two would have a great match. I did not however foresee them getting as much time as they did, I believe they had a 15-18 minute match to open the show. I am calling this the match of the night.
have to agree with original poster. first match was pretty good, bragging rights match was ok for the most part.

the rest was meh!!!!

Taker vs Kane was way too slow and Bearer's involvement was mind boggling, he really has lost his ability to act.

Cena winning tag title, all that did was bury Rhodes/McIntrye

Diva match was pointless, though Lay Cool do work well on the mic intro's

Orton vs Barrett was just a boring slug fest, no wrestling required except on Orton's behalf. and Cena jsut showing that whether he's in the match or not, he still can't act for shit

had frequent blackouts in the PPV showing in Sth Aus too, the sound was still there but the picture kept going black every 30mins or so for a few seconds.

rate it 2 stars, still better then the "opposition" but barely
Danielson vs Ziggler was good? Damn I missed something great then.
I missed the tag titles. What tag division?
Diva match was meh
Taker lost at buried alive due to outside interference? That has got to be the 3rd time!
I missed Goldie vs Rehase of an old gimmick.
Orton vs Barret the main event ending in a DQ? Makes sense but sucked
Tag match, wait whats that ppv in what 4 weeks purpose? Tag team elimination matches! Whats the point?

For Cena/Nexus I'm guessing tomorrow Cena will go, "You were bout to lose, I didn't want to get fired", Barret will get a title match. Maybe a triple threat. What ever. I wonder why Nexus helped Kane. Meh
My assumption with the Nexus/Undertaker thing is that this is actually the beginning of John Cena's heel turn, and it will be Cena vs Undertaker at WrestleMania. The full heel turn will take place at Survivor Series, Undertaker will return at the Royal Rumble and challenge Cena, or something like that. It's gonna be the screw job all over again (again, again) at Survivor Series.
I thought the PPV was pretty decent overall but the main event left a bad taste. Maybe it was because I was expecting something big to go down (Barrett winning the WWE Title thanks to Cena) but I felt it was a real letdown and pretty much the worst thing they could have booked for the angle. I get that it sets up a rematch, which should be good, but I didn't like the idea of Cena finding the loophole in Barrett's words and getting some kind of payback on him, albeit a lone Attitude Adjustment. They should have saved any kind of physicality between Cena and Wade for the eventual big payoff match, assuming that is indeed what will happen and Cena will not be turning heel. If Cena is turning heel in future, that is fine.

The other two Nexus events were interesting though. Cena and Otunga winning the tag belts is good and I look forward to seeing what that will lead to, while Nexus attacking Undertaker was a mark out moment for me. I definitely wasn't expecting it and it felt like we were witnissing something pretty big. Not sure where they are going with it but Cena vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania would be the best possible outcome for sure. They HAVE to do that match.

In terms of match quality I thought the opener was the obvious MOTN, while no other match stood out in particular. I was entertained by the Buried Alive and the 7 on 7 was alright despite some botches and boring parts (also Show and Sheamus being protected to a ridiculous extent). The main kinda sucked.
Did it seem like to anyone else that Cean suck chants were louder last nyte then they have been in the past? and the "fire cena" chants that engulfed the arena during the orton/ barret match?

I love the nexus angle as i have for months, but if ya want orton to be a credible champion, why have everything else look so much more interesting then him?
For me there were two good points in the whole PPV. The first one was the opening match, Danielson vs Ziggler is one of the candidates for match of the year. I had no idea who was going to win and it kept me on the edge of my seat, which seems to be happening a lot less lately. I actually wanted Ziggler to win because I think he needed it more, but either way was a good result. I'm glad it didn't end up in a DQ, since at one point I thought that was gonna be the result in order to not make either of the guys look weak.

The second good point was the tag match. While it was an awful match (handicap match?), I think what it leads to is more important. As the tag champions, Cena and Otunga can now appear on Smackdown, and I'm sure the rest of Nexus will find a way onto SD as well. Maybe a ruling where any two members of Nexus can defend the belts, similar to how it is with Layla and Michelle McCool at the moment. And with Nexus seeming to be aligned with Kane at the moment, this could open up a lot of new storylines for Nexus, more specifically the lower members of the group like Slater, and probably Hennig and Harris if they get officially inducted into Nexus. I'm not going as far as thinking that Kane would join Nexus, because he wouldn't exactly take orders from Barrett, but when the most dominant stable in recent history has Cena and Kane helping them out, then I would truly think they would become even more unstoppable than they are already.

I hope this is the reason why they gave Nexus the tag belts anyway, hopefully it's not some random thrown together crap like it usually is.
First of all I would just like to say that KB = Better than sex

You must be a virgin then.

I didn't see the Pay Per View, but by reading the results and reading the posts on this forum it's apparent that as I thought...I didn't miss a damn thing. I think I'll continue on this path of just reading results and hearing the forums opinions on things...It's a lot more interesting than actually watching these days.

For the hefty price tag of $50, I can understand that there are fans who are a little upset. I'm seeing a lot of comments on the commentary also, which I can imagine would've made people cringe with it's cliche corniness.

Here's to hoping that Linda loses the senate race and things get back on track for the fans so that we can actually have a consistently enjoyable wrestling product, as opposed to just watching because it is the only major wrestling promotion remaining from our youth that we can still identify with.
Why the HELL would the nexus attack taker? Why the HELL would cena disqualify barrett? The nexus are already established, just an unnecessary ending. He has a shoulder injury, ok, but although many people criticize him, you could have had sheamus come out, bro kick Taker's head "off" ( just selling) and irish curse him down the hole. Then, when taker comes back, boom, isnatnt feud with him and sheamus. for wrestlemania, originally, vince was thinking cena or sheamus, that could have set up that match. Cena and barrett, i would rather see cena fired. i like him, but this has to stop:mad::undertaker2: barrett is so talented, cena is holding the nexus back. i eanted my fav wrestler to cash in. how- samckdown wins, he's pissed, to avenge raw, he cashes in on winner of buried alivw. done. NOOO, smackdown wins, nothing new happens. come on wwe, im pulling for ya, but u need to get out of this hole. have spaced apart PPV's, so the matches mean something, please vince

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