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Official Bragging Rights Aftermath/Review Thread (Keep it all in here)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Bragging Rights 2010
Date: October 24, 2010
Location: Target Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Matt Striker

This is the second Bragging Rights show and not something that I’m particularly looking forward to. The elimination match more or less has no point at all on this show as Survivor Series is designed to be a match like that. The world title matches do little for me here but I guess they could be ok. This is just a throwaway PPV if there ever has been one but let’s get to it.

The opening video is exactly what you would expect it to be like.

Striker says seeing someone buried alive is a once in a lifetime experience. I’m pretty sure Taker has had it happen at least twice already. Three times actually.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan

Standard Vickie intro for Ziggler here. Bryan tries to take it to the mat but Ziggler is fine there also as he was a college wrestler as well. To there floor where Ziggler hides behind Vickie so Daniel just jumps over her. Well that’s one way to do it I guess. Cole is a bit less twat wafflish towards Bryan here. Reverse slam gets two for the IC Champion.

Fans are way behind Bryan here as we get a ton of fat jokes about Vickie. Almost all Ziggler here as this is a solid match although I’m not sure if it’s a PPV level match. The champion vs. champion is good but at the same time, it’s Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan. Ziggler hits a semi-FU from his knees which looked wicked.

Lots of mat work here which isn’t what I was expecting but it’s not bad at all. I love the not so subtle jabs at Lawler’s taste in younger ladies. Bryan busts out the kicks and Ziggler is in BIG trouble. We continue the wrestling tradition of not understanding the word literally. Bryan gets a top rope dropkick for a LONG two. Crowd is WAY into this.

Zig Zag is blocked and the kicks continue. Big kick gets two I think as the camera was on Vickie the whole time. Nice job there guys. We head up top for a suplex which is blocked by Bryan into a belly to back which is blocked into a cross body which is reversed into a cover for two for Bryan. Fans chant THIS IS AWESOME and they’re right.

Sleeper is reversed and a double clothesline puts both guys down. Crowd is into every cover here very loudly. Pinfall reversal sequence gets another round of applause but the Zig Zag hits. Dusty Finish occurs as Bryan gets his foot on the ropes. No music though so we keep going. I’ve always wondered what would happen if the referee legit didn’t’ see that happen.

Rope is grabbed as this is getting a lot of time. It’s 8:23 and assuming my stream is up to speed we’re about 20 minutes into this. Ziggler starts yelling at Bryan and walks into the LeBelle Lock for the tap out. VERY good opener.

Rating: A-. This was a very good opener and I liked it a lot. Definitely Bryan’s best match with the company so far and the fans were way into it. I’m considering bumping this up to an A- and I think I will. Some EXCELLENT counters in there but the ending was almost always clear to me which kind of hurts this.

Miz takes credit for teaching Bryan everything he knows and a big argument ensues over who the real captain is. We somehow shift over to a discussion of snacks and beverages which sound good at the moment. Santino says since we’re talking about orders he’ll take some Sun Chips. Damn this is making me hungry. Punk vs. Miz was the main thing here and it was an entertaining segment I thought. Miz has a plan it seems.

And here are Rhodes and McIntyre. Ok then. They cut generic promos and we get an e-mail to major heat. And here’s a bonus match!

Tag Titles: Cody Rhodes/Drew McIntyre vs. David Otunga/John Cena

WOW. Well this isn’t what I was expecting at all. Otunga and Rhodes start us off. It’s so weird to see Cena in a match 35 minutes into the show. The champions (can’t say heels I guess) control to start with very fast tags. Off to Cena who doesn’t want to tag. Cena refuses to tag out so Rhodes can drill him.

LOUD dueling Cena chants with the sucking crowd winning out over the going crowd. Not a very exciting match after the legit surprising announcement. The comeback sequence is initiated as Cena still won’t tag out. Futureshock is avoided but Drew gets a blind tag and Cross Roads are countered into the STF to give Nexus the belts. I don’t think Otunga landed a single punch.

Rating: D+. This was a glorified handicap match. I get that Cena is a far bigger star than either of the champions but to beat them both in just a matter of minutes is a bit of a stretch I think. This wasn’t much but I like them surprising us for a change on PPV. It wasn’t bad and I’m glad it wasn’t on TV, but this wasn’t much.

Cena gives Otunga an FU after the match and leaves with both belts.

We recap the Goldust vs. DiBiase feud which is an added match for the card tonight.

DiBiase is trying to talk to Josh but Maryse rants in French for a bit first. DiBiase says Goldust is weird and he doesn’t like him. That’s a good line actually.

Ted DiBiase vs. Goldust

This is kind of just thrown on the card but that’s fine once in awhile. If nothing else there has been an actual match story built up and now we’re getting a payoff for it. That at times is all you need for success. Crowd is dead but what do you expect? Nice dropkick by DiBiase as we’re talking about the wedding more than the match.

DiBiase hits the falling punch which is always something I’ve liked. Is there more momentum or something there? Cole and Lawler go at it over Lawler’s trophy wives which is rather funny. Cole: Patented Goldust! Lawler: PATENTED? That was funny. Goldie goes for a top rope axe handle and jumps into a dropkick. This has been a somewhat better than Raw match so far.

Dream Street is blocked into a sitout spinebuster, which makes Striker say that Anderson belongs in the Hall of Fame. He’s right. The girls go at it (Joey Styles reference from Striker) as both guys are down. Aksana is crying and gets checked on, allowing DiBiase to drill him with a DDT for the pin.

Rating: D+. Again not bad and the fact that it actually got a build is nice but at the end of the day it was Ted DiBiase vs. Goldust on PPV. It was ok but nothing more really. Not horrible or anything but it’s just kind of an eight minute filler. Granted though it could be better than some other things they could have gone with.

Aksana hits on DiBiase afterwards but it’s a ruse to allow Goldust to drill him and get the belt back.

Divas Title: Layla vs. Natalya

Laycool do jokes about how Minnesotans have stupid accents. Brett Favre joke inserted here which is awesome. Striker: That was Shockmaster bad. Nattie does squats while holding Layla in a vertical suplex. That was awesome. She gets knocked to the floor and may have hit her head, allowing the champion to take over Damn Layla’s ass is impressive.

Rather boring match so far but not as bad as I was expecting. It’s odd that Nattie can’t beat one of them on her own as fast as she could beat both of them on her own Friday. Layla gets a nice submission hold which is more or less a Rings of Saturn with her legs. Nice one. After a Sharpshooter attempt, there goes Layla with the belt. So much for that as Natalya (I always get an image from Goldeneye when I hear that name) throws her back in. Michelle pops Natalya as she is getting back in and Layla gets the pin.

Rating: D. Boring match here with nothing getting going at all. The ending more or less sucked. As I said I don’t get how they were going to be able to explain Natalya not being able to beat Layla who can’t do much in the ring but isn’t horrible. The lack of failure is mainly for Michelle as she looked good out there. Weak match and just like all over Diva PPV matches.

Ad for Survivor Series which is narrated by Barrett. Apparently at Survivor Series, you’re either Nexus or against us.

Buried Alive is next. Wait what??? At ten after 9? Really?

Matthews does a basic promo from inside the grave.

Same ad that we’ve seen a bunch of times for this match.

Smackdown World Title: Undertaker vs. Kane

This is the fifth ever Buried Alive match and Taker has been in them all. How many signature matches has this guy had? He’s won one of them, which was a tag match with HHH helping him and Show beat the Rock N Sock Connection I believe. Taker meets him in the aisle and it’s on fast. Big Undertaker chant to start us off.

The fans want BLOOD. Election isn’t for 9 days people. Keep chanting. They’re in the crowd now as there is no point in getting that much into this match yet, given how there’s a guarantee it’s going to get at least twelve minutes or so. All Taker so far as we haven’t been in the ring at all. And for once that’s the right thing to do.

Taker launches some chairs into the ring and Kane is more or less dead. He’s all kind of fired up here. Back into the crowd again as there has been zero attempt at going for the grave. Bearer is here too. I had forgotten about him. Kane gets some chair shots in to get us to even.

Kane gets two chokeslams and the crowd is SILENT. We finally start heading to the gravesite but Taker escapes Kane’s grip. Some boo/yay punches in the aisle. As this THRILLING stuff is going on, it occurs to me how weird it is that Taker is billed as being from California. Finally at the grave and Kane throws dirt in Taker’s eyes to block a chokeslam.

Hell’s Gate from out of nowhere makes Kane tap out next to the grave. Bearer comes up from the hill the grave is on but Kane is tossed into the grave. Taker shoves Bearer’s face into the dirt and sets for a chokeslam. CUE NEXUS! What in the flying hell??? No Cena out there mind you. Kane gets back up out of the grave as the beatdown is on.

The big fried freak hits an urn shot to take down Taker and put him in the grave. Nexus does the burying (odd thing to see Taker being buried by young guys for once no?) but Kane runs them off. A bulldozer (I’m not familiar with construction so it’s probably something else) buries Taker (again) to keep the title on Kane. Ah Lawler says bulldozer too so I’m happy.

Rating: D. Just boring as hell for the most part with a twist at the end. The explanation for this one will be interesting and while no one saw this coming, I’m definitely scratching my head over it. It’s not something I expected in the slightest but it didn’t help the match. This was Taker beating on Kane for 12 minutes, a short comeback, more Taker dominance, then Nexus. I wasn’t impressed at all.

Special effects follow with nothing special.

Orton says he’s not concerned with Cena and will drop him in the middle of the ring if he has to. That’s your main event apparently.

Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown

Raw: Miz (Captain), CM Punk, Sheamus, Santino Marella, Ezekiel Jackson, R-Truth, John Morrison
Smackdown: Big Show (Captain), Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Tyler Reks, Kofi Kingston, Alberto Del Rio, Edge

Matching shirts for everyone here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kofi in blue before. Edge’s pyro allegedly messed up but I missed it. Morrison vs. Reks to start us off and remember this is elimination. Striker to Cole: does anyone really care what you think? Striker says Smackdown is now in the dictionary. Granted so is Raw but for a different usage. Why was the show called Raw anyway?

Santino in now to use the Cobra and off goes his head. Reks hits his finisher to go up 7-6. Well that didn’t take long. Jackson in now as Lawler asks why no one tried to help Santino. That’s a very good question. Make that Show vs. Jackson as I like Smackdown’s chances more and more. Off to Rey now who kind of drops the dime for two.

Kofi comes in and gets taken down along with Rey as Sheamus is in now. Sheamus is the biggest star in this match according to the announcers. That might be true actually. Jumping spinning Boom Drop hits Sheamus and the SOS gets two. I’m just waiting on the big old Brogue Kick to take Kofi’s head off though. Ah never mind as it’s the High Cross instead and we’re tied at 6.

Rey vs. Sheamus now. KILL THE MIDGET! KILL HIM NICE AND GOOD! Punk comes in to a HUGE reaction and loud chant. Vince, pay attention to that. Snap powerslam gets two. Lots of tagging by Raw here and we get some actual analysis from Cole as he tells us why Miz is a better captain than Cole, which makes sense. Alberto comes in and has a brief staredown with Rey. And then he throws Rey into the barrier. Show is PISSED!

And Rey is apparently leaving which I don’t think will last. It’s Punk vs. Del Rio at the moment. Swagger and Morrison now as Morrison hits the Flash Kick for two. Rey is still in the match but is in the back for treatment. Sunset flip for Morrison gets two. This is an odd crowd as they go from very hot to very cold. Nice way to see how the crowd views various people.

Ankle lock is reversed and Morrison hits Starship Pain to officially go up 6-5. Reks vs. Morrison now. Striker and Lawler go at it again, this time over Lawler booking his own territory. Reks beats up Sheamus for a bit but the Brogue Kick ENDS him to bring in Show. Smackdown is in big trouble here. SHEAMUS BEATS UP HORNY! FUCKING SWEET BABY! Show and Sheamus fight up the ramp and both go out via countout. Show sprints back but can’t get in.

Ok so it’s Edge, Alberto and technically Rey vs. Miz, Truth, Morrison, Jackson and Punk. Edge and Truth have a mini match as Truth shouts WHAT’S UP. Spear out of NOWHERE and Truth is out to make it 4-3. Starship Pain misses and SPEAR ends Morrison. Tied up. GTS almost immediately is blocked and an Edge-O-Matic puts Punk down. Big spear chant.

It misses though and here’s Del Rio. Punk’s arm is bandaged heavily so look for the armbreaker. Blocked though as Punk gets a freaking backslide to put him out. Edge and technically Rey vs. Punk, Miz and Jackson. Striker offers to lace his boots up but Cole reminds him Smackdown wants to win in a funny bit. Here’s Rey again as he drills Alberto on the way back to the ring.

Miz comes in and beats on Edge as we wait for the Rey hot tag. Edge vs. Miz now as Edge is in trouble. No mention of Edge and Rey being former tag champions so far. Reality Check to Edge gets two. Rey has tape up past his elbows and white tights. He looks like a mummy almost. Rey gets the tag and a seated senton to Punk. His arm is hurt badly though.

GTS is countered to set up a pinfall reversal sequence for a lot of two counts. Punk is set up in the 619 position. Connection and the springboard splash gets us down to 2-2. Jackson in now and this right here is domination. Striker is playing the home team commentator very well here. Edge is down from the corner as we get a bearhug. Ok scratch that as it’s over in seconds.

There’s Edge’s hand as Jackson is in position but does the smart thing and just stands up. DDT counter by the masked man and there’s no Edge to tag. Please, not a twist by the GM. 619 hits and the splash is semi-botched but it gets Jackson anyway to get us down to 2-1. Edge is STILL on the ground. Something is up. Riley stops the third 619 and blocks the fourth and the splash eats knees for two.

Crowd is into this now and that makes sense I guess. Why get into the parts that mean nothing at all? Skull Crushing Finale is blocked and there’s the hot tag to Edge and the spear gives Smackdown back to back wins! I KEEP THE WZPC TITLE! Striker keeps saying IN YOUR FACE to Lawler. That’s awesome. Cole claims to be Team Smackdown now. Well he’s smart if nothing else. Did I really just say that???

Rating: B-. It was definitely entertaining, that’s for sure. This wasn’t a classic or anything but it did fine for what it was supposed to do. At the end of the day though, what does this really prove? I get the concept of bragging rights but it’s over now and won’t be mentioned for another year. Fun match though.

Raw World Title recap. You know the drill.

Raw World Title: Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett

Cena is with Barrett here and we hear about how Orton might be the last chance to stop the infection known as Nexus. That sounds rather WCW vs. NWOish. Big match intros. Randy looks back and sees…no one coming with him. Ok then. Barrett grabs the microphone and says if he doesn’t win, Cena is fired TONIGHT. Well ok then. That leaves the door open for count out and DQ though.

Barrett hits the floor early after Orton takes over. Loud FIRE CENA chant. You can’t say the crowd isn’t making their voices heard. I know because I can hear them. Barrett gets on Cena for not attacking Orton when he had a chance to. This is the living definition of killing time before the big finish. Almost all Orton so far as Cena keeps avoiding any contact with Orton.

Barrett takes over as this is just boring as hell right now. It’s not bad but we know this means nothing at all as it’s all about Cena and always will be. That’s not his fault but the booking is just kind of stupid here. Orton makes a comeback after about five minutes on the brink of eternity. I need these odd sounding phrases to get me through this.

Elevated DDT is blocked and the referee is bumped. Well you knew that was coming. Barrett yells at Cena to come help while he can. Orton shoves Wade into Cena and down he goes. Cue the other Nexus guys and Orton is in trouble. Striker: guys Wade Barrett is going to be the new WWE Champion.

Cena comes back in and takes out Nexus with Orton adding an RKO to Slater. Cena hits the floor and says he had to do it or you get disqualified. That’s very true actually and good thinking. Wasteland is blocked and here comes Orton.

Elevated DDT connects and Orton dances into the RKO mat slappage of awesomeness. Cena slides in and casually hits an FU on Barrett to give him the win by DQ. NICE. Cena helped Barrett win. He hands the belt to Orton but gets an RKO for his troubles. Yep I was right about the ending. RKO to Barrett and copious posing ends the show.

Rating: D. Boring as hell here but I think the ending works very well. The problem is that it took nearly 20 minutes to get us there. That’s the problem here: this was all about Cena and Barrett with Orton there as a placeholder. And again, this sends us on to the next show rather than giving us anything. As Norcal and I were saying, this doesn’t give us much at all but just sets up the next show. That’s a very bad thing and WWE really needs to get out of that habit, meaning it’ll never happen.

Overall Rating: D-. There is one issue with this show that kills it: NOTHING HAPPENED! Kane still dominates Taker, Cena is still a thorn in Nexus’ side, Orton is still champion, Taker is beaten down by Nexus but is probably gone for awhile (Kane vs. Edge maybe?), Smackdown still has bragging rights, and that’s about it.

Nothing else of note has changed here and there were all of two good matches, both of which are more or less skippable. Oh wait Cena and Otunga are tag champions, which easily could have been done on Raw. Also, is it really intelligent to not, oh I don’t know, SAY YOUR MOST POPULAR GUY WILL BE IN THE RING TONIGHT? The thing is it's not really that it was awful, but just totally not needed at all. Space out Hell in a Cell and give us a better build to Survivor Series and things would be MUCH better.
Agree with op' assessment, bragging rights was pointless. nothing new or innovative. give me something different. Taker loses a buried alive match due to outside interference......never seen that before....

Cena makes barret look dumb, and ruins the ME in the proccess......

Smackdown wins clean.....well that was good at least......

Unwilling Tag Team champs....such a rehash of like 20 other teams to hold those belts over the years and hate each other....
My day is complete as KB hits us with an early review. Thank you, KB.

I 100% agree with your final analysis. NOTHING HAPPENED. There wasn't one thing that changed from Friday Night's Smackdown! to right now. Absolutely nothing. Whoever paid $50.00 for this shit must be pissed off. Storylines basically just stalled for a chance for fans to donate $50.00 to the WWE business. I could have compiled all of these matches from the last two months and included some Raw/SD clips and it would have done the same thing as this PPV.

One major note - Danielson vs. Ziggler stole the f'n show. That was one hell of a match and I'm glad I got to witness it. Ziggler is very underrated and brings a lot to the ring. He can mat wrestle or he can get into some of the athleticism that wrestlers need. That match blew the roof off as an opener and the rest of the show didn't give us a damn thing. Shame... B+ or A- definitely goes to that match because it lived up to everything it was supposed to.

Overall show rating: D-
WWE Bragging Rights - October 24, 2010

Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler - This match was awesome and a great way to start off the ppv. Bryan & Ziggler put on a damn good back and forth match with a lot of great near falls. A lot of people had high expectations for this match and it more than delivered in my opinion. The ending with Ziggler thinking he got the win was a nice touch. Bryan gets the win via the LaBell Lock around the 17 minute mark. I’d love to see something with these two in the future and , at least to me, is another indication that the brand format needs to go. Ziggler lost but he didn’t come off looking weak. Great match up. Thumbs Up

Dashing Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre vs. John Cena & David Otunga - This was an unannounced match that was made after Rhodes & McIntyre hit the ring and cut a promo. It was a good match as far as driving the story forward with Cena being an unwilling member of The Nexus. However, I just didn’t get into this and it’s hard to argue that the tag titles mean much after this. Cena works the match single handedly and manages to get the win about the 7 minute mark. He hits Otunga with the AA and takes off with both belts. Rhodes & McIntyre have shown themselves to be a pretty good team but they were made to look like a couple of punks here to John Cena. I don’t know what this means for the tag titles altogether and some will love this just for the unexpected shock value but I hate to see titles treated as props. Thumbs Down

Goldust vs. Ted DiBiase - I thought this was a pretty good match overall. I know it’s filler, but I’ve got no problem with filler if it’s actually good. The crowd wasn’t feeling this match, no bit surprise with filler matches, but it was nice to see Goldust & DiBiase get a match on a ppv card. It wasn’t anything spectacular, but it was a solid effort with DiBiase getting the win around the 8 minute mark. Maryse was beating the shit out of Aksana and that woke the crowd up. Aksana is ultimately able to get away with the Million Dollar Championship and set DiBiase up for the Final Cut. As I said, it was filler but both guys put out a good effort. Thumbs Up

Layla vs. Natalya - I just wasn’t feeling this match. It was alright generally speaking, but it just felt like a standard Divas match you’d see on Superstars. It was still better than what we usually see from them on Raw or SmackDown! but I didn’t really care about this and neither did anyone else. Layla gets the win at the 5 minute mark with the help of Michelle McCool. Not awful, but not really good either. Thumbs Down

Kane vs. The Undertaker - Pretty standard brawl for Kane & Taker. In general it wasn’t better than there other matches have been, but it wasn’t any worse either. I enjoyed the action overall and the crowd was hot for Taker tonight. Kane ultimately winds up winning the match at the 17 minute mark after a lot of interference from The Nexus. I like that Kane won and it’ll be interesting to see if anything comes out of this with Kane & Nexus. I was personally hoping that Wade Barrett would order John Cena to go down and help Kane get the victory. This match is probably the last we’ll see of these two for a while and Kane retains. Nothing overly spectacular, but it was a pretty good brawl in my view. Thumbs Up

Team Raw vs. Team SmackDown! - I thought this was a very fun match, though I’m not all that crazy about Edge & Mysterio being the only two left. I think a few younger guys could’ve used it. Just the same, it was a very fun match. WWE has done several of these elimination tag matches since SummerSlam and they’ve been doing them well. Tyler Reks eliminates Santino Marella with the..well whatever he calls it. I’m so glad to see Santino go out early here. Kofi Kingston is the next to be eliminated at the 7 minute mark by Sheamus via the High Cross. Mysterio & Del Rio bumped heads as I figured and was hoping they would and Rey is sent to the back. I’m assuming he isn’t eliminated. John Morrison & Jack Swagger had an impressive showing against each other that ultimately winds up with Morrison delivering Starship Pain & eliminating Swagger a little past the 13 minute mark. Sheamus & Tyler Reks went at it. The unknown Reks had a pretty good showing for himself in the match but is ultimately eliminated by Sheamus at the 14.5 minute mark. The Big Show & Sheamus get into things both wound up getting counted out. I’d love to see The Big Show get pinned, I dunno why they insist on making him this unstoppable beast. Still, at least Show is out but Sheamus is out as well. Edge makes something of a stand and wounds up getting two fairly quick eliminations on R-Truth & John Morrison. Truth goes out at the 16.5 minute mark with Morrison following about 20 seconds afterward. Punk & Del Rio wind up going at it for a bit but Punk is able to eliminate Del Rio via the backslide. Mysterio comes back around this time and attacks Del Rio as he’s on his way back. Team Raw worked on Rey Mysterio for a bit and he’s eventually able to eliminate punk with a slingshot splash a little past 24 minutes. Mysterio also goes on to eliminate big Zeke before Edge ultimately eliminates The Miz at 28 minutes. SmackDown! wins Bragging Rights for the second year in a row. I still think that some of the younger wrestlers could’ve used a high profile victory here, but it was a really fun match all the same. Thumbs Up

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett - I was disappointed in this match mostly due to the ending. I noticed in a promo prior to the match Barrett said if he didn’t win the match that Cena was fired. Never said about winning the title just the match. So, I immediately knew that Cena would somehow get Orton disqualified and that’s what happened. Cena comes in and hits Barrett with the AA at the 14.5 minute mark to cause Orton to be DQ’d but keeps the title. Orton hits Cena & Barrett both with RKOs to close the show out. I have a feeling that this match was generally sacrificed for the overall big picture, whatever that’s ultimately going to turn out to be. Still, I was let down by this match and didn’t necessarily have a good feeling going into it. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - This is the worst WWE PPV of the year that I’ve seen. I didn’t really expect all that much out of this show as the whole theme about a brand rivalry didn’t particularly interest me. It’s virtually nonexistent throughout the rest of the year and I’m certainly not going to buy into it for the sake of a PPV. The Daniel Bryan/Dolph Ziggler match was great and the elimination tag match was a lot of fun. It was a bit slow in some spots and the brand rivalry stuff just isn‘t doing it for me, but it was still fun to watch. Taker vs. Kane was a good brawl and stands up with their other matches. I’m glad, however, that this appears to be their last match for a while as the feud has been losing steam over the past few weeks. Orton vs. Barrett was a big disappointment and the WWE basically painted itself into a corner in this situation. They don’t want Barrett to look weak but they don’t want to take the title off Orton, so the predictable weak finish could’ve been seen a mile off. There were a lot of wrestlers on the show tonight that I’d love to see have a program with in the future and I’m hoping that tonight could be something of a prelude to an eventual end to the brand format. It was a decent show, but it generally felt kind of pointless overall. There were a few surprises, I'm interested to see what Nexus has to say about costing The Undertaker the WHC.

Grade: C-
How is it that nothing happened seeing as how all the Storylines were moved along and Undertaker could go after Nexus whenever he comes back possibly. I thought the Orton/Barrett Match was fine and didn't mind the DQ finish which means the Feud will CONTINUE (not the first time a WWE Title Match has closed out a PPV with a Dq Finish). I enjoyed the Bragging Rights Match and liked Smackdown winning since WWE is trying to make the Show more important with RAW. Taker/Kane was fine and another nice little brawl,not sure why Nexus got involved. I was waiting for Taker's hand to pop out of the Grave again. Daniel Bryan/Dolph Ziggler was awesome,MOTN right there. I was hoping for Natalya to win the Divas Title but sadly did not. Goldust/Dibiase was decent,nice to see Goldie on PPV again. John Cena & David Otunga winning the Tag Titles was a surprise,not sure how that will play out. So Bragging Rights was solid I thought and I will give an 8/10.
I enjoyed the PPV for it's twists like you mentioned, I thought the matches sucked aside from the Ziggler-Bryan match which was a pleasure to watch, but you have to understand that WWE developing this storyline to the next show is great for suspense, to much times does the IWC want everything all just to unfold, and your post is a typical post. Also you said "nothing has changed", again, they're making progression and I am enjoying it.

Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown was alright, but honestly Zeke bores me A LOT. I thought Raw would go over but there have been talks how Vince wants to see Smackdown as the number 1 brand, but still, The Miz needed some more in ring time and also needed to eliminate someone, they still haven't made Miz a believable main eventer in my opinion. Good to see Edge being a face though, it's been awhile.

For the twists, I loved the Cena-Otunga winning the tag titles, great way to further DEVELOP Nexus (Get the drift here?), truthfully I wish Gabriel was there but I can see why they picked Otunga, he's better on the mic, and also he's had more segments with Cena than Gabriel, makes for more of a connection/story there.

Good to see Goldust on the card, I'm a fan of his and always have been. I'm glad Ted gets the win and I can see them invading the wedding with Goldust-Aksana, and good thing that WWE gave the win to Ted but Goldust still has possession of the belt, it makes sense and further DEVELOPS the storyline.

Also good to see Natalya, my favourite Diva, the match sucked but what do we all expect? They should honestly just let McCool defend the titles as she is more of a draw than Layla (but to her credit she wasn't all that bad).

The Undertaker-Kane match was also pretty boring, I am glad Kane won and further continuing his reign, maybe we won't see Undertaker until Survivour Series too. Also I see this foreshadowing a Cena-Undertaker feud by having Nexus there. Liked this twist as well, further developing the storyline between both Taker-Kane and Nexus and their involvement in taking over the WWE

Now I hate cheap finishes in world title matches on PPV but to the WWE's credit this made a lot of sense and it leaves me wondering as to what will happen tomorrow night. The match was also pretty boring but the twist was nice.

All in all I think the matches weren't that good on this card aside from Ziggler-Bryan as I mentioned before, but they don't warrant a D rating like you have listed for ALL of them. Seriously, if the fan hates the match it's always going to be a D, I honestly think giving matches a grade is stupid, you either like the match or don't, only D matches in my opinion are truly awful matches, these one's are just average, C rating matches I guess. I would do more of a thumbs up or down type of thing.

But, I do like the twists and how they are progressing each storyline more and more, people need to understand that this PPV was a throw away PPV but it generated a good build up for all the feuds involved.
Dolph Ziggler VS Daniel Bryan

This was an outstanding match. I expected this one to deliver, but I never thought it would be this damn good. Everything in this match had me on the edge of my seat. The jaw dropping counters, the constant kick outs, and Bryan’s kicks were so devastating. I also couldn’t believe how physical this was. Dolph looked like he was bleeding from somewhere here, but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from. Also, I’m glad Vickie didn’t interfere here, because that would’ve just killed everything for me. I know the show just started, but who else can top this?

Drew McIntyre & Cody Rhodes VS John Cena & David Otunga-WWE Unified Tag Team Title

Damn I wish they could’ve picked Gabriel for this one. Anyway, this match wasn‘t too good. The tension between Otunga and Cena was expected, and of course, John did the majority of the work here. He locks in the STF on Rhodes for the win, and we have new Unified Tag Team Champions. Otunga tries to hog the glory after the match. This pisses Cena off, and Otunga gets an Attitude Adjustment for his arrogance.

Goldust VS Ted DiBiase

Holy shit Goldust made it to a pay per view! I thought this match was pretty solid, and of course we saw some action from Maryse and Aksana. Maryse attacked Aksana out of no where. She threw her into the ring, and of course this distracted Goldust. DiBiase capitalized on this. He hit’s a DDT for the win. After the match, Maryse grabs the Million Dollar Championship, but she’s cut off by Aksana. Ted stalks her, but she begins to flirt with him. This allows Goldust to take out DiBiase, and the bizarre one and Aksana escape with the priceless belt.

Natalya VS Layla-Divas Championship

Yeah, this was kind of painful to watch. I knew Natalya wasn’t going to win this. Natalya pretty much dominated the entire match with a bunch of impressive strength maneuvers. Layla couldn’t take anymore at one point she tried to run away, but Natalya stopped her. McCool catches the challenger in the head with a nasty kick. Of course the ref didn’t see this, and Layla gets the three count for the win. This match didn’t disappointment me, because again, I just knew Natalya wasn‘t going to win this. Michelle got involved here a couple of times, but I expected that. I guess we’re just waiting for Beth Phoenix to return. Maybe then we’ll have a new Divas Champion.

Undertaker VS Kane- Buried Alive Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Taker dominated this match early on. Kane was able turn things around with a steel chair and a couple of choke slams. This match was VERY boring and dull. There was a lot of brawling here, and watching Kane and Taker trade punches on the entrance ramp almost put me to sleep. Paul Bearer tried to stop Taker, but The Deadman shoved his face in the pile of dirt for his troubles. Then to make things even stranger, Nexus interferes? They beat up Taker, Kane clocks him with the urn, and Taker is tossed in the grave. Nexus begins to shovel dirt on Taker, but Kane wants this glorious moment all to himself. A machine dumps a massive amount of dirt on The Deadman, and Kane picks up the win. We of course get the supernatural theatrics as Taker lays six feet deep. The ending to this match gave me a headache, and I can’t wait to hear the explanation tomorrow night on Raw.

Team Raw VS Team Smackdown

I enjoyed this match. The crowd seem to be pretty dead until the end, but I thought this match featured a lot action. The numbers game was on Raw’s side for a while, but of course Rey Mysterio had to make one of his heroic comebacks after an arm injury. I thought this was entertaining, and it was cool to see both brands battle back and forth. Rey’s botch wasn't that bad, and I don’t think it hurt this match too much. Edge hit’s the spear on Miz for the win, and Smackdown is declared the dominant brand.

Randy Orton VS Wade Barrett(with John Cena)-WWE Championship

Before the match, Barrett makes sure to tell Cena he’s going to be fired if he doesn’t win the MATCH. Of course the ref gets knocked out, and this brings out the rest of Nexus. They beat up Orton, but Cena puts a stop to this. He tells Barrett that he will be disqualified if the ref sees Nexus. Orton fights back as Barrett goes for Wasteland. Orton is in control, but Cena comes in and gives Barrett an Attitude Adjustment. Orton doesn’t like this at all, and as Cena tries to hand him the WWE championship, Orton gives him an RKO. Orton poses for a while. Barrett gets back up, and he gets an RKO. Orton does his signature pose to close the show.

This was just very boring, and a lot of focus was on John Cena. Everyone was anxious to see what he would do.

Overall show rating 4/10: Everything just went down hill after the Daniel Bryan/Dolph Ziggler match. Goldust VS DiBiase was solid, and I knew Natalya wouldn’t beat Layla, so I wasn’t too excited to see that match. Although, this pay per view did raise some interesting questions. Why did Nexus help Kane? What will happen to Cena? Could Orton’s RKO on Cena renew their feud? There’s a lot of questions that need to be answered, and I can’t wait to see the explanation on Raw tomorrow night. Still, Bryan VS Ziggler is really the only match I would want to watch again, because every other match on this card isn’t worth looking at twice.
Unfortunately due to my local cable crapping out at the very conclusion of Orton or Barrett I cannot give a full opinion of Bragging Rights.

Though unless Cena turned heel or some huge shocker happening (i.e. Triple H returning or something like that) I would say Bragging Rights is a dull PPV.

Though for the reason of having a good 7-on-7 Tag Team Match and Daniel Bryan/Ziggler being a MOTY candidate (haven't seen a match at breath taking since Taker and Michaels at WM26) I would say this PPV deserves a mild recommendation (C+) or at least a 2nd look fast forwarding most of the card.

Something about Bryan and Ziggler ignited my excitement. It's been a long time that we had a meaningful technical match up that had both the crowd and great set of characters behind them (the underdog Bryan and cocky Ziggler). It was an amazing match and I would really like to see more matches like this in the future.
was anyone else mad about the undertaker kane match. i think undertaker shouldve won, kane has been champ for too long imo,the nexus intefering was stupid, why do the halve to take up more than half of the whole show, bad match imo
How is it that nothing happened seeing as how all the Storylines were moved along and Undertaker could go after Nexus whenever he comes back possibly. I thought the Orton/Barrett Match was fine and didn't mind the DQ finish which means the Feud will CONTINUE (not the first time a WWE Title Match has closed out a PPV with a Dq Finish). I enjoyed the Bragging Rights Match and liked Smackdown winning since WWE is trying to make the Show more important with RAW. Taker/Kane was fine and another nice little brawl,not sure why Nexus got involved. I was waiting for Taker's hand to pop out of the Grave again. Daniel Bryan/Dolph Ziggler was awesome,MOTN right there. I was hoping for Natalya to win the Divas Title but sadly did not. Goldust/Dibiase was decent,nice to see Goldie on PPV again. John Cena & David Otunga winning the Tag Titles was a surprise,not sure how that will play out. So Bragging Rights was solid I thought and I will give an 8/10.

How in the freaking world could you give it an 8/10? You are saying that this PPV was matching up with some of the better PPVs of all-time and was only two points away from a perfect event? I would truly like to hear a more in-depth analysis of how that shit works?

Maybe my grading scale is a bit off, but there are only a few PPVs that have EVER occurred that deserve a 10/10. Even a 9/10 should be very hard to obtain.

The only match that was PPV quality was Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan. That was it. Their work-flow really had me into the match. There was good pace. It was back and forth. It really had that extra quality I was looking for. Everything else was average at best. I've seen that Kane/Taker fight over and over again throughout the years. It wasn't anything special. It was not deserving of a "Buried Alive" match. Orton/Barrett was nothing special either. I've seen Orton wrestle matches like that on Raw. That was the main event to take us home.

Please, I'd love to hear you defend an 8/10 grade.
I would agree that the PPV was pretty disappointing overall. I thought before the PPV that Bryan/Ziggler would be the best match of the night, & it was. Ziggler threw in some good verbal jabs, screaming that Bryan doesn't belong in the WWE. Hopefully this can be the basis for a feud that leads to a unification of the mid-card titles. To fill the void, I'd bring back the cruiserweight title, but that's a matter for another day.

The tag team title match was nothing special, but I like the direction of the storyline. It gives Cena something to fight for, a way to be invested in the Nexus. I would've picked a different partner for Cena, probably Slater b/c I think Gabriel can challenge for a mid-card title on his own.

Goldust v Dibiase: Yawn. Moving on.

Women's title: Yawn again. Moving on.

Burried Alive match: Am I the only one who hopes to never again see Kane & the Undertaker face each other? This match was really boring, & how the hell is Nexus involved? I could see explaining other people getting involved, but I don't see how they'll explain the Nexus' involvement. Unless it's something ridiculous like HHH leading Nexus & getting revenge for HBK. And what exactly was the point of the feud? Where does the Undertaker go from here? I just don't get it.

Raw v Smackdown: Entertaining, but again, what's the point? We won't hear about this for another year. But there's a bigger issue, & that's the ego of Vince McMahon. He clearly wants Smackdown to be the #1 show, but it's just not gonna happen. Raw will always be #1, no matter how many of these matches Smackdown wins.

Orton v Barrett: Very mediocre, & you could see the end coming as soon as Barrett made his announcement. Looks like another month of Nexus taunting Cena, another month of Cena's Hamlet act, & another month of predictable story telling.

Overall grade: D

And can I just say how tired I am of title matches ending in DQ/no contest. Seriously, it feels like I've wasted my $50. But they got the cash to continue Linda's ridiculous campaign, which I guess is all that matters.
was anyone else mad about the undertaker kane match. i think undertaker shouldve won, kane has been champ for too long imo,the nexus intefering was stupid, why do the halve to take up more than half of the whole show, bad match imo

No, Kane has not been champion for too long. I have actually enjoyed his title reign; he is a worthy champion. The fact that Nexus interfered makes it interesting and potentially sets up Undertaker vs. Cena @ Wrestlemania and Cena's heel turn could happen then, on the biggest stage of all.

Seriously, this wasn't too bad of a PPV...I give it a 7/10. I'm glad that Barrett showed us his main event credentials, even if he didn't win the belt.
I'll rate Dave Meltzer style.

Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler:

This was a fantastic opener. Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler are fantastic wrestlers. They both have such a unique style. They work very well together, and I'm glad Daniel Bryan came out on top. ****

John Cena/David Otunga vs Drew/Cody

I didn't like this match. Cody Rhodes isn't great. Otunga is terrible. I was actually bored. It's as if these two tried to make the fans fall asleep. Except for the fact Cena could've gotten a tag in any minute. Either way, it was a boring match. I didn't care who won.Otunga and Cena came out on top. *3/4

Goldust vs Ted Dibiase

I like Goldust. Ted Dibiase is Okay. They both had a pretty good match. Goldust saved it kind of. They seem to work well in the ring together. Goldust just had the cool old style moves that people rarely do these days. I was hoping Goldust would win, but it was an Okay match. ***

Natyla vs Layla:

It was entertaining than most diva matches. Thanks to Natyla, she stole the match,(OBVIOUSLY). I was hoping Natyla won. But Otherwise, it was short and nothing too special. **1/4

Undertaker vs Kane Buried Alive Match:

Undertaker is one of my favourates. But the match was crap. Very boring, I only saw four moves done in the match. Otherwise, all they did was run around, punched and choked each other. I like Kane and Undertaker, but they work better with other wrestlers. They are terrible together, except for when they fought in 1998. Otherwise, the storyline is stale, I'm glad it's over for now. Kane wins. *3/4

7 on 7 SD! vs Raw Match:

This was a fairly entertaining match. I loved the CM Punk chants, him being one of my favourates. I'm also glad he stuck around for such a long time. Alberto Del Rio was excellent, Edge was excellent, JoMo was excellent, Rey was excellent, and CM Punk was good. Miz, Sheamus, and Big Zeke were solid. Big Show, R-Truth, Santino, and Tyler Reks I could care less for. Otherwise, the match was fast paced, it was highflying, technical, awesome, and entertaining. SD! Edge and Rey came out on top. I was hoping Raw won. But it was fine still. ***3/4.

Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton:

I could care less about this outcome. People were chanting Fire Cena (Very Loudly). I laughed my ass off. Randy Orton was slow as usual. Wade Barrett was interesting. And the referee was knocked out. I was hoping Cena helped Barrett, but since Vince loves his moneymaker, he couldn`t do so. It ended up with Cena attacking Nexus, and giving Barrett some lame excuse, acting as if Nexus was trying to disqualify Barrett. And he attacked Barrett while the referee was concious. This was the worst possible outcome. One, I wanted to see Cena turn heel, or get fired. That didn`t and won`t happen. Two, Randy Orton is still the champion. But this is all in my opinion, so don`t criticize. I`m not stating facts, I`m only stating my opinion. Otherwise, the match was boring. Not enough suspense. **1/4

Match of the Night: Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler
Worst match of the night: Tag Team Championship Match

Overall: *3/4
How in the freaking world could you give it an 8/10? You are saying that this PPV was matching up with some of the better PPVs of all-time and was only two points away from a perfect event? I would truly like to hear a more in-depth analysis of how that shit works?

Maybe my grading scale is a bit off, but there are only a few PPVs that have EVER occurred that deserve a 10/10. Even a 9/10 should be very hard to obtain.

The only match that was PPV quality was Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan. That was it. Their work-flow really had me into the match. There was good pace. It was back and forth. It really had that extra quality I was looking for. Everything else was average at best. I've seen that Kane/Taker fight over and over again throughout the years. It wasn't anything special. It was not deserving of a "Buried Alive" match. Orton/Barrett was nothing special either. I've seen Orton wrestle matches like that on Raw. That was the main event to take us home.

Please, I'd love to hear you defend an 8/10 grade.

Its called an opinion my man or haven't you heard of that? Reason I give it an 8 is because of the Twists in the Storylines for one. Such as Why did Nexus help Kane against Undertaker,John Cena & David Otunga winning the Tag Titles,What is Wade Barrett going to do with Cena after costing him the WWE Title. Im not saying it was the PPV of the Year but it left me with alot of questions and I liked it. Hope that helps you out.
was anyone else mad about the undertaker kane match. i think undertaker shouldve won, kane has been champ for too long imo,the nexus intefering was stupid, why do the halve to take up more than half of the whole show, bad match imo

I disagree so much it's not even funny

Undertaker should have won? Why? So he can be the champion but only appear once every 3 weeks? So much for the push that Smackdown! was supposed to be getting if that happened...

Kane's reign has been too long? How long have you been watching WWE? Not every reign is a 1,2 month reign like Sheamus had. Longer reigns are good for superstars and Kane is very deserving.

How do you know Nexus interfering was stupid when you don't even know why they did it? Let the story-line play out.

Nexus is getting involved because they SAY they want to run the WWE. So getting involved in everything is something the people that run WWE do...
I'm sooo glad that I dont pay for this shit. and yes, I said shit. one great match, a couple average matches and a few plain old shitty matches.

points of interest - Cena/Otunga goes over on Rhodes/Mcintyre. WTF was this crap? battle of the pointless thrown-together tag teams? vince should just come out on RAW tomorrow and scrap the tag titles, since he hates the idea of Tag team wrestling so much.

best match of the night was the opener. Bryan vs Ziggler. as douchey as Ziggler is, and the fact he used to be in the spirit squad, he fought a good fight tonight. good for him!

smackdown vs raw was a good one too. i really liked the little tribute that Rey and edge payed the steiner bros after the win.
this ppv was bad. like what the OP said nothing really happend. the only thing that happened was nexus interfering in both world title matches. the match of the night was bryan vs ziggler. the wwe title match was too short. but I admit cena was smart. Barrett won the match but did not win the title so basically cena is not fired. All in all this ppv gets a D+ . worst PPV of the year.
First of all I would just like to say that KB = Better than sex

I was rather disapointed with this PPV as I'm sure many of you out there will be, but looking at the positives should try to cheer me up a bit.

The opening match was great, I don't remember the last time I watched an opening match on a PPV and been so drawn into it and seen how much the fans were into it.

I do like that Nexus won the tag belts but only if the Freebird rule will be used and I felt like Dashing and Drew should have had a bit more of a run with them or not been given them in the first place. Off topic but I do like Cody's new gimmick...

Aside from that the whole show was lackluster, it just lacked... luster.
How in the freaking world could you give it an 8/10? You are saying that this PPV was matching up with some of the better PPVs of all-time and was only two points away from a perfect event? I would truly like to hear a more in-depth analysis of how that shit works?

Maybe my grading scale is a bit off, but there are only a few PPVs that have EVER occurred that deserve a 10/10. Even a 9/10 should be very hard to obtain.

The only match that was PPV quality was Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan. That was it. Their work-flow really had me into the match. There was good pace. It was back and forth. It really had that extra quality I was looking for. Everything else was average at best. I've seen that Kane/Taker fight over and over again throughout the years. It wasn't anything special. It was not deserving of a "Buried Alive" match. Orton/Barrett was nothing special either. I've seen Orton wrestle matches like that on Raw. That was the main event to take us home.

Please, I'd love to hear you defend an 8/10 grade.

Well even though I didn't originally post the first bit I could honestly defend this easily. The Ziggler/Bryan match was a good solid match that was really intriguing and realy was a greta opener. The tag title mch was a shock and honestly i really enjoyed the change. Even though the tag division sucks maybe this is the start of something new. Goldust actually really had a good match Divas match was good for a divas match. And the short promo before it was actually quite entertaining. Next the buried alive match was very neat and Nexus interferering was the most out there thing I thought could happen and can come into play at a later date. Team Raw VS Smackdown was actully a really good match if you count out Santino and you realyy didn't know the outcome. The hype for it was good and enjoyable. Finally the Orton Barett match ended up being interesting and actually had a twist ending.

How many PPVs actually have a lot of curve balls today. And for the record 8/10= 80/100 just letting you know. This PPV actully did a good jo for me
Its called an opinion my man or haven't you heard of that? Reason I give it an 8 is because of the Twists in the Storylines for one. Such as Why did Nexus help Kane against Undertaker,John Cena & David Otunga winning the Tag Titles,What is Wade Barrett going to do with Cena after costing him the WWE Title. Im not saying it was the PPV of the Year but it left me with alot of questions and I liked it. Hope that helps you out.

I'd call it more of a biased opinion, you're name says it all. WWEislife2 kinda equals "id love to swings lips 1st off of Cena's nutsack.

just because you consider yourself a total WWE fanboy, doesnt mean you have to love everything they do. there is a ton of shit wrong with today's WWE. even the fans for life know this.

the tag title match was an utter joke. as so many posters have said recently, the WWE tag belts are just a prop now. they mean NOTHING. and tonights impromptu match proved that. Super Cena dismantles the tag champs all by his super-self.

besides the brand match, the only good match was Bryan vs Ziggler. everything else was pretty much craptacular
Ziggle vs Bryan Amazing,another show stealer for Daniel. i had such good feelings coming into this match and i knew DB wouldn't disappoint. credit to ziggles as well cause he is that good when needed to be. A

tag titles i mean it helps the story but i rather have seen Gabriel win some gold and it really made the titles seem worthless. C-

Goldust vs ted i enjoyed this match, one of the best filler matches. but i did not enjoy the ending but i get why goldie had to lose via a ddt. there was actually alot of goldust chants through out the match contrary to other posts. C+

Layla vs Natayla this was actually a decent match. there was a few cute lil back and forth reversals at the beginning which shows how layla and nattie can actually wrestle. i can't help but disagree with others saying that it was a typical divas match. if they had maybe jus 5 more minutes, they could of put on a great match instead of a decent one. B-

Orton vs barret was expecting more and was happy orton came out on top. he should be left out of the nexus angle while champ. B

overall B
Kane vs undertaker loved the results.the match itself was ok. i would of liked more stuff with the chairs and just a longer match period. was shocked when nexus came out to help. B

7 on 7 could have been better. could have been worse. i liked the match not the outcome. C+
It ended up with Cena attacking Nexus, and giving Barrett some lame excuse, acting as if Nexus was trying to disqualify Barrett. And he attacked Barrett while the referee was concious. This was the worst possible outcome.

I know you said it was just your opinion, but I just want to make sure you realize what actually happened, as your opinion is wrong. Who said Nexux was trying to disqualify Barrett? They weren't trying to - they were GOING TO. If the referee woke up and saw them attacking Orton, Barrett would've lost and Cena would've been fired. And if Cena didn't attack Barrett when he did, Orton would've gave him the RKO and beat him...and Cena would've been fired. This was not only the best possible outcome, it was the only logical outcome IMO.

For what the PPV gave you, it was good - quality matches and, perhaps more importantly, they advanced some storylines along niceiy...but there wasn't that much there. It kind of felt like one of the old brand exclusive PPVs from a few years ago, with a really weak undercard and a couple solid main events. I guess that's understandable, with 14 big names (not all big names, but you get my point) in one match. Which, as an aside, I really don't understand the purpose of. Ok, they get a trophy, but last year nothing happened with it - are they going to do something in the aftermath of this match this year? If not, it's time to scrap this PPV. The PPVs are too bunched together this time of year...Hell in a Cell is only two (TWO!!!) weeks after Night of Champions and Bragging Rights is only three after Hell In a Cell. Three PPVs in five weeks is crazy. Get rid of Bragging Rights, move HIAC back two weeks, and your events are nicely spaced out.

But back to this show, this show was about Nexus continuing to take over and the advancing of that storyline. My guess is Nexus attacking Undertaker will end up being the catalyst for Undertaker vs. Cena at next year's Wrestlemania. Taker will start attacking Nexus, Barrett will order Cena to defend them, and there's your fued between those two. Maybe Cena's career will be on the line...Barrett orders him to win, so if he loses he's fired, and if he wins he gains freedom from Nexus.

I've seen better shows, I've seen worse shows. I'd give it a 6.5/10.
I think tonight's PPV was a set up PPV. WWE only has 4 big ones a year and this was only in place to put some cash in their pockets and develop storylines. I have already heard people bashing the tag team title change but I'm gonna let that play out before making a judgment. I think Nexus interfering in the WHC match was great. That would perfectly set up a Cena/Taker match at Mania once they turn Cena heel.
was anyone else mad about the undertaker kane match. i think undertaker shouldve won, kane has been champ for too long imo,the nexus intefering was stupid, why do the halve to take up more than half of the whole show, bad match imo

are you kidding me? too long? the quick build ups to these ppv's must of affected your sense of time cause a couple of months is not too long. he's held it since july 18th. woww 3 months is soo long. people complain about title reigns being too short now a days. 3 months would never be considered long back when Kane first started.

and think of how his first and only other title reign was, one day. Kane is just finally getting his due like he has deserved for oh so long. don't mean to come off like i'm insulting you or anything, what you said just kind of grinded my gears.
the match itself wasn't the best, but the outcome is what it needed to be!
kane as champion is boring, the match has been done god knows how many times, kane ( even though is a veteran in the b usiness) is a boring champ. his matches consist of him dominating or being dominated. his title defending has been with the the undertaker for the past couple of months. kane is BORING

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