(Official) All Things Deadman Thread


[This Space for Rent]
It's obviously only causing him to create more, in a failed attempt to understand they'll all be closed anyways. Just keep one open for him to run around in and play in.

Also.. I hope he created an "I love you Will" thread in regard to hermie, and not me.
:lmao: SOMEONE ELSE renamed the thread, but it works. Deadman, welcome to your own personal thread.

Talk about anything and everything regarding YOU, in here. But KEEP IT IN HERE!

EDIT: I also find it ironic that we bitched about Goth having her own self-titled thread that she never came out of, yet we're begging Deadman to stay in his.
It's obviously only causing him to create more, in a failed attempt to understand they'll all be closed anyways. Just keep one open for him to run around in and play in.

Also.. I hope he created an "I love you Will" thread in regard to hermie, and not me.

Or they could just ban the lil' punk bastard, that'd stop him from making more idiotic new threads as well:thumbsup:
I had a thread called DEADMANS GANGSTER PARTY but it cant be bumped. :( This is good to. :)
:lmao: SOMEONE ELSE renamed the thread, but it works. Deadman, welcome to your own personal thread.

Talk about anything and everything regarding YOU, in here. But KEEP IT IN HERE!

EDIT: I also find it ironic that we bitched about Goth having her own self-titled thread that she never came out of, yet we're begging Deadman to stay in his.
That someone else is me, you're welcome
I just don't see the point of closing threads in the Bar Room. *_* Defeats the purpose.

Flames Out

See it as the bouncer going over in said bar and saying, son you need to calm your ass down,
If it was up to me he'd have been banned a while back, he is on strike two at the moment.
Why, Lee? What has he done wrong? There isn't a rule against being "annoying".

the rules said:
A. Acting Like an Idiot: If the Staff feel you are not contributing to the forums and are simply a nuisance poster they have every right to ban you. These are privately owned forums and it is our judgment as to who can and cannot post here, not yours. Freedom of speech does not apply here at Wrestlezone Forums.

B. You cannot start new topics until you have reached 10 Posts: This is to tackle the issue of bots and people not looking around and starting random new threads. You also will not be able to use the PM System until you have reached that post count.

C. Stirring up Drama: Don’t do it. If there is some aspect about the Wrestlezone Forums that you do not like, rationally make your case and discuss it in a mature fashion. Do not be immature and cause a massive fuss, as it will only work against you and may result in an Infraction.

D. Pissing off Staff: We won’t put up with it. If you are being persistently and intentionally being annoying to a Staff member, the Staff member has every right to ban you. Do not be afraid to discuss and debate Staff members; just do not “Troll” a Staff member.

I don't make the rules.

I don't want Deadman banned, I just want him to think before he types. 99% of peoplemanage it 99% of the time. He seems to fail at a similar ratio, if he took a moment to think "is there a point to this?" I think he's intelligent enough to realise that he doesn't have to post total dogshit all of the time to get noticed.
See it as the bouncer going over in said bar and saying, son you need to calm your ass down,

Oh goodness. Just because this is a bar room, doesn't mean we have to answer it in a manner befitting an actual bar. :lmao:

And he wouldn't make so many stupid threads, if people wouldn't constantly close the first couple he makes. The way I see it, Jonny & Jake created a ton of useless threads that never even got a single post. Yet they remained open, and some even had no point other than to say "hi".

Deadman just gets his threads shut down, because people associate him with being annoying. When infact, there isn't a single person on this forum, that hasn't at least been annoying ONCE. I'm sure everyone has been.

Deadman is just someone who barely does anything other than stays in the bar room, and he isn't a well known (liked) individual.. so he gets shit on. It's like a WZ pecking order, I guess.

Stupid.. but true.

Why, Lee? What has he done wrong? There isn't a rule against being "annoying".

Leore (Coco, Senor Melon Farmer, etc) could argue this. :lmao: He was banned for being annoying.

Technically he should've been banned for having like 3-4 alts., flaming, and everything else.. but he kept getting chance after chance.

Infact, if memory serves, he's still technically a member.. IN THE PRISON if he'd ever show up.
I be not a hermaphrodite. 100% male. 100% Canadian, gender-confused male. So it would seem.
Well if you think about it. Before Deadman started to get annyoing again. He was actually contributing. This was like a week ago, for 1 day. Until Friday I actually thought he changed.

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