Odd Man Out

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No, you didn't get it right yet. They've all won the title. There's something that three of them have in common with the title that one of them doesn't though.

Cena won it with Rico, Duece with Domino, Lesnar with Benjamin, and Damaja I can't remember, but there is something three of them have done with the title that one hasn't.

All won it under their WWE names aside from Cena who won it under the name "The Prototype"

And the Foley/Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack one is...

Could be any. Dude love's the only one to be played by Stevie richards.
All won it under their WWE names aside from Cena who won it under the name "The Prototype"

And the Foley/Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack one is...

Could be any. Dude love's the only one to be played by Stevie richards.

Wrong on the tag team one.

And you're right Lee, could be anything, but the one you mentioned isn't the one I am thinking of. Although I'll admit it is a rather obscure one.
Dude Love was the only one who wrestled as a back yard character?

Or Mankind is the only wrestler to only have appeared on one company (Dude love in random backyard fed = 14,000, Cactus Jack in ECW, SMW and WCW and Mick Foley in WWE and TNA).

As for the tag team one, Only Domino won the OVW Southern Tag team titles and WWE tag team titles with the same partner.
Dude Love
Cactus Jack
Mick Foly

I'm gonna say it's Mick because he's the only one not to appear in the '97 Rumble (technically).

Triple H
Big Show
Kurt Angle

Taker's the only one who doesn't suck? Lol, sorry, it's been ages since i just made a stupid fanboy comment.
Kurt Angle is the only olympic gold medalist. Undertaker is the only to go undefeated at Wrestlemania. Triple H is the only one to marry the bosses daughter. Big Show is the only to win the WCW, WWE, and ECW World titles.
No, but this game is stupid, because as Disturbed just proved, it could be anything. Besides, mine is so ridiculously obscure that you'll probably never figure it out.
I hate games, and this one is stupider than most. The opening post has many possible right answers, as we can see in this thread, and the first answer that came to my mind is that Elix Skipper is out because he's the only one to never win a World title.

But no, my answer is wrong, because Angle didn't wrestle in WCW, even though he was a WCW World Heavyweight Champion? That's just the sign of a stupid game and one that deserves to be closed.
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