Odd Man Out

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Championship Contender
This is a game called the Odd Man Out. You make a list of 3 or 4 superstars and the other posters try and figure out who is the odd man out. For example, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, DLow Brown, and Vladimir Kozlov.
Kozlov would be the odd man out because he never won an ic title.

ALright I'll start us off. If you get the answer correct then it's your turn. It is an option to add a hint but you don't have to. Here we go..

Elix Skipper
Mick Foley
Kurt Angle

Who is the odd man out?

Hint: This has nothing to do with TNA at all.
It could be anything.

Vader wasn't in the alliance.
Skipper wrestled in Japan but didn't win a belt
Angle has never wrestled with a mask on but the other three have.
Well like I said it could have been anything. All of our answers before were also true.
Yes Lee but you have to try and guess the one I am thinking of. And I didn't know Skipper was in the alliance?
He wasn't in for long. That's the whole point of odd one out, they're supposed to be really obscure.
Well like I said it could have been anything. All of our answers before were also true.

While Kurt was playing GM he went under a mask of some random mexican guy and interfered with a cage match. Was a very minor angle though.
I'ma throw two out there, because I gotta lot of interesting facts.

Dude Love
Mick Foley
Cactus Jack


Brock Lesnar
John Cena
Señor Truth;2727757 said:
I doubt it's that obvious, but only Mankind had a mask.

Just like JGlass's guess on my other one, that one is obvious, but not the one I'm thinking of. Although this one is nowhere near as obscure as my other one.

Oh, and JGlass, yeah, that's the title. Lol.
Okay, so I guess it's my turn...

Triple H
Big Show
Kurt Angle

No, you didn't get it right yet. They've all won the title. There's something that three of them have in common with the title that one of them doesn't though.

Cena won it with Rico, Duece with Domino, Lesnar with Benjamin, and Damaja I can't remember, but there is something three of them have done with the title that one hasn't.
No, you didn't get it right yet. They've all won the title. There's something that three of them have in common with the title that one of them doesn't though.

Cena won it with Rico, Duece with Domino, Lesnar with Benjamin, and Damaja I can't remember, but there is something three of them have done with the title that one hasn't.

Okay, this is my last guess. If this isn't right, I give up.

Lesnar vacated the titles, the other three lost them legitimately.
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