NXT5 winner to team witH Curtis

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The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
Do you think the reason Jonny Curtis has yet to have his in ring debuet is because they are waiting to team him with the winner of NXT5?

So that way they can both be awarded a tag-team title shot.

Personaly i think Titus O'Niel will win and then him & Curtis will team up and challenge for the belts later in the year
Nope. They havent used Johnny Curtis because he looks like a jobber and they have nothing for him to do. Besides, the winner of NXT 5 doesn't go to the main roster. Instead, he wins a chance to compete in NXT 6. Yippy Skippy!!!
I suspect Curtis gets future endeavored. There is simply nothing distinct enough about him to make him a standout on either roster. Having him win was a huge mistake, I think the only reason he did is because they thought he would benefit from the rub of winning since it was obvious Derrick Bateman and Brodus Clay were the clear standouts from the group and both had potential to be stars without NXT so they just used them to help fill roster space. Even the name "Johnny Curtis" is painfully vanilla. The best thing they could ever do for him, is keep him off TV for like a year, grow his hair out, totally change his gear, name, music, everything and give him a shot repackaged down the road, because as he currently is he might as well be named pink slip.
I suspect Curtis gets future endeavored. There is simply nothing distinct enough about him to make him a standout on either roster. Having him win was a huge mistake, I think the only reason he did is because they thought he would benefit from the rub of winning since it was obvious Derrick Bateman and Brodus Clay were the clear standouts from the group and both had potential to be stars without NXT so they just used them to help fill roster space. Even the name "Johnny Curtis" is painfully vanilla. The best thing they could ever do for him, is keep him off TV for like a year, grow his hair out, totally change his gear, name, music, everything and give him a shot repackaged down the road, because as he currently is he might as well be named pink slip.

i Honestly Disagree on that,Now Vince/Trips will see this a killing two birds with one stone,a Revamp in the Tag division,and the youth Movement there tying to bring in,Now Waisting a Whole Darn Season of NXT on gettin another Spot on the next NXT is Pure A waste of time,i could imagine O'Brian Winning taging with Curtis and WHAM,some new To Watch, and benifits the Company,
Didn't Curtis win a tag team title match with his pro? His pro just happens to be R-Truth, and Truth is, like, a mega crazy heel now, so I don't know how this will work out...

Curtis will probably get fired, though. He's bland looking, sounding, and is just meh in the ring. Plus, we haven't even seen him on the main roster- on either show- since he won. Even Kaitlyn had more appearances than he has immediately after winning.
I highly doubt Curtis will ever get his tag team title shot. He even debut on air a month or so back on Smackdown stating this because of Truth. So in my mind that idea has already been scrapped like many, many WWE storylines have been. Unless he mentions it, it doesn't exist in other words.

If another NXT winner comes along and teams with Curtis, challenging the champions, then you can call me out on this. But I go with what the superstar says as what's really going down. Curtis said since Truth went psycho heel, his shot went down the drain; and then did this whole "crying over spilt milk" shtick.
To the people assuming Curtis will get released, I believe he has had air time on the last three SD! shows. I really don't think they release him before he gets to use his title shot. That makes NXT look pointless (yes I know it already is). Not to mention if he was going to get released why have him cut those promos the last two or three weeks. Stranger things have happened but I think Curtis is safe at least for a little while.

As for the winner of season five teaming with Curtis, I don't see it. Curtis looks to be getting pushed as a singles heel. While Titus O'Neil (assuming he wins) seems pretty over as a face but a lot of that could be because of Hornswoggle. It will be interesting to see what they do with him. Its easy to see the WWE turning O'Neil on Hornswoggle which has the potential to make Titus a pretty legit midcard heel. Something the WWE could use.
Although it's pretty pointless for him to be on the show, since he has a Raw contract already, Darren Young seems to be the guy I like in the ring... Honestly, I always have. There's something about the guy that just does it for me.

As far as teaming the NXT 5 winner with the 4 winner, I'd be more ok with them using the NXT guys to rival against each other. Make them try and figure out which NXT winner is better. Johnny Curtis would play the heel while Darren could take face.

To me, Titus O'Neil looks like a Wade Barrett sidekick waiting to happen... or maybe even R-Truth.
To the people assuming Curtis will get released, I believe he has had air time on the last three SD! shows. I really don't think they release him before he gets to use his title shot. That makes NXT look pointless (yes I know it already is). Not to mention if he was going to get released why have him cut those promos the last two or three weeks. Stranger things have happened but I think Curtis is safe at least for a little while.QUOTE]

I agree to an extint. They have invested a little time in Johnny Curtis giving him his little backstage vignettes. If he were to get the cut thought I wouldn't be suprised. Look at the money and time they pumped into vignettes of Mordecai and Kizarney, they spent way more time and money promoting these guys than they are Johnny Curtis. That being said I think Johnny Curtis needs to be in a tag team. I think with him being on Smack Down the perfect angle for them to do is team him with Brodus Clay for now. They were both screwed by their pros, they were the two finalists on their season, and they both have a little bit of talent at least. Right now with the state of the tag team division they sure wouldn't get buried, you give them their shot to not make NXT look pointless and you have a win win situation. If they keep Curtis as a singles competitor he is gone within a year. He has the same generic look as 75% of the current roster and he has nothing in his in ring arsenal that really stands out.
I like the little promos they are doing with Curtis. They actually make me laugh. But i dont see the wwe using him in any competition for the tag titles. He doesnt seem like he can hold the audience to well and for too long. He should just go to tna haha
Revamping the tag division may make sense because the crowd is loving (or loved) the new USO entrance and I honestly think that alone will revamp the division just like I think the reason for Riley's success is, atleast quite a large part, because of his entrance theme. I think entrance themes are a pretty large part of wrestling now and one of the reasons I dislike (TNA) Impact Wrestling; it's all so generic.

Think about it, how many large superstars had shitty music? Fine some did have pretty poor music but it usually added to the character or atleast you knew who it was. Seriously I think thats where WWE are head and shoulders above everyone else, not only that though.

Back on topic I think Curtis will likely stay and either join the tag division, which I'd like, or stay as a comedy guy for now until WWE frees up the roster a little with the imminent career endings for some of the roster in their twilight stages.
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