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NXT Season 5 rumoured to be Father/Son theme


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Just read on a website that NXT season 5 is rumoured to have a Father/Son theme elemant to it. Looking at the FCW Roster I have come to the following conclusion of the participants.

Bo Rotundo - I.R.S
Brett Dibiase - Million Dollar Man
Richie Steamboat - Ricky The Dragon Steamboat
Tito Colon - Carlos Colon (Ok, Uncle)
Wes Brisco - Gerald Brisco

Is their anyone else on the roster with a famous Wrestling Dad? How about they bring Teddy Hart back and get Uncle Bret onto NXT? :)
No Teddy Hart. He's already gotten a bad wrap and he is just a spot monkey.

But there are so many 2nd and 3rd generation guys now it's amazing. You could have your own show of all these guys.

There is also a problem of matches since none of those older guys will wrestle, nor do I want them to wrestle.
Besides five that you already said, Meng/Haku has a son down there too, so that will make six.

If this does in fact happen, I'll be looking forward to it, even though, I highly doubt any of the kids will be anything close to their fathers/uncles.

Also, I wonder if Husky Harris will show up for Bo Rotundo, and his father IRS.

Also, I do believe that there are 2-3 more 2nd/3rd generation stars in FCW, but, for whatever the reason, they changed their names, maybe, they will turn them back to their given names, and bring them up.

I wonder what they are going to do with Tyler Black/Seth Rollins, unless they put him on Tough Enough.
this would be a great fun show to watch and some of those people have older brothers that could also help make the show exciting.

One thing I don't like though is how everyone automatically says the kids will be "nothing compared to their previous generations". Please tell that to Vincent K. McMahon, "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase, The Rock, and Randy Orton. There are plenty more examples but I thought I'd name a few people who are 10x better than their fathers (and grandfathers) in every facet of wrestling. I know for each Randy Orton there's a David Flair or a Cody Rhodes, but I think the chances are a lot closer to 50/50 than people give credit for
For me, the one thing that's really managed to drag NXT down have been the challenges. Some of them have actually been pretty entertaining but most of them just seem to be a waste of time.

A father/son season of NXT could be a great thing but, unfortunately, it'll probably be bogged down with more lame challenges.
For me, the one thing that's really managed to drag NXT down have been the challenges. Some of them have actually been pretty entertaining but most of them just seem to be a waste of time.

A father/son season of NXT could be a great thing but, unfortunately, it'll probably be bogged down with more lame challenges.

I couldn't agree more.

At first, I was SUCH a big NXT fan and now I refuse to turn it on unless there's an elimination... then I turn on the last five minutes. The first two seasons actually contained storylines and effort towards making the show significant. Now it's just a convoluted way for commentators to make fun of wrestlers, occasional matches to happen, tons of WWE commercials air, and wrestlers are put in embarrassing situations in front of live crowds. How can you take them seriously if green slime is being poured on them?
You could have Donnie Marlow, Haku/Meng's kid, like mentioned. Also you could add Leakee, who's dad is Sika of the Wild Samoans.

The challenges really bog the show down, not to mention the commentating. Instead of letting them be snarky and talk trash about guys who are busting their ass and actually KNOW how to wrestle, maybe have them do what announcers are supposed to do, put talent over and call matches. Same with the "pros", most of which have sucked. They should put their "rookies" over more instead of just talking down to them the whole time.
Those 5 choices are great and yes in my opinion since there would be only 5 contestants they should bring in Teddy Hart and like nbrew2119 said they could bring up meng/haku's son up too it would be roughly 7 and maybe they could find another too. Also like
Jack-Hammer said they should not ruin it with the stupid challenges it will be a disgrace to the superstars and their fathers.
they should bring in Teddy Hart

Why on Earth would anyone want that? He's a piece of shit, hard to work with from all accounts, and has already blown one chance with the company. On top of it all, like mentioned earlier, he sucks. He's a horrible spot monkey. I'd stick with the people mentioned, and leave him to his vices.
Why on Earth would anyone want that? He's a piece of shit, hard to work with from all accounts, and has already blown one chance with the company. On top of it all, like mentioned earlier, he sucks. He's a horrible spot monkey. I'd stick with the people mentioned, and leave him to his vices.
Yes i know he is sort of bad at wrestling but so was a lot of the other former nxt rookies ( otunga cottonwood titus o neil tarver) they might bring him in because of the father son nxt program who knows but i guarantee he wont win. But who knows this is the wwe who continues to push r-truth :shrug:
Yes i know he is sort of bad at wrestling but so was a lot of the other former nxt rookies ( otunga cottonwood titus o neil tarver) they might bring him in because of the father son nxt program who knows but i guarantee he wont win. But who knows this is the wwe who continues to push r-truth :shrug:

A) Ted Annis's father is NOT a wrestler. His uncles were, but yeah, his dad isn't.
B) He was fired in like 2000 from the WWE or something for attitude problems, and as recently as 2010, was suspended from AAA. Obviously, nothing has changed.
C) Didn't he and CM Punk hate each other? I recall them fighting in TNA or something that led to Punk being let go.
D) Those guys you mentioned suck, I agree, however, none of them seem to have actual attitude issues.
A) Ted Annis's father is NOT a wrestler. His uncles were, but yeah, his dad isn't. Sorry my bad i was wrong about that but they could bring Bret in
B) He was fired in like 2000 from the WWE or something for attitude problems, and as recently as 2010, was suspended from AAA. Obviously, nothing has changed.Yes he does have attitude problems but he could get straightened out by Bret with him on the road or he can just not be in it all together.
C) Didn't he and CM Punk hate each other? I recall them fighting in TNA or something that led to Punk being let go.I honestly have no idea if they hate each other or if they don't.
D) Those guys you mentioned suck, I agree, however, none of them seem to have actual attitude issues.Yeah I was just mentioning other bad wrestlers not wrestlers because of attitude.
Responses are in quote.
Ever since the rumored fortunate sons program falling apart before it happened I was kind of hoping that they'd do something on NXT with father-sons. In turn I hope that it would be a springboard for Brett DiBiase to get to the WWE.

I would ultimately very much enjoy seeing a Brett w/ Ted Sr Vs Ted Jr feud. The promos that Ted Sr could cut on Ted Jr's failures in the WWE after giving him absolutely everything to succeed (including movie roles, the million dollar belt, etc, etc.) yet he could never succeed. Instead of it burying Ted the feud could end with Ted Sr turning on Brett and putting both of them over. Establishing Brett and pushing Ted by giving him a solid midcard feud.

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