NXT Season 3 Divas and 'Nexus'


Championship Contender
I'm not sure if this has been discussed recently, I don't think it has, so I'll fire on.

Thus far, Nexus has been all about the guys and that was fine but an idea would be to have some of the more talented NXT Divas join Wade Barrett and the gang. I think this would help add another dimension to Nexus, as well as keeping if fresh, which is always important. Imagine having Naomi for example, clad in Nexus yellow join and run rampant on the Divas division and maybe even capture the Divas championship. I think this is a good idea and one which could really help get some of these women over. So yeah, simple concept, Nexus should introduce some of the Season 3 Divas to their group.

Do you agree? Disagree? Have any interesting ideas/angles this could create?
You know I keep thinking about this higher purpose that Nexus talk about and cannot help but come to the conclusion that their higher purpose is holding all the unified belts in the company. It will explain their attack on the Undertaker as well as well as their attack on Kane on Smackdown.

So keeping the above idea in mind I do think there will be at least one female member in Nexus and she will try to get her hands onto the WWE Divas belt. I don't know who that could be though.
Interesting idea, but I don't know....the idea of nexus running rampant all over the women's division just doesn't seem to have the same impact or interest as the men's division.

And honestly, even if nexus is interested in getting all the gold in their group, would they really want to bother with the diva's title? Is that really going to make their group better or more impressive? Seems more trouble than it's worth...
Yes Yes Yes!!!!

If anybody it will be Maxine joining them. She always states that there is no other place for her but on top.Where is Nexus right now?? On top!!!

Plus when she was eliminated she said she'll be back.Also she has a hatred for the divas simply because the way they are all nice and goody two shoes.

When she was interviewed on WWE.com after losing she NEVER once stated she was gone completely. She kept stating that she'll see us soon.

If any of the divas were to join it would be Maxine and Naomi. I wouldnt count out Aksana since her favorite colors are black and gold.
This would be a good idea, except for one small thing.

WWE has made it perfectly clear through their broadcasts that they don't care about the season 3 Divas of NXT, so how would any of them joining Nexus benefit the faction? It wouldn't. People aren't going to forget suddenly that WWE has crapped all over the show, and suddenly believe that one of these Divas should be taken seriously in WWE's biggest faction.

The only way this could work is to take one of the Divas, and push her hard throughout the rest of the show. Allow Matthews and Cole to continue to crap on the rest of them, but when she's in the ring, have them take her seriously. And have her dominate the rest of the rookie divas in every possible way. Not only should she defeat the rookies, she should defeat their pros as well. Naomi would be a perfect choice, because she's better then most of the pro divas on the show already, ring-wise.

Then, after dominating, have her lose the competition, to say, the spunkier, more likeable AJ due to the "fan vote." She then has the motivation to turn into a heel character, and would fit in nicely with Nexus. It worked for Hennig, as he lost to Kaval, turned heel, and wound up, at least right now, far more relevant then the man who won and has the title shot! Why? Because of his involvement with Nexus. WWE should do the same with Naomi.

This is probably wishful thinking however, as Cole and Matthews will likely crap on the show as usual, and all of the NXT divas will likely fade into oblivion, or serve as valets.
As much as I want to see a fresher set of divas, I really can't see ANY of the set of 'divas' in NXT season 3 joining Nexus at all. As talented as few of them are in the women's area, there are still WAY better choices in WWE right now, not by much, but better than those newbies. I'd say that Beth Phoenix, and Melina would be the BEST choices for Nexus. Kelly Kelly, probably because she'd be the token blond barbie type. Then you have Melina for her flexibility, and Beth for her bad-ass muscle and over the top muscle and power. Those would be the best trifecta for females, other than that, I really don't see any of the NXT girls making it right now to be honest, not without some more dominating time in the ring first. That's just my honest opinion given the fact at how many levels Nexus has shattered the playing field for all the guys in WWE.
This is a good idea. I think the Nexus should have been composed of all of the NXT season 1 and 2 rookies (minus Daniel and Kaval, of course). I think they should have had 7 members led by Barrett on Raw and 7 members led by either Otunga or McGillicutty on Smackdown. So having the NXT 3 Divas (minus A. J., because she just wouldn’t fit right) join the Nexus would give the “N” a whole new dynamic going into T. L. C. onward.
I wouldn't be against that. Honestly, everyone who was on NXT could join Nexus except for Bryan and Kaval. Having some of the NXT divas in there could generate some interest in them and it could lead to the first interesting divas angles in a long time if one of them got the title with help from being in Nexus. It would turn Nexus into a huge stable if everyone from all three seasons (minus Bryan and Kaval) but it would be a great way to help establish them all. Nexus is going to be around for a while, why not bring in more people? I support it because it would add something new to the group and it could get people who don't like the divas to possibly become interested in these girls' characters a little.
I actually was thinking about this for a long time. Except what would happen to LayCool? Weren't they supposed to be like the "Female Nexus"? The thing is if Nexus wants all the belts, they can't just have the Tag Team Titles, the WWE title, IC Title, US Title and the WHC title, they'll need the divas one as well. You can't have the whole male division with no titles/ all belonging to Nexus and plus the Divas havent had any story with the Nexus so I think it would be interesting to involve them. As for who will be in the Divas Nexus from NXT season 3? Probably Maxine or Aksana. Hoepfully by this time LayCool would have disbanded.

Well I had an idea back in September about a female Nexus. That all the NXT season 3 rookies including Vickie's first rookie Aloisia could return, as either part of the Nexus or create a group that has formed an alliance with the Nexus. They attack on of the pros from that season, this would have to happen on Smackdown because Superstars doesn't get enough ratings, RAW has the real Nexus, so the only choice left is SD. The rookies could return and the one who handles the mic the best can be the leader. i think the one who handled the mic the best was Maxine. So the point of the Diva Nexus could be to redefine the word diva. LayCool can then come out and then they get attacked since they dissed the NXT S3 divas on like episode 2. LayCool then has no choice but to band with the rest of the divas to take down this "female nexus". Then Wade can confront Maxine and say the point of the Nexus is for us to have all the titles. Our factions can combine and then we will have all titles. Maxine agrees and the "female nexus" joins the real Nexus.

That's all I thought about.

Why should a "female nexus" form?

1) To restore the Divas Division to a decent level
2) For Nexus to achieve their aims
3) To get rid of LayCool

Also some other points:
Trainwreck NXT S3= "Female Nexus"
Beth Phoenix= Leader "Female Nexus"

Just random things I thought of since NXT S3 episode 2, I don't know but it sounds logical to me. Wow I can't believe how much I wrote lol.
WWE has made it perfectly clear through their broadcasts that they don't care about the season 3 Divas of NXT, so how would any of them joining Nexus benefit the faction? It wouldn't. People aren't going to forget suddenly that WWE has crapped all over the show, and suddenly believe that one of these Divas should be taken seriously in WWE's biggest faction.

Actually, there is an option when considering this. If we take someone who wants to be taken seriously (e.g. Naomi) and is consistently getting shot down by the commentators, the men who are suppose to call the entire show and get people interested in watching the product (not bored of it), they could easily join the Nexus as they are considered to be the biggest threat in the entire WWE, both currently and in recent memory. If someone is that big a threat, they'd have to be taken seriously... given that they took down John Cena and converted him into the group via stipulation. So, if the Nexus really wants a female in their ranks so they can dominate all aspects of the WWE, they could easily pick anyone from NXT season three as all members (outside John Cena) have originated there.

However, I do see the point that a female joining wouldn't accomplish much in the long haul. The Diva's today are plainly filler and if a female were to join, she wouldn't be considered as high profile as she once was. Look at the history... Eve Torres, Alicia Fox, Maryse, Melina... all once dominant champions, but now can't fend for themselves. Anyway, the Diva's don't need another group to hate on with Lay-Cool running the show. It's already shown that the entire female locker room hates the co-champs, so adding a Nexus member to the division (i.e. parting between the two sides)... then again, the amount of heel Diva's are scarce. Outside of LC, you have Alicia Fox (who barely wrestles) and Maryse (who has spent a lot of the year around DiBiase's shoulder).

I'd say no due to the sheer fact that management is considering splitting up the group come WM time when the draft arrives... there is no point having a new member join this late into the game with no reason to replace anyone else. But, it could revitalise the Diva's division considering how hot they are.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;2605919 said:
Actually, there is an option when considering this. If we take someone who wants to be taken seriously (e.g. Naomi) and is consistently getting shot down by the commentators, the men who are suppose to call the entire show and get people interested in watching the product (not bored of it), they could easily join the Nexus as they are considered to be the biggest threat in the entire WWE, both currently and in recent memory. If someone is that big a threat, they'd have to be taken seriously... given that they took down John Cena and converted him into the group via stipulation. So, if the Nexus really wants a female in their ranks so they can dominate all aspects of the WWE, they could easily pick anyone from NXT season three as all members (outside John Cena) have originated there.

However, I do see the point that a female joining wouldn't accomplish much in the long haul. The Diva's today are plainly filler and if a female were to join, she wouldn't be considered as high profile as she once was. Look at the history... Eve Torres, Alicia Fox, Maryse, Melina... all once dominant champions, but now can't fend for themselves. Anyway, the Diva's don't need another group to hate on with Lay-Cool running the show. It's already shown that the entire female locker room hates the co-champs, so adding a Nexus member to the division (i.e. parting between the two sides)... then again, the amount of heel Diva's are scarce. Outside of LC, you have Alicia Fox (who barely wrestles) and Maryse (who has spent a lot of the year around DiBiase's shoulder).

I'd say no due to the sheer fact that management is considering splitting up the group come WM time when the draft arrives... there is no point having a new member join this late into the game with no reason to replace anyone else. But, it could revitalise the Diva's division considering how hot they are.

The Divas division is lacking heels so why not form a "female Nexus" or a new female group. Plus as you said Naomi wants to compete, so why not bring the NXT S3 rookies back in the form as a heel faction, they might not need to have any connection with Nexus, they can just be a new heel female faction which wants to get rid of/ redefine this word Diva. They could say the reason why they formed this group is because what they did on NXT was useless and degrading and they don't want to be only a pretty face. This would probably spilt the Divas roster up into like 3 groups though. They could even be brought back as a face faction to dominate LayCool. Then you could have Melina and Gail Kim for example join this face faction. If they were heel maybe they could band with LayCool. But then again you can't have a face faction because the heels are low in the Divas Division. Also if the NXT S3 rookies were a heel faction of their own with no connection to Nexus, they could force LayCool to turn face? But there would be no way that would happen lol.
I agree that it seems Nexus' 'higher purpose' is to control all of the belts, so yeah, a couple of Rookie Divas would be essential for this. I think it would add another dimension to Nexus and add another dimension to the unbearably vapid women's division (In the absence of Beth Phoenix). I would love for someone, even a Nexus girl, take the belt from LayCool, because they've hadda death grip on it for most of the year. I had hopes that Layla was going to break it off with Michelle and would hold the belt exclusively, but that doesn't seem likely. As long as NXT is around, I think that a few ready for TV wrestlers should be promoted to Nexus from every season (Like Harris and McGillicutty)

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