NXT One Year Reflection

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
This Wednesday marks one year that WWE NXT has been airing on television. Through its entirety we have seen numerous stars rise to the main roster, and many other stars fail miserably. I was thinking about how to celebrate this anniversary for NXTand decided to make a thread vocing my opinions on which former NXT stars have a chance to make it in the WWE and how far they will go. Superstars alread in the WWE will be marked in Red.

Season One

Wade Barett he was the winner of the first season of NXT and I believe he has the capacity to one day become a World Champion. He is a very good at talking and has fairly good wrestling ability. I think within the year he will be World Heavyweight Champion.

David Otunga he placed second in season one and I feel that he has the star qualities to become a World Champion, I just believe he needs to start out as US Champion or the IC champion before he goes on to this. I also would like to see him establish himself as more of a singles wrestler.

Justin Gabriel is probaly the best high fligher of all NXT seasons. I think he has the potential to really be a strong Tag Champion and possibly give the Tag Division some credibility. I also think he would be good in the midcard area but will not become a World Champion any time soo.

Heath Slater The one man rockband. I think he will always be a midcarder as he doesn't really have the star qualities of the other NXT members. I think he will be stuck in the midcard hell for the rest of his career ultimately within about 3 years being on the future endeavoured list.

Darren Young I think he is tag team worthy at best. I think his career will be short in the WWE. Future Endeavored sooner than later.

Skip Sheffield He will be a World Champion one day. He has the size the shape and the promo giving ability to be great in the WWE. His size alone makes hima top canidate to be World Champion. I think when he returns he will go straight to the top of the WWE main eventing.

Daniel Bryan I think when he came to the WWE people expected a lot out of him. He is currently holding the US Title and not defending it regulary. He is being used to farther a feud between divas. I think this guy has all the wrestling capability to become World Champion. I just feel he needs something else to be Main Eventing. He started off really strong having awesome matches against the Miz and Dolph Ziggler and now he doesn't really have matches that people talk too much about afterwards. Personally I would enjoy him turning heel but that's just opinion. I feel this guy might be the main eventing shortly if all theses stars are set to retire.

Michael Tarver this guy overacts way too much in the ring. He is the bad guy of the original NXT but he tries to sell it way too much. I think hhis wrestling ability is mediocre at best and he will be futured endeavoured shortly as well unless they push him the right way and get people to like him again. Have him wrestler on superstars to keep him recent. He could possibly be an ok tag Champ one day.

Season 2

Kaval- he won NXT got a contract on Smackdown and then got his ass kicked every week. This guy was a technically sound wrestler and he had a lot going for him on NXT except he couldn't buy a win on Smackdown until he used his title shot on Dolph Ziggler after beating Ziggler in a nontitle match only to lose the title match. He had the potential to be World Champ but he had two huge problems, his age and his size. This is ultimately what got him fired. I guess if you can't perform at your best you can't perform at all.

Michael McGillicutty has the worst name in WWE ever I think. I think this guy is bland to me. You would think from his name he would be a comical face to me but instead he tries to be this ruthless heel and it just doesn't work. I think at best he could be US Champ/Tag Champ but I personally dislike him very much. He is average on the Mic and above average wrestler. I would much rather have him get a total gimmick change then what he is doing right now.

Alex Riley has the greatest potential out of all the wreslters from this season. Before this season aired and the wreslters were released I knew he would be paired with the Miz. He has proven himself to be good in the ring. He also is the prodigy of the current WWE champion (who is credible after this week). I think he will start off small maybe getting the US Championship off of Daniel Bryan and then slowly working his way up the belts until finally he reaches the WWE Championship. I think he is good on the mic and a good wreslter. He has the heel look and no matter what happens will have The Miz as a mentor for the rest of his career. Also he is friends with Michale Cole which may not be much but it seems to be boosting his career.

Husky Harris at first I didn't know if I should say Husky Harris is still with the WWE as there have been talks of him possibly going back to FCW, but anyway since his name is still on the roster page I included him. He truly is the tank with the Ferrari engine. This guy is massive and I generraly enjoy his athletic ability. I think he may be a possible World Champ down the line but I think we will be stuck in the midcard realm for a while. Luckily he has the size and shape to be a very good star and I think he will have a future in the WWE.

Percy Watson- Never could stand the guy. He has very good wrestling ability and very good charisma there is just something strange about having a gay superstar. I don't know how people would react to that. I think this guy could be a future US Champ and luckily for him he is working dark matches over on Smackdown. I think he has a very bright future if the gay thing doesn't interfere with his career.

Lucky Cannon- Are you feeling lucky? I am. I think that Lucky really could be something in the future it's just he wasn't always the best in ring performer and his promos are average. I believe that he has potential to be a strong mid card heel. I think I would enjoy having him back in the WWE.

Eli Cottonwood- Can you say mustache, I can. This guy is awful currently and unless he gets any better than he needs to get scrapped. No potential currently

Titus O'Neil- I actually really enjoyed this guys on NXT. I think he had the size and shape to be a very good star. I think that if he were in the WWE currently he would be a very strong powerhouse in the midcard realm. He is a decent wrestler and decent on mic I know that doesn't necessarily make him a superstar but he had potential. I think if he got a little better possible World Champion but more than likely a strong mid card champion or a strong tag team champion.

Season 3-Divas

Kaitlyn she was the replacement for Aloisia, won the competition and honestly proved herself to be a strong contender in the Divas realm. I think any diva once they become a Diva can win the Divas title and I think she is a good fit for the WWE.

Naomi- she was the most athletic diva in the competition it be nice to see her on the Main Roster.

A.J- she was definetly the best looking diva in the entire competition. I think she has the in-ring ability to be great his way over with the crowd and honestly is the girl next door.

Aksana- never liked her get rid of her. Can't understand her usually.

Maxine- there was once the idea of putting her with the Nexus, now that that is over scrap her.

Jamie- I thought she was going to win the damn thing. What happened to her I don't know, had the potential to become Divas Champ. What ashame.

Season 4

Brodus Clay- he will become a WWE World Champ one day. He has the size the athletic ability and the power to become a very great champion. He is actually one of the better superstars in NXT and I would love to see this guy succeed. I think he is good on mic although he doesn't say much and in-ring is pretty solid. Look for him to have a very bright future.

Derrick Bateman.- Athletic ability is there, mic work his there, look sucks. I think he can be good in the WWE possibly US Champ not much more. Or even tag champ that would work to. I think with the way he looks right now he can not become World Champ.

Johnny Curtis- why the hell is he still in the competiton? This guy isn't good and well doesn't win too much. I don't enjoy him at all. Tag Team Titles at best.

Byron Saxton- is not the reason why ECW failed. I think this guy had the look the physique and the charisma to be great. I think he could have been a strong midcard/tag title champ and honestly someone important in the WWE.

Connor O'Brian- get me rat kill he sucked. Scrap Him! Please.

Jacob Novak- well I thought maybe US Champ for him. He is another heel like cocky foreign star much like McIntyre, Sheamus, and Barrett. I think he had potential but fell short. Wouldn't mind him being back.

And that wraps up the NXT anniversary.

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