NXT Is Using Different Camera Angles


Gone but never forgotten.
As I watched the season premier last night, I noticed that a lot of different camera angles are being used, as opposed to what has been used in the past on Raw, Smackdown, and ECW. It seems as if the cameramen are IN the ring INSIDE of the action.

These angles are giving me a realistic (or "reality") feel for the show. It gives us a much closer look at the action, and allows us to step inside of the heads of WWE Execs that constantly need to put these guys under the microscope in order to get them ready for the "big time" shows such as Raw and Smackdown.

What are everyone else's feelings on the newer camera angles? Did anyone else notice this last night?
It really did help the show feel smaller sized, which gave a more intimate view and feel to the show. Reality shows are never wide shots, always close up, giving the fans a chance to see who is the better talent and/or personality. Even thoug this show is filmed in the big arena, it still looks great with high production value, so it is all positives for me.
I know in the LD it was being discussed and not many were in favor of it. While watching it, my little brother shot down the camera angles and said it took value from the show. I however disagree. I loved the new camera angles, as it let us get up close and personal with the stars. It took a bit of adjusting, but it made the show come off better in my opinion. I would love to see them incorporate some of those angles on Raw or SD. Not the full show, but maybe replays or the occasional spot. The angles were new and something the E hasn't shown off before and I thought it added quality to a solid show in NXT.
I really liked how the close-up camera angles gave us an "independent" feel for the show. Just like TM said, it kind of "shrunk" the large arena a bit and tried to force us to forget these guys are performing in front of 20,000 people. It really sucks you into the inner workings of the sport that we call wrestling.

Absolutely brilliant.
I must honestly say, at the first view I had of it, i didn't notice it at all, reading this thread I went back and looked at it, and I saw what you mean D-Man

You talked about it seeming more realistic and reality wise, I believe that's the whole point of it, considering it's supposed to seem a bit like a reality show as far as I understand it, considering SyFy wanted WWE to do some reality series thing.
The camera angles were great, and there are two reasons why:

1. The intimacy with the performers.

Just about everyone said this already, but you get up close with the performers. It shrinks the arena and makes it feel more like it is you and the wrestlers. You don't focus on the crowd, announcers, or anything else, just on who is in the ring. That is brilliant.

2. It differentiates the show for the casual WWE fan or channel flipper.

Imagine you are flipping through channels and you see a WWE match on TV. Without knowing the channel or night, can you tell if it is Raw or Smackdown (or ECW before it ended)? You may be able to, but it can be difficult at times, especially this time of year when the brand split is ignored.

What happens with these unique camera angles on NXT, you can flip to the show and know that it is NXT and not one of the other 2 shows. In a age where all the sets are the same and it can be tough to tell the shows apart, NXT stands out which often can be half the battle for a new show.
I did notice there were more angles that they were using but the most noticable thing to me was that they weren't using the hard camera as much as they usually do. (The Hard Camera is the one that shoots the steady shot at one side of the ring with the entranceway at either the left or right. If you've been to a tv/ppv it's where that spot is that looks like they didn't sell all of the seats in the slope of the arena.)

On Raw/SD/ppvs unless the guys are outside the ring the hard camera is generally used and they switch to other angles, then back to the hard camera. A lot of the time, as soon as they switch to a different camera you can count to 3 and as soon as you reach 3 they switch the camera. The hard camera was the only one that they would maintain a shot with for more than 3 seconds unless there was only one other camera with a view of what was going on. (like being on the floor, backstage, in the crowd, etc.) So in general you get the same wide shot for the majority of the show when they use the hard camera.

Not sure if they still do it this way because I started to really notice the camera changes as opposed to the matches so I try to focus on it anymore.

I do think they were doing it to help protect the guys too because when you see a spot you've seen a hundred times you'll be able to see if it's done sloppily but you might not notice how bad it was if you are seeing it from a totally different angle.

But as others have now said, I liked the way it gave more of a close feel to the action. Also it felt different which is never a bad thing for WWE to do more of.
I also notice that too the camera angles look very different. But i like it, Because it feels like you're there next to the Wrestlers, live. It also gives it a new feeling when you are watching the show. I dont know about you guys, but it looked with the camera angles everything looks more clean and better then RAW and SmackDown's cameras.This is really a good thing for NXT. Like Vince said, "its going to be a new and improved show" like we have never seen before.And I guess that Vince was right about that. I cant wait to see NXT next week.
Actually the camera angles sorta hurt my eyes. They would zoom in a lot and zoom around and it just hurt my eyes to keep up. It worked alright with all the matches except for Jericho vs Bryan, due to them moving fast on occasion. I guess it will take some getting used to, but for last night it was sorta distracting.
I did not like the new camera angles at first....but when i started thinking about i really started to like it. I just think it gives NXT a different vibe and feel to this new concept and it makes it stand out and catch the viewers eye. However i would NOT endorse theese same type angles on RAW or SmackDown.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed the different camera angles...for a second there I thought I was going crazy. I think it's great. It feels like I'm watching FCW with 10,000 more people. It's something that makes it stand out from the main shows. I would love to actually see a flyover shot or two like what TNA does during Impact.
I actually noticed the different camera style right away. I like them. It gives the show a different feel than watching raw or smackdown which is a good thing. It gave the action more of a real feeling to it. I enjoyed the different angles. It somewhat reminded me of how ROH is shot. Although I will say that after I went back the 2nd time to watch nxt, the angles got kind of annoying to watch. I dont know if they messed with my eyes or if I just payed to much attention to them, but I kind of got tired of them. I still think they should stick with them to be different and give the action an intimate and real feel to the show though.

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