NXT Final Four


Pre-Show Stalwart
On last week's episode of NXT, Matt Striker announced that in 6 weeks, they would be eliminating the rookie that is ranked last in the poll. After that, they will again eliminate rookies in the subsequent weeks that follow until the final four is revealed. It is still not known what the final four competitors will do to claim the NXT crown but the game will definitely change.

So I wanted to ask the NXT viewers 2 questions: Who do you think will be the "final four" of the NXT roster?

Here are the rookie rankings as of last week:

8: Darren Young
7: Michael Tarver
6: Skip Sheffield
5: David Otunga
4: Heath Slater
3: Justin Gabriel
2: Wade Barret
1: Daniel Bryan


Also, how should NXT crown their champion once their final four is in place? Should they compete in a "King of the Ring" type tournament? A "Royal Rumble" over the top rope match? A ladder match with the contracts hung up? What do you guys think?

I think the final four will be Daniel Bryan, Wade Barret, David Otunga and Heath Slater.

reason is because those guys have gotten the most attention and stand out more than the others.

as far as how the winner should be crowned i would say do a fatal fourway elimination match.
yeah its obvious who the final 4 will be. And its obvious whos going to win it. But I really think the curve will be with how they do it. I think it will be at the mitb ppv. Think about, what other time do you have to get a contract for a title match then in money in the bank. If this is the case then i won't mind the ppv as much.
If you ask me, the final four will be Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett, David Otunga, and Heath Slater OR Justin Gabriel.

Daniel Bryan is being built up on the show in his own way. He's good on the mic, great in the ring, and is already very over. He could win the whole thing.

Wade Barrett has it all. He has the ring skills, the mic skills, and a great look and character. I would not be surprised at all if he won everything.

David Otunga has mic skills, a good look, and celebrity connections. However, he doesn't have good ring skills yet, and that is what will hold him back from winning.

Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel are both pretty good. Nothing too stand out, but better than the others (Especially since they're not letting Tarver do well for himself). Gabriel may form a team with Hardy, and Slater could be a good midcarder, but I doubt that either of them will win it.

In the end, I believe a mini-tournament will be held to decide the winner, or they will just eliminate people week after week until only one remains.
It's so hard to say! Because I think we all can agree that there are 5 wrestlers in this competition who could truly do something special in the future for this company. Daniel Bryan, Otunga, Barrett, Gabriel and Slater would all be valuable assets. But if I have to say who will not be in the final four, it would be Daniel Bryan. Why? THE WWE DRAFT.
Striker said himself last night that any wrestler under contract with the WWE will be eligible. And this would be a great way to further his feud with The Miz, and it would take a load off our minds as to who wont make it to the final four.
When you remember that the NXT rookies are looking for a WWE contract, Bryan's drafting looks less likely.

for me it'll be Bryan, Barret, Gabriel and Slater. Bryan's the guy they've been building to win from the first segment of the first show there's no way he isnt making it. Barrett is without a doubt the closest thing to the perfect WWE superstar in NXT. He's charismatic, big, can wrestle and looks the part. Why the hell didn't he come up before now? Gabriel is as over as hell and has that awesome 450 splash. Not much else going for him though. He has yet to impress me though. And position four is a choice between Otunga and Slater. Otunga has a better look and more mic skills, however Slater has both (to a much lesser degree) as well as the ability to wrestle. If only one of them's making it it's gotta be Slater. Otunga isnt quite ready for the big time. Just like Drew McIntyre a couple of years ago (when he still wrestled in a kilt).
I would think the final four will consist of Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, Wade Barrett, and Heath Slater. Gabriels 450 splash is proably one of the coolest things to see on the show, but I slater is the better overall wrestler and will be the one to end up in the final four.

I just hope Daniel Bryan isn't 0-51 by the time the Final four come around.

I mean at what point dose loosing every single match start to hurt his credibility as a contendor, he's billed as the most expierenced, and best techincal wrestler in NXT, yet week after week it seems he finds some way to loose, and while he always has a "good showing" loss after loss has to hurt his credibility at some point, especially when they have rookies pinning pro's. I think they are heavily flirting with the line between intresting story line and in-advertnaly turning there biggest draw on NXT into a joke. It just makes it difficult to belive that a pro would vote for a guy who has lost as much as he has, and it hasn't just been to Pro's and Ex- WHC, he lost to Darren Young last night, the last place rookie.
I hope Daniel Bryan wins, I mean ever since the begining of NXT he's been built up in his own way, and he's the only one whos has been on every week, but then when he looses each match i die a little inside (thats going a little over but you guys probably know what I'm talking about) I understood why he lost the first match, but they make him look weak by making him loose. Other then that he's already over with the crowd, has fine mic skills, and the most gifted wrestler of the rookies. He does seem to stand out, the only thing is he doesn't have that wwe superstar look, but i mean screw the look he's amazing

Wade Barret has some pretty good skill in the ring, mic work, the look, pretty much looks like a typical WWE star, plain and simple

Otunga has the look, strength, great on the mic, and hollywood connections. He seems perfect for WWE excpt he has awful wrestling ability, then again WWE is in the entertainment business, hopefully Vince won't be a dick by choosing this guy

Slater is kinda a tweener to me, like he doesn't seem like he would win but sometimes it seems like it's played off like he's really good. He is pretty good in the ring and has charisma, but theres other peopel on the NXT roster that are beter then him easily

Justin Gabriel has seemed to be pretty over with the crowd, great in the ring. I would love to see him in a WWE ring but theres he has to win NXT to do that and thats not going to happen, but this guy is still one of my favorites, and he also has an established finisher, and it's really good too

Everyone else, Skip Scheffield or how ever you spell it hasn't proven shit to me and will not be one of the final four. Micheal tarver had some pretty good mic skills last night but other then that hasn't proven shit. Darren Young seems okay except for his first match, but no way in hell he will make it, but i hope skip or tarver get eleiminated first.

My final four: Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, Wade Barret, and Justin or Heath.

Now we all want Bryan to win the whole thing, he is #1 in the pro's poll but i mean they are making him seem weak. Otunga and Barret look like typical WWE guys that Vince loves and they both seem to have equal chance. Justin and Heath are great, it kinda stinks they have to win to be in WWE.

Bryan should win, plus he's also getting heat from Micheal Cole so actual if Bryan wins and goes to Raw there could be beter commentating like on NXT.

ive rambled on enough xD
Top 4:

Daniel Bryan: Obviously being pushed and acknowledged.
David Otunga: Featured on RAW two weeks in a row with Cena, deffinitely going to be in top 4.
Wade Barrett: Being put in with Pros and recognized as a viable opponent
Justin Gabriel: People actually cheer for the 450 Splash, the most noise you hear on NXT after Michael Cole talking trash on Bryan

Why not Heath Slater? He doesn't have the look and something about his ringwork just screams midcard. Sorry, but I never saw anything in Slater once you remember it's Pro wrestling and the record doesn't mean shit.

Winner: Obvious answer, Daniel Bryan. He has something to do immediately after NXT in the Miz and US title, unlike the others with opportunities, just not as already pre-set as this.

As a side note, I hope even the losers of NXT who gave a good showing have returns, since I'll miss Justin Gabriel, and I doubt Vince is going to let talent he featured on television like he has Otunga and Barrett waste away in FCW.

How to determine a winner: SOOOOO many possibilities. IMO, a battle royal would be under-climatic. Nothing entertaining about a 4 man battle royal. The two most exciting possibilities are a 4 way elimination or a KOTR style tournament.
Top 4:
Wade Barrett
Justin Gabriel
David Otunga
Heath Slater

I dont see Bryan making it to the top 4.I think injury revenge is the way for him.The Miz can Injure him then have Bryan come back and fued with him only to lose the fued but still get contracted.

I hope all these 5 make it,Obviously they all have great talent,And if what i read on another thread is true,They are thinking of scratching NXT when Smackdown moves to SyFy.

They way to decide it in the end would have to be a 4-WAY ladder match for the contract.
Just picture it now a 450 Splash from a 20 foot ladder:lol2:
I am going with Bryan, Barrett, Otunga, and Gabriel. It's obvious that Bryan win be in the final four so no explaining needed. Barrett being paired with Jericho and his win in the pro tag match proves that WWE is high on him. As for Otunga I doubt WWE would waste an episode of Raw and let him host it without some future plans for him. Lastly I pick Gabriel over Slater because Gabriel gets a lot of crowd reaction. The 450 alone will get him over. I really don't like Slater, the hair for some reason rubs me the wrong way. I don't know I just don't like him.
I think Otunga, Barrett, Bryan and Darren Young. Otunga as he's had Raw exposure and fitted in nicely. Barrett because he just plain old has it, pure and simple. Bryan as he's been a name since it started but, out of the four, I'd say he was in the most danger of not making it, and that promo last week on NXT really moved him lower in the scheme of things for me.
I pick Young because he seems quite involved with his pro and, watching the last few weeks of SmackDown, it wouldn't surprise me if he ended up in the straight-edged society even if he doesnt make it on NXT.
I hope its Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Michael Tarver and David Otunga. Random I know but I actually dislike Daniel Bryan, he just doesnt have the look or size! I think if we all actually are honest only one (Wade Barrett) is the only one who could really put up a fight against a world champion at a ppv; which is the prize on NXT.

As for Gabriel I think he might squeeze in and could possibly be a suitable tag partner for Matt Hardy, could be successful and recreate hardys success.

Otunga cant wrestle but is good on the mic and has a great character and as for Tarver, I know hes ranked 7th but I do really like his look and would much rather see him wrestle than sheffield, Young, Slater or Bryan!!
The winner can face any champion, not just world/wwe champion. Which is why many people are picking Bryan to win, to end/continue a feud with the Miz for the United States Championship
my four would be : David Otunga
Justin Gabriel
Wade Barret
Daniel Bryan
Either Otunga or Bryan would win because these two have been given the most exposure so far and they are the best. The deciding match should be an elimination match.
The Final Four are Barrett,Gabriel,Otunga,and Slater.
Bryan is gonna be in top 5 though.
Barett is the total package(mic work,wrestling and personality)
WWE made Gabriel and Slater win so that they could be in top 4.
Otunga has good mic work and seems to be a good NXT heel.Horrible In-Ring.
My final four is:

Daniel Bryan (I still don't feel right calling him this)

Daniel Bryan is the best wrestler they have in their company right now. Great on the mic and puts on great matches. I just hate how they've been using him as of late. I can understand having him lose every match in NXT, but they aren't even giving him enough time to put on a good match. If they cut the american gladiators shit or the crappy improv promo or even the ******ed keg carry, they could invest more time in the matches and developing angles. Plus I understand they need to sell pay per views, but they don't have to devote half the show to replay taped highlights of raw the night before or some promo for a PPV that I saw while watching raw. Nobody watching NXT just watches NXT, they watch raw (and probably smackdown too).

Justin Gabriel is way over with the crowd. I don't think he's great on the mic (he could use a manager since he doesn't speak english as well as a native speaker). His 450 splash though is his money shot. I see him being a future intercontinental champ (never a world champ).

Otunga. I hate this guy. This guy cannot say a single interesting thing on the mic. Sounds like he had his tongue stung by a bee before he came out there. His whole gimmick is "I go to the gym and I'm fucking an ugly B-list movie star." Instead of going to those hollywood parties, The D-List superstar should be at the pro-wrestling school working on learning how to wrestle or how to cut a decent promo. And for fuck's sake, get a decent hair-cut. I'm only putting him on this list because I know Vince McMahon (or Pat Patterson) probably has wood for him that's why they had him appear on raw twice.

Wade Barrett, I see this guy as being the future of the WWE. He cuts the best promo out of all of the NXT rookies (and most of the nxt pros). He's got the look and he wrestles decent matches. I hope Vince doesn't just throw him in to the title picture when he ends up on raw/smackdown (I see him being smackdown material) They need to build this guy nice and slowly. He is going to be the top heel of the promotion but since it's WWE, they'll probably push him too early or just not use him while giving Otunga the world title. He reminds me of a big version of Steve Regal in his demeanor.
The NXT final four will actually be very intriguing. I think Barret, Bryan, Young, Otunga, and Gabriel all have good futures ahead of them. If I had to pick the final four now

1. Wade Barrett
In my opinion he is far and away the best competitor on NXT. He has the size, the look, and the skill. He looks lightyears ahead of anyone else on this show.

2. Darren Young
Young was rated behind Tarver which I cannot believe no matter how I view this show. Young has shown more character and skill than all but Barret and maybe Gabriel yet he found himself in last place. Maybe that was a good thing as he has turned it up recently and looks to be one of the bright spots on the show.

3. Justin Gabriel
That 450 splash alone will get him over. He also has a nice style like a Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne hybrid. Once he puts it together he could be the best product this show has.

4. Daniel Bryan
He'll be there for the final. I'm not a fan of his due to a combination of not being impressed (especially someone who has so much experience) and hearing everyone on the internet call him the greatest. WZ doesn't work on my iPhone anymore so I have to use another site (which shall remain nameless) while bored at work. I learned from their writers that it is totally uncool to call Daniel Bryan, Daniel Bryan. You have to call him Brian Danielson at all times or you are dumb. Seriously, imagine if I wrote about TNA for a living and called the Pope Elijah Burke or Mr. Anderson, Mr. Kennedy. That would sound stupid. So why is it acceptable to call Daniel Bryan Brian Danielson? We get it, you watch ROH, you are so much more a wrestling fan than me its incredible. Anyway, he has grown on me a little but I still think him being in the independents for ten years while others go on to super stardom is well justified.
Wade Barrett is defiantly in first if you ask me. He's had just as good competition as Bryan.

Otunga- They're going to keep him around simply because he's got charisma and they know he's green.. but Batista was green at one point too..

Justin Gabriel- No real review.. just see him in there

Daniel Bryan- He'll make it.. he's had top competition like Barrett plus they want to keep teasing his first win.

No particular order there.. well Gabriel is obviously 4 and might be 5 in some people's book. Him and Slater are going to battle it out for that.

Tarver will get knocked out first.. than Skip.. than Young

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