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NXT Divas TakeOver


Pre-Show Stalwart
We finally got the debut of Charlotte, Becky, & Sasha Banks all in one night!

What a great debut and I think we are all looking forward to see what is next for the Divas Division.

Where do they go from here? I assume they have some sort of 6-diva 3 way tag team match at battle ground.

What happens at SummerSlam?
I think team Paige will win at SummerSlam making a match against Nikki for the title (boring) but seems the most logical.

What now with all these talented divas on the roster how are they going to be able to balance so much talent with only one title?
They need to begin to utilize more divas in the Male storylines while they are not competing for the title.
Possibly they bring back the Women's Tag Team Titles.

What are your thoughts??
You know what's funny, these divas will have a pretty good feud for the next month or two then the divas division will go back to exactly what it is, the divas will be irrelevant, there will be only one or two divas that mean anything and people will be bitching and complaining about it again.

Something special was bound to happen to the divas division but same thing happened last year with all the divas all over the show and in 2012 when AJ took over the show undeservingly so. They have a loaded divas roster now, some of their jobs might be in jeopardy with Layla and some of the irrelevant divas, or they'll keep most of them and try to build something out of this.
I am not going to lie I marked out completely watching this segment (TWICE!) it's a great thing to have happen to the Divas division.

I can see them slowly building up a new Divas division with Lynch, Charlotte, Banks, Paige, Naomi and a few others at the centre. This could COULD be the moment where Women's wrestling gets its proper chance to shine.
Add Natalya, the Diva's division is looking solid. I'm very afraid that Vince will screw up the hot debut of the three.
What a moment. That was the most exciting moment the divas division has seen since the departure of Trish and Lita almost a decade ago. Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Sasha! All on the same night! Wow.

Where do they go from here? Simple. Paige takes the Divas Championship from Nikki (finally) in a match where Charlotte and Becky are in Paige's corner. They then keep an alliance while Paige dominates the division. Nikki gets her re-match and loses. Naomi can get another shot and lose. Unfinished business taken care of. Next the divas who can work matches get the chances they deserve. Natalya, Summer Rae, Emma, etc. Then, the new girls. Charlotte, Becky, Sasha, each getting a chance. The reason other divas get shots before the new girls is so they get a chance to truly establish themselves. The debut was incredible, but they'll still need time to get established and show the fans who didn't watch them on NXT what they can do. If/when one of them defeats Paige (probably Charlotte) the cycle starts over with the girls who can work a match getting the title shots they deserve. The division would be at the point where it has believable contenders again.

As for the Divas Tag Team titles that the threadstarter suggested.... I hope not. You know that The Bellas will win those and likely hold them forever. Not interested in that whatsoever.

One thing is for certain though.... the division might never be the same again provided the main roster creative team don't ruin this by jobbing them all out to The Bellas.... I genuinely hope everything will go well. I'm happy for the new girls making their debut and wish them the best of luck in taking over the division with Paige. Very well deserved moment/debut.
I unfortunately wasn't watching this live, but luckily Eva Marie kindly let it be known that the NXT Women were on Raw via Twitter. Of course I missed it. :shrug: :banghead:

Personal frustrations aside, "Where do we go from here?" is certainly a burning question. There are a million and one ways to from here, which is exciting and frightening at the same time.

Based off of the front page the pairings were:

1. Team Bella - Nikki, Brie, and Alicia
2. Paige, Becky, and Charlotte
3. Naomi, Tamina, and Sasha

So they obviously went with the mini revolution as opposed to Paige just bringing up a friend or two, which is fine as long as it's handled properly. There's already at least one hole, didn't Nikki credit her relationship with Stephanie as a reason why none of the divas should cross her just a short while ago? Now Stephanie's all for change? I guess we can just chalk this up as "best for business". :shrug:

Now there's a lot of time between now and NOC, where Nikki can safely dethrone AJ as the longest reigning champ (because you know, priorities), and presumably drop the title. The predicability of this was a problem for a lot of people but throwing in the NXT women chomping at her heels should makes things a lot more interesting.

I agree there should be a match put together for BG, but make it a 9-diva 3 way tag (I know, I'm already pushing it) where the battle lines have already been drawn. Leading to a battle royal at SummerSlam where the winner (Paige) gets to challenge Nikki at NOC. I know this isn't a plan from the Heavens but I do believe it's the best way to show all of the new talent off, as a series of matches from them all (as nice as it would be) to determine a #1 contender just doesn't seem likely with the current landscape. With longer term plans there's plenty of time in between for mini feuds and showcases.

A divas tag belt is something that has been tossed around a couple of times in the past, the two main problems being lack of depth and direction in the division. Only one of those problems were solved tonight, and it'll take a while to determine if the direction is there as well. So while I don't dread the idea, it's definitely something that needs to be put off for awhile while we see how the one belt is treated with all the recent additions.

All in all this is a great opportunity for the Diva's (Women's?) Division, and I cautiously am hoping it reaches all the heights I know it can. :)
that was a great segment and I'm hopeful for the diva's/ women's division going forward. I'd like to see them bring back the big gold belt and let that division have it. And of course I continue to want to see the Women's division and US division carry a 1 hour live Smackdown show.

Give 'em the Big Gold Belt, that's how much I respect these girls coming up from NXT.
It was definitely a great moment for the Divas, and could be the start of something big. However, I couldn't help but think during the segment that it was missing one person. I mean having Charlotte, Sasha, and Becky debuting was huge, but I think Bayley deserved to be there as well. It just seems wrong somehow that these three are getting the call, while Bayley is left out.

I know she's getting over an injury, which could have played a factor, but she should have been involved in this. I mean they are known as the Four Horsewomen for a reason.
Give 'em the Big Gold Belt, that's how much I respect these girls coming up from NXT.

you mean giving the Women not Divas the Big Gold Belt as their title instead of the butt ugly butterfly(you know the Bellas had a hand in the design). if that is the case..SORTA....resize the Big Gold Belt for obvious reasons and NOT debuting said title until Charlotte wins the championship.
having her come out on Raw after winning with Pops in tow carrying a briefcase. make a little speech about Who she is, her destiny, handing over the Butterfly and claiming the NEW Women's World Championship from her father
From everything I've read, this was handled as well as it possibly could have been. I'm hoping this continues, going forward, and it's not a simple one off segment, and then right back to business as usual after the inevitable PPV match.

This could make things very interesting. Maybe, with the women putting on some decent television, the midcard will up their game, and fight for air time.
What now with all these talented divas on the roster how are they going to be able to balance so much talent with only one title?

I agree that there are more talented Diva's on the roster now, but Stephanie McMahon hinted that not everyone would get the opportunity. This was their chance to grab it.

With only 9 Diva's I wouldn't say they are going to have a problem with only one title. The problem is that the WWE seems to be determined to give Nikki Bella the record, because that's just how petty they are. It's probably not going to change hands soon. She'll hold it until she breaks the record and then either Paige or one of the new call up's will take it from her.

What I don't understand is Naomi and Tamina's involvement in all of this. For the past couple of weeks, they've done absolutely nothing of note, but come out tonight to state that they should have an opportunity. Quite honestly Naomi is not great as a heel, and maybe she should go down to NXT and spend some time there. She's just not that good. Take Tamina with her as well.

So I think they will give the new girls time to get used to the travel, crowds and hectic schedule they've got themselves into, and while that's happening hopefully we'll see some great women's matches.

Just don't know what a Nikki Bella/Charlotte match is going to look like. Either Charlotte will have to dumb it down, or embarrass Nikki completely. It will be interesting to see.
you mean giving the Women not Divas the Big Gold Belt as their title instead of the butt ugly butterfly(you know the Bellas had a hand in the design). if that is the case..SORTA....resize the Big Gold Belt for obvious reasons and NOT debuting said title until Charlotte wins the championship.
having her come out on Raw after winning with Pops in tow carrying a briefcase. make a little speech about Who she is, her destiny, handing over the Butterfly and claiming the NEW Women's World Championship from her father

I'm pretty sure that's what I said.

Give the Women's Division the big gold belt.
actually I disappointed with that segment. I want a nxt vs divas match. but they book 3 group of divas. Sasha joining Naomi and tamina has no reason.
now they have 3 divas of 3 group. I don't think they have match at battleground.
they can build a match at summerslam where losers disband. then they make battleroyal at raw to choose no 1 contender for NOC.
I loved it because we are looking at the best the WWE has to offer coming to Raw.

How sad is it that these talented women are going to have to make Brie Bella and Alicia Fox look good?

Charlotte to win the butterfly for certain. Crabwalk figure four is my new favourite move.
I absolutely loved it. The next step, once the quality takes hold, is to rebrand the division as the "Women's Division" and bring back the Women's Championship. Fingers crossed Vince and Dunn let Haitch and Steph take care of this one.
I have zero faith in WWE creative. So I am not getting my hopes up that they will actually keep this momentum going long term and develop interesting feuds and giving the women time to showcase their talent on TV. As someone already said here, once the hype dies out, we'll be back to the same old thing.

I still feel bad for how they handled Emma. Debuted in a crap angle with Santino. Emma is talented and can go but never got over because of the stupid angle she got saddled with.

I hope WWE learned and really wants to invest in the women now. Even without the NXT women they already have a few that are really good if given time.

We'll see, but I won't get my hopes up.
It's not very often that we get a "this is awesome" chant involving Divas on the main roster. From an overall perspective, the Divas Division looks stronger and has more overall talent than it's ever had and there's all kinds of potential to be had with that talent. As has been mentioned, however, it all depends on what Vince ultimately decides and we know what a crap shoot that can be.

Aside from the spontaneous character turns for Brie & Nikki, things have gotten better and have been moving in the right direction. I mean, there are actual storylines happening in the Divas Division, they get a bit clunky at times but it's still a vast improvement over what's been standard operating procedure for pretty much the entire existence of the division. I'm optimistic, but I'm not going to fully invest in this just yet; it was a fun moment and one that had a lot of excitement, but I have to see where they go from here and whether or not Vince is interested in sustaining the momentum generated by the buzz.
I'm usually one for debuting new people individually, but this was pretty cool. I'm also a big fan of 3 man (woman) groups, so I wouldn't mind seeing another group of 3 girls. Maybe an international group like Nattie, Emma and Layla. I know Becky and Paige are international and that may actually play into future feuds. Just a thought
Hopefully with HHH having a lot invested in these girls this doesn't get watered down and lost in the shuffle. For the long term, this needs to stay hot for a while. You can't make people care about something they aren't interested in, but people are obviously intersted now, so the divas should be given the chance they deserve.
What if Vince is so disinterested with the Divas that he has actually given the division to Stephanie to run, her with the Divas and HHH with NXT, would mean only good things for the Divas going forward
This is simply what everyone had wanted and this was something inevitable! And finally it had happened! I want to see WWE bring back the prestige to the Diva's title and I'm not arguing that they should bring back Women's Championship or Women's Tag Title but instead they can scrap a comedy segment or some irrelevant matches and replace it with multiple Diva's feud and matches every week in and out. That can be the apt change that we want and need!

I don't see all the fuss about the new divas. They didn't show me shit last night. All three new divas are overrated hot garbage. Stop thinking with your little 1 inch peckers for 5 minutes and go over to TNA. Their Knockouts are leagues above the shit that is the Divas.
I, personally, wouldn't be angry if they did decide to bring back the Women's Championship or (eventually) introduce at Women's Tag Championship. I feel that currently, as most people know, the Divas Division is pretty much just a joke, but if they invested a bit more time on developing wrestler's like Paige, Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks and hell, maybe even referred to it as the Women's Division again, it could become a seriously watchable part of Raw/SmackDown.
I think WWE management has seen Paige as the leader of a new generation of divas for quite some time....and has shown some good restraint in not having her take over the division sooner. Yes, she won the world title from AJ Lee the night she came up to the main roster from NXT, yet she was never truly in charge as I feel she's going to be now. Having her battle fruitlessly against superior forces these past weeks has led a logical path to the events of last night.

As it is, the Raw segment was very well done. I figured the NXT gals would arrive in a run-in that came out of nowhere.....and was pleased to see it handled more logically, with Stephanie McMahon planning the whole thing and placing the chess pieces where she wanted.

Now, the divas have a purpose instead of a bunch of random matches that lead nowhere. With the inclusion of a third trio of women (Naomi, Tamina & Sasha), the battle lines have been drawn and one can only hope WWE Creative has the foresight to handle the storyline effectively.
I don't see all the fuss about the new divas. They didn't show me shit last night. All three new divas are overrated hot garbage. Stop thinking with your little 1 inch peckers for 5 minutes and go over to TNA. Their Knockouts are leagues above the shit that is the Divas.

Are we watching the same shows? Sure, TNA has some great female talent, but if you honestly didn't think that any of the women in the ring on Raw earlier today were any good, I don't think you really know what constitutes as "good". I'm aware everyone's entitled to their own opinions, but when you go around posting yours like that, I'm also allowed to ask you what the fuck you're thinking.

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