Now that Mickie is gone.......


Future Diva, Womans and Divas champ
I thought of this last night before I went to bed, now that Mickie is gone who is the #1 face diva in the WWE?

I don't mean the #1 diva I mean the #1 face so it can't be a heel diva. So who do you think that Mickie passed the torch to? Trish passed the torch to Mickie when she retired just like Lita passed it to Melina even though Melina is now a face.

Now everyone knows that Mickie was clearly the #1 diva in all of the WWE which makes you think why did Vince fire her, but that has nothing to do with this thread. Mickie was the #1 face diva ever since Trish left and Mickie carried the divison for awhile until some divas came to help.

Now when I think of the next #1 face diva of the company a few names come to mind.

Melina: She is one of if not the best diva in the WWE today. Great mic skills and in-ring skills. Possibly one of the best divas of all time.

Eve: Eve is improving a lot in the ring and is one of the best divas on raw and is getting a push. Her mic skills aren't the best but she is improving and she has improved a lot since her debut.

Beth Phoniex Ever since Mickie left SD it seems like Beth stepped up and the WWE has turned her face. She just like Melina has good mic and in-ring skills and she seems like the only person that can take on Laycool and win.

Natalya: She could easily become the #1 face diva of the company if the WWE would take her away from the Hart Dynasty and let her wrestle. Natalya can wrestle and talk on the mic the only thing that is keeping her back is the Hart Dynasty.
Trish actually got to pass the torch to Mickie. Mickie never got that chance. Technically you COULD say that Mickie passed it to McCool because she was the one to beat her before she left...but...that's not really the same thing at all.

I would say Melina is the top face right now. She's good, so I'm not too upset about it, but she's not Mickie James. See, I think Natalya could be a great face of the divas division. She's got the most in-ring ability, is good on the mic, and can draw well...I think...ish. Sooner or later I would love to see her separate from the Hart Dynasty and be Diva's (women's) Champion.
I would also say that Melina is the face of the womens division right now. Thats why they gave her the title right when she came back...her, Beth Phoenix, and maybe Michelle McCool are the only Divas that can have a match that's enjoyable to watch. Natalya and Tamina both seem to have alot of potential but I haven't seen enough of them yet.
The number 1 diva is either Melina or Beth Phenix. If you are talking fan reaction and match quality the Beth Phenix has to be considered the number 1 diva. Beautiful, strong, confident. She gets the love from the fans.
The big arguement for Melina is that she is the top women's star on Raw. The problem is that she and the entire diva's division are overshadowed on that show. Beth Phenix being injured has left a massive void in the diva's division and no one on smackdown has been able to fill it yet.
I do think that Natalya could both manage and compete but she is not there yet. I would argue that she is the sexyest diva though. Pretty smile, nice butt, and tons of confidence. She ever gets a decent singles push and she might deserve to be in that conversation.
The answer has to be Beth Phenix. Laycool needs someone to fued with and Kelly Kelly is not it. The last time that the divas had a really good match was Beth's last match on smackdown. Pressing both members of Laycool with tendon damage. She lost. Had an injury. She still was impressive. They need to have a place ready for her in the hall of fame when she retires. You can't say that about ANY of the current divas yet. Face or heel.
This is a toss up. There are many variables to consider when looking at this. Some people may say talent, some may say looks. Let's look at this logistically. I know Mickie didn't officially get to pass the torch per se, but if we look at who's left now. Let's go with some of the usual suspects.

Melina- first and obvious choice, very skilled athlete in the ring who has had good feuds with Trish, Mickie, McCool, Maryse, and so on in the past. Good at making promos, hence from her past with MNM. She did have a stroke of bad luck over the last year or so. Heel or face, she is very gifted with her moves and you can't deny that.

McCool- very athletic in ring. Semi decent mic work. Although I've never really cared for her much either way.

Natalya- I've been waiting for her to make it as a singles for quite some time now. I only wish they would've had her do this sooner!! She's amazing on her own. She just needs a little more time on the mic, she comes from an impressive background and knows how to work the mic when given the chance.

Beth Phoenix- much like Melina, I liked her either way, face or heel. She is incredibly talented in ring. Again, not much a speaker, but she's more one to let her in ring work do the talking. Again, she's had a bit of a rough patch with injury, but that will make it all the more impressive when she comes back.

Kelly Kelly- girl has really improved quite a bit since her early days. I never thought I'd see her in this form. She really knows how to incorporate gymnastics with her routines. She is a natural born charmer. Still a tad bit green in ring, but still, with at least one champion attempt under her belt, she is doing okay. I really can't pin point just one, but these would be the top contenders behind Mickie in my eyes.
I think it's Kelly Kelly. She might not be the best worker, but when does that matter in WWE? She's the most over. If you had a vote to non-wrestling fans which one is the hottest, Kelly Kelly would win. The titles mean nothing....she doesn't need to be champion to get attention. She might not draw alone, but none of them do. It's definitely Kelly Kelly.

My number #2 vote would go to Eve, based on the same exact criteria. The Divas are eye candy for the guys, and (perhaps) interesting for younger female fans. That's it. Anyone who thinks otherwise is reaching and possibly delusional.
I really can't decide between Melina and Beth.P,

Beth.P - Before she got injured this chick was on a roll,
Pretty damn awesome extreme makeover match w/ McCool,
& When she pushed Vickie down that time, That's the loudest/hypest i've seen the crowd since MJ beat McCool at the RR,

Mick Skills
Wrestling Skills
Crowd Reaction

Melina - The total package when it comes to being a diva,
She's not the best wrestler per say,
But she's certainly has one of the most innovative move-sets of a diva i've seen in a LONG time, She's good as a face and GREAT as a heel. Not to mention having the best diva match of 2009 w/ McCool at NOC, Her returning feud w/ Beth.P and McCool were awesome

Mick Skills
Wrestling Skills,
Crowd Reaction,

It's really a toss up,
You have the #1 face on Raw going against the, then, and soon to be again, #1 face on Smackdown

McCool is also an obvious choice,
But since she's heel,
& as borring as the Guest Host as a face,
She's out
Melina is the new top face, but it should be Beth. She's better all around except her ring entrance :). Melina is the 2nd coming of Lita, botchmania has a new queen. That's not to say Melina isn't entertaining, you don't see a lot of the women doing what she does nowadays but she's just so damn sloppy you rather she didn't. Nobody else in teh E matter right now except Layla von Erich ,Velvet McCool and Melita. A shame really, they have some real talent in Natalya that they are wasting.
Melina is the new top face, but it should be Beth. She's better all around except her ring entrance :). Melina is the 2nd coming of Lita, botchmania has a new queen. That's not to say Melina isn't entertaining, you don't see a lot of the women doing what she does nowadays but she's just so damn sloppy you rather she didn't. Nobody else in teh E matter right now except Layla von Erich ,Velvet McCool and Melita. A shame really, they have some real talent in Natalya that they are wasting.

Are you saying that Lita was sloppy because she wasen't and neither is Melina. You want to talk about the queen of botchmanina then look at Trish because Trish botched a lot more than Lita did.
Well Im biased toward my Girl Kelly Kelly she gets a crowd reaction sure she isnt great in the ring but better than she's given credit for. I know not alot of people Love her or Like her but She's the only one who will remain face and since you said face it has to be Kelly. Lets be honest Melina is a better Heel and same as Beth better heel and Kelly is a natural born Face.So my vote goes to........KELLY KELLY
Everyone blows spots, some tend to do it more noticeably than others and have videos dedicated to them. Yes Lita was sloppy but not anymore so than Jeff Hardy by comparison. it's just a product of how they wrestle, sometimes it's poetry in motion, often it's not and a lot has to do with whom they are working with. Melina isn't as bad as Lita was don't get me wrong, I do like Melina in general but either she's botcharific or everyone else on the roster is just terrible. I'm leaning towards the latter personally but she has to take her share of the blame as well

Trish became a decent wrestler over time. Sure she blew her spots but I don't think she had any formal training before the WWE so I was quite impressed at how fast she caught on.
Beth Pheonix should be the dominant woman, much like Chyna would have been however she's been plagued with a few injuries and for whatever reason was loobed into a comedy role with Santino. (not that i didn't enjoy it)

Michelle McCool is the best "wrestler" atm as much as i hate to admit that, but she isn't a face so doesn't qualify

Melina is more like a Mickie James in intestity, good looks and similar moveset but wrestling ability she's not great.

Eve Torres is HOT!!!!! but isn't great in ring

Melina is cleary the #1 face they are pushing atm since Beth is nowhere to be seen.
Everyone blows spots, some tend to do it more noticeably than others and have videos dedicated to them. Yes Lita was sloppy but not anymore so than Jeff Hardy by comparison. it's just a product of how they wrestle, sometimes it's poetry in motion, often it's not and a lot has to do with whom they are working with. Melina isn't as bad as Lita was don't get me wrong, I do like Melina in general but either she's botcharific or everyone else on the roster is just terrible. I'm leaning towards the latter personally but she has to take her share of the blame as well

Trish became a decent wrestler over time. Sure she blew her spots but I don't think she had any formal training before the WWE so I was quite impressed at how fast she caught on.

Well then your saying Lita botched a lot since you said Lita botched more then Melina which she didn't. In my opinion Trish didn't belong in the WWE. You know Lita did more high risk moves and thats why she sometimes botched her moves but other divas didn't do moves like that like Trish.
First off all, Trish is my all time favourite diva. Lita botched, and you know it. Lita is a close second for me. I like her high flying ability.

I gotta say that Melina is the face of the company. I don't really care for the diva's division since Lita, Trish and Mickie left. I think WWE needs to get Natalya and Serena in the diva's division because you can get an ultimate feud. Natalya could be the face of the woman's division and she could be feuding against Serena.
First off all, Trish is my all time favourite diva. Lita botched, and you know it. Lita is a close second for me. I like her high flying ability.

I gotta say that Melina is the face of the company. I don't really care for the diva's division since Lita, Trish and Mickie left. I think WWE needs to get Natalya and Serena in the diva's division because you can get an ultimate feud. Natalya could be the face of the woman's division and she could be feuding against Serena.

Well Lita is my favorite of all time with Mickie as an extremly close second. Yes Lita botched but a lot of her moves were hard todo without botching as for Trish's moves they were all regular moves. Trish botched more then Lita and Lita's moves were harder to do.
Who cares who botched what, Trish Stratus will always be remembered as the superior entertainer. Just compare Jeff Hardy and Sabu; both botched quite a bit, except Hardy was a natural performer.... and Sabu was just shit.

As for the topic, Melina is the biggest face of the company right now, just sheerly out of name value and accolades alone. In the division on RAW right now, she proceeds herself with her popularity.
I'd say that there are two faces of the division, one for RAW and one for SD! It's obvious that Melina is the top dog right now as she just defeated Alicia Fox who has (kayfabe) defeated every girl on the roster... except for her. The way the crowd reacts to her when she comes out proves why she is the face. An easy statement.

As for SD, it has to be Beth Phoenix. The pops that girl gets is amazing sometimes. When she entered the Royal Rumble and eliminated the Great Khali the crowd went wild and was really rooting for her to be successful. If anyone was passed the torch whilst Mickie James was head hunter, it was Beth. These two feuded quite a lot during their stint in the E and they put on some good matches with each other. So I'd say Phoenix is the face of SD, but right now Lay-Cool are taking over for her. I'm sure once Phoenix comes back they'll give her the title.
I don't think the WWE can book the "#1 Diva". That is something for the fans to choose. Are the some current divas that you can say look and wrestle better than Trish ever did? Sure. But, Trish had something most, if not all, flat out do not have: Charisma. Trish was easy to hate or boo. You might have your own individual favorites, but it is hard to say that any of the faces get cheered or that any of the heels get booed to the point that it matters.

As far as Mickie goes, I don't think she ever had that "it" factor to be a top diva. She clearly didn't have the skills to carry anyone nor did she had the professionalism to roll with the punches. I mean, three years after she stopped chasing Trish skirt, people will still claiming that if she went back to being 'crazy', she would get her spark back. Well, that original character wasn't being crazy. It was about a disgruntled Trish Stratus fan. Trish also happened to be the top diva at the time. Who would've played Trish in that role?

As far as who is left. I don't any of them are 'top' diva quality:

- Michelle flat out sucks in everything but "doing moves stiffly".
- Melina is very up and down.
- Layla's character is to be a shadow for someone who flat out sucks.
- Beth was interesting to the general crowd. People put her higher than the other divas just because it kinda hard to f'up picking chicks you can effortlessly chuck skinny broads around.
- Alicia is horrible in the ring and didn't have the charisma to make something out of solid 2 month push.
- Eve is boring.
- Nattie's only character is "I am Jim Niedhart's daughter! You gotta cheer for me because of that!"
- Kelly makes the crowd cheer, but who wants to see her wrestle?
- Serena is bland.
- Now, I like the Bellas, but I ain't expecting anything great from them.
- Tiffany is too busy slapping sissy Scots.
- Jillian is stuck in jobber hell.
- Rosa might be something, but her wrestling is totally: :wtf:
- Tamina is still very green.

To be honest, Maryse is the only one that comes close to being a top diva. She has such a presence and mystique about her that none of the other divas have. You don't care that she is a bitch and that she calls you a pig. You just wanna stare at her and be entertained when ever she decides to do something.
Well, if they would book her as something other than a valet, then Natalya would own the Diva's division. However, that seems to be a bit of a ways off unless they decide to have her pick up some of the slack in the feud with the Usos and Tamina.

Personally, as long as they never make Fox the biggest name in the Diva ranks, I'll be ok, but damn she was annoying to me.
Well Lita is my favorite of all time with Mickie as an extremly close second. Yes Lita botched but a lot of her moves were hard todo without botching as for Trish's moves they were all regular moves. Trish botched more then Lita and Lita's moves were harder to do.

I thought this was a thread about the next face of the diva's section...not about botching.

The fact of the matter is though, that both of them botched, and it's all in a matter of opinion on who you like better.

AND, I still think we need to see Natalya vs Serena or Tamina.
I would go for melina as being the obvious face but to be honest she s a better heel as is beth aand natalya :) Melina is a great alround performer in the ring and out she can cut a promo she can be a great manager (mnm) and she can also kick butt in the ring ! but as peep4life said kelly has really always been a face and i really dont see that changing so even though yes she is pretty bad in the ring and on the mic compared to most but heck most of the divas are ! :/ So really th reality is that kelly too can be seen as top face ?
My view has always been and always will be that if mickie had gone before maria then she really would fill the no 1 position sure she wasnt as good as melina beth natalya but beth probably would have stayed heel on smackdown as maria would have balanced out the face. heel thing bu who knows i think personally that maria was improving a lot any way so who to know what would have been the outcome had she stayed ?

So really ths discussion is a bout between kelly kelly and melina those two are my chosen ones ? x
Melina is the new top face, but it should be Beth. She's better all around except her ring entrance :). Melina is the 2nd coming of Lita, botchmania has a new queen. That's not to say Melina isn't entertaining, you don't see a lot of the women doing what she does nowadays but she's just so damn sloppy you rather she didn't. Nobody else in teh E matter right now except Layla von Erich ,Velvet McCool and Melita. A shame really, they have some real talent in Natalya that they are wasting.

Agreed, but I like Beth more as a vicious, Chyna-like heel. For that reason, Melina is the face of the diva's division right now. There isn't another diva that really matters right now in WWE and TNA's KOs have lost all the steam they had when Gail Kim headed the division.

For the record, there are a lot of women wrestlers out there who haven't been showcased on national TV yet and they are 10 times the wrestlers that Beth, Melina, and Gail are. So it's not like the talent isn't out there.
I don't think Beth is vicious though. I guess she is likable as a face for what she does. I mean, she has a great smile. But I don't think she has the intensity to be a monster heel, which is why she never took of with the Glamazon character. Another Diva that used the double chicken wing thing in Jazz, used to chuck the other Divas across the ring. Beth doesn't chuck anyone. It is more like a slight shove. lol

I still think Maryse is above the other divas. I think one thing that has been missing in the main event is a evil, but very hot chick that you want to see get her due. Maryse is so perfect for that spot. She could even jump ship and fondle Wade Barrett since she is suppose to love the finer things in life or something.

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