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Blue Chipper

Shapeshifting Humanoid
I was expecting to be a full time member, and post regularly, but I genuinely don't know if this place needs the contribution. You have your Sam's and Jake's, who are so witty and clever, and inject intelligent clever and humor in their posts. You have your Shocky's, IC's, Tasty's, and KB's who are very solid wrestling posters. And, you've got your Lariat's, milkyway's, savageTaker's and Jane's who are vastly growing members who contribute and are undoubtedly going to be future mods. You have your justinsayne's, Jonny's, Xfear's, Will's, and Wes's (or Wes'(?)) who are entertaining in their own right. Also, the sly's and Rusty's (who's supposedly leaving), who are great debaters that present a fresh perspective. And the bar flies too. And so on and so forth.

Wrestlezone is filled with intelligent, witty, and simply great, likable posters. I think I will just lay back, and largely continue to be a "viewer". Honestly, I feel I have nothing to donate - WZ's already a complete wrestling forum and community, flooded with great posters.
I could be a mod someday. I just need to start posting wrestling more than once every few months. Thanks for the mention though:).
Yay you mentioned me.

But seriously if it's something that you enjoy doing then you shouldn't leave.

Everyone contributes in one way or another you just might not see it.

And what are these rumors of Sly leaving? I knew about Rusty but not Sly. No one ever tells me anything.
You shouldnt sit back just because you feel you contribute nothing, you could join the elite ranks of the Miko's, TM's and cool_guy_12's.

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