no way out

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Occasional Pre-Show
video plays for the event leading up to no way out the fireworks go off and the crowd is insane
jr-welcome one and all to no way out ladies and gentlemen what a night we have for you
king-thats right we have the elimination chamber!!! jr now lets hand you over to the smackdown team
cole-thanks king well lets get thing started
vince comes down vince-well tonight is the end of the draft season so i would like to ask both gms down to the ring both of them come down vince-well eric come on bichof-ok well this man is a former world champion a former us title and a former tag team champ and..... vince come on eric its only a 3 hour show bichof sorry but here he he is CHRIS BENOIT!!! he comes out and shakes bichofs hand cornette-well i'll just get to the point EDGE!!!!!!!!!!! vince-well thank you both for that now it has been a month since the us title became vacent but tonight we will have a match for said title so would the 2 superstars please make there way to the ring

cena comes down but kenady hits him from behind slaming him against the steps puts him in the ring cena gets back in control the crowd get behind cena he trys to go for the five kuckle shufle but kenady gives him a low blow he gets back up and goes for a piledriver but cena reverses it cena goes for a fu kenady reverses it into a suplex he goes for a pin but cena kicks out kenady looks angry he gets out of the ring and gets a chair that distracts the ref when the newest smackdown star egde spears cena when keanady sees this he gets in the ring straight away and goes for a pin but cena some how kick out kenady goes for a inverted samoane drop but yet again cena some how kicks out cena builds up steam and starts giving kenady rights and lefts but kenady gives cena rights and lefts of his own cena goes for another fu but kenady rolls it into a pin he grabs the tights and 1...... 2......... kick out kenady trys to go for an Inverted Samoan Drop but cena gets out of it and thros him out of the ring the ref gets to a 7 count kenady gets back into the ring this time with brass knukles the ref dosent see them kenady hits him and gets him with an inverted samoane drop and gets a 3 count
angle walks out of vinces office holding a contract he walks down the hall when jim cornette starts to talk to him about moveing from smackdown to raw last year and he said that he had no hard feelings but somebody else does

lilian garcia-the folowing contest is the first match of a 6 man tournament for entery into the money in the bank match at wrestlemania 23!!!!!
makeing his way to the ring booker t booker comes out to a huge pop lilian garcia-and his opponant kurt angle he also gets a pop
angle gets things going with a huge right hand to booker the crowed are split down the midile with some chanting booker and some angle angle now going for a suplex he hits it he is firmly in control he builds steam and goes to the top rope for a moonsalt booker moves and angle goes flying to the mat booker pics him up and goes for a book end but angle reverses it into a belly to belly and sends booker slamming into the mat angle builds up steam he goes in for an ankle lock but booker turns around and sends angle out of the ring and booker goes after him the fans get right behind angle as he gets up and booker and him go at it out of the ring the get in the ring and angle tryus to get an angle slam but booker gets out of it and goes for a sissors kick but angle puts him into a angle slam he gets the 3 but its not over booker leaves but angle stays and ejoys the huge pop from the crowd but as he makes his way to the ring a video plays saying that one of the best star in all of wrestleing angle takes no notice so he goes behind the curren when he gets thrown back out folowed by samoa joe him and angle go at it in the ring the refs break it up but eric bichof comes out and says that he will never make this match but cornette makes his way out cornette-but i will eric if you are dumb inuf to let this match pass and the SD! fans will be very happy about it
cole-wow angle joe and edge to Smackdown! in one night
tazz-what a night for Smackdown!

-maria-kurt how do you feel about what just happend angle-how do i feel? how do i fell? just got jumped by some thug well joe i beat your unbeaten run in t-n-a and now i'll do the same in the wwe maria so that means you will be moveing to smackdown angle ya if ichof wont make the match then im back on smackdown! angle walks into his dressing room and waiting for him is joe he jumps him and they go at it in the parking lot they make there way onto the stage and get to the ring angle trys to break joes ankle but jim cornette comes out cornette-hold on there joe angle now kurt if you are willing to give up your spot in the
money in the bank match i will make the joe angle match for wrestlemania 23 angle thinks about it and gets the mic angle looking at joe-you know what jim yes i'll give up my spot to booker cornette-good now i'll make the match on one condtion and that is that you to dont have any physical contact in a wwe arena or a wwe ring until the match both men agree

tony chimal-the folowing contest is the Cruiserweight Championship Invitational Match the rules of the match are that any former cw champ can enter
rey comes down with a huge pop and he waits for his opponant to come out then its chavo chavo gets in the ring and gives rights and lefts to the head of rey rey trys to fight back but chavo over powers him the crowed start to chant "rey rey rey" rey cant seem to over power chavo chavo seems to be in great shape and in control of the match until rey gets in a hit to the ribs of chavo rey but chavo yet again gets in conrtol chavo goes for the brain buster but rey gets out of it and trips chavo into the ropes for a 619 but chavo yet again gets out of it when chavo looks at the titan tron to call for the masked man who was at SD! he comes out and distracts the ref while chavo gets a chair to the head of rey and this time gets the brain buster and pics up the win
bichof is complaining to vince about edge being in the ic title hang man horres match if he wins the ic title goes to SD! vince decides to let him compete

the DX music hits and the crowed go insane as micheals makes his way to the ring nash soon comes up soon after nash trys to go for a right hand but Michaels ducks and gets in a right hand of his own he goes straight to work on nash keeping in control until nash gets a big boot and slams him into the turnbukle he goes to work on micheals back when hall and hogen make there way to the ring and distract the ref when nash goes for a steal chair but the ref sees him and takes the chair away while he puts it away hogen gets in the ring and hits michals with his belt HHH comes down but hall and hogen get rid of him nash now back in control trys to pin hbk but he kicks out nash picks him up and slams him down and tuants the crowed and gets major heel heat he picks him up for a jacknife hogen and hall and HHH still fighting outside the ring hogen gets rid of HHH and hall gets in the ring and hits micheals with a chair the ref rings for the bell as the nWo beat the hell out of hbk they are about to get a sledgehammer to the back of micheals when Ohhhh you did'nt Know hits and the new age outlaws come and chase hogen nash and hall out of the ring hbk HHH and the new age outlaws all to the crouch chop asnd the crowed go
mr kennady is back stage with his new us title he runs into maria maria-mr kennady(trying to do the gimick) kennady looks at her as if she has a 3rd head maria-so me kennady how do you feel about getting the new us title kennady-i feel amazing this title makes it real that mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnaaadyyyyyyyy i am the futrue of the wwe and it wont be long until i become the wwe champ maria-but john cena says that if he has anything to say about it he will have that title back this thurday on smackdown kennady-well cena can try and try but he will never have this belt

jr-well ladies and gentlemen now we have an interveiw with the returning bobby lashly lashley makes his way to the ring to huge pop jr-now bobby i cant tell you how good it is to have you back after one month away from the wwe ring now bobby what are you planning on doing on you return lashley-well im gonna start were i left off with the wwe title and on RAW i will be in a match to get into money in the bank match at wrestlemania and to get back at HHH for throing me of the hell in a cell and when i win the money in the bank match the champ better whatch out jr-well bobby thank you for your time

ortan vs kane in a falls count anywere match
kane makes his way to the ring with a huge pop from the crowed ortan comes out to some huge heel heat he waits at the entrance ramp when jim cornette makes his way to the ring he takes the mic cornette-now as you all know by now this is my last chance to get the wrestlemania main event back for smackdown and i was talking to vince a while back and he said i could put a ref in the match so i choose myself so lets get this thing started ortan looks shocked at cornette kane then gives him a big boot into the side of his head sending him out of the ring kane goes after him ortan ducks a right hand and closelines kane he goes to work on kanes arm slaming it against the steel steps and the ring post the crowd get behind kane big time ortan stands in front of the crowd taunting them hen kane gets up and thros ortan into the crowd he folowess him when kane gets in control bichoff comes to the stage and sends some raw superstars to take kane out cornette then calls out the smackdown loker room to take care of raw while raw and smackdown fight it out in the ring kane and ortan still go at it out in the crowd ortan gets back in control and goes to work again on the hand of kane kane gets angery and slams ortans head into the wall he goes for a choke slam but the nWo hit him in the back with a steal chair it looks like ortan might win when DX comes out and get rid of the nWo kane and ortan get back into the ring with kane getting rid of most of the raw superstars and the SD superstars go after them kane delivers a chokeslam to ortan and goes for the pin 1....2.... then bichoff drags cornette out of the ring bichoff hits cornette with a chair and hands it to ortan ortan hits kane across the head and pics up the win with bichoff counting the 3

ic title hangman horrers match raven vs rvd vs edge elimanation match
bichoff makes his way back to the ring bichoff-edge i want you hear right now edge comes out bichoff-now edge ive been good to you what have i ever done to you now im offering to give you $250,000, for you to get out of this ring right now edge walks around the ring the fans start to chant spear bichoff looks at the crowd when he turns around edge spears him throwing the check into the crowd raven makes his way to the ring with the ic title he holds it in the air edge looks at the title with raven eeping a close eye on him rvd music hitswith van dam skiping his normal entrance and goes straight in the ring for raven edge helps him and they try to get rid of him early edge trys to et the dog colloer on him but he avoids it by kicking him in the leg he gets edge out of the ring rvd is waiting and he hits raven with a chair raven goes down and rvd again trys to get the coller again but edge spears him before he can get it on edge annd raven get it going outside the ring while rvd climbs the top rope he does a standing frog plash on both men both him raven and edge are down rvd is the first to get up he gets edge in the coller edge trys to get out but he cant he passes out and the ref helps him out of the arena while rvd and raven go at it in on the outside they make their way to the anounce table were rvd puts a tired raven on the table rvd then climbs the top rope he gets the 5 star frog slash on raven sending him right thru the table both men are again down while rvd is the first to get up but raven gets another jump startfrom the crowed and goes on the attack him and rvd and him are fighting in the ring raven is in total control as he goes for a raven effect and the gets all of the dog collers and tyes them all around rvd's neck rvd has no wear to go and he is coverd in blood raven gets a brabed wire 2 x 4 and goes to work on rvd all seems in ravens hand when cole-whos that comeing in from the crowed tazz-thats abyss and fr jim michle abyss goes after raven but raven ducks and sends him out of the ring raven goes after him with the 2x4 while jim is in the ring
helping rvd to his feet rvd dos another high risk move frm in the ring to the outside this time takeing down raven but the 2x4 is on hisches and both rvd and raven are hurt abyss picks raven up and goes for a black hole slam but raven reverses it into a raven effect on abyss he then goes back to rvd he gets him back in the ring when jim michele gets a steal chair to the back of raven him abyss and rvd all get the coller on raven and choke him out the ref makes thecall that raven can no longer continue

jim cornette is backstage with kane he is telling kane about some loop hole in the wrestlemania contract and if you will meet me in the ring next i'll tell you about it

now id like to ask ot the wwe champion the undertaker raw gm eric bichof randy ortan and kane taker comes out with the nWo minesrty bichoff comes out with some police officeres and randy ortan bichoff im takeing some insurance out on my no1 contender kane comes out and seems angery now eric i just read over the conrac that we signed and it did say that the ref that vince put in the match had to count the 3 and if we look at the video you counted the 3 and that means ortan dident really win the match so that means kane gets the main event at maina vince comes out VINCE-wait there one second kane i am makeing you the offical winner of that match but ortan did win the rumble so i'll put both ortan and kane in a match taker-what!!!????? you mean you want me to go up against two of this guys at mania vince-yes i do and and who said you would win the elimanation chamber taker grabs him by the neck but hall and nash talk some scence into him and he leaves go vince- now that thats over with can we go back to the event

Elimination Chamber
the nWo are in the ring with vince now as i said no ref wants to take part in this match so im putting you hogen in the match as the ref cole-well that sure gives taker and hall the upper hand the nWo make there way out of the ring as the chamber is brought down hogen goes and gets a ref shirt and sprays nWo on it the superstars all make there way to the ring vince back in the ring vince- now tie for the lottery to choose who will be the first two men in the ring the first two are HHH and austin jr-wel l god forbid that vinces nWo or the ministry get there pick on the top end of the match king-what are you talking about he wants to save the best for last all the men are ready and hogen calls for the bell as HHH and stone cold go at it HHH is showing off for the crowd by takeing down austin and crouch chopping for the crowd he seems to be doing welluntil a huge austin chant starts and austin builds up huge steam and goes after the game he starts to give left and rights to the game a huge stone cold chant starts up stone cold gets HHH out of the ring onto the steal and starts to kick him
can u add color (like make the matches red or sumtin, cus its soo difficult 2 read in all black!) Okay, u need sum work...

My advice:
-add color
-lengthen up the matches, or just write match finishes
-Need sum promos!

The card looks very solid, but it needs work 2 be enjoyable.
Cena/Kennedy is a great match-up which would have sum real good promos in real life, but the match was very poorly written. I know u'll improve, it just takes sum time...

Pandemonium's gonna be up soon and I'd appreciate a full review... Thanks...
Good luck
^^ Stop pomoting in neally everysingle post your show, I've got complaits becuase of it, I will make a new rule up today some time that promoting your show, while reviewing is not allowed.. you arn't warned, but don't do it again.
lalakerz said:
can u add color (like make the matches red or sumtin, cus its soo difficult 2 read in all black!) Okay, u need sum work...

My advice:
-add color
-lengthen up the matches, or just write match finishes
-Need sum promos!

The card looks very solid, but it needs work 2 be enjoyable.
Cena/Kennedy is a great match-up which would have sum real good promos in real life, but the match was very poorly written. I know u'll improve, it just takes sum time...

Pandemonium's gonna be up soon and I'd appreciate a full review... Thanks...
Good luck
thaks but im just writing the promos now and matches later
I think the matches was good and if you are writing the promos seperate you should wait to post it... I hate reading have finished cards... even if it takes you 2 days to write a card (been there - done that) don't post it until it's finished... its better to get the feel of the whole card instead of bits and pieces... also... spelling... I had a hard time focusing on the card when things where all over the place... take your time and post a well done card late than a crap card early...
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