No Way Out: Results **Example**

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Y 2 Jake (Ric Flair 6) TheOneBigWill (Mr. Kennedy 5)

Y 2 Jake 6 Points
TheOneBigWill 0 Points

Y 2 Jake (Edge 3) TheOneBigWill (Edge 4)

Y 2 Jake 3 Points
TheOneBigWill 4 Points

Y 2 Jake (Chavo Guerrero 1) TheOneBigWill (Chavo Guerrero 2)

Y 2 Jake 1 Point
TheOneBigWill 2 Points

Y 2 Jake (John Cena 2) TheOneBigWill (John Cena 1)

Y 2 Jake 2 Points
TheOneBigWill 1 Points

Y 2 Jake (The Undertaker 5) TheOneBigWill (The Undertaker 6)

Y 2 Jake 5 Points
TheOneBigWill 6 Points

Y 2 Jake (HHH 4) TheOneBigWill (HHH 3)[/center]

Y 2 Jake 4 Points
TheOneBigWill 3 Points

Total Points:

Y 2 Jake 21 Points

TheOneBigWill 16 Points

Correct Predictions:

Y 2 Jake 6/6

TheOneBigWill 5/6
AJ (Ric Flair 6) Conspicuous Asparagus(Ric Flair 5)

A.J. 6 Points
Conspicuous Asparagus 5 Points

AJ (Edge 5)Conspicuous Asparagus (Edge 6)

A.J. 5 Points
Conspicuous Asparagus 6 Points

AJ (CM Punk 2) Conspicuous Asparagus(Chavo Guerrero 1)

A.J. 0 Points
Conspicuous Asparagus 1 Point

AJ (John Cena 1)Conspicuous Asparagus(Randy Orton 2)

A.J. 1 Point
Conspicuous Asparagus 0 Points

AJ (The Undertaker 4)Conspicuous Asparagus(The Undertaker 3)

A.J. 4 Points
Conspicuous Asparagus 3 Points

AJ (HHH 3)Conspicuous Asparagus(HHH 4)

A.J. 3 Points
Conspicuous Asparagus 4 Points

Total Points:

A.J. 19 Points

Conspicuous Asparagus 19 Points

Correct Predictions:

A.J. 5/6

Conspicuous Asparagus 5/6
Luther Hull (Ric Flair 6) Total Package(Ric Flair 5)

Luther_Hull 6 Points
Total Package 5 Points

Luther Hull (Edge 3)Total Package (Edge 3)

Luther_Hull 3 Points
Total Package 3 Points

You can't pick the same number as the person you are facing. It is up to you (the player) to check this. No points for either.

Luther Hull (CM Punk 1) Total Package (Chavo Guerrero 2)

Luther_Hull 0 Point
Total Package 2Points

Luther Hull (John Cena 2)Total Package (John Cena 1)

Luther_Hull 2 Points
Total Package 1 Points

Luther Hull (The Undertaker 4)Total Package(The Undertaker 6)

Luther_Hull 4 Points
Total Package 6 Points

Luther Hull (HHH 5)Total Package (HHH 4)

Luther_Hull 5 Points
Total Package 4 Points

Total Points:

Luther_Hull 17 Points

Total Package 18 Points

Correct Predictions:

Luther_Hull 5/6
Total Package 6/6
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