No Way Out 2001: Best No Way Out Ever


SmackDown! is MY Show
Seeing as this years No Way Out marks the 10th anniversary of WWE's main pay-per-view before the grand daddy of them, I figured I look back and see what has been the greatest/best No Way Out ever. Looking back at the cards and watching them all over again I have come to the conclusion that No way 2001 was the best ever. Lets take a look at the card:

WWE Hardcore Championship Match
Big Show vs Raven(c)

Fatel 4 Way for the Intercontinental Championship

Chris Jericho(c) vs X-Pac vs Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsly vs Trish Stratus

3 Stages of Hell Match
Triple H vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

Steven Richards vs Jerry Lawler

WWE Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Tables Match
Dudley Boyz(c) vs Edge & Christian vs Undertaker & Kane

WWE Championship Match

Kurt Angle(c) vs The Rock

Now looking at that card you have to admit that is a stacked card from top tp bottom. The opening match was for the Hardcore championship with Show and Raven and it turned out in a match where Crash, Billy Gunn, Blackman, and others come down and all compete for the championship. That was nice opening match to get the crowd involved with the chaotic movement happening in the ring. Then we have the 4 way match for the Intercontinental championship where Jericho had to defend the gold against men who he put on the shelf and the man who he beat at the rumble for the gold. This was a solid match with a great pace and good action and was just a joy to watch.

Then we get some entertainment with the Stephanie and Trish match. Now this was no wrestling classic but it was was fun to watch them brawl in a way. But this was just to give the fans a break as the next match was the the final match in the Austin/HHH feud. Now this has to be one of the greatest matches in the history of the WWE. We had a technical match and a street fight which were won by the man who' strengthen was not in that area. The cage match was good but had a sloppy ending with both knocking each out with their weapons, but still a damn good match that last almost 40 minutes.

Then after the 3 stages of hell we get a short match with Richards and King for the Kat to join RTC or not, but sloppy match, but hey who ever followed Austin and HHH was screwed to begin with. Then we get the 3 team tables match for the tag titles and this another solid match, but sloppy in a way as Taker and Kane dominated after Haku and Rikishi interfered, but a good match none the less.

Lastly, we have a great WWE championship match between The Rock and Angle. This was a damn good match and really we saw the evolution of Kurt Angle in this match at times he was carrying the Rock. Even with the Big Show interfering it was still a good match. We also saw Angle really use the ankle lock and show a mean side that he was lacking as champion. Now at the end we had a clean finish despite the mess up by Heber but still a solid championship match.

From top to bottom this was a solid card and it the show did its job as it ended feuds from the past so superstars could have new feuds for Mania and set up matches to take place at mania. One of the best No Way Outs ever from a card stand point and doing its job for getting everyone ready on the final leg to Mania.
I do remember that being a great show, but my biggest problem was that all these blow off matches in feuds were going down at No Way Out instead of WrestleMania. The show was full of gimmick matches and that usually makes for a great pay per view. This is one of the best No Way Out's, I really like 2003 also I believe, had solid matches and built very well towards Mania.
I definitely believe that this was the best No Way Out of all time. Heck, this was one of the best PPV's of this decade IMO.

Austin-HHH was a classic. The more I watch the match, the more that I love it. The intensity of the match was off the chart. Both guys left it all in the ring. I loved the street fight that they had. The cage match was fun to watch as well. I thought HHH falling on top of Austin was the perfect ending to the match.

Rock-Angle was another great match. I was a huge Rock fan at the time so I was glad when he won the WWF title. I don't know if I would say Angle carried the Rock but in this match he proved that he was main event material. Fast paced match with a lot of back and forth action and false finishes. Even the botch by Hefner did not ruin the match. Underrated match IMO.

The IC Title match was very good. There was not a dull moment in the match. Again, a lot of back and forth action in this match. All four guys were on top of their game.

Steph-Trish was entertaining, as was the hardcore match.
The triple threat tag was a decent match as well. I was hoping Taker and Kane would win.

I cant complain about this PPV. It was a great show from start to finish and the Rock winning the WWF Title again capped off a great night. I have this PPV on tape so I will go back and watch it later this week!

The 2003 NWO was very good too. It was great seeing Rock, Hogan, and Austin making their returns at the same PPV. I loved Montreal Screwjob part 2 and Austin embarrassing Bischoff. Very entertaining PPV.
I agree that the 2001 edition of No Way Out was stellar. The 3 Stages of Hell Match is one of my favorite bouts of all time. I love it when heels get relatively "clean" wins over main event faces. It keeps things gresh. What was even better about it was the loss did nothing to diminish Austin in the eyes of the fans. That takes superb execution.

The WWE Championship between Angle and Rock was also a blast. I think it was even better than the title match at Wrestlemania X-7.

I would say that No Way Out 2004 is a close second. It was a very special show. Eddie Guerrero finally broke through the glass ceiling and became WWE Champion. His victory and celebration were among the greatest moments in WWE history.
No Way Out 2001 is definetly a Great PPV and No Way Out to say the least,however I think this year's No Way Out can & might top it. NWO 2001 Ive always liked with Austin/HHH 2/3 Falls of course being Match Of The Night. Angle & Rock had a great WWF Title Match and Rock winning the Title was good,I always wonder if those 2 Rock Bottoms were planned after Earl Hebner did not count 3 on the first one.

Other No Way Outs I enjoyed alot-2000,2002,2003,2004,2006 with 1998,2005,and 2007 being behind those.
I agree with NWO 2001 being the best one ever. The first ones weren't anything special, save for the Cell match with HHH and Foley. 2002 was all about the New world order and featured a title match that no one really thought Austin would win. Since then it seems as if the show has been set up around the tag matches between the mania main event wrestlers, until this year which had 2 predictable, but entertaining, elimination chamber matches. 2001 was great as it had a huge double main event and set the stage for Wrestlemania, which is what the show is designed to do.
I don't know if anyone could disagree with this. Austin vs HHH, was simply a classic, where you had a great heel vs a great babyface maybe in their prime.

Rock vs Angle was, as stated before, also great and under rated, even with hebner messing up the finish.

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