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No Surrender - World Title Match - Kurt Angle(c) v. Matt Morgan v. AJ Styles v. Sting


Plump, Juicy User
During the tournament last week on Impact, AJ Styles defeated Chris Sabin and Doug Williams while Sting defeated Rhino and Hernandez to receive spots in the World Title match at No Surrender with current champion Kurt Angle and "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan.

This is nothing more than the match from Hard Justice plus AJ, but I still find it very interesting. You have two separate storylines here wrapped up in one match.

First of all, there is the Angle/Morgan saga. Morgan trusted Angle going into the last title match, and Angle betrayed him. Over the past few weeks, Morgan has agreed with all of Angle's criticizms of him in a very sarcastic manner. Morgan's true feeling should show themselves during this match.

Additionally, you have the Sting/AJ storyline. AJ was about to quit wrestling for good, until Sting convinced him to stay after revealing that AJ has been his focus over the last few months and that he is the future of TNA. To further complicate the story, Sting suffered "broken ribs" against Rhino on Thrusday. This is a very intriguing storyline between these two and it is not yet clear if this is leading to a mathc between these two at BFG, whether or not it will involve the title, and whether or not it will involve an AJ turn.

The match should be pretty good, the 3 way at Hard Justice was, and the fact that AJ is in this one will only make it better. As for the winner, I have to go with Angle here. He has held the title for awhile now, it would be rather stupid for him to drop it at the PPV right before BFG. Expect a cheap win from Angle who will barely retain.

So, what do you think about the current storylines behind this match? What do you expect of it? Who do you think will win?
Gonna have to agree with your turnout there Dis. I think Kurt's gonna barely retain the title in this match, after all it's what he's best at.
I would like to see Morgan get the belt, whether it be face or heel he's part of the future of TNA. Unfortunitly for him his time is not now.
Now as for Sting or AJ winning the belt, that could lead to a damn good show down between the two of them at BFG if indeed Sting does stay on board. The two of them could have a good showdown for the belt where Sting drops officially "passing the torch" to AJ.
While two storylines converging could be interesting, it also has the possibility of being a massive clusterbuck especially if the MEM get involved to save Kurt's title. I just hope that TNA writers keep it as simple as possible. Have Morgan get the better of Kurt in the ring without winning. Allow AJ and Sting to go 1 on 1 then have the now traditional four way meltdown.

As for a winner, I have to go with GD here. Kurt has to retain before BFG but not convincingly. I see AJ maybe about to win the title but Sting breaks up the count, leading to some tension between the two with Kurt then scoring the quick pinfall on either with Morgan distracted by Nash.

The only other end I see is Morgan costing Angle the title to either AJ or Sting, possibly setting up Title vs Career at BFG
This could either be a very good match, or total shit. I'm guessing it's going to be one or the other, and nothing in-between. All four have the potential to put on a good show, but this could very well turn into another clusterfuck Impact-like main event.

I'm looking forward to see what happens here though. I'd really love to see Styles win it here, but the odds of that happening are pretty damn slim.
It could be an entertaining four way match or it could become an overbooked train wreck which seems to epitomize the TNA main event at this point. Hopefully somebody wins clean outside interference is minimal. I won't watch it but I always hope good talent will put on a good show and hopefully that will happen here as every talent in the match is capable of putting on a show.
I think this match is going to be pretty good and like others said before me the storylines are interesting. The only problem I have with this match is that it's a fatal fourway. I hate how TNA can't just put on one on one matches they always have to be these big matches with 3 to 5 guys. I can't even remember the last one on one match for the world title. Back to the subject; I also think Angle will retain in some controversial way.
A match containing three of wrestlings most overrated men & Matt Morgan.

Can't see the point of taking the title of Angle a month before their biggest show of the year...Lockdown?. I also don't see the point in A.J. & Sting being in the same match when it looks like Styles will retire Sting next month.
3 guys overrated?? Thats a stupid comment. Angle and Sting are two of the best ever. Styles can really go in the ring. Morgan is the only one in the match who hasn't proved himself. Ok as far as the match goes, two ways it could end. 1st being Angle wins by screwing morgan again setting up the two for bfg title match. 2nd being sting winning screwing aj out of title setting up a monster title vs career match at bfg. The one that should happen is the 2nd because Sting is pretty much TNA's Bread winner and the reason they even got a tv deal, so why not let his last month in TNA be memorable. AJ has been TNA since its conception, so it is only right for him to have the main event at its biggest pay per view. With all that said i don't think angle will loose the match, because he just don't seem to be willing to loose the title.
I'd say Angle will wind up retaining as I think since BFG is TNA's biggest show of the year, it'd be more "dramatic" to have him drop the title there. Morgan has come along nicely overall, although I really don't know if he's ultimately ready to be the champ.

To be honest, I don't care for Sting being involved in this. I've seen Sting constantly in the ME scene for years, he's supposed to be retiring soon, and it's an almost guarantee that he's not going to win. I know some people want to see him for a while longer before he hangs it up for good, but his involvement in the main event for me is just stale.

As for AJ Styles, maybe I'm just naturally cynical but I can't get past seeing him as Sting's bitch right about now. Take the promo all four cut in the ring last night, Sting was doin' his thing while AJ made his own weak little contribution to it. Hell, I don't really even know why they put him out there. Even though he wasn't really going to quit of course, I just think he came off looking like a sniveling, whiney little bitch because he's far too shitty of an actor to even come close to pulling a promo like that off. In my opinion at least.

Overall, I don't really have too much interest in this match. I'd like to see Morgan come out with it, just because it's unexpected, but I don't see it happening.
Jake I know you like adding petrol to a fire somtimes but that comment makes you seem clueless about TNA.

Angle is one of the best ever. Forgetting his current issues (which I feel will cause TNA to get the belt off him asap) he can still go in the ring as well as anyone in WWE and TNA.

Sting is Sting, an even bigger icon who can go with anyone and put on a classic when his heart is in it.

AJ Styles is the future of TNA. I believe he should be the one to win here but he won't. The result here will be an Angle win. This will line up the AJ / Sting retirment match at B4G and allow Morgan and Angle to feud for the belt.

Matt Morgan is a freak; incredibly underrated and vastly improved in all areas in the last nine months. I think him vs AJ may be the next big World Title feud. But not until Genesis.
3 guys overrated?? Thats a stupid comment. Angle and Sting are two of the best ever.

Not really.

Styles can really go in the ring.

He's very good, but as good as people say he is, don't think so.

Morgan is the only one in the match who hasn't proved himself.

He's proved himself more than the others recently.

Jake I know you like adding petrol to a fire somtimes but that comment makes you seem clueless about TNA.

It's what I think.

Angle is one of the best ever. Forgetting his current issues (which I feel will cause TNA to get the belt off him asap) he can still go in the ring as well as anyone in WWE and TNA.

He's ok now. But he's not the same performer he was in WWE, or even TNA when he first arrived. He no longer deserves the reputation he recieves.

Sting is Sting, an even bigger icon who can go with anyone and put on a classic when his heart is in it.

When his heart is in it, that'll be never then.

AJ Styles is the future of TNA. I believe he should be the one to win here but he won't. The result here will be an Angle win. This will line up the AJ / Sting retirment match at B4G and allow Morgan and Angle to feud for the belt.

It shows what a sorry future TNA has. Styles is good. But all he does is put on good matches, which is exactly what almost everyone else in TNA does. For somebody of his reputation I'd expect him to have a classic every once in a while. His last on was 4 years ago in TNA.

Matt Morgan is a freak; incredibly underrated and vastly improved in all areas in the last nine months.

Underrated because nobody really rates him. Improved because he was fucking awful, now he's moderately so.
As much as I like AJ, I know what Jake says is true. However, I would never admit it. Even though I just did.

Yeah, Morgan is shit. He's got a nice big boot, that's pretty much all I can say about him. He's not even intimidating, which is sad for a seven foot monster.

Angle's a shell of his former self and Sting just coasts through TNA as easily as he coasted through WCW. Lucky bastard.
While I have high hopes for this match, I am also expecting it to be a big clusterfuck, much like all of the World Title matches at recent PPVs. I can't really remember the last time the title match was one-on-one...Lockdown with Sting vs Foley? Honestly can't remember...

Anyway, you know Sting and AJ are going at it at BFG, so expect tension to rise between the two to set up that match next month. As far as Angle goes, I really don't know what they're doing with him and the belt, honestly. I can't think of a sensible title situation for Bound For Glory.

Anyway, expect Angle and AJ to carry the match, with Sting and Morgan, as much as I like them but hate to say it, lumbering around.
I expect a decent bout out of these 4. My only problem is that I'm hoping the intro to this match is not longer than the ME. TNA has a real problem with their main events because it's as if the main events are always battling time. TNA main events never seem to get enough time other than that, I know for a fact that the main event would be good. Sting, AJ, Morgan, and Angle are all great so with the right time, I would expect a classic.

As much as I like AJ, I know what Jake says is true. However, I would never admit it. Even though I just did.

Yeah, Morgan is shit. He's got a nice big boot, that's pretty much all I can say about him. He's not even intimidating, which is sad for a seven foot monster.

Angle's a shell of his former self and Sting just coasts through TNA as easily as he coasted through WCW. Lucky bastard.

Coast through WCW? How do you coast through a company when you are the face of the company and carried the company on your back for years. Saying Sting coasted through WCW is like saying Undertaker coasted through the WWE. It makes no sense much like Y 2 Jake's existence.

And what's this crap about Angle coasting. I'm tired of people always trying to make TNA veterans like Angle seem less than what they are cause they're not working for WWE. No way in hell would you say Angle is a former shell of himself if he was in WWE. Angle is in his prime and can and still puts on great matches. Tell me how in the world is he a shell of himself.:wtf:
Angle's great years were arguably his first three years in the WWE. I haven't see n the great matches from him in the past seven years than I have in his first three years but that's another discussion.

I still see Angle retaining because I assume it will be Styles/Sting at Bound For Glory and Morgan's the only other viable option. Morgan will do his thing and Angle will somehow sneak a pin in for the victory and further the Morgan/Angle feud which hasn't been great but at least it isn't horrible.
This match is the match that I am looking forward to the most. I think that with all of the competitors in this match, they are more than capable of having a great match, or at least a good one.

Now, for some reason, I think that there will be a title change and I hope they give it to Sting. I know it sounds kind of odd but there is a possibility that at Bound for Glory, he will have his last match ever. So why not have him put the title, if he wins, on the line and give one of the younger wrestlers a huge rub when they defeat him for it. If Sting is going to have his last match at Bound for Glory then I think they should have AJ Styles retire him and in the process have him win the World Title. I think that if they did that then it would be something that’s very memorable.

I know its wishful thinking, but I think it would be awesome if that happened. So if they did, they could have Sting take on Styles in the main event and they could have Angle have a match with Morgan or Bobby Lashley at BFG. I would prefer Morgan since I find him more entertaining than Lashley and he could get a big rub from Angle.

So, while I’m not sure who is going to win, I think that they are going to take the title off of Angle and have him move on to a different feud.
This was a good match. Not stellar, and nothing you'll remember for years to come, but certainly good compared to the rest of the PPV, which was for the most part terrible. AJ getting the win and becoming the new champ is what really sealed the deal for me, being an AJ mark. Smart move to take the belt off of Angle though, I'm very curious to see how Sting and AJ play out from here. Sting let AJ win the title, so perhaps we'll see a heel AJ try to take all the credit for the win and set up a farewell match with Sting at BFG? I'd rather just have both of them as faces, give Sting a send-off like HBK did with Flair.

Not a bad match by any means though. Hernandez cashing in his briefcase and being immediately taken out by Eric Young was terrible if you're a fan of Hernandez. For me, I could care less. This is only going to further set up a future Homicide-Hernandez feud.
Saying Sting coasted through WCW is like saying Undertaker coasted through the WWE.

Actually, that's not a bad comparison, particularly now that Sting only turns up when someone turns the lights off. He's like, I dunno, an owl or something. Not unlike The Undertaker. However, when it comes down to it, Undertaker actually seems to try quite hard in his matches and doesn't rely on the lights being flicked off and on, which he could quite easily do.

A good match by, well, actually, no standards was this one. OK, I wasn't watching live so maybe I just wasn't absorbed into the, ahem, "frenzied" reaction. Letting fans into the ring isn't a bad idea, TNA. The general idea is to fill up the fucking thing though. I know you might be worried that it'll collapse, but it didn't for Christian and he had notably more fans in the ring.

I've been convinced of Morgan's shittiness. When a super heavyweight can't look good even when AJ Styles is helping him, that, my friends, is a shit super heavyweight. He has no authority about him and I just don't believe in his power. Not to mention that I think Sting's been having words with him as he's gone from selling nothing to selling a pin being broken up ("My eyes! My beautiful eyes! Curse you Sting!").

The Angle Slam (or Olympic Slam - what are we calling it these days?) has completely lost its impact. Angle hit it on Sting and the crowd just sort of sat there, not caring. I empathise.

Typically, AJ performed well. Maybe he looked good because of the mediocre performers around him. That 450 Splash will look damn good on the highlight videos though; as will the celebrations if they remember not to zoom out.

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