No Mercy: Triple H vs. Umaga

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

Triple H vs. Umaga​
HHH should put over Umaga. Wont happen though. Umaga hasn't benefited at all this year from being associated with The McMahons. I really think it's done more harm than good. It's a shame because I really like him.

I think this match has potential. Especially if Triple H let's Umaga get most of the offence. But a loss to Umaga wont do him any good. So I'm actually hoping for a DQ finish.
How Dare you Jake, are you insinuating the Triple H doesn't like putting over the midcard talent. How dare you say something like that which is TOTALLY false, gawd.

It's not Like Triple H would be involved in a handicap match on Raw, then miraculously beat down five guys at once, oh wait.

Well, it's not like Evolution ever held all of the belts on Raw at the same time...Oh Wait.

It's not Like Triple H ever used his influence to keep Randy Orton on the Roster and in the Main Event Spotlight after causing 50,000 dollars worth of damage to a Hotel Room, fuck me...

It's not like Triple H and team Degeneration X would be the first team to go into Survivor Series and have five guys survive that's insane, damn it again.

Anyone that thinks Triple H is going to give his spot up and lay down for anyone that isn't one of his buddies is out of there mind. The WWE is in the shitter concerning developing younger talent, and we've had a chance the last two months with Carlito and now Umaga to get over on Triple H and solidifiy them, um no, won't happen. Triple H is getting the Midas touch and ready to have his belt back, so god forbid he actually lay down for three to put someone over. It's a shame too, because Umaga deserves one helluva push.
No way is Triple H gonna put over Umaga because well it's Triple H. Like Y 2 Jake said, I see the match ending in a DQ so the feud continues because they really have nothing else to do as they can't stick him in the Cena V. Orton feud. So until the Cena V. Orton feud ends we'll have to see some mid-carders job to Triple H at PPV's. As I said before Umaga picks up the DQ win.
As much as I would like to see HHH put Umaga over there is just no way that is going happen. The only i can see Trips losing is he goes get his hammer on Umaga again other that he will get the pedigree for the pin. Though I think WWE will try to stretch this feud out for Cyber Sunday so i could Umaga winning by DQ but that is such a strech that i be shocked to see it. should be a good match but in the process brying Umaga and Making Trips look like a god again.
Well it's obvious Trips is going over. UmaNga is just another Mid-Carder for him to plow over on his way back into the title scene. I see this match being not too bad with Umaga dominating throughout which is a good thing, Trips has looked terrible in his first few matches back, You can tell he has a case of ring rust. This should be an average match with Trips winning with the pedigree, Although a DQ is possible to keep the feud going(unlikely) even if Trips is to win I see it carrying on to Cyber Sunday with a stipulation.

This could be one of the better matches on the card, It depends on HHH as Umaga is usually solid.
So... I'm assuming that the point of this match is to have HHH destroy Umaga... Again... God I hope it doesn't happen, I'd like to see a dq or something, but at tthe same time a dq would probably mean the feud is not over. Id much rather see HHH feuding with Orton over Umaga. I like Umaga, and I think he can really move in the ring, and overall he is a powerhouse. Umaga does have main event potential, but after HHH gets through with him I can only see him being a mid carder now...
It really looks like im the only one who is looking forward to, and expecting anything outta this, im actually very excited for this one...I really hope they book it, to make Umaga look strong, becuase if they plan on having trips go over (which im sure they do) the stronger Umaga looks, the better they make trips looks when he overcomes...some blood in this one would be good everyone the REAL game is back, and have Umaga look strong in his return..after this, I think they should really stop jobbing Umaga out, becuase he was looking very strong and credible during his IC title run, and I think they should try to go back to that momentum
As much as I'd love to say that Umaga might have a chance of leaving No Mercy with a victory over Triple H, I just don't see it happening. And it's solely because...


Why have Triple H lose to Umaga?

Would that make Umaga a viable threat to the title?

Not really.

Triple H is a bonafide main eventer while Umaga is a glorified midcarder, at best.

With the title scene on Raw looking the way it does, why make your actual main eventer look weak by having him suffer a loss to a midcarder?

Triple H with the win via Pedigree.
Hmm after thinking about it I'm going to change my opinion on this match. I still feel that HHH will win, but I'm looking to see it be a freak win. I'm actually looking to see Umaga control most of the match until he makes a mistake, and HHH is able to hit the Pedigree. I also think that HHH will have Umaga doing more of those kicks and showing off alot more speed then we would normally see. Someday down the road I can actually see these two powerhouses feuding for the title. However in order for that to ever happen HHH should he beat Umaga will need to do it in a way that keeps Umaga's image as a monster.
As much as I'd love to say that Umaga might have a chance of leaving No Mercy with a victory over Triple H, I just don't see it happening. And it's solely because...


Why have Triple H lose to Umaga?

Would that make Umaga a viable threat to the title?

Actually, now that you've mentioned it. Think about it this way. If Umaga beats Triple H. cleanly, or "almost" cleanly.. (which Umaga holds a victory over HHH from last August) then add in that the W.W.E. Championship could be decided in some sorta battle royal or something with all the Raw guys.. & have Triple H. win the Championship.

Umaga would almost automatically be the first contender for the Championship, as he'd hold a victory over the then "new Champ." So to answer your question, "Why have Triple H. lose to Umaga?" Well, to make the feud last longer.. & possibly for the Championship.

In my personal feelings, yes I still feel like the general group of people, in that Triple H. will win.. but it isn't insane to think he'd lose, either.

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