No Mercy: Batista vs. The Great Khali

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

Punjabi Prison Match

World Heavyweight Championship Match​
This match will be really bad. The last Punjabi Prison match sucked. And that had Taker and Big Show busting there asses. I just cant see this working. The only reason there having this match is so Khali can loose and not be pinned.

I actually think the Punjabi Prison match could be really entertaining if you got two decent wrestlers involved. It's just a shame that WWE doesn't push the best wrestlers on Smackdown.
It is a good idea, but let's look at the previous two.

Kennel from Hell: The Original Punjabi Prison. The Cell wrapped around the steel cage featuring Al Snow, The Big Bossman, Pepper Steak, and wussy dogs peeing all over the place. We all remember how that one went.

Punjabi Prison: Undertaker vs. the Big Show:
Even with a guy that has been in a shit ton of innovative matches, the Undertaker was unable to pull this one into a watchable match.

Now we add the two worst, slowest, most unwatchable workers in the WWE into a match that hasn't produced yet. Disaster. It's going to be a train wreck, and maybe watchable to the laughability factor, but other then Train Wreck, there is no reason to watch this match.
Perfect way for Khali to loose as I don't see a 7'2 giant climbing bamboo sticks. The only way Khali can win is if he somehow destroys the second wall. This match will suck and is a highlited reason not to buy this PPV. Like someon said above, this match could be pretty entertaining if the put two guys who can actually wrestle into this match. I see it now, interpromonitonal mayham, 3 way Punjabi Prison match, representing RAW...Snitsky, representing SmackDown!...The Great Khali, and represnting ECW...Bid Daddy V. Now I would pay to see that.
I think they should add Undertaker to this match to make it a triple threat so it can be somewhat watchable. In the future, a match like this with one of the hardyz, edge, or rey mysterio could be great, but WWE would never put those guys in one of these matches.
Meh boring match and only reason I want to see it is I want to see how bad Batista and Khali are in this match. I have no idea why they made this match as both men are huge and this is a match for smaller men so that is beyond me and if Taker and Show who are better then both Khali and Tista cant make it look then you know these two cant. Should be a crapfest but Tista will win and who knows where Khali goes from here.
The only reason there having this match is so Khali can loose and not be pinned.

Batista pinned Khali at Unforgiven though.

The original Punjabi Prison wasn't "too bad", it wasn't supposed to be a five star mat wrestling Kurt Angle supermatch. But it was bearable due to Khali not being in it, I can see this being a complete squash for the first ten minutes then Batista somehow knocking Khali out and climbing over both cages in under thirty seconds.

And why was there a randomly placed table in the first Punjabi Prison match?
Batista pinned Khali at Unforgiven though.

Yeah but two pinfall losses in as many months wont help WWE's big monster heel. Especially when you take into account that he was harmed in his two losses to Cena previously in the year.

And why was there a randomly placed table in the first Punjabi Prison match?

It had knifes and shit on it didn't it? Hopefully they go The King Of The Death Match route and make it as blood as possible. That's the only way this match can be saved.
yea, probably gonna be a terrible ugly horrendous train wreck...they put just about the two worst possible people they could in this thing, and I dont see how in any way, anyone ever thought this would be a good idea...probably gonna give the win to tista, since I dont really see any purpose in kahli winning 3 weeks after he lost it...I dunno, mayne to prove that while he succumbed in a triple threat, no one can beat him one on one...have him do this in dominating fashion, and smash thru the cage instead of climbing to further establish some more dominating monster cred, just so Taker can be the one to vanquish him one on one...otherwise, Tista can go ove rin a defense to make him more legit, but I dont know why we would want taker vs tista AGAIN for the belt...but given the way WWE is booked, tista will win, and we will get the boring same ol same ol with him vs taker....I think a decnet idea for kahli after being put out of the title picture, is have him just show up on any show and smash on people at random lol...and then have someone put a stop to him every now and again, to give whoever that guy my be, a push...that way kahli keeps his monster gimmick, and some dude every now and again can get a rub....
what is the pujabi prision supposed to be smackdowns version of hiac or something i saw the last one live and in person and it sucked. i dont know how it played out on tv but in person it sucked. i mean a bamboo cage what will they think of next a underwater match ( called the aqua prison match) i mean i would have rather watched hiac with these 2 than the punjabi match
what will they think of next a underwater match ( called the aqua prison match) i mean i would have rather watched hiac with these 2 than the punjabi match

I'd personally like to see an "Aqua Prison" match, but most likely it'll be John Cena v. Batista.. since both are filled with nothing but hot air. Might as well make it an Iron Man Match too.

I doubt this match will be enjoyable, but it isn't to say it won't be watchable. Somehow gimmick matches are always watchable.. they're like car wrecks, you hate to see them, but you won't look away.
This is actually one of those matches where I could care less who wins. If Batista wins it, okay, Batista is the champion of Smackdown!. If the Great Khali wins it, it just furthers the point that WWE loves big men.
I think this match is going to be the worst match of the night with khali bleeding all over the place with batista dominating khal's own match. Winner batista after this they should a undertaker/Batista program or with edge that would be awesome for smackdown.
Yep this match is a complete reason not to purachase the PPV.

I mean please i gotta agree of all the people they could put in there it had to be khali and batista.

They need to move the belt back to taker and get some hell in a cell action going, maybe even of the 3/4/5/6 man variety.

The main problem i see with most PPV's nowadays is there not experimenting with more than 2 guys in the ring and its always so obvious whos gonna walk with the title.

I mean seriously for no mercy who actually sees big V and Khali walkoing away with there respective titles. And who also knows its baltently gonna be batista defeating khali cleanly to show supremessy (messy being in the deliberatly) and DQ finish for V and Punk.

Breing back real matchs thats what i say
Well this is the only match I haven't said anything about, and I didn't plan on it cause frankly it's going to be a waste I think. Besides of being sick of watching Batista vs Khali, I really just don't think that this match is going to be worth a penny. we all know they both have limited in ring ability, but that's all old news. The only difference between this match and all their previous ones is that they will be surrounded by a Punjabi Prison. I'm hopin Edge or Undertaker interfere at some point cause this feud to me is BORING
I hope Edge will interfere.I think he will be cheered rather than booed.But i think this match will be aboulste CRAP
It's too bad this match is even happening.
The structure would just be in the way, because for things going on right now, it would be nice to see an Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Title.... but that can't happen with a bunch of Bamboo hanging there for an unentaining match.
Batista sucks. Khali sucks.
Well i have to agree with all of you on this one, this match has disaster written all over it because i believe this feud between these 2 should not even be happening. I believe wwe panicked after edges injury and just threw in khali. so im not even going to predict a winner because whoever wins doesn't make it exciting.

After this feud (hopefully after this match) they have to shake things up, try something new and get these guys to face new people finally.. if Edge doesnt come back until Survivor Series, they cant put a small heel against Batista, not after this Khali feud, the fans wouldnt buy it. Vince seems to want to push even Snitsky, get him to do an episode with Batista for a month before Edge returns, Snitsky has better ring skills then Khali at least and is bigger then Batista. Also fans are tired of Batista and Undertaker i think.

And if wwe wants to push Khali they need to feud him against a veteran, but one that can wrestle to make khali look decent.. i personally dont want to see him and taker again. Maybe the returning Chris Jericho? I can see it now, Jericho cracking jokes at the big man just as Y2J can.. leading up to entertaining tv.
This match alone makes me Not want to watch this ppv. They suck on smackdown and yet they get so much hype. Batista sucks and Khali sucks even more. They should be away from the belt. Batista and Khali do nothing but injure others when they are in the ring with them. Get them off tv.
yes it would be good if edge came in and beat the shitout of all of them doubt it id definatly cheer for him as he can actually wrestle a math unlike khali. Everyone knows batista will win but this gimmick match is horrible to watch and should never be used again
The match for me was basic. For a gimmick match it was nothing special. It was better then I thought it was going to be. They really did try a lot harder then Summerslam when it sucked big time.

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