No ECW title match??

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The Gribbler

Gribble me this, Gribble me that...
Seriously this is ridiculous, we have time for some throwaway bout between Drew McIntyre and R Truth with no build to it whatsoever but no room for what is SUPPOSED to be the third most important title in the company.

I know they don't have a whole lot of time for ECW but it is one of your subsidiary brands and you think you would at least TRY to make it look like a legitimate contender to the other two...right?

I mean it's clear to everyone that ECW is not on Smackdown or RAWs level, HOWEVER being the third brand you would think that it would get...SOMETHING.

This really annoys me, they want young talent to get exposure on ECW right? And the more people that watch the more exposure they will get...right? Then the better you make the brand look, logically, the more people will tune in...right?

No one will watch a joke program that cant even make fill match fodder for a PPV.

Come on WWE you have a show that is good to watch, I actually like ECW, but this makes it look like a joke and you will not get your show over unless you actually invest some PPV time in it.

Just My Opinion.

P.S. If there is already a topic on this I am sorry but I couldnt find one.
It's better to have no match than to to have a 9 second match. Which makes the brand look worse?

Also, there doesn't appear to be anybody on ECW that fickle PPV fans care about other than Christian. And from the McMahon endorsement a couple of weeks ago, it looks like McIntyre has big things ahead of him. Which is something Christian doesn't.
Yeah its odd that R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre was thrown on the card last minute, and there was no build up or chance for an ECW Title match. I still don't care for Christian, but Zack Ryder should still get his rematch.
ECW always gets put on the backburner, and it most-likely always will. I also think is sucks that they couldn't put and ECW championship match on the PPV, or at least have Christian/Dreamer/Benjamin/Yoshi vs Shamus/Kozlov/Jackson/Ryder, I think 6 or 8 man tags would be a great way to not only get ECW on the PPV, but showcase alot of talent as well.

It also sucks being #3 of the brands because as soon as good talent emerges there (CM Punk, Kofi, Swagger, Miz + Morrison(I think they both got MUCH better when sent to ECW), they are only going to get sent to Raw or SD asap, which in turn means, the same revolving door or wrestlers will end up back in ECW. I predict the return of Kane, Mark Henry, Knox and Hardy, as well as R-Truth, Chris Masters, Primo, Haas and Festus joining ECW either at or before the next draft.

I guess what I mean is, I think it's hard for even WWE to take ECW seriously at all, because it's roster is split between emerging talent that management wants on either Raw or Smackdown asap, and mid-level talent that they don't even want on the big 2. ECW is turning into the WWE's waiting room.
A lack of an ECW Title match irked me as well last night. Really, R-Truth and Drew McIntyre get in, but not one of your so-called "World" titles? Christ they treat their midcard titles with much more respect than the ECW title. Christian get's very good reactions everywhere he goes, and I really don't understand why the WWE doesn't take advantage of that. Are they really still angry that Christian went to TNA?

They need to give ECW atleast one match per PPV, otherwise, why even call it it's own brand?
I understand that Drew McEntyre (maybe I was close?) is Vince's new pet project and I like R-Truth, but seriously, all I remember is one spot where Truth "welcomed" him to SmackDown. Whereas you have Christian and Zack Ryder in a feud for the ECW title that would probably put Zack Ryder over regardless of him winning. I know it's "just" ECW but it deserves slightly more respect in the very least. I think it would've provided for a better match, maybe this match would've been better received if Drew got more build up before the next paper view and they gave them spots to make a feud...

I agree with what most people have said in this thread, this is absurd and makes absolutely no sense to me, give the established feud some air time on a PPV to put over the young talent, as opposed to this rubbish. I'm not saying it's a bad match, I'm saying it was clearly a ploy to get the newest golden boy some PPV time.
I have no idea why ECW couldn't get one match at that show, much less a second. Christian v. Ryder would have been a thousand times better than anything McIntyre and Killings could pull off, and would have had built-in interest, since it's a title match.

In place of the Divas match that could have easily added in a second ECW match. Maybe put Regal against Dreamer or Goldust. It might not have been thrilling TV, but it would have made a little more sense than the other options.
I dunno much about McInctyre since i've never seen his match yet but from what i've read from this forum and wikipedia (which i turned on evday snce summerslam) i think it is too soon for PPV match. I McInctyre assaulted for example, John Morrisson weeks before HiaC and built up the feud I think it's ok regardless he is new. however, not enough feud time and ... with R-Truth it's laughable to be at HiaC.
I must say something I didn't in the original post, I am glad that the WWE is putting young talent on a PPV card! I am just not happy that it was at the expense of ECW. Why not the womens division, how much are Mickie James and Alicia Fox worth next to Christian, they wouldn't sell half his merch, it doesn't even matter who he faces FFS!!
i think this was a mistake of the wwe to not put the ecw title on the card it surprised me alot actually. I was never expected a r-truth and drew McInctyre match just for the face that drew hasn't had much wwe experience yet. but w.e it turned out to be a decent match but im sure a ecw title match would have been a bit more interesting. (i mean it is supposed to be the 3rd best title in the wwe right?)
I say let the chemistry between Ryder and Christian build up for a month or so before having an ECW title match on PPV so it looks good and puts the brand on the map for the PPV and not some sham like that 9 second bs or whatever it was when Christian beat Regal. That hurt the brand for sure. To make the ECW Championship, or the brand matter at all there has to be a credible match on the card and not some awful squash.
i agree. put like christian and zach ryder in a ladder match...that would get ecw some ppv time. Or shelton benjamin...hes amazing in ladder matches
This is a mjor problem, and it directly pertains to the lack of main-event level talent on Raw and Smackdown right now. ECW is supposed to be the place to build up the next big stars, but they are constantly ignored when it comes to ppv's, and couple it with the lack of air time on ECW for superstars to really cut promos and develop their characters, no one has a chance to get over, and they can't get to a main event level. If they had pushed Swagger, Matt Hardy, Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, John Morrison, The Miz, etc. on ECW harder, then they would have made it to a main event level alot quicker. Punk was on the main brands for about two years in the mid-card before he was pushed to main-event level. If the point of ECW is to build up new superstars, then it's mission is currently failing. I mean we havn't had an ECW title match on a PPV in 2 months, minus a Dark match, and we haven't had a ECW mid-card matchon a PPV in god knows when. That's why there is a lack of main eventers right now.
ECW getting left off PPV cards is certainly a problem, but it's one that has an obvious cause. Most of the people on ECW are too untested at long matches to get on PPV. Zack Ryder and Yoshi Tatsu have probably never had a match longer than 10 minutes in WWE so they need to do that before they get on PPV. The solution is, well what they've been doing, longer main events to train up the guys mentioned. However, what they should have been doing is running these matches concurrently to main events between Christian and seasoned wrestlers like Benjamin, Goldust, Regal and even Kozlov. I expect that there will be an ECW match at Survivor Series, and then the status quo of a match of month will be restored.
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