No 1 contender is King Booker

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I think Booker deserves a title run. I'm of the 'Five Time' champ, we want 'Six Time'!
he WON king of the ring, so he was gonna get a shot whenever as thats what king of the ring is about really isnt it
Yes I was thinking that myself, as he never really did get rewarded for winning KOTR did he?

I think Booker deserves it all the way for many reasons like others have said, however I do find it ******ed that they made Booker job to Lashley for so long, instead of putting him straight into the World Title picture when he won KOTR, because it makes Booker look weak.

Besides, why do they build Lashley up to become unstoppable and virtually beat everyone (Beat Finley, who also beat Rey Mysterio!) They could have put Booker over the last time, just to strengthen him for his title match. Ahh well that's WWE for you!

All I want to see is Booker T finally becoming WWE World Champion, he deserves it damnit! Even if it's just for a month, the timing is perfect and his new gimmick could fit the bill, and there's no one else left to give it to, and SD! needs a new Champion! If they leave it any longer to give Booker his finally long deserved WWE title reign, they'll run out of time. Don't forget he's not got long left in the tank, he has contemplated retiring many times already, so it's just a matter of time.

The Aggressor&#8482 said:
Whoever said The Rock was African American is ******ed lol. Back on topic: I don't like the fact that Booker T is in the main event - but that's just Smackdown for ya. I think he's good in the ring, but he doesn't have what it takes to be a main eventer. His character is pretty stale and boring to me. "King Booker" spiced his image up a bit, but the way they did King of the Ring this year was a joke anyways. Bottom line: Booker T should not be in the main event, but neither should Rey Mysterio. Like I said - that's just Smackdown for ya.

The Rock being African American is a fact! U the one whos ******ed.

"The Rock is the Youngest Intercontinental, and World Heavyweight Champion ever in the WWF. He is also the first African American to hold the WWF Championship."


"He was the first and only African American to become WWE Champion."
KingFlex said:
The Rock being African American is a fact! U the one whos ******ed.

"The Rock is the Youngest Intercontinental, and World Heavyweight Champion ever in the WWF. He is also the first African American to hold the WWF Championship."


"He was the first and only African American to become WWE Champion."

OMG... look.... when people think of or look at the Rock, they think either Samoan or perhaps even Filipino. Rock is only part african-american, Booker is full african-american. There's a difference. I think if Rock were the first african american to win, people would have made a bigger deal out of it.
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