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Night of Champions 2012: Sheamus (c) VS Alberto Del Rio [World Championship]

Diet Soda

Mustang Sally <3

So for the third pay-per-view in a row we are being treated to the same match for the World Heavyweight Championship, as the resistible force Alberto Del Rio challenges the movable object Sheamus, in what is guaranteed to be a wrestling match.

In case you had forgotten, here is a quick recap of what happened at previous two encounters between these behemoths...

Money in the Bank 2012
Sheamus won.
Summerslam 2012
Sheamus won.

Of course, Punk and Bryan's feud earlier this year spread over 3 PPVs, and it looks as if Punk and Cena may do the same. Yet while the title feud on the Raw brand is being contested by two of the best mic workers in the industry right now, Fella and Doritos and exactly setting the world on fire.

I'm going to say it, they are getting a bit yes stale. It weakens Sheamus' championship reign to have the same challenger over and over again, especially when Orton is now back on the roster full time. The segment from Smackdown last week with Orton and Sheamus in the ring got a much better crowd reaction than any of the Del Rio/Sheamus meets so far.

And I think that's down to the Celtic Warrior and the Mexican Aristocrat being a bit vanilla in the gimmick department. Apart from "I'm gunna kick yur arse fella", and "It is my destiny", these two characters don't really have a lot of depth. There seems to be little motivation in the feud other than them fighting over a prop.

With that said, I think now will be the time that things are mixed up a little. There are still 3 weeks of build to go ahead. Orton has nothing to do. Ziggler has the briefcase and a lot of momentum. Barrett is on his way back. Any combination of triple threat, fatal 4 way, or MitB cash-in is very possible.

The only reservation I have about Ziggler cashing in on Sheamus is that Ziggler and Sheamus have already had more matches than I have hairs on my head.
I do not care about this main event nor do I care about the Characters. They have been severely let down by the booking department and the show writers, but most of all VKM who has the final say on everything. This is a massive shame because they are excellent wrestlers - the both of them.
I like Sheamus, as until either Wade Barrett comes back, or they ever do anything with William Regal he's the closest thing to a UK main event wrestler sinced the late Davey Boy IMO, but I do feel that if he wasn't HHH's workout buddy, he probably wouldnt've been pushed to the moon so quick, he would still probably have "made it", just not as fast without HHH's approval.
I just don't see how this feud makes either man look good. Even if the main event scene is bleak and intend to keep Sheamus as champion, would a World Title match with Sheamus Vs Rhodes or even Sheamus VS Orton really kill the WWE? Orton might still be being punished and they don't trust him in the main event, but that's why you have him LOSE to Sheamus. With Rhodes, the guy is only 27 and a few losses to Sheamus in the World Title scene can only do good things for him.

As for Del Rio, I just don't get it. Here's a guy that won't be around in another 2-3 years, is as over as a fart in church, and just isn't playing the role of the rich aristocrat the way it's meant to be played. Del Rio has the face of a child and I can't buy him as this "more aggressive" heel being fed to us. How about playing up the fact he looks so youthful and has all this money? Rich people don't get their hands dirty, they have henchmen and not just one announcer. Have it so he won't fight so and so because he hires people to do that for him. Ricardo is comedic relief, not brawn. Del Rio should be a thinking mans heel, not the aggressor he's trying to be. Give him some damn henchmen.

Sheamus VS Del Rio in its current form flat out sucks. You know it's bad when you'd rather watch a Big Show match.
Honestly, I think this is the end of Sheamus' 145+ days world title reign. I also don't get why people have to constantly b*tch about this being their 3rd match in a row, back in the days we used to have mid carders putting on 4 matches in a row, or when The Rock and Triple H had constant WWE title matches in 2000? or maybe 1998 was it? Fair enough some people don't like these 2 wrestlers or think their story is boring or they don't have any chemistry? Sheamus CAN put on a decent match and ADR can work much better than Sheamus, I kind of actually like how their last match at SummerSlam ended, it just shows, Sheamus got a 'flukey' win and maybe his days as World champion are numbered..

Anyways, so sum up, My moneys on ADR for this match, no bets on to whether the ZigZag will cash-in though..
I just don't see how this feud makes either man look good. Even if the main event scene is bleak and intend to keep Sheamus as champion, would a World Title match with Sheamus Vs Rhodes or even Sheamus VS Orton really kill the WWE? Orton might still be being punished and they don't trust him in the main event, but that's why you have him LOSE to Sheamus. With Rhodes, the guy is only 27 and a few losses to Sheamus in the World Title scene can only do good things for him.

As for Del Rio, I just don't get it. Here's a guy that won't be around in another 2-3 years, is as over as a fart in church, and just isn't playing the role of the rich aristocrat the way it's meant to be played. Del Rio has the face of a child and I can't buy him as this "more aggressive" heel being fed to us. How about playing up the fact he looks so youthful and has all this money? Rich people don't get their hands dirty, they have henchmen and not just one announcer. Have it so he won't fight so and so because he hires people to do that for him. Ricardo is comedic relief, not brawn. Del Rio should be a thinking mans heel, not the aggressor he's trying to be. Give him some damn henchmen.

Sheamus VS Del Rio in its current form flat out sucks. You know it's bad when you'd rather watch a Big Show match.

They unfortunately just don't have anyone else to put in a main event right now. The IWC might like Rhodes and Ziggler, but they won't draw. They've already invested time and resources in building Sheamus and ADR up into recognizable figures, so I can understand that they really don't have a choice at the moment.

There's just very little talent, and even less talent that's being used properly. It'd be nice if they'd maybe splice in some Raw guys into Smackdown feuds the way they brought Bryan (who was/is? a Smackdown guy) into a Raw feud with Punk/Kane and then just Punk.

I also don't think WWE cares much at the moment what a certain match will "do" for any of their characters. Sheamus is over as a face for the kids, and he's the new #1 guy on Smackdown. Problem for Smackdown is, Sheamus generally sucks overall, so nobody else will ever be vaulted up for facing him or beating him the way they could get a decent rub from facing Cena/Rock/HHH, etc...

Wow, I just spent 10 minutes typing about Smackdown.

All I really care about is whether the Cobra will officially turn heel on Santino.
I also don't get why people have to constantly b*tch about this being their 3rd match in a row, back in the days we used to have mid carders putting on 4 matches in a row, or when The Rock and Triple H had constant WWE title matches in 2000?

The difference between now and then is that HHH/Rock was the main event and main storyline. Everything revolved around those matches: all the McMahons, the WWF championship, Austin, Michaels, DX, even Earl Hebner had a fairly big role in the storyline. It was worthy of taking up several months.

But now, you've just got two opponents and a butler, and it doesn't really make for great storytelling. Their matches are sound; I'd never complain about the quality of the matches, but to make me want to watch the matches and invest in them, there needs to be solid development behind it.
I haven't been to invested in the feud, but the matches were not bad. I think Sheamus's time is up for now, and Del Rio will take the title her. Ziggler cashing in is also a possibility, but I think they should wait a little longer on that. I think Del Rio gets one more run with the title here to see if he can run with it this time.
While this feud hasn't stuck out of been the most entertaining drama wise, it has been a fun "wrestling feud". That's the problem today. Most fans want the drama and the endgame. What happened to just enjoying the work in the ring. In that respect, these two have stepped it up a little. Their gimmicks may not do much, but it's still a lot of fun to see two styles clash and to some degree be fun to watch.

In the end, Sheamus gets the 3rd and hopefully final win here. Finish the sweep of Del Rio and move on already. Even a Dolph cash in would be nice to see. We sure won't be surprised if it happens since it keeps getting teased.
*OH NO! You spoiled both of their last matches for me! It would really suprise me if Sheamus said arse alot & won with a Brogue Kick! : o

Let me preface by saying the matches have been solid between these 2 & I thought post-mania Smackdown was a better show for a solid month or two.

But between how poor of a babyface Sheamus is, the constant bullying & abuse of power by Booker & Sheamus, & the just all around poor booking of Smackdown since these two started their feud, the whole Smackdwon product has gone down the toilet!

Never has a single feud brought down so many whole episodes & made me so bitter & annoyed with the program as a whole! This feud has felt boring, stale, & pointless since day 1.

I also don't get why people have to constantly b*tch about this being their 3rd match in a row, back in the days we used to have mid carders putting on 4 matches in a row
Very True! Some programs last MONTHS! I would normally agree with this but the problem here is the feud has to be compelling enough to run this long! Also if you count all the PPV's Del Rio faced or was SUPPOSED to face Sheamus, this is the 5th in a row!

I think alot of it stems from the fact that this feud actually started around Over the Limit, but since Del Rio got injured, they didn't have a singles match till MitB.

My biggest problem with this feud is how does it end??
-Sheamus has cheated, lied, been a bully, & been a sub-par champion. For him to continue his title reign much longer would be a mockery & a joke.
-Del Rio has been beaten or screwed over at every turn. If he won the title it would either seem like a fluke because of how much they have built up Sheamus & have made him look weak or it should bascially just turn him face, since he has been the chaser that was screwed out of the gold!

THE ONLY THING I found interesting in this whole feud outside of the in-ring action was the impersonation of Sheamus by Ricardo!
Sorry, but I just don't find Alberto entertaining at all, and Ricardo is annoying in the extreme IMO.

Sheamus needs to beat the guy and move on to his next feud, possibly aganst a returning Undertaker, who is promised one more title run before he eventually retires.
Not excited to see these two go at it for a third time on pay per view. The matches between Sheamus and Del Rio haven't been bad at all, but this feud has been so uninteresting. Sheamus is the tough Irishman, who loves to fight, and Del Rio is a rich and cocky snob. Their characters are very one-dimensional, and neither man possesses expectational mic skills, so that doesn't help anything.

Sheamus should retain, and Alberto might spend some time in the mid-card, because after losing three straight title matches on pay per view, he won't have any credibility as a serious contender anymore.
Sheamus wins, then in "The Hell in a Cell" in some triple threat(probably with Alberto and Orton or Barett or even both if the want Fatal-4-way) Sheamus retains again but then Ziggler appears and cashes MITB briefcase. Standard WWE logic of things. :)
If Dolph Ziggler wants people to care about him, he needs to drop "Excuse me!" Vickie Guerrero like a hot potato IMO, she's annoying and if she wasn't a Guerrero (by marriage) she would undoubtedly have been released ages ago IMO.
Sheamus retains again but then Ziggler appears and cashes MITB briefcase. Standard WWE logic of things. :)

Could be a real possibility because, as several folks have already said, this match doesn't inspire a lot of passion (which is kind of sad, given that it's for a world title). A MITB cash-in might be just the thing to bring up the interest level.

Of course, the MITB possibility wouldn't stimulate the buy rate for the event since it can't be advertised. Still, while I like both Sheamus and ADR, the Smackdown championship is a secondary title and it doesn't really matter who wins this match. If they do the inevitable MITB thing with Dolph, it would at least be more memorable.

If not, I hope the two guys have a terrific match, since they're well capable of delivering one.
Fucking goodness. Three times on PPV for these two is three times too many. Another boring, indifference inspiring, paint-by-numbers affair. Im sure Sheamus retains. Probably another Ziggler cash-in tease.
This time, I do like that they have made this seem that Del Rio can actually win this. Booker at the instructions of I guess the WWE lawyers or the Board of directors had decided to ban Sheamus' go to move, The Brogue Kick. Taking away his finisher has put him against the odds a little in fans eyes because that's the move that gets him the 1-2-3.
I see this one turning out like Edge-Ziggler last year. Booker T on this upcoming SD! adding in a stip for the match, that if Sheamus uses the Brogue Kick, he will be DQ'd & lose the belt. At the PPV, the ref gets knocked out by accident, Sheamus Brogue Kicks Del Rio and gets the pin, but after the match or on SD! Booker comes out and reverses the decision, giving the title to Del Rio, and this leads to a 4th & final match between the two inside Hell in a Cell at the HIAC PPV.

Or Del Rio will win the match & the belt, Sheamus cashes in his rematch clause for HIAC inside the Hell in a Cell.

Either way, we are most likely to get a 4th match between the two at Hell In A Cell. It just wouldn't be logical for this feud to end at NoC, then the winner goes onto face someone new with their first match being inside the Hell in a Cell. The WHC is always defended in the Hell in a Cell match every year, and the Cell match should always be used to end feuds, no matter how watered down & prestigious it is these days.

I think it will be after the Hell in a Cell match between Del Rio & Sheamus, where Ziggler will cash in on the winner to win the WHC.
Sheamus has to win. Del Rio is not over enough nor entertaining enough to carry Smackdown. I absolutely hated his WWE Title run(s). They were not near as good or near as entertaining as others. Sheamus has had a great run and mega win streak, and I think he will win this match too.

But neither of these man are walking out World Heavyweight Champion.
I think this will be the last one on one match featuring these two for a while. With the Brogue Kick being banned, they're trying to create the appearance of Sheamus being in trouble as he no longer has his most powerful offensive move.

They've sort of built this up with Del Rio being someone that's more of a "wrestler" against someone that's mostly a "brawler" like Sheamus. I think they're ultimately going for Del Rio to come off as having an advantage since he's the superior technical wrestler. Sheamus using the Cloverleaf submission finisher could be WWE's way of simply saying that Sheamus can do more if he needs to. I'm sure the Brogue Kick will be reinstated soon.

I fully expect Sheamus to retain against Del Rio. Depending upon what happens in the Orton vs. Ziggler match, Ziggler might finally make a successful attempt to cash in to become the new WHC.
I think Orton vs ziggler will determine what will happen in the WHC match, if Orton wins then expect a cash in , but if Ziggler wins then ....well..don't expect anything more than a stupid boring WHC match that will end with yet another boring sheamus victory.
I hope the title of this thread doesn't change from Night of Champions W/O name of ppl changed to Hell in the Cell or something along those lines. This feud has long run its course it gotta end. If Shemous wins i don't see any good enough challengers. Shemous can lose and move on to Punk. Cena can take his long awaited rest for next pay per view by going into injury list from Punk. It'll gain Punk some reputation maybe
I am so sick and tired of this feud. I hate it when WWE drag out a feud for so long like they are with this one. That only keeps fans interested when it's a GREAT feud like Micheals/Jericho for example. Otherwise.... it gets old. This better be the end of the Sheamus/Alberto feud!!!! That aside.... I both hope and expect Sheamus to retain. Ziggler's got the briefcase, so why would he cash in on Alberto? It would make far more sense for him to cash in on Sheamus. Other than the divas match it is the match I am looking forward to the least on the card, I'll still watch though.

This probably goes on toward the end of the evening, with only the divas and Cena/Punk following it. The only way it goes on earlier is if Dolph is cashing in so that he can defend against Orton later. I doubt there will be a cash in. It could happen.... I just don't see that being what ends up playing out at this show. Sheamus retains, ending this feud for good. Alberto moves on to some random filler feud while Sheamus moves on to his next challenger, probably Orton or Barrett. It won't be the best of the night, but it won't be the worst either; and it definitely won't close the show.

Sheamus retains the World Heavyweight Championship.
Again, these two put on a great match. While I can't fault the match, I do find fault in the different spots. I seems like Sheamus has gotten out of Del Rio's cross armbreaker like double digit times over the course of their fued. At SummerSlam and last night, Del Rio not only gets him in the hold, but usually multiple times with the last one coming off of a nice exchange where Sheamus is already carrying a "hurt" arm. This should be the point where Del Rio wins but it never happens.

I have no problem with Sheamus continuing his title run, just how he has done so. They keep on having these matches where Del Rio looks strong and has him on the brink of submission just to lose to a Bro Kick. I would rather have had Sheamus win in more convincing fashion then he did last night just to cement the victory and end the fued. With the outcome last night chances are they will have another match at HIAC where we already know the outcome.
Although this was a great match, (as Sheamus continues to provide solid matches for the audience,) I'm left wondering why they would drag out this feud with three straight PPV matches just to have Del Rio come up on the losing end all three times. The ending, while exciting, disappointed me tremendously. But I guess Triple H and the WWE are really pushing for longer title reigns and this is the result.

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