Nick Paglino proves every IWC are idiots stereotype correct


Turn Bayley heel
Paglino: There you have it folks. The age old argument of whether or not John Cena turns heel in WWE is really an argument of creativity vs business. Which is an age old argument itself.

The viewers don’t care about merchandise numbers, or live event gates, or how much money someone makes for a company, they care about good storytelling and the most creative TV show possible. So yes, from a creative standpoint a John Cena heel turn should have happened a long time ago.

If more people wanted to see a heel turn then didn't, that means live event gates would rise. The nWo had huge merchandise numbers, as heels. John Cena would not. People who have been lambasting Cena for literally 10 years aren't going to suddenly like him cause he's a bad guy now, and the WWE knows not to totally alienate their fans.

Of course, if WWE put more confidence in its up-and-coming stars, and built new main event level talent, maybe they wouldn’t consistently have to rely on Cena being the top draw.

Oh yeah, because the WWE would love to only have one draw who is not far shy of 40 years old, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that with the exception of Bryan and Punk, both of whom were given enormous chances to shine, nobody has connected with the audience in the way that all previous big stars did.

Daniel Bryan and The Miz have headlined WrestleMania in the last 4 years, if the WWE was all about the old guard, that wouldn't have happened.
What many may not realize is that what Cena's doing right now - the whole "I'm gonna be me no matter what you guys think of me" shtick - is as close to a heel turn as you'll see from him.

Trying to please the fans gets you nowhere, because people change their minds every five seconds. Creative has to give the fans something that's intriguing, not the same ol' stuff over and over. Cena turning heel will not change anything.
Cena turning heel makes the Cena dream match line up actual dream matches with meaning and purpose instead of "why is noble Cena fighting old men other than to take our money?" matches or "why do I care about this guy since Cena will get the spot light back in the end?" push.

Make the turn. It so time.

Am I the only one who thinks the "Brock is willing to work more" story is bullshit?
I'm not into WWE anymore, but I do remember back before I used to think a Cena heel turn would be a great idea. Thinking back on it now I don't think he should ever turn heel. Just because they would probably screw it up, he'd be heel for like four months and then he'd go back to being a babyface and then it might be too late because you'd probably have a whole generation of kids who wouldn't trust their big hero anymore.
I'm ready for the Cena heel turn myself.

If it never comes though, then oh well. I fully understand why and I think it's silly to hold any kind of resentment over it.
See, I still believe a John Cena heel turn would be an overwhelming success. There is no argument that anyone can present that would convince me it is an impossibility. To suggest it would cripple the WWE because of a drop off in merchandise sales is shortsighted and naive. I think the argument that Cena's events out sell the events that don't feature Cena is irrelevant to the discussion. And the one point that people forget is, no one is suggesting a permanent heel turn forever and ever. Just think about the reaction, the spike in merchandise sales, etc., when the inevitable happens, and he turns back.

Cena will go down in history as one of the best of all time. And I think his legacy will only be expanded upon by showing the versatility to play both sides of the coin. Just like Hogan, SCSA, the Rock, Triple H, and all of the other all time greats have done.
See, I still believe a John Cena heel turn would be an overwhelming success. There is no argument that anyone can present that would convince me it is an impossibility. To suggest it would cripple the WWE because of a drop off in merchandise sales is shortsighted and naive. I think the argument that Cena's events out sell the events that don't feature Cena is irrelevant to the discussion. And the one point that people forget is, no one is suggesting a permanent heel turn forever and ever. Just think about the reaction, the spike in merchandise sales, etc., when the inevitable happens, and he turns back.

Cena will go down in history as one of the best of all time. And I think his legacy will only be expanded upon by showing the versatility to play both sides of the coin. Just like Hogan, SCSA, the Rock, Triple H, and all of the other all time greats have done.

He plays both sides of the coin almost every night he comes out and receives half cheers and half boos. Hell, he does more than those other names because he plays both sides of the coin at the same time.

Why would the WWE turn John Cena full heel when all the people that want him to be heel already treat him like one? When you can have your cake and eat it too, you don't dump it in the trash.
A heel turn just means dark colored shirts and a scowl. It would only flip flop the current reactions because half boo Cena while the other half cheer him anyways. Not like he is gonna start slapping babies & un-granting wishes for sick kids or anything.

"Oh your final wish is to take a picture with me?"

(dumps cancer boy out of his wheelchair)

"Thug Life"

....on second thought that would be hilarious.

Sweet Jesus! What more do you want from the man!? Why, I ain't seen a fella turn a heel that good since Bill "Bojangles" Robinson!
Eh. I think I've decided that at the end of the day, it's only one guy out of the whole roster. Do I desparately need or want to see Cena turn heel? No. It'd be interesting for a while though I guess.

But yeah I agree with the OP, the age-old addendum of "WWE isn't building any new talent" has been proven to be bullshit so many times by now.
See, I still believe a John Cena heel turn would be an overwhelming success. There is no argument that anyone can present that would convince me it is an impossibility. To suggest it would cripple the WWE because of a drop off in merchandise sales is shortsighted and naive. I think the argument that Cena's events out sell the events that don't feature Cena is irrelevant to the discussion. And the one point that people forget is, no one is suggesting a permanent heel turn forever and ever. Just think about the reaction, the spike in merchandise sales, etc., when the inevitable happens, and he turns back.

It'll only be a success if you had another superstar as over as a babyface as Cena is. With Bryan out.. who would step up and face the mega heel Cena?

And seriously, how on earth can people take a heel Cena seriously after his whole GIMMICK is basically telling the world he'll never change. It wouldn't feel organic in my opinion.
My favorite part of that article was the Cena's live events out earn non Cena events by $60,000 comment. I wonder what the math would look like if you compared UT live event earnings.
With Daniel Bryan injured and CM Punk gone from the company, John Cena’s merchandise is said to be outselling that of the rest of the WWE roster combined.

Cena has been outselling the roster with Punk and Bryan on it, save for that short time Punk outsold him so I don't see why he included that.

I just want to know what Cena would do as a heel. What would his arc be? Why would he change who he is to please people that don't like him?
Cena has been outselling the roster with Punk and Bryan on it, save for that short time Punk outsold him so I don't see why he included that.

I just want to know what Cena would do as a heel. What would his arc be? Why would he change who he is to please people that don't like him?

It's included because it says he's not just outselling everyone else, he's outselling everyone else combined.
It's included because it says he's not just outselling everyone else, he's outselling everyone else combined.

Oh okay got it. I just breezed through the article.

Is Bryan not moving merch anymore? I know he's injured, but it's not like he is being phased out.

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