Nicest People In Wrestling

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
Let's face it, wrestlers are dicks. But there are, in fact, angels in this devil town.

So let's do the natural thing and make it a dick wagging contest, on who the nicest guy in wrestling is. Top Five nicest guys;

1. Mick Foley. This one's probably biased for me, because of all Foley does with RAINN.

2. John Cena. In spite of his murder of Chris Benoit and family. Dude has really risen above hate.

3. DDP. Shared the gift of more life for Scott Hall and Jake Roberts. And his wife.

4. Bryan Danielson. Everyone loves Bryan Danielson. I can't even make a joke here. It would be like ganking a puppy.

5. Sting. May be the only born again Christian that anyone actually likes
Taker signed an autograph for me and a buddy about 6 years ago. Friend acted like an ass trying to impersonate his grim voice while getting his shirt signed. Taker took it in stride and was cool the entire time.

Only wrestler I met so it's not much to go on, but he seemed pretty cool.
I've heard that Pat Patterson is a very giving fella.

But I'd say Jim Ross sounds like a nice guy.

Although he was a massive dick to Samoa Joe. If you look past that, certainly.

I imagine JR as a guy who just had a job to do, and didn't have the heart to say someone like Joe sucks.

Remember, he said the same to Kharma, and happily ate crow about it.

Taker signed an autograph for me and a buddy about 6 years ago. Friend acted like an ass trying to impersonate his grim voice while getting his shirt signed. Taker took it in stride and was cool the entire time.

Only wrestler I met so it's not much to go on, but he seemed pretty cool.

Remember when Chuck Palumbo was a biker with Michelle McCool as his manager, and they ran an abuse angle for a week or two before dropping it?

I've always heard that wasn't an accident...
We should just go ahead and say, if you're a promoter you aren't making this list, huh?
I met Matt Hardy last month and he was very cool to chat with. From what I saw, he was making conversation with every fan.

Velvet Sky was a sweetheart too.
With Ed Ferrara being the lone exception. What an exceptional man.

A beacon of class, he and Russo. Just swell blokes.

In all seriousness, Big Show deserves some spot up there. You know it takes every fiber if strength to be as great with kids as be seems to be.
From personal experiences with them

Mark Henry
Matt Hardy
are four of the tops for me.

Plus my sister almost hit Steve Austin with a door and he was cool about it. He's a wife beater though so he doesn't make my list.

I once read that Spike Dudley met a kid at a signing or something and the kid didn't have a ticket to the show that night so Spike hooked him and his dad up and got them backstage. I'm pretty sure this was at an ECW event but I'm not totally sure.

Brock is generally a douche, but I've heard different things about how he treats fans. But this is classic.
According to Heyman, Brock is a nice guy once you understand his motivations. He just wants to go away and take care of himself and his family.

I've heard nothing but good things about Mark Henry.

The Rock is a cheeseball, but he's always pleasant to everyone. Same for Cena.
Jim Duggan. Met him at Axxess this year and he seemed to be having a great time talking with fans. A friend's mom met him a few years back and he was just as nice apparently.

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