NHL's most hated list


parental discretion advised
There was a poll on twitter for who the most hated people in the NHL were.
1.) Sean Avery, 14
2.) Alex Ovechkin, 13
3.) Scott Hartnell, 12
4.) Dan Carcillo && Chris Pronger, tied for fourth with 11 mentions each
5.) Dany Heatley, 9

Mike Richards, Dion Paneuf && Sidney Crosby all tied with 5 mentions each
Chris Osgood, Roberto Luongo && Todd Bertuzzi all tied with 4 mentions each
Henrik and Daniel Sedin, Marian Hossa && Chris Neil all tied with 3 mentions each

I don't know if I really agree with that all the way.. Personally I've never been given a reason not to like Osgood.. Also funny how a lot of them are Flyers players. shows more people from the East voted, otherwise the Twins, and Burrows would have been higher. So I decided to create my own list, and afterwards you can say which you agree with. Who you'd get rid of, and who you'd put in there.

10)Peter Forsberg:​
I may be a bit bias here, due to being a Red Wings fan.. But I always saw him as a bit of a crybaby. When he wanted to play? He could out play some of the best in the world.. but that's the ting, WHEN he wanted to play. Sakic and Roy were the heart and soul of that team. Not him. After leaving the Av's, he ended up on a few different teams, never doing much. This year he came back for what, 2 games? Then retired again?

9)Daniel Sedin:​
This may be due to living close to the team, but I am sick of hearing how great the Sedin's are. They are good, and some of the things they do are incredible, but they are also pretty bad once you split them up. Daniel has always taken the backseat to Henrik, this was shown when Hank was named captain, in favor of Daniel. They play good, but when it comes to the physical play, Daniel is left useless. A non-physical hockey player is a lame hockey player. Hell, even Martin St.Louis will make hits here and there! And he's half their size.

8) Henrik Sedin:​
Naming Luongo captain of the team was the worst move in recent memory.. Naming Henrik captain a year later was the second. Kessler should have been the captain. For the reasons I have Hank at #8? For what I just said, combine with all the stuff said about Daniel.

7) Alexander Semin:
There is nothing wrong with a player who won't fight. I can count on one hand the number of fights Sakic and Yzerman had in their career. however, there IS a problem with someone who tries to fight and ends up doing.. well.. THIS!
That is an embarrassment to the sport. I bet Don Cherry almost had a heart attack watching it.

6) Sean Avery:​
It's hard to find an Avery fan. The guy makes it too easy to hate him. With his stupid plays on the ice, and moronic comments off, Avery has topped a lot of list for most hated. The only reason he's not closer to number one for mine is the fact that he calmed down a bit this year. Less yappy, more goals. Hmm, interesting formula, he should keep it that way.

5) Raffi Torres:​
The biggest villain of the 2011 playoffs (outside of Vancouver that is). Between his style of play, and his attitude, there's no reason NOT to hate Torres. Personally I think he should have been suspended in the first series. Would have stopped a lot of things from happening, and players getting hurt later on. He's a goon, and one of the worst ones at that.

4) Wayne Gretzky:​
Let the controversy begin.. Yes Wayne is the most celebrated player in the game, and considered a National Treasure.. I never liked him though. Being the NHL poster boy, he seemed to be "Untouchable". If you went after Gretzky, you would receive a call, almost guaranteed. Treating one player better than the rest, no matter who they are and good they are, is bull.

3) Sidney Crosby:
It's my list okay? I can't stand the guy. Just like the twins, he is good, but he's not "the greatest player ever!" as he's oven called. The people in Pittsburgh treated him like he was Jesus on skates, but IMO Ovi is a better player. He didn't pick up the nickname "Crybaby Crosby" for nothing after all. He'll take a blatant penalty, and then bitch and complain about it. His fights are not much better than Semin's either. Pulling the guys jersey till he falls is not a good fight.

2) Alex Burrows:
If it wasn't for my #1 pick being such a douche, Burrows would have been my top pick. The biggest diver in the NHL right now. Not to mention he Bites players too? What the hell is that? People here say that Burrows is a great player, but you take him away from the Twins, and see how many points he gets. Anyone can be good on that line. Look at Ansen Carter a few years ago. Burrows is a little bitch of a player, and kind of a dick in person as well. Met him at an autograph signing a few years back, and he seems like he's got a huge stick up his ass.

1) Gary Bettman
Is anyone surprised? Bettman is a tool. What exactly was the point of taking the team from Winnipeg, just to send a shittier one there a few years ago? Oh, I know now! He couldn't send Phoenix there, because they are a decent team. But by sending the next to useless Thrashers there, it's almost a given they will suck their first year or 2. then he can say how it's not working great like people thought it would. Bettman has always had an thing against Canadian teams. Ugh, there's too many bad things to say about Gary. No need to go on anymore, because he's topped my list already.

So now people, who is your most hated people in the NHL?
You are confusing who you hate with who the players hate. There's a big-difference between the two, and most of the names on the list you provided would never make the latter list.

No one hates the Sedin's for being good, but they sure as hell hate Burrows for being a punk, for example.

By the way, I'm an Avery fan. Consider your quest to find one complete. ;)
Haha, yeah I know IDR. I said that it was my list. As far as for who the players hate? Avery would be on that list. Burrow for sure as well, like you said. Not too sure who else, as I haven't seen a list like that before. I know you're a hockey fan as well, so I'd be curious to see a list of yours :)
Players I personally hate? List is easy to compose...

In no particular order:

Matt Cooke

Single biggest cheap-shot artist in the game. In fact, it's a disrespect to real artists everywhere to even refer to him as such. He's a scumbag with no respect for his opponents or his peers, so none should be given to him in return. I hope he comes back and elbows a guy in the head again so he can get tossed for the rest of his career.

Dirtiest player we've seen in the NHL in years. Bar none.​

Patrick Kaleta

There are little things taught to hockey players early on which are considered taboo and a violation of the unwritten code of conduct hockey players grow up with — Kaleta pisses on that book every night. He celebrates every goal like he's never scored before, cheers himself and taunts his opponent after nearly every fight and goes head-hunting often, only to turtle when challenged to fight. Grade-A piece of shit.​

Jarkko Ruutu (Tuomo is fine)

Like a mixture between Kaleta and Cooke, Ruutu is less of a head-hunter, but more of a blabber mouth who rarely backs up his words with his fists. Incredibly annoying to play against (I'd imagine), but far from a clean player. Loves to take runs at goaltenders and then let the new rules of the NHL protect him when the opposition roughs him up for it.​

Mike Ribiero

Notorious diver and faker. Takes full advantage of new NHL rules to give his team the advantage by faking injuries and diving on nearly every would-be call against him. Disgraceful.​

Jordin Tootoo

Stupid name, stupid player. Loves to take runs at defenseless players and just an overall piece of garbage. Also takes after Kaleta (or Kaleta after him) in the pissing on the unwritten code of conduct by celebrating like an asshole no matter what he's "accomplished", especially after fights and goals.​

Chris Neil

See Ruutu.​


As for Avery, I can understand people not liking Avery for his mouth, but as an Avery fan, I'm compelled to come to his defense and preface this discussion with a few facts:

1. Avery has never been suspended for anything he has done on the ice, so if anyone intends to call him "dirty", I strongly suggest you look at the criteria that defines a "dirty" player when lump-summing him into a group that includes the likes of Kaleta, Ruutu, Neil, Tootoo, Burrows, Torres, etc.

2. Yapping is not inherently "dirty". It's annoying, but not dirty. Sticks and stones...
Damn! I knew I forgot someone. How I left Cooke off is beyond me. Although Torres is close to being him. He should have been suspended in the first series for that hit. May have prevented a few later on.
Matt Cooke is obviously at the top of the list. I'm not a big fan of Aaron Rome these days either. Cooke is undoubtedly the dirtiest player in the league. I don't think I need to elaborate on Rome at this point of the playoffs.

I've always had a hatred for Avery as well, ever since the Brodeur fiasco. And for some reason, don't like Mike Cammalerri either.
Avery to me is pure entertainment, because he keeps it legal. I have no problems with agitators who agitate and don't head-hunt or play dirty to garner attention.

I can surely understand why other teams hate him, but I just won't ever sit back and let someone call him "dirty".
Avery isn't dirty, and he is a skilled player, albeit on the decline. But his brand of agitation is low brow and cheap. It's one thing to agitate, but you still have to respect the game and it's players, and Avery tends to forget this.
Oh, I don't disagree at all. If you heard some of the things he's actually said on the ice, you'd be pretty surprised (all things considered), but talk is just talk, albeit disrespectful and often tasteless.

I'd take a guy talking about my wife cheating on me (or something like that) over a cross-check to the head any day of the week.
Yeah I kind of figured you would have it in for Rome. Not a big fan of his either. The Vancouver fans are calling for the Heads of a few Boston players, but they all overlook the Rome thing. He deserved what he got for that hit. I really don't think he should be allowed on the ice on the off chance they do win the cup.
No reason to disallow the guy from celebrating with his teammates if they win the cup. None. The hit was late, and illegal, and he paid for it with his suspension. Forbidding him from celebrating with his team when this could be the only time he ever has the chance to in his career would be overly callous, especially after he apologized both publicly and to Horton himself for the hit.
I'm only saying that, because of all the talk here that Boychuk should be suspended, and not be allowed to hold the cup. If I didn't live here, and have to hear how the fans are on a daily basis? I might not mind the team that much.
Suspend Boychuk for what, the hit on Raymond? Hockey play gone wrong. Nothing to suspend the guy over, but it would take a truckload of wrong for me to consider barring a guy from celebrating with his team winning on the ice after the game is over, and I mean a truckload.
Matt Cooke?

And yeah, it wasn't a bad hit. Just an unfortunate event. Was watching the NHL network last night and they said it looked like he was trying to keep his balance, and if he had just gone down like he was, then it would have been avoided.
Would I suspend Cooke from celebrating? No, probably not. Careless player as well, and hated personally, but it's just not enough to bar the player from celebrating.

For that, he'd have to go on a rampage. Go after fans, the referees, etc.

It'd have to be a penalty severe enough that the league was considering banning the player from the game, not just from playing in whatever number of them.
No reason to disallow the guy from celebrating with his teammates if they win the cup. None. The hit was late, and illegal, and he paid for it with his suspension. Forbidding him from celebrating with his team when this could be the only time he ever has the chance to in his career would be overly callous, especially after he apologized both publicly and to Horton himself for the hit.

This is irrelevant anyway as the Canucks won't be celebrating anything with anyone tonight ;). But on the off chance I'm wrong (which I'm not), I would allow Rome on the ice with his teammates.

And talk of suspending Boychuk for the Raymond hit is ludicrous. Last time I checked this was hockey not goddamn synchronized swimming. It's a physical game and sometimes shit happens.
I despise Sean Avery like many do. It's not that he's a dirty player just that he is an idiot. I highly dislike stupid people and he has to be on of the dumbest in all of sports. It'd be one thing if he was a great player doing some of the things he did but he is average at best. 18 goals is his highest ever total for one season and just 48 points is his highest ever total for one season. He's ok for a 3rd or 4th line guy but his idiocy overtakes what talent he does have.
And talk of suspending Boychuk for the Raymond hit is ludicrous. Last time I checked this was hockey not goddamn synchronized swimming. It's a physical game and sometimes shit happens.

I agree wholeheartedly. This series has been screwed up from the beginning though. It's no wonder I have multiple Canucks on my list. They say Boston should be punished for something, then turn around and do something worse (Who bites?? I'd rather watch Semin fight again)

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