NFL's Adam 'Pacman' Jones Signs With TNA!

Not open for further replies. is reporting that the Tennessee Titans have obtained a restraining order against Adam "Pacman" Jones, preventing him from participating in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling's event on Sunday.

More details shortly as this story is about to break all over the news wires.

Well looks like Pacman might not get to make his wrestling debut this Sunday. O well nothing big anyway. TNA is still going to be getting alot of exposure in the media. Pac is just going to end up getting his ass kicked out of the NFL soon.
I see this is as a way of the Titans to stop all this TNA wrestling stuff before it gets out of hand. Really I think the Titans thought he was doing for publicty and wouldnt go through with it, but he is and now they are trying to stop it. Should be interesting to see what comes out of this though
This is going to come back to bite TNA in the ass in the worst possible way. They're spending money to bring him in, and now it looks like they might have just wasted the money thanks to the Titans getting a restraining order preventing Pacman from having any involvement in TNA programming. Way to go, you dumb schmucks. Money that could be put to better use bringing in some hot new WRESTLERS is being spent on someone that nobody's gonna give a rat's ass about in a month or two. Pacman Jones is a flash in the pan. This plan is going to backfire. And TNA is going to suffer heavily because of it.

Last week's Impact with the debut of Pacman drew a 1.0 rating. Nuff said.
As previously posted, The Tennessee Titans filed for a restraining order on Friday that would prevent Adam "Pacman" Jones from wrestling at TNA's Hard Justice on Sunday.

According to a new report from the AP, Nashville Chancery Court Judge Robert E. Lee Davies agreed with the Titans, saying Jones should be prohibited from "participating in any activities that 'may involve the risk of serious personal injury.' Judge Davies then granted the court order to the Titans.

The injunction strictly bars Jones from participating in any TNA event, as a "wrestler, spectator, announcer, participant or otherwise" which means unless Pacman wants to breach his Tennessee Titans contract, he will not be at TNA Hard Justice or any other TNA event for that matter in any form or fashion.
There ya have it folks. Don't be expecting him at Hard Justice at all.

Personally, if I were TNA, I would assure that Pacman whatever his name is could participate in TNA instead of blowing money on him then later on finding out they are not able to use him. I'm interested how much they paid him....
See now TNA can have in their contract a clause where their contract can bull null and voided if he not able to come as that could be in TNA contract. See I dont see what the Titans are being liek this with Pacman let him go do his thing in TNA and if he got hurt then good for you hes no longer your problem.
See now TNA can have in their contract a clause where their contract can bull null and voided if he not able to come as that could be in TNA contract. See I dont see what the Titans are being liek this with Pacman let him go do his thing in TNA and if he got hurt then good for you hes no longer your problem.

that's kinda what I figured, Pacman is a ******, and alot of the guys in TNA are probably not happy that he is there, keep in mind that they have had to bust there asses to get where they are today, and when someone like Pacman comes in and thinks it's just going to be easy, and makes it sound like a big joke, that's just going to piss off the guys in the locker room and they are going to be extremly brutal with Pacman in the ring, so there is a good chance Pacman would suffer some kind of injury, and then his contract with the Titans would be null and void and they would save money, and not have to worry about this stupid dumbfuck anymore, he could go to the Raiders with the rest of the NFL rejects
My only opinion in this matter is simply put.. WHY is T.N.A. wanting to fight over Pacman coming in? Big deal, he's a player on the Tennessee Titans & they think just because Wychek boosted (if even) ratings, that maybe Pacman would do better. Not to mention the company started in Nashville.

Fact is, W.W.E. & everyone else in the wrestling world, possibly even the failed MTV wrestling program, are laughing at T.N.A. for even pushing this as their main issue..

Especially, when their current Heavyweight Champion has been reportedly closer & closer to dropping dead in the ring.. & their other main guy, who holds the Championships that Angle doesn't.. (meaning Joe) turned down an offer to resign.. obviously meaning he either wants to go back to ROH, or WWE.

I think Adam "Pacman" Jones is the LEAST, by far, of T.N.A.'s worries.
The reason they are putting so much effort into getting him is they have hyped his appearance up and to just say "oh sorry he's not coming" would make them look stupid.

I personally would like to see him in the ring, the word is he is actually quite good, you cant deny his athleticism, im not saying i wana see him wretle every week, but for a one off appearance, he will probably be better than your average one night only performer, due to his athleticism.
TNA should be putting their current roster over instead of bringing in more new people and giving them the push that other wrestlers deserve. This Pacman issue is ******ed. one minute, reports say that he is allowed to wrestle. the next minute the reports say that he cant have any physical contact at all. then they say, well he can manage people. this whole thing is a big FUBAR pie. TNA is really looking desperate now....
PrimoEco and One Big Will and the rest of you guys why is TNA pushing over the Pacman Jones issue and fighting for it simple same reasons WWE would also! First of Tennessee Titans suspended the guy he has no pay for a whole fringin year what is he supposed to do! There is no loophole or claus in his contract that he cannot participate in any time of sport he could ve went to UFC and UFC would have fought to get him in the ring!
WCW used to bring in Rodman and Milkman (basketball players) WWE once upon a time they bought in Football Players for WM2 battle royal remember?
I see TNA succeeding in getting him to wrestle and fight with Ron Killings as a tag team partner and one way is to have them masked wrestlers in fighting!
Only way to go about it is that way !
i dont care that they are fighting so hard to keep pacman. once you start something, you finish it. tna started the process so to back out now will make them look really dumb. my biggest beef is against TNA for not using the stars they already have to put the company over. Guys like petey williams should be on tv, not adam "ms.pacman" jones. TNA is only doing it for the publicity and so far, most media stations have referred to TNA as the Arena football of pro wrestling, without even mentioning the letters, "TNA". So this whole thing isnt going to give TNA squat in the end except alot of hassle. 75% of the current roster isnt happy about never being on t.v. because TNA keeps bringing in WWE rejects and giving them the pushes. one of the things that made TNA great in the beginning, is that they didnt need Ms.Pacman Jones or Andrew "unoriginal" Martin....and do you know why? because of a locker room filled with true, pure wrestling talent. the more TNA tries to be like WWE, the less i'm gonna watch. if i want to watch recycled TV garbage appear in a wrestling ring, i'll tune into WWE's ECW featuring The Miz stain....
In a way, TNA is at fault for not looking to see that he'd even be allowed to compete. As far as Pacman claiming this is his way to give back to the fans, that's a lie. He's only doing this for himself and to get paid and nothing more. He's the same guy that was kicked out of the NFL for a year no matter what he says on a microphone or whatever kind of entrance he makes to the ring. Also, can we stop calling him controversial because he is the farthest thing from it He's simply a NFL player who got booted out of the league for getting in trouble too many times due to poor choice in judgement of his own character and for his choice in who he hangs around with. The better translation for Pacman getting booed, told to shut the "F" up and thrown monopoly money as he makes his way to the ring is three simple words to TNA Management: "You Screwed Up" and also can be translated as "We don't want this guy in the Impact Zone". Whatever the fans say and no matter what Pacman says or does in TNA, this whole situation can only be justified as a mistake.
Theres a rumor that both Truth and Pacman can be done at Bound For Glory should the Titans still not allow Jones to wrestle. All I have to ask is that if it happens and those two end up gone, is anyonje going to care? Is anyone going to miss them? Because I won't. Pacman being there is bad enough, but if he can't even do anything because of his NFL contract, he's just deadweight. And as for Truth, who knows what they'll do with him should this rumor be true. Honestly, I can't wait to see them lose the tag belts. it's an insult that they get the belts before other teams more deserving of them. LAX, Triple X, 3-D, etc. At least AJ and Tomko will bring some credibility back to them
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