NFL Regular Season Awards

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
Pretty much just a continuation off of Big Sexy's Mid Season awards thread.

MVP- All year long I was on the Aaron Rodgers bandwagon, but these last 2 weeks have convinced me that Drew Brees should be the MVP. He shatters Marino's record, throws for 46 TDs, and leads his team the a 13-3 record. Still can't argue that Aaron may deserve it more since his team has won more and he's thrown less picks, but I'd give it to Drew.

Offensive Player- Just to vary it up, I'll give it to Gronkowski. Best TE statistical year in history, dude is just amazing.

Defensive Player- Jared Allen. He was just half a cunt hair away from breaking Strahan's sack record and he did it on a shitty team. Jesus I wish Kansas City would have kept a hold of him.

Offensive Rookie- Cam Newton. I normally lead toward those who actually win something, but this dude had near elite QB numbers in his rookie year. He was phenomenal and he looks like he's only going to get better.

Defensive Rookie- I know most are going to go with Miller, but I'm going with Aldon Smith. 14 sacks to lead all Rookies. Hard to argue against that.

Coach of the Year- Jim Harbaugh by a long shot. Took a flailing San Francisco team and turned them into the 2nd seed in the NFC in his first year. Almost nothing about that team changed other than the coaching staff so I just naturally tend to think that he was the catalyst for their success.
MVP: I am with you on this one Nate. For the longest time, I said it should be Aaron Rodgers, but then the last week of the season happened. I don't like giving MVP Awards to system quarterbacks, and that is what Week 17 showed Aaron to be. Yes, it was one game, and it was against the Lions, but Week 17 showed, in my mind, that if you take Aaron out of Green Bay, they are still going to be an explosive offensive. Matt Flynn with his 500 yards and his 6 touchdown passes doesn't lie. So, I have to go with Drew Brees. Not only did he break the record for yards, and his own record for passing accuracy in a season, but he truly is the most valuable guy in the NFL. Where would The Saints be without him? I think there is a good argument to make that they wouldn't be the powerhouse that they are now, and that credit goes mostly to Brees. Yeah, he is definitely the MVP in my eyes.

Offensive Player: I'm going with Calvin Johnson aka Megatron. 96 catches for 1681 yards, and 16 touchdowns doesn't lie. The guy is a beast, and The Lions would not be where they are today without him.

Defensive Player: I'm with you again Nate. I don't know how you can say anyone but Jared Allen. The guy was a monster on a suckass team, and, like you said, he was just inches away from breaking the sack record. That is damn impressive.

Offensive Rookie: Just give Cam Newton the award right now, and lets not have any silly debates about it. The guy was gold on the field, and with a few smart free agent pickups, the Panthers could be Monsters in the NFC.

Defensive Rookie: Von Miller. I understand the argument for Smith, but Von was not far behind with 11 and a half sacks, 64 tackles, and 2 forced fumbles. Not only that, but he was also a key reason why Denver turned their season around and are in the playoffs now. Hard to argue with that.

Coach of the Year: This is Jim Harbaugh, and it isn't even close. He had the exact same roster as last year, and he turned a 6-10 weakling, into a 13-3 powerhouse. Either they all started to take steroids in the offseason, or Jim is the reason for it. :p

I am going to add two more to this list as well:

Game of the Year: Week 14, Bears vs Broncos, I have never seen a crazier game in my life. Why the hell did Marion Barber run out of bounds is a question we will be asking for years to come. Was it because of innate magic that Tim Tebow possesses that makes players do stupid things, or is Barber just stupid? Not only that, but then there was the fumble as well. Marion was on his way to the endzone, he was going to put the game out of reach, and then out pops the ball, and it is a different story. Then, you add in the fucking 59 yarder from Matt Prater to send it to overtime. 59 fucking yards. Yeah, I don't remember another game this season that was as crazy or exciting as this one.

Play of the Year: In my eyes, it comes down to two plays. This amazing catch by Kansas City Chiefs receiver Dwayne Bowe back in Week Five:


and, of course, Cincinnati Bengals receiver Jerome Simpson's insane front flip touchdown:


This is hard because both plays are circus like in nature, both took extreme skill to pull off, and both resulted in touchdowns. Wow, I don't think I can pick. I might just name these two plays the co-plays of the year. Yeah, I think I am going to be cheap and do that. Hooray for Cheapness!

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