NFL Fullbacks: A Lost Art

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
The NFL has become a passing league. Names like Rodgers, Brees, Brady, Rivers, and Manning get talked about a lot. Names like Fitzgerald, Johnson (Calvin and Andre), and Jennings get brought up a lot as well. When elite running backs are discussed we hear about AP, Arian Foster, Chris Johnson, and MJD but we rarely hear about the fullbacks they play with.

Four of the five leading rushers last season had great fullbacks blocking in front of them. Foster had Vonta Leach, Michael Turner had Ovie Mughelli, CJ had Ahmard Hall, and MJD had Greg Jones. The Vikings and Steelers don't use a fullback as much as they used to but they often use 2 tight end sets and sometimes even have one tight end in the backfield as an H-back.

With that said Adrian Peterson's highest ypc total came in his rookie year when he averaged 5.6 ypc behind great fullback Tony Richardson. LT's best years in San Diego came with Lorenzo Neal blocking in front of him. The New York Giants had a Super Bowl winning season back in 2007 in large part due to their great running game and fullback Madison Hedgecock was a big part of that.

On the whole a running game is much more successful when there is a fullback in the backfield. It's really a simple concept. If you have an extra blocker right in front of your running back then naturally the running game is going to be more successful. Even with it being such a simple concept, many teams would rather open up an extra roster spot for another position rather then keep a fullback on the team. It may be a passing league now but an effective running game is still important for a teams success. Especially for teams that have younger qb's.

Thoughts on the subject of fullbacks?
It's becoming a passing league, so unless you have a top 10 rushing attack, the fullback is gonna start being phased out. Some teams can obviously survive without a dominant rushing attack (New Orleans, New England, Colts w/Manning) but others would be in some deep shit without it (Atlanta, Tampa Bay, Jets). It's gonna be tough for these guys to stay on teams rosters unless they can do a multitude of things (catch, special teams, etc.) because of the advancement of a passing league.

Will the fullback always be around? Sure. However, it seems like only 6-7 years ago everyone had at least one FB. Now? I'd be surprised if a designated fullback was on even 1/2 the league's rosters.
As a Steelers fan, I knew how important the fullback was to a ground game (Tim Lester aka "the Bus Driver," Jon Witman, Dan Kreider, etc.) Some fullbacks are still very relevant in their offenses today (Vonta Leach, I'm looking at you).

I think once defenses start learning how to defend the passing attacks that dominate today's game, there will be a new focus on the ground game and a re-introduction of fullbacks into a team's ground game. It's only a matter of time.
Will the fullback always be around? Sure. However, it seems like only 6-7 years ago everyone had at least one FB. Now? I'd be surprised if a designated fullback was on even 1/2 the league's rosters.

Until the other day the Vikings didn't even have a FB on the roster. We just slid Kleinsasser there if one was needed. Now we brought up Ryan D'Imperio up from the practice squad as Rudy and Shank were slacking in the blocking department and we put Kleinsasser back there.

But FB seem to be a dying art right now. There aren't many elite ones out there. Hell there aren't many good ones out there either. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Vonta Leach. The guy is a great blocker and goes hard every play. Ovie Mughelli would probably be a distant second. Like you said, unless you are going with a full fledged running attack, a FB isn't necessary. Even for a running team it isn't completely necessary if you can get the right pieces into the mix. I know Adrian Peterson isn't a fan of having a FB in the backfield with him, as he believes it slows him down.

I do believe FB will eventually become relevant, but until then it isn't a hot commodity. Football is always a developing sport. Once defense develop to slow down the passing game and teams begin to shift focus back on running the rock, like Mick said, FB will become relevant again. Until then FB will struggle to stay on teams unless they provide another aspect to the game.
It's gonna be tough for these guys to stay on teams rosters unless they can do a multitude of things (catch, special teams, etc.) because of the advancement of a passing league.

Until then FB will struggle to stay on teams unless they provide another aspect to the game.

This is partly why the position is a dying art. The best fullbacks were often the ones who weren't just strictly blockers. Even in the high passing offenses of today fullbacks can still be very effective. The 49ers of the 80s and 90s are a perfect example of this. They were a pass heavy offense with the West Coast system yet one of the unsung heroes of those teams was fullback Tom Rathman. He wasn't strictly a blocker. He was a great blocker who could also get a first down or touchdown in short yardage situations and he was great at catching the ball out of the backfield. Daryl Johnston of the Cowboys dynasty of the 90's is another great example. Those are two fullbacks who were great contributors to a couple of the best teams ever.

Even last year with the Packers one of the bright spots of a struggling running game was John Kuhn. He was a solid blocker who helped out rookie James Starks plus he could also catch the ball out of the backfield and was a good short yardage back. No matter what the style of offense is, a good fullback can contribute.

Somewhere along the way teams started to think that all a fullback could do was block. Now they are some fullbacks who did make great careers out of that. Lorenzo Neal is a name that springs to mind immediately. He opened up holes for the likes of Warren Dunn, Eddie George, Corey Dillon, and LT for years. Those were all run first offenses so all he needed to do was block and he did it damn well.

There are two different breeds of fullbacks but teams for some reason have phased out the all around fullback for the most part.
As a Steelers fan, I knew how important the fullback was to a ground game (Tim Lester aka "the Bus Driver," Jon Witman, Dan Kreider, etc.) Some fullbacks are still very relevant in their offenses today (Vonta Leach, I'm looking at you).

I think once defenses start learning how to defend the passing attacks that dominate today's game, there will be a new focus on the ground game and a re-introduction of fullbacks into a team's ground game. It's only a matter of time.

As a Raven fan I am glad a Steeler fan acknowledges a good Raven player. Vonta is new to the team but so far he has been doing what we need him to do, just rewatch Ravens/Steelers week 1 for proof.

Also a few years ago the Ravens had one hell of a FB named Le'Ron McClain. He really isnt a HB in a FBs body. If he were willing to block for Rice it would have been great to still have him here.

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