Next World Title Push?


WZCW's Brent Blaze
Right now we have guys like Sheamus, Wade Barret, and D. Bryan all getting a pust that could lead into the World title.

D. Bryan has the briefcase.So we know he will get the match sometime.
Wade is on a well-deserved winning streak.
Sheamus is on a huge winning streak as well.
We also have Cody Rhodes who has all the potential in the world. He may get that World Title push after he drops the IC belt. I hope he stays in the Mid-card through Mania, that way we have a IC title match with some meaning.

Then there is those people who have been there a while like Show (currently in the title picture), Orton, Kane, and Christian.

So, my simple question is this:
Who gets the next world title push?

Im not saying who is the next champion, but who is heading for the next meaningful rivalry.

I have to go with Sheamus for a while, then maybe he can defeat Mark H. for the title and start a feud with Wade.
I want to go with Wade Barrett on this one. I am a mark for the guy and am glad they are finally giving him the push he deserves. Not sure how Wade would fit into a program with Henry unless Show beats him sometime soon, but stranger things have happened. Also read that they are planning to make Henry vs Show at TLC as well.

As much as I would love for it to happen, I do not see Bryan actually cashing in at Wrestlemania. I just don't think the WWE would do that. They more than likely do not see him as a main event level caliber title holder. Cody would be awesome to see as he was the only reason I even watched smackdown for a while.

In short, Wade Barrett should get the next world title push. I feel he can be a much better top level heel on smackdown rather than Mark Henry.
I kind of wish the main two titles wouldn't get tossed around so much. Although, I'm curious to see if John Cena will recapture it sometime before Mania to see if it'll be a title match as he had told The Rock he would hold onto it for him. I'm definitely not into Daniel Bryan winning it. Kane is out of the picture and i feel at this point if any belt changes hands it'll be to Sheamus next. Id love for ADR title reign to be meaningful(Unlike The Miz and Sheamus first two reigns).
Well in terms of short term, the next feud with Mark Henry than I would have to go with Kane. When you think about it, he is set to return soon and it would destroy the story continuity if Kane did not go right after Henry. Again however that is short term and I know you mean song term pushes for young guys.

My pick is Daniel Bryan, the guy has the Money in The Bank briefcase and plans on cashing it in at the 28th annual Wrestlemania. The reason I think that Wade Barrett will not get the title until after Mania follows: Mark Henry will be occupied with the 2 giants that he injured in the summer, leaving Wade for only a spot in the EC in February. As far as Rhodes goes he is still Intercontinental Champion and will go into Wrestlemania with the title. Bryan has the quickest route to the belt of all of them. It will be Wrestlemania season once TLC is over and at that point I am sure we will be seeing some big name matches in the PPVs leading to Wrestlemania. Barrett, or Rhodes will probalby not win the title in the duration of that time. Sheamus is a good choice but in reality I do not want so see a Sheamus/Henry main event at WM. We already saw that match in the summer now it is time to give DB a chance. Which is what he will get exactly come April. WWE has just now started to build DB up and I do not think they will squander that chance just to have Sheamus battle Henry on the grandest stage of them all.
It's hard to say because both Sheamus and Barrett are right on the brink of a world title feud they can potentially win. Both are right at the upper midcard level and I'm worried that before too long one of them willstart to sink lower on the roster so I really want to see both find this success but if theres one that I see making it first itd have to be Wade Barrett. Barrett has ofcourse been on a major roll lately picking up small victories at first over the like of Daniel Bryan but then moving up through Morrison,Sheamus and most recently Randy Orton. He's rolling a little faster than Sheamus and he's team captain of his own survivor series team coming up this weekend. I see him moving on up to the main event and feuding with Mark Henry going through to Elimination Chamber.
The next push that would actually mean something should be Sheamus. Kane will likely return for a TLC match against Henry or something but I want to see The Celtic Warrior be next in line because someone worthy of being the top guy on Smackdown should be the one to end Henry's reign. I only see one of three guys doing it. Orton in a rematch, Bryan at Wrestlemania, or Sheamus in the next big world title push. Sheamus has proven himself as a face and thus should be next so he can feud with guys like Barrett, Orton, Bryan, and Christian when he comes back.
I'll go with Sheamus. No one on Smackdown has gotten over as a face as quickly as Sheamus. He's proven himself worthy of being Smackdown's top face and reliable as a World Heavyweight Title holder. Sheamus and Mark Henry never really seemed to end their feud a couple months back and I can only imagine that is a sign of things to come. Since then, Sheamus has been on the path of destruction and all that momentum will undoubtedly pay off in the long run. Sheamus will make for a phenomenal World Heavyweight Champion.

I'd also like to give the nod to Daniel Bryan. It seems logical that Daniel Bryan wll cash in and become sucessful in doing so since everyone who's ever held the case has been. Daniel is not exactly to the point where I can see him being a Worls Title holder. However, with that said the WWE could have something in store for him. With the excpetion of a few, he's been losing a handful of his matches as of late so it would seem likely that the WWE has something in store for him. I completely understand why his haters hate him and I, to some degree, I agree with them. However, Bryan's positives definitely outweight his negatives. He can get over. He can become relevant. He can become a World Title holder by the promised date of Wrestlemania 28.

One last Superstar I'd like to point out is Wade Barrett. At the end of last year, Wade Barrett was one of the WWE's top heels. He had a pretty impressive debut beating down the top wrestler of the company in John Cena, and catured the attention of everyone hat watched the WWE at the time. Sadly, since then, he's lost a bit of steam - quite a lot actually. He started doing irrelevant shit and noi one has cared since. However, Wade Barrett has potential. He's on the rebound and Barrett's definitely someone I can see being push toward the World Title once Mark Henry finally gives it up. Book it.
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Are we assuming Punk is not going to win the title on Sunday? Punk is definitely next in line, especially considering the poster for the next PPV has his face on it. I'm sure Punk is going to take the title from now until Wrestlemania.

But for the next guy *after* the current main eventers, I have to say Wade Barrett over Sheamus. Barrett is more of a unique character, while Sheamus is the traditional monster persona. I think Barrett would be a more believable champ while Sheamus' role would be more suitable as someone who chases a heel champ. Also, it would be interesting to see a Punk/Barrett match up for a title, they have a bit of history and they can both work a match.
It's hard to say at this point. I like where Barrett is going but I think it's a little too soon. I dig the fact that they're really making Barrett a force again but it could be a mistake to rush into the situation.

As far as Sheamus goes, it's certainly possible that he's next up for a shot. Sheamus has been on a tear since coming to the blue brand and he does have some unfinished business with Henry from this past summer. They had two matches, each won a victory and each match ended via count out, so nothing was solved.

I think Henry could possibly have several challengers coming after his title before long. I expect him to have one more match against Big Show at the TLC ppv to blow off their feud. I can't see how Sheamus isn't somehow involved and I could see him challenging Henry for the title at the Royal Rumble. According to the last thing I read, Kane is expected to return at the Royal Rumble so it's not at all unlikely for him to interfere in a Henry vs. Sheamus match. After the Rumble, up next is the Elimination Chamber ppv and I can definitely see Henry defending against the likes of Sheamus, possibly Kane, Randy Orton, possibly Christian if he's able and maybe Big Show.

As we've seen for the past few weeks, it's looking as though WWE is planting the seeds for a match between Mark Henry & Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania. If that is the plan then, over the next few months, I think we're going to see something of a transformation in Daniel Bryan. Bryan doesn't look like he's in Henry's league right now and I think that's being purposely done so that this "transformation" of Bryan into a serious challenger for Henry can takek place over the course of the Road to WrestleMania. It's possible that Bryan could be booked in the SD! EC match but it seems kind of a waste since he has the MITB briefcase and has already stipulated that he intends to cash it in at WM. At the same time, however, such a match could be an opportunity for Bryan to really shine and put forth a great performance.
Short term, I think Sheamus is going to get World title push and a run with the belt.

Long term, Cody Rhodes is the man. It's possible Barrett and or Bryan could get a run before Cody does but I think they're building Cody up to be a long-terrm main eventer whereas I don't really think they're building up for long term runs from Barret or Bryan.
Among the guys you mentioned , I think that Sheamus will be the next to receive a World title push. I expect that he will be the one to finally beat Henry. He has been red-hot(no pun intended) since Summerslam and is receiving quite a push. Also there have been many reports that suggest that he will be in the title picture at 'Mania.

Among the others, Barrett will be the next in line around next summer. He is my pick to win the Rumble. As for Rhodes, he probably will hold onto the IC title for quite some time to bring back the prestige of the belt.
Well for mine to work Mark Henry and Cody would both have to drop there belts, cause I can't see two heel champs facing each other for the world title it's not compelling enough.

But if Mark Henry dropped the belt to say D Bryan, I would love to see a Cody Rhodes VS Daniel Bryan match for the world title. Both guys can work well and would put on a phenomenal "wrestling" match that would get people talking and Smackdown could make two huge stars off of this feud. They both have a huge future in wrestling and if this happened it would get the ball rolling in a big way for both of them.
I think Sheamus will defeat Mark Henry at Royal Rumble. Barret or Rhodes will win the rumble to face Sheamus at Mania(could be a triple threat if DB cashes in and adds himself to the match). If Rhodes wins the rumble I think Ted Jr. could become the next IC champ.
Realistically, big show will be getting probably 2 more shots at henry so he is the most likely...i'd love to say rhodes but i don't see him losing the IC title to anyone anytime soon theres just no real challengers...
As far as the immediate picture, I think it's most likely we'll see Sheamus get involved. After TLC, I think Big Show will be through with the title picture and somebody else will get involved to start the year. I don't see Wade or Cody getting involved until soonest Summer. Of course, this isn't counting Elimination Chamber where they both could be very well involved because the main event features six guys.

I think Sheamus will probably become the #1 contender and either end Henry's reign at the Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber. What I'd really love is Sheamus taking the World Title from Henry and Kane winning the Royal Rumble (or vice versa) because I'd love to see Sheamus vs. Kane at Wrestlemania for the World Title.

I think in the long run though, it will soon be Rhodes and Barrett and maybe Daniel Bryan. Rhodes and Barrett seem like a lock, while Bryan seems like an experiment WWE isn't quite sold on just yet.
Going back too the Daniel Bryan cash in two weeks ago, I think we all knew something would happen that would lead to Daniel Bryan dropping the belt simply because it was not meant to happen that way. I think WWE wanted to remind us fans that Daniel Bryan does hold the Money in the Bank briefcase and he can go the distance with mark henry. For weeks Bryan was either losing or was off TV all together. So it was really just a reminder incase anybody forgot that he had the opportunity to cash in.
The thing about smackdown at the moment is they've done such a good job building up there wrestlers that there's now, too many chefs in the kitchen.

Just evaluate for a moment:

Mark Henry - Most dominate SD champ in years (IMO)

Big Show - 5 time world champion (7 ft tall)

Kane - 2 time world champion (monster)

Orton - 9 time world champion

Christian - 2 time world champion

Sheamus - 2 time world champion

Undertaker - 8 time world champion (lets not forget he's back next month)

Then you've got...

Daniel Bryan (money in the bank)

Wade Barrett (hot streak, over & future world champ)

Cody Rhodes (momentum lost since demasking, but most improved for 2011)

So what do you do? Show won't win that title, Undertaker will likely end up fueding on RAW, Orton's a big enough star that he doesnt need this currently and can fued elsewhere.

I think going into wrestlemania you need to make Sheamus and Wade Barrett begin a massive fued. It keeps them relevant and it would have great results at Wrestlemania I believe.

Rhodes can midcard, I'm sorry for the lovers, but he isn't ready and isn't a believable threat currently, especially to Henry.

I feel that the heat Henry gets lately means he must remain champion until Wrestlemania, and thats the first time I've thought that. But after this weeks SD, has to happen I feel.

Daniel Bryan is the pick for me. They've built him up, made him relevant. I'm sure we'll continue to see the "oh so close" for Bryan in the months leading into mania. I also think that they can put on a great match, and don't kid that if Bryan makes Henry tap at Mania, that he won't be instantly over, massively popular and create a Wrestlemania moment. It's got the be Bryan in my opinion.
Barrett! This guy literally has all the tools and he's over. A lengthy Barrett/Sheamus feud over the WHC would be solid
I want to go with Wade Barrett on this one. I am a mark for the guy and am glad they are finally giving him the push he deserves. Not sure how Wade would fit into a program with Henry unless Show beats him sometime soon, but stranger things have happened. Also read that they are planning to make Henry vs Show at TLC as well.

As much as I would love for it to happen, I do not see Bryan actually cashing in at Wrestlemania. I just don't think the WWE would do that. They more than likely do not see him as a main event level caliber title holder. Cody would be awesome to see as he was the only reason I even watched smackdown for a while.

In short, Wade Barrett should get the next world title push. I feel he can be a much better top level heel on smackdown rather than Mark Henry.

I agree with Mathix about Cody Rhodes. He has been surprisingly entertaining over the last few months and I look forward to seeing the Booker T program. I also think that he should get the next title run seeing as how he has been the best heel on the show. Mark Henry has done an admirable job and this run in the twilight of his career is cool but we know it can't last. Cody is young and could be a great heel for years to come. I would like to see him pushed like RKO was when he won his first title.
ok, lets see,smackdwn has: sheamus,orton,rhodes,bryan,big show,mark henry,
undertaker(who knows),and kane. the person in my opinion who should get the
next title match is sheamus because he has been on a role as of don't forget
the rivalry between mark henry and sheamus IS still not finished summerslam, they just did the match, and the just moved on. sheamus deserves the next title match.

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