News Cram: Daffney Arrested/Vel-Vel Sponsors Weed/Jeff Is Happy/Taping Attendance


Lord And Master
Staff member
Velvet Sky posted a message on her Twitter account supporting the use of marijuana.

The TNA Knockout relayed an informational picture Tuesday night explaining how marijuana benefits each part of the human body.

It would seem Velvet Sky is an avid supporter of marijuana. Beliefs and all that are cool, but with guys like RVD, Jeff Hardy and such lurking, that doesn't make Velvet Sky seem like the most positive of influences in the locker room.

Attendance was said to be between 3,000-3,500, which was much higher than expected.

Early estimates thought the attendance would be around 2,000.

Still sounds pretty small to me. Still, steps are steps and this surely sticks it to the 1100 of Impact Zone attendance and intake. Which is non-existent there. Hopefully future tapings offer just as much "surprise" in it's attendance numbers.

Reports say that Jeff Hardy was in good spirits last night.
Small news, yeah. But given how the other Hardy has been doing, this comes off more notably. Hopefully he stays in good spirits and gets himself back together.

Public records indicate that former TNA Wrestling performer Shannon Claire Spruill (a/k/a Daffney was arrested for Driving under the influence last month in Florida.

Spruill was arrested at 8:51 p.m. on July 19 in Hillsborough. She was officially charged with Driving under the influence with property damage with bond set at $500.

Spruill, who last performed for TNA, parted ways with the organization on March 15 as her contract expired and not renewed. She subsequently announced that she had filed a workers' compensation claim against TNA for injuries suffered while wrestling for the promotion.


Can't believe dirtsheets missed this for a month. Still, sad to see such a solid worker as Daffney pull something like this. Judging from the picture, she's let herself go a bit.
I can't say I'm surprised Velvet Sky is a marijuana supporter considering who she is dating at the moment. Which is cool. The attendance for the Alabama Impact taping sounds great. It isn't a huge gate, but good numbers for TNA. I even read reports that the crowd was hot all night for both Impact shows.

Daffney looks pretty rough in that mug shot, but then again who doesn't? It seems to be a habit for wrestlers that aren't working to get involved in a DUI. I just hope she hasn't hurt anyone and can get help if she has a problem.
I think that around 3500 is pretty solid number and one TNA should be happy with and its obviously better then the 1000-1400 people you would see in the Impact Zone. There was one other problem TNA was worried about with the crowd and that was if they'd be hot for both tapings and from all reports I've read the crowd was into it the all night and most of the crowd stayed for both of the tapings.

As for Hardy Its good to hear that he was in good spirits yesterday especially with whats happened to his brother. I read that he looked like he was in good shape and the crowd reacted favorably to him when he came and they got behind him.

Velevet's comment doesn't surprise me and it sucks to see that Daffeny let herself go abit and now she's in trouble with the DUI its never good to hear that.
Velvet Sky supports weed.

Hardly surprising, considering her current and former boyfriends (Sabin & Hurricane). Not exactly the kind of thing a company employee should be making public, but hey, she's still fucking hot.

Daffney Arrested

Well, She is not the first, and she will most certainly not be the last. As long as she isn't currently employed by TNA I couldn't care less.

Jeff Hardy in good spirits

Good to hear it. Hopefully he remains focused and healthy.

Taping Attendance

Congrats to TNA on a huge attendance for them, but seriously, WWE live events draw bigger crowds than that.
Velvet Sky Likes Weed
I'm not exactly surprised. Considering the facts that she's dating Chris Sabin, is a wrestler and looks like a stoner, how can anyone be shocked? As a public figure and role model to young people, should she be actively supporting something illegal and damaging to your health? Probably not.

Daffney's DUI
I barely know who she is. She was that gothic chick who wants to sue TNA, right? Um, yeah.

Taping Attendance
Still small. But hey, good on TNA. Definitely beats the Impact Zone.

Jeff Hardy Is In Good Spirits
This is the main thing I want to talk about. Now I could make a joke (sample: what spirits? Rum and whiskey?), but really, good on him. If he's gotten better, more power to him. I've never been a Hardy fan (apart from when I pretended to be him with my brother when we were 6 and 8), but I wish him the best of luck. There was a time when everyone thought he was going to be another statistic so I'm happy to hear this.
Just because Velvet "supports" marijuana use, doesn't mean she smokes it herself.. but if she does.. that just makes her even more hot :) I support marijuana use (legalize it, am i right?) and i don't smoke the stuff.. at least i haven't in a few years.. I just don't care if anyone else uses it, it's better than those nasty things called cigarettes :)

as for daffney, everyone looks rough in their mugshots.. doesn't mean she let herself go, she does look chubby there but maybe it's just that picture.. and everyone has probably drank and drove or had DUI's themselves.. I've had a couple.. but at least i learned my lesson and don't drink and drive anymore :) it doesn't mean they're a bad person, they just made the wrong choice and as we know, you don't think straight when you've had a few too many.

and i don't really care about the Jeff Hardy thing.. he was messed up during a ppv event.. he should have been canned.. of course the ones that allowed him to even go out there for the match in that condition should also be fired.. i mean, Matt did his thing on his own time, smashed into a tree and gets fired but yet, Jeff does his thing while in a TNA arena and still has a job.. go figure..

and I'm glad about the attendance.. hopefully they will be able to get out of the Impact Zone for good sooner or later and possibly do live shows every week :)
Well good to hear they had an actual sized Crowd for the Alabama Tapings in an actual Arena in Huntsville not that Barn known as the Impact Zone. If they start Touring like WWE does maybe I can take them more seriously as well.

Jeff Hardy being in good spirits is nice to hear. Maybe he will get back to normal like he was in WWE before all this mess started. I hope he stays clean as well.
Velvet Sky Likes Weed
I'm not exactly surprised. Considering the facts that she's dating Chris Sabin, is a wrestler and looks like a stoner, how can anyone be shocked? As a public figure and role model to young people, should she be actively supporting something illegal and damaging to your health? Probably not.

Marijuana isn't damaging to your health, it's actually quite beneficial for it. Dumbass.
Marijuana isn't damaging to your health, it's actually quite beneficial for it. Dumbass.
Inhaling smoke of any kind into your lungs is dangerous to your health, be it tobacco smoke, wood smoke from a fireplace, smoke from burning wildlands, or smoke from illegal substances.
Velvet Sky supports weed.
Like others said not surprising when you look at who she's currently dating.

Daffney Arrested.
Not too surprising, just another wrestler getting arrested.

Jeff Hardy in good spirits.
I'm happy about this, I hope he can get back to the Jeff Hardy of 2009. I'm a bit surprised that he is in good spirit though seeing what's happened with his brother this past week.

Taping Attendance.
Nice attendance for TNA and better than the Impact Zone but still isn't good enough in my opinion.
Velvet Sky likes weed. Cool, like 95% of Americans at least try it before age 25. I've never smoked it but even I think it should be legal. It's less dangeous than alcohol and if we tax the piss out of it, that's more benefits I reap without paying in. Good for her.

That's a SOLID attendance. I don't understand why wrestling companies don't run more in the south. They always focus on the northeast and this bullshit perceptions that those fans are "rabid" well they may be rabid but there's only 500 of them. In the south, they still think it's real (exaggeration) and they like to get drunk and rowdy and there isn't much live entertainment/live spots competition. It's pretty much a perfect place for pro wrestling to succeed.

Jeff Hardy is in good spirits so this means.....Xanax?

Daphne: By nature pro wrestlers are emotional, self-centered people. Who else would want to be away from family and travel all the time and perform to get people to adore you? A lot of people say that's what they want but how many REALLY do? This isn't surprising. Daphne is an Army brat who wanted to be an actress and ended up a pro wrestler and is now basically a never-was who's time has passed. Sounds like a recipe for a DWI to me. Hope no one else got hurt due to her stupidity and I'd like it if they took away her license.
Well for TNA these attendance numbers prove that they are more successful outside the impact zone.

I view them as a regionally global company. Meaning they are getting their name out their globally, but are stuck in a region like Florida. These numbers tell me and tell them that in order to be taken seriously they need to travel, and their numbers will start growing. WWE didn't have the numbers when Vince Sr. first started it. They are a territory, and now look at them. SO for TNA this is really good news.
Marijuana isn't damaging to your health, it's actually quite beneficial for it. Dumbass.

Erm, just no. Like ToughGuy has said, inhaling any smoke is detrimental to one's health. There are plenty of other effects that weed has a on the brain and body - just Google "is marijuana bad for you". I'm well aware that there may be dome health benefits, but that really isn't the point. The point is that it's illegal and unhealthy. Someone in the position of Velvet Sky should not be promoting it.
Hey guys, marijuana is a really serious issue, it's not a laughing matter. Do you guys know how many people die each and every year from ODing on marijuana? How many innocent youthful minds are destroyed from that green poison? I guess I shouldn't be surprised that someone as attractive and cool as Velvet Sky is making a little extra "green" on the side.

So everyone really needs to start checking what yahoo answers says about marijuana, because there's nothing more factual on the internet than yahoo and google; well obviously wiki, but obvious answers are obvious.

Marijuana is illegal, and it's the Devils favorite toy! please don't play with the Devil, he is evil.

....and Daffney's face looks like the cratered ass of a 500 pound transsexual juggalo.
Jeff Hardy should be in good spirits (and yes, like an earlier poster noted, there are too many jokes to be made with that pun) because when was the last time when people were saying,"so, did you hear what Hardy did this time?" they weren't talking about him? Its pretty bad when you have a federal drug indictment still hanging over you, that could still land your ass in prison, and you're being looked at as the brother with his shit together.

as for the stuff about weed, should it be illegal and causing our prisons to be overcrowded with non violent offenders? No (and this is coming from someone who is Straight Edge and has never smoked anything). But saying that its health for you and talking about it like its penicillin is just stupid. Is it healthier for you as compared to chemically laced tabacco, or alcohol? maybe, but to say that its flat out healthy for you as just stupid. the inhaling of the smoke alone, any smoke for that matter, is detrimental to a persons health.
Velvet Sponsors Weed

She's just gone up a few notches in the dream girl stakes, something I didn't think was possible. Weed should be legal, but thank God it ain't because I wouldn't like to think how much it'd cost if the thieving governments got their hands on it. I don't know why weed is illegal and alcohol isn't. How many people smoke a joint and then want to kick the shit out of someone? How many people smoke a joint, drive their car, and kill someone?

Attendance for Live iMPACT!

I suppose that's not too bad considering it's early days for TNA being on the road. At least they now know that if the worst comes to the worst they'll still have at least two or three times the amount of fans they get in the iMPACT Zone.

Jeff in Good Spirits

Pleased to hear it. There's no doubting the asset Jeff Hardy can be to TNA if he keeps himself clean and in a positive mood. TNA's audience is mostly adults and Jeff can help attract a younger audience.

Daffney's DUI

Seems like a pretty regular occurance for wrestlers. Perhaps they should stop drinking or at least hire a chaffeur/get a taxi.
I'm always amazed at the shear amount of ignorance in this world when it comes to weed, perhaps before you idiots go running your mouths off about something you have no clue about what so fucking ever, perhaps you might just want to do some research. Weed is not nearly as bad for you as you think, and has faaaaaar more beneficial uses than many other substances that are fucking legal.

Jeff's in good spirits, is this really a surprise? nice to she he's back to work & ready to jump off shit again

Hopefully the taping attendances being up lead to TNA getting out of the Impact Zone much much more often.

I'm guessing it took the dirt sheets so long to pick up on Dafney's DUI arrest cause at this point no one gives a shit anymore.
Jeff in good spirits, Is good but I'm more interested in how the other talent are feeling with him back and in the mix.

Daffney hasn't been relevant and It's good they released people who simply won't respect the law. I think one thing with wrestling is, pushing, signing people with good moral character should be taken into account as well. Because, If this is WWE and Daffney is a huge star. This is a big deal. You can't have this.

Attendance for Impact in Alabama is quite funny considering plenty of dirtsheets reported less than 800 people. I was actually told, It was 4,000.

Velvet supporting weed is no surprise. She's not an innocent lady but I can agree on that weed should be legalized if cigarettes are. But again, we live in a hypocritical USA and I honestly think they want to profit off of disease. There is no other reason on why pot can heal some people while there is not one thing in cigarettes that heals or even does anything good for a person and it's not banned.
I'm only going to comment on the two things in this thread that I care about.

That TNA attendance is actually pretty impressive when you take into account what WWE is drawing. According to the main site, the 8/15 Raw only drew 6,700 fans which is not all that much better than impact. While the Smackdown taping on 8/16 only drew 3,500 fans which is 500 people less than impact.

The second thing I want to comment on is the whole is marijuana thing bad for you. while I agree smoking anything is bad for you (I do smoke weed, but not cigarettes), the people who say weed is bad for you seem to completely disregard the fact that YOU DON'T HAVE TO SMOKE WEED! You can eat marijuana (brownies, cookies ect), which not only gets you way higher, It also has no proven ill health effects.
That TNA attendance is actually pretty impressive when you take into account what WWE is drawing. According to the main site, the 8/15 Raw only drew 6,700 fans which is not all that much better than impact. While the Smackdown taping on 8/16 only drew 3,500 fans which is 500 people less than impact.

Wow. Most people on here would have you believe WWE draw about 10,000 for any given show. I had no idea the numbers were as low as they actually are. That makes TNA's attendance a lot better than I originally thought. I thought it was a decent draw but not what they're capable of.
Marijuana isn't damaging to your health, it's actually quite beneficial for it. Dumbass.
Well except for the part where it kills brain cells and if you use it regularly and then get pregnant, even if you haven't used it in a while, could lead to the birth of a ******ed child or even a still born. Beer (real beer with lots of shit in it, not the pisswater most people think of) has beneficial qualities too, but I wouldn't call it "beneficial" overall. I still think it should be legal, but saying it "isn't damaging to your health" is just something potsmokers say to justify their habit. Just say "it's not too healthy but lots of habits aren't".

Back on point. People saying the WWE "only drew 6,500" well yea, but they still filled the arena and can draw at least that much anywhere they go. WWE draws 5-10K for house shows in relatively small cities. TNA isn't anywhere near WWE so don't even start that. I'm not a WWE lover/TNA hater, I'm a business-minded realist who understands numbers.

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