New X Division Championship Debuting at Destination X


On tonight's episode of Impact Wrestling, TNA is going to be debuting a new design for the X Division Championship. Dixie Carter has stated via Twitter that she'll provide a sneak peek of the belt sometime before the show airs tonight.

This is the first I've heard about a new design for the X Division Championship. As tonight is a Destination X themed episode, it's the ideal night to debut a new design; but I wonder why TNA hasn't announced this as part of the hype for the show.



Who'll be the 1st #XDivision star to hold this new Championship belt? Nine guys backstage now focused on just that.

I'm always excited to see new belt designs, but TNA has a pretty poor track record with this sort of thing — at least when they let Hardy head the art direction. Here's to hoping he wasn't part of the decision-making creative group.

That said, excited as I am for a new design, I gotta admit it's a little awkward/weird to be seeing the current XD belt go out to pasture. It's been in place since 2007 or so, after the original title was updated (once the company dropped ties to NWA).
I'm always excited to see new belt designs, but TNA has a pretty poor track record with this sort of thing — at least when they let Hardy head the art direction. Here's to hoping he wasn't part of the decision-making creative group.

Hey Hardy's belt designs are cool (providing only he has the belt)

I'm not sure what to think on the X-Division facelift though. The current design is really cool (certainly better than the first one). One could argue that its to keep up with the WHC, seeing as the current X-Divsion design came out when they had the first WHC design.
I’m excited about the new X-Division Championship Title Belt and they could not have picked a better show to do it than Destination X. Like all Belt design changes, I sure hope it looks better than the last. Next, they should change the TNA Tag Team Championship Title Belt and after that, they should change the TNA Knockouts Championship Title Belt.
Who'll be the 1st #XDivision star to hold this new Championship belt? Nine guys backstage now focused on just that.



Honestly, I'm not normally the type of guy to just rip things like this, but come on — this design over the prior? This belt is so fucking ugly. I'm no longer convinced Jeff Hardy didn't have a hand in this.
Hey Hardy's belt designs are cool (providing only he has the belt)

The second one he had last year wasn't bad but the Immortal title was absolute garbage IMO, can't actually think of a worse title belt right now. Made me hate Hardy even more (so I guess it did serve its purpose)

As for the new X Division belt, neat. Perfect time to do it while it's vacant and at Destination X.



Honestly, I'm not normally the type of guy to just rip things like this, but come on — this design over the prior? This belt is so fucking ugly. I'm no longer convinced Jeff Hardy didn't have a hand in this.

Hardy would make it weird and wacky. That boring thing is not his style.

It looks like it's trying to be like the original design which was boring as hell in the first place.

The idea of making the plate like an X seems ok but the execution is terrible
The problem is the backing leather being "cut into" to push the shaping. It makes for such an awkward and ugly composition. Incorporating the "X" into the design is fine. Both original versions had them, but they also held a much more traditional plate shape in being circular in design. This bucks that trend, and bucks it hard

The original:


The second:


And the new one:



Thanks, but I'll take the middle.
The first thing that came to mind looking at this picture was the NXT title. Not saying it was copied, but that was the first thing that came to mind.
It's the Intercontinental Championship with 2 X's slapped on it.


If that's the new look it's a bit of a downgrade. The previous design had a more simplistic but much larger look. It stuck out more.
I didn't notice the old IC title comparisons until KJ posted that pic.

I still think they should have had the X from the (now) old design as the main piece with division across or underneath with some gold designs in the background. Slightly similar to the first X design but more interesting
I think it looks good. for me, it's a step up from the previous design. The last belt looked like it was from a generic wrestling video game in the 90's. The "X TITLE" one is the worst thing I've ever seen. So yeah, I like the new design and it's probably a good thing that it reminds you of the Intercontinental title. The blue goes really well with the Impact blue color scheme. This is make or break time for TNA so this new belt design will either represent great things to come, or what could have been if TNA closes up shop this decade.
The new design is nice. It has an old school feel to it which I like. Well done TNA for making a nice looking title. Now, just do something with the tag belts and they'll have the best looking belts in wrestling.
When I first saw the pic of the new design, the first thing that popped into my head was that the center plate looks something like TNA combining the former Intercontinental Championship design with the design for the NXT Championship. While it's hard to get a proper reading on the scale of the belt from the picture, it also looks sort of small. Maybe I'm wrong and the title will be larger than we're guessing. From this pic, in terms of size, the belt looks similar to the ROH World Television Championship which, is shaped exactly like the KO Tag Team Championship with the exception of having an additional side plate for each side of the belt. It's also pretty damn small and if this title is also on the small side, I guess I can kind of see a logic in that since the X Division is a light heavyweight division.

In the grand scheme of things, I don't dwell a lot on title designs. That's not to say that I don't prefer some titles to others when it comes to sheer cosmetics. I'm gonna wait until I'm able to get a gander at the title as a whole on tonight's show before I really say yay or nay, but first impressions based on this picture are a little disappointing. If I had to pick my favorite X Division Championship design, it'd be the 2nd one easily. To me, it had a good mix of traditional and contemporary going on with it. The general shape of the plates have something of an old school feel but the coloring, graphics and the incorporation of the six sided ring into the plate designs gives it a contemporary feel, at least with me. The inclusion of the six sided ring design helped give the title a unique feel much as the six sided ring did for the promotion in and of itself. That being said, it's been over 3 years since TNA abandoned the six sided ring for the traditional four sided ring commonly seen in most promotions. The new design, as I said, gives me the impression that TNA generally combined the designs of the NXT & last design of the IC Championship for the center plate. It might grow on me after I'm able to get a real sense of the overall design on the show tonight but, again, based on first impressions, I'm not that crazy about the new X Division Championship.
First...this is a HORRIBLE belt design. I hate the NXT Title Belt for the same reason. Dixie Carter FRIGGIN' STUPID? TNA right now has reports of talent being paid late, just released a small chunk of their roster, including a top exec, and have reports of costs skyrocketing because of the change in format...does she honestly think that this was the right time to debut a new championship belt? People don't tune in to see new title belts. People tune in to be entertained by entertaining characters.

Now, I get that TNA probably ordered the belt before they went on the road (after all, we saw the initial molding of the main plate of the new WWE title almost a year before it was unveiled), but this slaps everyone that was cut because of "cost cutting" in the face.

Im not a TNA fan, not Im not a hater either. But this is by far one of the worst decisions the company has made.

Lets take a look at some points...

1) Your company is on the verge of bankruptcy, you can't even pay your stars on time, and even had to let a bunch go for "budget costs"...YET YOU SPEND MONEY ON THIS!? Let's not get into the (unnecessary) Knockout tag titles.

2) As others have said it looks like a rip-off of the WWE Intercontinental belt. All you did was extend the world and make it bigger, slapped 2 X's on it, then cut the leather to fit the design.

3) Of all the belts to change, why change the X-Division? Besides changing the tag titles to look like MSU pennies, how often does WWE change their mid-card titles? It's an unneeded expense...and WWE can afford it!

TNA has changed the designs on their titles more than WWE has changed the design for the WWE championship. Im waiting for the TNA title to change designs again.

I must say, I do like the new X-Division Championship Title Belt. Now, I can’t say I like it better than the previous design just yet, but I do like it better than the first version, the NWA-TNA X Title.

Now I hope Jakks makes a toy version of this and the current TNA World Title, but you already knew that!!
A few posters have made a good point, one that I did kind of slip my mind a bit.

TNA has been releasing a lot of talent from wrestlers to road agents to company executives and asking talents to change their contracts to a paid by appearance deal due to budgetary reasons. The company has also, allegedly, not been paying employees on time, rumor has it including the likes of Hulk Hogan. So spending what very likely amounts to thousands of dollars on a new belt IF money is tight is a pretty irresponsible move on Dixie's part.

Considering all the various reports alleging that TNA is having money problems, then, if true, the timing for the creation & debut of this title isn't exactly the smartest financial move the company could make right now.
As for the new X Division belt, neat. Perfect time to do it while it's vacant and at Destination X.

Just wanted to clarify I posted that before I saw the photo.

I'm not really keen on this new looks too small in the photo but I'd have to see it around someone so I can get a better sense of the scale. While it was hanging from the ceiling at D-X, I couldn't get a good enough look of it.

However I've read a couple of okay reasons why the belt needed to be changed:

1. The six sided ring was on the old belt

2. Blue is now the "TNA colour"
I personally don't mind the belt, but I'm not a huge fan of it either. I was wondering when exactly the design would be changed, as it had the old TNA logo on it, as well as the six-sided ring design as Hugh G. Rection mentioned.

It's good to change up the belts now and then, and the X Division belt was simply overdue. However, I'm surprised as to the decision to go with such an "out-there" design...."out-there" meaning "strange." The X Division title should be a little edgier and striking in appearance, in my opinion. Have it reflect the values the division should embody: excitement, risk-taking, edginess, and...did I mention excitement?

I personally feel numb to this design. But I think the X Title design should excite people.
Embedded in the video below is the opening to tonight’s TNA Destination X Impact episode.

- TNA will unveil a new X Division Championship title belt on tonight’s special Impact episode. Dixie Carter noted on Twitter that she would provide a sneak peek of the new belt prior to the show.

- If you are attending tonight’s Impact tapings at the Broadbent Arena in Louisville, KY, and would like to send in your report, you can do so at this email

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