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New wave of employee cuts coming!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
WZ has an 'exclusive' apparently where they are citing more budget cuts coming this week and up to 30 employees at executive level could be shown the door. There was no mention of any main roster guys getting the chop but I still wouldn't be surprised if they 'trimmed the fat' a little more given they have just signed Kenta, Prince Devitt and have 4/5 in NXT knocking on the main roster door.

Does anyone else see any of the main roster talent getting the push? Is there anybody you are worried for and anyone you would advise to 'turn off their phone'?


Alberto Del Rio
Vince loves this guy, but I believe his contract is nearing the end and he isn't interested in signing a new one. If there is no future they may speed up the process.

Inactive for a while now and he looks to be coming to the end of his contract. I cannot see them renewing but he could get a job backstage.

Rey Mysterio
WWE wants to keep him, but reports are suggesting Rey wants out and is not cashing in his cheques. They could end it all now.


Damian Sandow
WWE have turned him into a joke. It makes me sad because with an IC or US Title this guy could have gone somewhere with his gimmick. Good worker and great on the mic. I hope he stays.

David Otunga
I don't know what this guy does behind the scenes legally but the Jennifer Hudson factor has worn off. I can't believe this guy is still employed.

I really hope they don't because I like the character but he is now a jobber and his stock has nosedived since 12 months ago.

The Great Khali
This guy has a huge fanbase in India and is 'the circus freak' but I wouldn't be surprised to see WWE cut him.


Titus O'Neil
I thought this guy would do well on his own, but he just hasn't gotten over. Now teaming with Heath Slater which is never a good sign.

Zack Ryder
WWE obviously do not rate this guy. They gave him a shot a few years ago but it fizzled out once the fans got what they wanted. He will go sooner or later.
What do you mean rate?

Anyway to your point, I definitely agree a lot of these guys are in trouble. I don't see Ryder going anywhere because he's over enough. I don't even know who Titus is xD Khali is in a risky spot because Rusev could easily take his spot as foreign super heavyweight, or become a joke. Fandango won NXT didn't he, I personally don't like his gimmick and he could easily be replaced by Adam Rose who has a sorta similar gimmick and both are in my opinion the same level of over. Otunga I haven't seen in a while, but there would be no reason to not bring him back to job like before if certain other guys get fired. Sandow is getting a reaction and as always they need jobbers so why get rid of him? Rey needs to go, he's been injury prone for so long I remember jokingly thinking a few years back that he was injured came back and got injured just to come back and get injured >< let him go for his sake. Christian hasn't been important in a while and I have to believe if he wrestled he'd be in a situation similar to Y2J just putting guys over but who knows. Del Rio shouldn't go but if he's gonna leave he is. I'd say most guys you listed are in dangerous territory, winning NXT seems to be a plague to your career (injuries, fired, only angle involving Divas kissing other guys).

Alberto Del Rio
Vince loves this guy, but I believe his contract is nearing the end and he isn't interested in signing a new one. If there is no future they may speed up the process.

Inactive for a while now and he looks to be coming to the end of his contract. I cannot see them renewing but he could get a job backstage.

Rey Mysterio
WWE wants to keep him, but reports are suggesting Rey wants out and is not cashing in his cheques. They could end it all now.


Damian Sandow
WWE have turned him into a joke. It makes me sad because with an IC or US Title this guy could have gone somewhere with his gimmick. Good worker and great on the mic. I hope he stays.

David Otunga
I don't know what this guy does behind the scenes legally but the Jennifer Hudson factor has worn off. I can't believe this guy is still employed.

I really hope they don't because I like the character but he is now a jobber and his stock has nosedived since 12 months ago.

The Great Khali
This guy has a huge fanbase in India and is 'the circus freak' but I wouldn't be surprised to see WWE cut him.


Titus O'Neil
I thought this guy would do well on his own, but he just hasn't gotten over. Now teaming with Heath Slater which is never a good sign.

Zack Ryder
WWE obviously do not rate this guy. They gave him a shot a few years ago but it fizzled out once the fans got what they wanted. He will go sooner or later.

Lets go down your list here...

ADR: though he has been sent down to IC title relam(because they have nothing to do for him) Isn't getting cut, WWE would be stupid to get rid of a Latino star and great worker.

Christian: i can see him getting cut, he can't go in the ring anymore he's too banged up. I could see him being a agent but nothing else.

Rey: As badly as he wants to go i don't know if Vince will cut him but he seem the closest to actually being let go on terms. Then later he'll be a HOF biggest little man to win it all and if EDGE is in there Rey can be too.

Sandow:isn't getting cut NEXT

Otunga:We don't see him much but i think he really is a behind the curtain guy as a Lawyer for real, He could team up with Kofi,E, and Woods. He's a wild card i'll give him that.

Fandango:Not getting cut like Sandow he's on TV to much.

T.G.K: I really don't know what to do with him, he's only there for his size other than that he could go back but since WWE has that reach in the India...it's hard to say.

Big Titus: Nope they aren't cutting him Vince and HHH like him, they are using him in the father campaign and like Otunga that Stable of Kofi,E,Woods could pick him up.

Zack Ryder: I could se Ryder going which sucks, Seeing that there isn't another market for him to go to other than ROH which will Boo him to death. For a guy like Ryder TNA would of been a good place for him to go after his release but now I hope sometime in Japan the Major Bro's make return.

Guys i'd be worried about getting cut

Alex Riley: Can't go in the ring he's just on the pre show not much to lose if he's gone.

Darren Young: Yea he could be cut that Knee injury and add on that he isn't that good in the ring Mr.No days off could be looking else where.(I really hope he doesn't tho he could really help wwe and Gay Rights)

Fernando and Diego:Yea Superstars will miss them alot(bring back Tyson Kidd back

Solomon Crowe: yea never heard of him he's a guy on NXT that they haven't used

Corey Graves:A guy i looked forward to seeing but like Ziggler and Christian he's snake bit and it's looking like he's going to be a manager or have nothing.

Add on i see writers being cut and couple of agents but thats its
These are office cuts... Agents are more likely at risk than on air talent... that being said they tried to fire Ricky Steamboat and look what happened... quite embarrasing as WWE isn't "Old Wrestlers Have a Job For Life...but we do do rehab"....

This is where Steph was cashing out her shares... she will take the "big fall" executive wise, Trips is needed from the wrestling side, Vince can't lose face to "step aside" so she has her money out and "takes the fall" just as Shane did... is it a coincidence they are building to a big match at Summerslam? that is bound to have a "stip" on it that Steph ahs to leave if she loses?

It's not the people you see onscreen this time, it's the ones you don't... Joey Mercury gets a pass as he was onscreen PROMINENTLY last week, perhaps as a message to Punk... IRS is safe cos of Bray and Bo... but Malenko, Hayes and the like... any of them could be gone very soon...
ADR: If he does want to leave at the end of his deal they've might as well use him as enhancement talent until then. But I'm guessing they're going to try to resign him due to their lack of good Mexican talent(that stays healthy anyway) so I really doubt he's getting cut.

Christain: Even if his in-ring days are over I don't see WWE cutting him out of the company.

Rey: Sells too much merch to get cut, I imagine Rey walking away before getting cut

Sandow: He's probably getting the most mic time among the mid-carders, so despite his clear jobber status they're probably happy with what he's doing now. In the WWE eyes he's the next Santino-type joke character, which generally means he's safe.

Otunga: I keep forgetting he's still there until one of you guys mentions him. I have to think he's doing SOMETHING for them, after JTG finally got cut I would imagine they're done paying guys to stay home.

Fandango: He's actually in a storyline, a dumb one sure but that's more than a bunch of the other guys got. So I think he's safe too.

Khali: As long as he keeps making $$$ from India and can get in the ring he'll have a job.

Titus: Eh...he might join Kofi/E/Woods(god I hope they get a offical name soon) but being currently squashed with Health Slater can't be a good thing. If they don't do anything else with him I can see him getting cut

Ryder: He still makes them merch money and serves as a easy jobber while getting decent to good reactions, he should be safe for now

Risk of getting cut/leaving

Henry is probably getting close to actually retiring, his last run after a lengthy absence was really short and that's not going to get better with time

Slater survived the last round of cuts by a hair, I don't see that happening again

Gabriel/Kidd: Being on NXT/Superstars is better than nothing, but not by much. If they can't find something for them on the main roster then their days are numbered

Tensai/Jason Albert: His in-ring days seems to be done as he's now a commentator on NXT. Now that I think about it how did Josh get cut and Albert stuck around? In any case WWE has plenty of announcers/commentators and most of them aren't on a wrestler's salary.
Damian Sandow WWE have turned him into a joke. It makes me sad because with an IC or US Title this guy could have gone somewhere with his gimmick. Good worker and great on the mic. I hope he

How does a guy who is on air every week mean he's next to get cut? I don't understand. Same goes for Fandango, just because they aren't carrying title belts or winning every week doesn't mean they're set to be cut. Anything is possible, but it's safe to assume they're safe.
How does a guy who is on air every week mean he's next to get cut? I don't understand. Same goes for Fandango, just because they aren't carrying title belts or winning every week doesn't mean they're set to be cut. Anything is possible, but it's safe to assume they're safe.

It happened to two out of three members of three man band who were having a "feud" with the Matadors.

No one is ever safe.

That being said it's very possible whoever is having Sandow do the gimmick every week is probably just doing it for their own entertainment.
It happened to two out of three members of three man band who were having a "feud" with the Matadors.

That's true but that feud was mainly between Torito and Hornswaggle. Sandow is drawing time on the mic and he had that spot with Bret Hart a few weeks ago. He also has way more potential than those 2 you are referring to.
I highly doubt Damian Sandow will get cut, because as everyone says, he does get a lot of screen-time. I also don't think Fandango will for similar reasons. It's also not just a matter of him always being present, he gets to work the mic almost every time he's on-screen.
That's true but that feud was mainly between Torito and Hornswaggle. Sandow is drawing time on the mic and he had that spot with Bret Hart a few weeks ago. He also has way more potential than those 2 you are referring to.

Then again Sandow is doing the something Haas did years ago which is a different take on what Slater did last year or 2 years ago. So he could get cut but I still think he won't he's a good heel a guy that could be a US title holder....Sandow>Idol Steven
Honestly, I think of all those guys, the Great Khali is in the most danger. Or at least should be. He was never great, but his body has deteriorated and I end up feeling bad just watching him. He always looks like he's in pain. I respect the dude for being a hard worker, but WWE should probably let him go.

With that said, I'd rather they just not renew his contract and maybe give him a decent send-off...unlike the guys who usually get cut. Ryder might be sliced too, unless his victory over Fandango will help propel his career.
Alberto Del Rio
Vince loves this guy, but I believe his contract is nearing the end and he isn't interested in signing a new one. If there is no future they may speed up the process.

I called this two weeks ago. If Del Rio was as important as they people in this thread have made out, he would still be in WWE regardless of slapping someone.

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