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New Wade Barrett Gimmick?

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.......I hope this gets trashed.

You serious? It'd be HORRIBLE.
What Barrett NEEDS to be is the bare knuckle fighter chasing the dollar. His original NXT gimmick. Keep him on his own, keep him beating people up because it makes him money. Keep him as CLOSE as a reference to MMA as you can without introducing MMA rules. He is a fighter, he wants money, that's his WHOLE reason to get in the ring.

Making him a dancer turns him into a horrible joke gimmick.
You're joking right? I don't think Wade even has a gimmick right now but he's still entertaining. He can really work the mic and put on a good match and get a good crowd reaction. He can cut a mean badass promo his Captiol Punishment promo was the highlight of the whole damn Pay Per View. Why would you ruin his career like that and give him a "dancing" gimmick? Seriously.. HORRIBLE idea. If Wade should get a new gimmick it should be something that can actually get taken seriously like a "mastermind" gimmick or something. The "dancing" gimmick would work back in the 80s Hogan era. But now.. HELL NO.
I think Wade Barrett Needs a new gimmick because his is old and stale. I think they should make him "Dancing" Wade Barrett and have him wear shades. He would even have a catchphrase in "I'm one cool dude", This sounds AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

:lmao::lmao::lmao: Are you insane? Sorry, but this is the stupidest idea in wrestling history since adding Disco Inferno of all people to the NWO in 1999. Even then, he wasn't even a full on member. Why in the world would you have Wade Barrett act like i douchebag from Jersey Shore, when you already have Zack Ryder for that role? Like someone said earlier, don't fix whats not broken.
I think Wade Barrett Needs a new gimmick because his is old and stale. I think they should make him "Dancing" Wade Barrett and have him wear shades. He would even have a catchphrase in "I'm one cool dude", This sounds AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Dude where have you been in a ditch, Cody Rhodes already has the '' Dashing '' gimmick numb nuts why in the world would you want Wade Barrett in that gimmick Sunglasses Really, '' I'm one cool dude '' Really, here's a thought do not make any more posts because this one you just made is utterly fucking stupid and lame and a lot of people on here will agree with me 100% .
Sunglasses indoors. What kind of idiot wears sunglasses indoors(raises eyebrow)-John Cena.

The OP comes off like a member of WCW creative turning Mike Awesome into That 70's Guy the Fat Chick Thriller. Are you Eric Bischoff by any chance
I really like Wade Barrett and can see him becoming World Champion one day.. maybe next year. I think his current gimmick (if you can call it that) is good enough although I would like to see him with a manager. If he could wear a robe down to the ring and get a manager to take it off and maybe even shine his boots or something along those lines whilst Wade looks on with a smug expresion I think that would work and help his character. Something more along the lines of early Triple H.
.......I hope this gets trashed.

You serious? It'd be HORRIBLE.
What Barrett NEEDS to be is the bare knuckle fighter chasing the dollar. His original NXT gimmick. Keep him on his own, keep him beating people up because it makes him money. Keep him as CLOSE as a reference to MMA as you can without introducing MMA rules. He is a fighter, he wants money, that's his WHOLE reason to get in the ring.

Making him a dancer turns him into a horrible joke gimmick.

TS is probably some 12 year old, so don't expect any complex thought provoking gimmicks being thrown around.
I can't see Barrett as a wanna be HBK or disco inferno trying to dance. Just can't see it. However I can see him as pulling a gimmick where he thinks he is better than everyone and how proper he is being British and all. Maybe a second coming of William Regal's old gimmick?
when I first read this...I couldn't help but to think of Mike Awesome.

Lance storm had a dancing gimmick and Malenko had a ladies man gimmick. IMO it killed them. Mike awesome was awesome then he became that 70's dude, that killed his character.

Keep the gimmick the way it is right now. He is a bare knuckle fighter who fought for money, and that is what he does in that ring. that is his gimmick. Maybe bring back Regal and put them in as a British tag team and say that they are the best. a British snobby character. Regal was good at it, and Barrett would be too.
Even though it's obvious the OP is either trolling or on drugs, I'm gonna go ahead and chime in before someone takes this thread seriously: Wade Barrett is the sort of mic guy who is fine without a catchphrase, even though he's already got himself a few minor ones.

His gimmick isn't stale; "Evil Briton" is one of those archetypal gimmicks that takes a long time to get old. Besides, he's just brought the coat onto mainstream TV. Why change it now? The coat is awesome.

I really like Wade Barrett and can see him becoming World Champion one day.. maybe next year. I think his current gimmick (if you can call it that) is good enough although I would like to see him with a manager. If he could wear a robe down to the ring and get a manager to take it off and maybe even shine his boots or something along those lines whilst Wade looks on with a smug expresion I think that would work and help his character. Something more along the lines of early Triple H.

I that's a fantastic idea, although I would see the "manager" more as a PA - Ricardo or Alex Riley type, so the mic work is still fully on Barrett's awesome-coat-wearing shoulders.

"Shine ya shoes, guv'na?"
New gimmick?? Has he even got a gimmick now? He isn't even got a character, he's just Wade Barrett ryt now.. An Englishman..

He would look cool in shades though.. But no it's a terrible idea..
Obviously the OP is intended as a joke. Anyway, I won't lie. I didn't think Wade Barrett was going to be good when I was first introduced to him, but I was proven dead wrong. He has grown into one of the more dependable wrestlers on WWE television. I think Wade's character is going in a good direction. I'm glad he is done leading various stables and is now on his own. That being said, I think Barrett could benefit from someone being in his corner. It's not that Barrett needs someone to do his talking for him because he is more than capable of doing that on his own. Maybe he can have some type of servant character in his corner as previously mentioned. They have made mention in recent weeks to Wade Barrett being in the wrestling biz to make money, so this servant idea could make sense.

At an indy show years back, I saw Claudio Castagnoli make his entrance with someone on his hands and knees wiping the floor in front of Claudio as he approched the ring. It personally made me laugh instead of making me hate Claudio, but I feel that some variation of this idea could help Wade as a heel. Maybe the servant could wipe off the ring steps as Wade walks up them. He could hold the ropes open for Barrett as he enters the ring. I also like the idea that someone previously stated of Wade getting his boots shined. Things like that could help him get over as a heel instead of just relying on the old "USA sucks" routine. Not that he should drop that either, because that works too. Yeah this idea is probably cheesy, but it's just a thought to further Wade Barrett's character.
Fantastic idea. The WWE needs more interesting and creative gimmicks, and honestly Wade Barrett is pretty directionless right now. He needs something to spark interest in him and that gimmick could be the way to go. Dancing got Vladimir Kozlov over, and it got Too Cool over, so I don't see why it wouldn't work for Barrett unless he has two left feet.

I especially love the catchphrase - I'd totally buy a shirt that said "One Cool Dude" on it!
A terrible joke, and an even worse idea. I'm not a big fan of Wade Barrett but i definitely think he's got potential. Turning him into a joke will not get him anywhere closer the world championship.

It'd be entertaining for a few months, but if you let him develop his current character, then he'll be entertaining for a few years, at least.
wow serious lack of humour on these forums!

i cant help but laugh at the idea of wade saying "Im One Cool Dude!"

Heres another idea...why not team Sheamus up with him as a tag team and call them...Barrett & Carrot!
Wow...just...wow....gosh, wow.

In a way I hope you're joking, and in a way I don't, because having someone on here with that crappy level of input would be hilarious.


Ugh, you make me want to punch my laptop. And I love my laptop.

There actually aren't words to sum your idiocy up. I even went and checked a dictionary. There are literally no words for you.
I think Wade Barrett Needs a new gimmick because his is old and stale. I think they should make him "Dancing" Wade Barrett and have him wear shades. He would even have a catchphrase in "I'm one cool dude", This sounds AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Please trash this dear mods, my eyes are wanting to jump out my head!

Were you one of the three people that actually liked Lance Storm's dancing gimmick? No no no no no. Wade Barrett needs that one singles feud to make him a legitimate contender. That's ALL he needs. Don't touch the gimmick, don't touch the kind of promos he cuts. Just give him a legitimate feud to work with.
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